
來多認識一點英文Know More About English


PART I 觀念的釐清與建立




approve/ approve of差很大

Come in Time/ Come on Time,哪個到得比較早?


for the sake of不等於because of



some time/ sometime別搞我

so和so that已經不一樣

To Repeat or Not to Repeat-細說英文中的避免重複問題

When "Pay for?" When "Pay?" 從此搞定

一個中式英文的例子-every time when



不是My friend喔!


















「最近」看過recently、lately或these days嗎?



說I win you就輸了




PART II 主題單字
























































































































































































PART I 觀念的釐清與建立



  • 句子裡的單字其實不只是你所查的那個或那些。例如:
    The savant gave me a civil reply.


從這裡,引申出一個重要問題:什麼是單字?聽我這麼說,大概許多人要哈哈大笑了!這算是什麼問題?單字不就是拼法陌生的字嗎?就算這是問題,也應該談不上「重要」吧!但事實不然,因為遇到拼法陌生的字我們要不是查清楚,就是要對它小心看待,不會妄加猜測意思。尤其在閱讀過程中,如果出現像air, ear, given或甚至civil這一類我們800年前就已經熟到不行的字,想必很少人會認為他們裡面其實另有玄機。但就是有這類的字,例如:

air = 外表;模樣;態度;氣氛;曲調;歌調

ear = (稻子、小麥等穀物的)穗

given = 如果考慮到;鑒於…(介系詞);成為習慣的;熱衷於…(形容詞)




我曾經讓學生讀一篇故事,有個學生自告奮勇,願意在我講解之前先行準備,然後和同學分享心得。實際上課那天,他跟我說:「老師,這個故事好奇怪喔!比如說吧,為什麼莫名其妙地突然提到一群盲人等等。」他之所以這麼說,是因為故事中出現了the blinds。其實如果他願意再多想一點,就知道這裡的the blinds絕對不可能是指一群盲人,因為故事跟盲人完全沒有關係,更何況blind是形容詞「失明的」,在這裡用法也不對。除了形容詞「盲的」之外,blind還能當名詞指窗簾,這也是它在那個故事裡的含意。如果the blinds真的和「盲」有關,那就一定是片語或慣用語,那位學生至少應該弄清楚這點,就能避免被誤導閱讀。

  • 字意無助閱讀的原因是―對好些字我們通常只理解半套,也就是傾向用最簡化的中譯記憶單字。這方面survive是個好例子。問起這個字的意思,很多人可能會不假思索地回答「生還」。如果是下面這個句子,這個中譯的確可以過關:

We survived the accident last week. (我們在上星期的那次意外中生還)

I hope I never survive my usefulness.
曾經無數次問學生這個句子,印象中從來沒有人答出來,因為他們都卡在「生還」 這個中譯裡了。然而,根據英文的定義,survive是to live longer than; to continue to live after。所以如果直翻,survive應譯為「活得比…長」或「在…之後還活著」。遺憾的是,當我們看到字典這麼翻時,不只不予理會,可能還嫌人家翻得爛,並疑惑人家為什麼不知道把他翻成「生還」。但用「生還」這個中譯上面的句子就幾乎無解。相反的,如果我們把「活得比…長」等這一類「很爛」的翻法帶入上述句子,意思很快就能出來:我希望永遠有用(希望不要活得比我的用處還長)。


  • 有時我們不能直接引用一個字的原意,而是得用他的喻意或引申意。例如template,他原意是切金屬、木材、黏土等所用的樣板或金屬模片。但看看以下的句子:

Taiwan's development can serve as a template for many other countries.


  • 有時問題不在單字,而是在句子的結構。例如:
    Tom does not believe in Islam any more than John does.

不認識Islam這個字的人一定以為一旦查出它的意思,上句就可以搞定。但遺憾的是他們不是錯解句意不自知,就是茫然失望依舊。因為,上個句子其實是一個常見且重要的英文句構(我們有機會再細說):A is no/ not any more than B等於「A和B都不…」。A是Tom,B是John,所以整句的意思是:Tom和John都不信伊斯蘭教。

  • 字意和文意連不起來的最後一個原因是:有些字的解釋,必須隨著他所在的上下文靈活調整。這方面最好的例子莫過於otherwise。除了「否則」、「不然」之外, otherwise還有「不同地」、「以別種方式」(differently; in another manner)的意思。當句子裡的otherwise是這個意思時,我們就得判斷他所描述的是哪兩種情況的不同。這是中文所沒有的呈現方式,為了讓大家更熟悉和習慣這種表達,我們特別蒐集了好些例子:
  1. He should have been studying, but he was otherwise engaged.
    should + have + 過去分詞表示過去應該做卻沒有做,engaged是busy的意思。忙什麼?自然是忙讀書以外(不同)的事情。所以這個句子應該解為:他當時應該要念書的,卻在忙別的事。
  2. I hate him and I won't pretend otherwise.
  3. I thought she would bring her date to my birthday party, but she came otherwise.
    這個句子應該比較好解釋。前面說「以為會帶」,和這個情況不同自然是沒有帶。 不過我問學生,幾乎所有人都說這個女生帶別人來,我認為這樣的說法太過侷限,因為這位小姐一個人來也是「沒有帶男朋友來」。所以,這個句子應該這麼翻譯才算正確 :我以為她會帶男朋友來參加我的慶生會,但她沒有。
  4. He is not guilty until proved otherwise.
    前面是not guilty,和這種情況不同當然就是guilty。所以句意是:在證明有罪之前,他是無罪的。
  5. Under the circumstances, I can't believe otherwise.
  6. I thought we have the same idea, but evidently you think otherwise. (我以為我們的看法一致,但你顯然有不同的想法)
  7. She is always in good spirits, so I don't know why she behaved otherwise yesterday. (她一向活潑爽朗,所以我不曉得為什麼她昨天怪怪的)
  8. The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise. (政府宣稱經濟持續改善,但這份調查報告顯示的卻是另一回事)
  9. The poem does not necessarily concern love; it may be otherwise interpreted. (這不必然就是一首情詩,也許能做別的解讀)



  1. 哪些單字需要查?
  1. 一再出現的單字。


  1. 關鍵單字。

同樣的,關鍵單字也不一定重要。它們所以關鍵,是就其所在的閱讀情境說的。例如曾獲得諾貝爾文學獎的20世紀美國最偉大小說家William Faulkner,他有一篇叫"A Rose for Emily"的短篇小說,是傳統外文系必讀的,而且四年裡可能不只讀一次。故事中,主角Emily出於她自己認為的不得已原因,決心毒殺摯愛男友Homer。她用什麼進行她的謀殺計畫呢?arsenic-砒霜!不用說,這個字在日常生活中不常用,但在這個故事裡,如果我們不查出arsenic的意思,對於Emily內心世界和故事整體張力的體會就會大打折扣。由此可見,在某種特殊的閱讀情境中,很不常用的單字可能變得關鍵,需要查。此外,當閱讀論述性的文章時,出現在段落主題句(topic sentence)和文章主旨(thesis statement)中的單字通常也很關鍵。

  1. 重要單字。

假如有個原本應該是很普通的句子,卻因為卡了一個單字而使重點模糊。不過,句子的整體語意又暗示我們這個單字可能值得學習記憶,這種單字就叫做重要單字。例如: I don't like this movie because it is too didactic.
相信不認識didactic的人也能從句子的整體語意知道它一定是負面表述的形容詞,但符合這種可能的選項很多,信手拈來就有:沈悶的;冗長的;暴力血腥的;晦澀難懂的;低俗的;煽情的;說教的。在我們還不知道didactic的意思是「說教的」 之前,至少已經確定一件事情,就是它不管對應到以上7個中文詞彙之中的哪一個,都是我們在評論文學藝術時常用的,因此也就值得學習記憶,這就是didactic何以是「重要單字」的原因。
The old lady is wise, compassionate, and affable(這位老太太有智慧、慈悲且和藹)

  1. 哪些單字可以一時放過?


  1. 什麼比查單字更重要?

相較於查單字,選擇符合程度的閱讀材料、整理各段落重點和做摘要明顯重要許多,以下將逐一說明。同時,我也將在本文之後附上一個整理段落和摘要的樣本。那是 出自John Collier的短篇小說"The Chaser",表面看來情節很不合邏輯,實則暗藏作者對於愛情被嚴重資本主義化的諷刺和批判。

  1. 選擇符合程度的閱讀材料。
    我曾有兩個字彙和文法基礎都很弱的家教學生,不約而同地表示他們用來提昇英文能力的讀本是Harry Potter。問起何以選那本書, 理由都是他們看過中譯版和電影。我到現在為止也沒有幾個家教學生,其中一個還只是國一,還不可能讀英文版的「哈利波特」。這麼少的人當中就有兩人這麼選,由此可以推知這應該是不少人用以提昇英文的方式。
  2. 整理各段落重點。
    1. 應該用中文還是英文?答案是中文。不只是整理段落重點,寫摘要也一樣。從我養成寫摘要和整理段落重點的習慣以來,印象中只有一個學期使用英文。訓練英文書寫能力當然很重要,但這裡恐怕不是個理想的場合,時間很多或在英語國家居住多年、思維模式已經很英文化的人屬於例外。很多時候我們需要在短時間大量閱讀,多數人的中文寫作能力一定也好過英文。基於這兩個原因,我鼓勵用中文。想要訓練英文寫作機會很多,寫日記就是。
    2. 隨讀隨記,不用擔心誤讀。為確保記憶的完整精確和避免重新閱讀整篇內容的大量時間花費,我們應該讀到哪裡重點也跟著整理到那裡。讀錯的情況誰都可能發生。畢竟,回頭修正筆記總比因記憶模糊而導致得重新閱讀要省事多了。假如是用電腦或手機寫重點,修改更不是問題。
    3. 不需要每段都寫。無論哪一種文本,故事性的或議論性的,其內容大略都可分為闡述主題的段落和提供細節與例子的段落。讀者需要整理的,就是闡述主題段落中的重點。因此我們不只不需要每段都記,還可以將好幾個段落合併起來寫成一個重點。

另外,有些議論性的文章為了平衡報導,作者往往會引用和自己意見相左的觀點,像這樣的段落也不應該花太多時間和篇幅寫重點。例如有一篇叫做"Cohabiting Is Not the Same as Commitment"的文章,內容是作者Karen S. Peterson完全呼應學者Stanley的研究結果,主張婚前就與女友同居的美國男士,哪怕最終與那位女友結婚,其對婚姻的忠誠度經常遠不如婚前未曾同居的男人。為了論述的平衡,Peterson在第9-13段提出了異於Stanley的研究結果,例如說某些民調證明,男人事實上比女人更願意結婚、更相信婚姻,或說有女性也認為,反覆嘗試有助婚姻的維繫等等。這篇文章共14段,所以Peterson用了超過文章1/3的段落數平衡論述。儘管篇幅這麼多,但我們在整理這部份的重點時其實只需要一句話就夠。不只如此,除非是為了學英文,不然碰到類似功能的閱讀內容也應當少查單字、迅速瀏覽。

  1. 做摘要。

假如整理段落重點得提綱挈領,做摘要更當省略細節。如果是一整本書,就得每個章節分別寫摘要。重要和關鍵的、你幾乎每次都會深入複習的章節應該力求精簡;次要或是只要讀過一次就可以的部份,需要寫得詳細些。儘管是次要章節,如果摘要過於簡單或甚至略而未寫,時間一久複習起來就會覺得不踏實,並困惑這是當初自己太偷懶,還是這個章節真的很瑣碎。比如Jane Austen的代表作「傲慢與偏見 」Pride and Prejudice。其中第34章我的摘要是這麼寫的:「Darcy對Elizabeth的公開求愛和遭拒。」讀過這本書的人都知道這是重要和關鍵的一章。一旦有機會重讀,我們一定希望重溫其中的精彩,因此過於詳細的摘要就不需要。相反的,第9章的內容相對次要,我認為日後可以不需要重讀,所以我的摘要就比較詳細:「Mrs. Bennet前往Bingley家探視Jane。雖明知女兒無礙,卻謊稱她的情況不好,不適合移動。Mrs. Bennet的一言一行又為Bingley姊妹留下許多嘲諷批評的材料。」



The Chaser

John Collier


Alan Austen到一個老人那裡買春藥。這老人賣東西的方式很奇怪,具有神效、肯定能大賺一筆的春藥,他卻賣得出奇的便宜。相反地,很可能乏人問津的所謂「生命清潔劑」他卻賣得極其昂貴,而且分文不可少。當然,這不關Alan的事,買得了便宜貨,他高高興興地走了。


1-2:Alan Austen費了點功夫,找到老人的住處。

1. Alan Austen, as nervous as a kitten, went up certain dark and creaky stairs in the neighborhood of Pell Street, and peered about for a long time on the dim landing before he found the name he wanted written obscurely on one of the doors.

2. He pushed open this door, as he had been told to do, and found himself in a tiny room, which contained no furniture but a plain kitchen table, a rocking-chair, and an ordinary chair. On one of the dirty buff-colored walls were a couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars.


3. An old man sat in the rocking-chair, reading a newspaper. Alan, without a word, handed him the card he had been given. "Sit down, Mr. Austen," said the old man very politely. "I am glad to make your acquaintance."

4. "Is it true," asked Alan, "that you have a certain mixture that has-er-quite extraordinary effects?"

5. "My dear sir," replied the old man, "my stock in trade is not very large--I don't deal in laxatives and teething mixtures--but such as it is, it is varied. I think nothing I sell has effects which could be precisely described as ordinary."

6. "Well, the fact is..." began Alan.


7. "Here, for example," interrupted the old man, reaching for a bottle from the shelf. "Here is a liquid as colorless as water, almost tasteless, quite imperceptible in coffee, wine, or any other beverage. It is also quite imperceptible to any known method of autopsy."

8. "Do you mean it is a poison?" cried Alan, very much horrified.

9. "Call it a glove-cleaner if you like," said the old man indifferently. "Maybe it will clean gloves. I have never tried. One might call it a life-cleaner. Lives need cleaning sometimes."

10. "I want nothing of that sort," said Alan.

11. "Probably it is just as well," said the old man. "Do you know the price of this? For one teaspoonful, which is sufficient, I ask five thousand dollars. Never less. Not a penny less."


12. "I hope all your mixtures are not as expensive," said Alan apprehensively.


13. "Oh dear, no," said the old man. "It would be no good charging that sort of price for a love potion, for example. Young people who need a love potion very seldom have five thousand dollars. Otherwise they would not need a love potion."


14. "I am glad to hear that," said Alan.

15. "I look at it like this," said the old man. "Please a customer with one article, and he will come back when he needs another. Even if it is costlier. He will save up for it, if necessary."

16. "So," said Alan, "you really do sell love potions?"

17. "If I did not sell love potions," said the old man, reaching for another bottle, "I should not have mentioned the matter to you. It is only when one is in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential."

18. "And these potions," said Alan. "They are not just-just-er--"


19. "Oh, no," said the old man. "Their effects are permanent, and extend far beyond the mere casual impulse. But they include it. Oh, yes they include it. Bountifully, insistently. Everlastingly."

20. "Dear me!" said Alan, attempting a look of scientific detachment. "How very interesting!"

21. "But consider the spiritual side," said the old man.

22. "I do, indeed," said Alan.

23. "For indifference," said the old man, "they substitute devotion. For scorn, adoration. Give one tiny measure of this to the young lady--its flavor is imperceptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails--and however gay and giddy she is, she will change altogether. She will want nothing but solitude and you."

24. "I can hardly believe it," said Alan. "She is so fond of parties."

25. "She will not like them anymore," said the old man. "She will be afraid of the pretty girls you may meet."

26. "She will actually be jealous?" cried Alan in a rapture. "Of me?"

27. "Yes, she will want to be everything to you."

28. "She is, already. Only she doesn't care about it."

29. "She will, when she has taken this. She will care intensely. You will be her sole interest in life."

30. "Wonderful!" cried Alan.

31. "She will want to know all you do," said the old man. "All that has happened to you during the day. Every word of it. She will want to know what you are thinking about, why you smile suddenly, why you are looking sad."

32. "That is love!" cried Alan.

33. "Yes," said the old man. "How carefully she will look after you! She will never allow you to be tired, to sit in a draught, to neglect your food. If you are an hour late, she will be terrified. She will think you are killed, or that some siren has caught you."

34. "I can hardly imagine Diana like that!" cried Alan, overwhelmed with joy.

35. "You will not have to use your imagination," said the old man. "And, by the way, since there are always sirens, if by any chance you should, later on, slip a little, you need not worry. She will forgive you, in the end. She will be terribly hurt, of course, but she will forgive you--in the end."

36. "That will not happen," said Alan fervently.

37. "Of course not," said the old man. "But, if it did, you need not worry. She would never divorce you. Oh, no! And, of course, she will never give you the least, the very least, grounds for--uneasiness."


38. "And how much," said Alan, "is this wonderful mixture?"

39. "It is not as dear," said the old man, "as the glove-cleaner, or life-cleaner, as I sometimes call it. No. That is five thousand dollars, never a penny less. One has to be older than you are, to indulge in that sort of thing. One has to save up for it."

40. "But the love potion?" said Alan.

41. "Oh, that," said the old man, opening the drawer in the kitchen table, and taking out a tiny, rather dirty-looking phial. "That is just a dollar."

42. "I can't tell you how grateful I am," said Alan, watching him fill it.


43. "I like to oblige," said the old man. "Then customers come back, later in life, when they are better off, and want more expensive things. Here you are. You will find it very effective."


44. "Thank you again," said Alan. "Good-bye."

45. "Au revoir," said the man.



下文中,首先要以問答的方式歸納我所知道的背單字原則和一些應該注意的要點。 接著,就是提出我的逆向思維。最後,我想對「單字與閱讀」這整個系列做一綜合的、有感而發的結論。



答:假使排除特例,也就是不算那些記憶力和毅力超強的人,一天5個單字是合理的自我要求。一個學習的通則是:貪多求快必失敗。由於一天背太多單字確實難以負荷,因此很容易讓我們順理成章地半途而廢。反之,如果說一天5個單字太多、太難以達成,這我們恐怕連自己都說服不了。持續不間斷是這個規劃的關鍵所在。所以,如果連續5天沒有進帳,到第6天再狂背30個字,這樣就違背且枉費這個方法想要達成的最終成效。更值得提醒的是,有很多事情有一就有二。有這麼一次,之後我們可能就會經常重複這種事後追加的模式。話又說回來,有人可能會覺得一天5個單字真的太少,就忍不住想多背。個人覺得,我們要是能把想背第6個單字的衝動轉化成對自己恆久堅持的鼓勵和提醒,那就不只是英文字彙的充實,更是心性休養的提昇。因為不僅僅是有宗教信仰的人,一般的人都希望能不斷地修正行為。那麼,這種一舉兩得的功夫,我們真的應該好好把握。經由這樣的過程,我們不但單字變多了,同時還學到了必要的克制和寶貴的恆心與毅力。經驗也證明,我學生當中那些忍不住一天背超過5 單字的,最後的結果是連每日5個都不再繼續了。

應該特別說明的是,一定不要小看每天5單字所可能獲得的成效。雖說滴水可以穿石、聚沙可以成塔,但那都需要漫長的耕耘和等待,這些話多少是拿來安慰人的。然而,每天5單字的成果肯定比那要快很多、具體很多。首先,一天5個單字,那麼一年就有1825個字(要是逢閏年,一年還可以多5個喔!哈哈哈!)。其次,教育部為國中生列了2000單字。而這2000字中不只有flower、bird、book、apple、banana,更有a 、an、is、am、are、do、did這些。所以我們幾乎可以說,只要學過英文,腦袋裡至少都有這2000字當中的3-500字。也就是,大部分人都可以在一年內成功背完這2000字。如此一來,我們就可以帶著這滿滿的收穫,在下次跨年時開開心心的吃大餐、玩耍、大聲喊叫,對愛我們的人討賞,對我們心愛的人瘋狂炫耀。

對於非技職體系的普通高中生,教育部的最新要求是4500單字(高職生只需3500)。這4500單字自然是原先的2000再加2500。換句話說,就算是一個0單字的高一生,只要他在升高中之後每天背5單字,都能在兩年半背完這些(因為一天5單字,兩年半就大約有4550)。這兩年半鐵定是一個報酬率超級無敵高的投資。因為在一個哪怕是本科系學生或甚至英語國家人士都少人願意扎實背單字的時代,4500單字不僅足以傲人,也能讓我們順利因應一般的聽、說、讀、寫。大家更不用擔心,一天5單字絕對可以讓你照樣開心滑手機、照樣發呆恍神、照樣睡大頭覺。不會失去什麼,而是得到更多。同時,果真能在兩年半中持續不間斷做一件事情,我們就能有更好的準備、懷著更大的信心迎接人生中下一個必要的堅持。說了這麼多,你考慮對自己說「好, 那就開始吧!」嗎?兩年半很快就會過去,我們這一生當中不是已經過了很多很多次 ,其中不少次還是不夠小心被溜掉的呢!



A microphone is an instrument that makes sounds louder. (麥克風是一種讓聲音更大聲的工具)

When you irritate a man, you make him angry. (當你激怒一個人,他會生氣)

When a girl is anxious, she feels troubled and fearful. (當一個女孩憂慮不安時,她會感到心煩和害怕)

以這種方式造句不只方便我們記憶單字,更能提昇用英文表達或解釋英文的能力,可說一舉兩得,非常值得採用。有關單字的英文定義問題,Longman、Cambridge 、Oxford等都是可供參考查閱的權威字典。



另一方面,短字雖容易和別的短字搞混,但這時候背句子的作用就出來了。此外,短字易於朗朗上口,我們不妨學幼稚園的小朋友這麼辦:「bucket bucket是水桶,basin basin是臉盆,towel towel是毛巾。」也可以倒過來念:「水桶、水桶是bucket…。」這樣背單字也很好玩,不是嗎?




答:要想永遠不忘是不可能的。否則,我看過的單字何其多,我又是別人眼中記憶力超強的人,現在的單字量一定有個8萬10萬的,但我相信沒有。讓背過的字忘得慢一點、少一點是唯一能做的。廣義而言,多做聽、說、讀、寫是王道,這層道理不言可喻。若說到單純的複習,那就是用「可惡指數」把背過的單字分等級,千萬別每次都從背過的第一個字複習到最後一個。那樣做注意力會被分散,應該集中火力對付那些難搞、一忘再忘的字。相信每個人都有這樣的經驗,有些東西我們其實並沒有特別去記,但就是不容易忘。相反地,有些我們很用力記的,卻老是記不起來。單字也一 樣。所以,我們要用可惡指數把單字分級,可惡指數越高的就得經常複習;可惡指數最低的,偶而關心一下就可以,如此一來才比較有可能多記一些單字。










1. Looking at the issue of human cloning as a matter of reproductive technology choice, although it focuses on individual autonomy, reproductive freedom, and protection of children, means that other issues are omitted. --"Should Human Cloning Be Permitted?" Patricia A. Baird

因為although到children的部份是附屬子句,而主詞必然在主要子句,所以這串文字完全不用考慮,當然也不應說主詞是it,動詞是focuses。而我們又知道動名詞可以當主詞,且在這種情形下得用單數動詞。於是,答案出來了:主詞是從Looking 到choice,動詞是means。這句話的大意是,複製人問題必須全方位思考,不能單單考慮繁衍下一代這個層面。

2. That 1990s were also the decade in which globalization came into full swing is more than a minor inconvenience for its advocates. --"Globalization for Whom?" Dani Rodrick

或許有人會說:主詞當然是1990s,動詞是were。那麼,is是誰的動詞?又該怎麼解釋That?主詞也不可能是globalization,它是由which引導的關係子句的主詞,came是子句動詞。到這裡我們應該已經了解,絕對不能看到一個名詞後面跟著一個動詞,就理所當然地認定它們就是整個句子的主、動詞-英文有那麼簡單就好了-它們非常有可能是副詞子句、形容詞子句或名詞子句的主、動詞。其實,這個句子的主詞是一個名詞子句。和動名詞當主詞的情形一樣,得用單數動詞。所以,主詞是從That到swing,動詞是is,were則是名詞子句主詞1990s的動詞。假如我們看到句子以That開始,後面馬上出現看似主詞和動詞的結構(1990s were),之後又有另外的單數動詞(is),那麼這個句子十之八九就是名詞子句當主詞,這樣的That應該解釋為the fact that。也許這個例子有些專業和複雜,我們不妨用一個比較簡單的例子,大家就能更清楚這種結構了:That he is very kind is well known. (他很仁慈眾所周知。)至於原本那個句子是出自一篇反思經濟全球化的文章。作者認為,假如全球化真的那麼好,世界經濟在1990年代就應該是一片榮景才對,因為那正是全球化推展最如火如荼的10年。然而,那同時也是大部分開發中國家挫折與失望的10年, 這對全球化倡導者來說恐怕不是一項普通的尷尬。這就是本句想要傳達的和它的一些相關背景。

3. At the heart of Buddhism lies the belief that all beings are inherently equal.

首先,無論句子有多長、多複雜,絕對不能把介系詞片語中的名詞看成主詞。相信大家不會說At either side of the road stand many trees.中的side或road是主詞,同樣的就不應該把本例的heart看成主詞,heart都不是了,形容它的of Buddhism 的Buddhism自然更不可能。同時,形容詞子句that all beings…也不用考慮。東扣西扣,想不知道答案好像都不行:主詞belief,動詞lies。這也是個倒裝的句型(眾生本來平等是佛法的核心)。

4. President Chen Shui-bian's defiant remarks, delivered little more than a week after he was shot in the abdomen and suffered a flesh wound while waving at supporters from his motorcade, signaled an intent to carry his campaign's tough line toward China into a second term despite the deep divide his approach has created in Taiwanese society and the unease it has caused in the Bush administration. --"Taiwan's President Maintains Hard Line" Philip P. Pan and David E. Hoffman. Washington Post


5. Chen, who appeared relaxed and confident during a one-hour interview inside the presidential palace, denied unsubstantiated charges by his opponents that he engaged in election fraud and staged the shooting the day before the March 20 election to win sympathy from voters.--ibid


如果單一句子的細節都要盡快掠過,一整個段落中的細節自然更得如此。看看以下這個出自Economist中"Generation Jobless"一文的段落:

(M)ore young people are idle than ever. OECD figures suggest that 26m 15- to 24-year-olds in developed countries are not in employment, education or training; the number of young people without a job has risen by 30% since 2007. The International Labour Organization reports that 75m young people globally are looking for a job. World Bank surveys suggest that 262m young people in emerging markets are economically inactive. Depending on how you measure them, the number of young people without a job is nearly as large as the population of America (311m).

"Generation Jobless"主要在探討大約從2011年以來全球年輕人失業的嚴重情況,其嚴重情形可由上述段落看出。由此可知,上段的重點就只有第一句(「現在年輕人無所事事的人數比以往都多」),以下各句都屬佐證,應該很快讀過去。至於閱讀測驗可能把題目出在那些細節的因應之道前面已經說過,不再重複。




當一個名詞同時被多個形容詞修飾時,誰該在前、誰該在後呢?幾個月前,有學生希望我對此做討論。其實,這個題目補教界名師旋元佑先生在他的文法書裡已經有很棒的說明。這裡,我大致也是沿用旋老師的說法,只不過稍做補充和多些例句而已。(旋元佑老師文法書: )


例:We have sold our 80-year-old beautiful large Japanese wood house.



My mother graduated from a prestigious old Austrian music school.

I have thrown away that dirty old yellow silk scarf.

My father has two lovely old blue ashtrays.

She is selling her 2-year-old flashy American car.

The living room has five small square plastic chairs.

I bought a few charming Chinese silver ornaments at the flea market.


It was a delicious big meal.


It was a big delicious meal.

談到形容詞與名詞的關係,我想附帶提一下為什麼便利商店叫convenience store ,不叫convenient store?原因是convenience store是一種特殊的店。因此,我們自家樓下的早餐店是我們的convenient store,但它卻不能稱做convenience store。相反地,離我們家4、500公尺遠的7-11或全家雖然沒有樓下早餐店那麼convenient,卻是一家不折不扣的convenience store。總之,假如某一名詞的特性得藉由前一個字的描述才能充份顯現,那麼這個字就得用名詞而非形容詞,類似convenience store的例子還有music teacher、flower shop、disaster movie、grammar book、science fiction等等。如果名詞前面的字是標準的形容詞(例如large、kind、round等),這種形容詞通常只是在描述該名詞,而不是在突顯它的特性,有時去掉也沒關係。例如kind teacher的kind可以不說,但music teacher的music一旦被省略了,這種老師的特性就顯現不出來了,因為我們無法知道他究竟是教什麼。




英文中主詞有第一、二、三人稱及單、複數的區別,動詞雖沒有類似區別,卻得隨主詞的人稱或數做字形變化,這就是主動詞的一致(subject-verb agreement)。


當句子的動詞前面出現兩個名詞(代名詞也算),造成動詞選擇的困擾,讓我們無法決定該以哪個名詞(或代名詞)為基準選取動詞,是主動詞一致的癥結所在。事實上,這個問題並不難解決。如果一個(代)名詞符合以下兩個條件之一,我們就要以它為基準選擇動詞的單複數。這兩個條件是:1. 是否為關鍵名詞。2. 是否引發聽者或讀者較多的興趣。以此二者為參考基準,不少主動詞一致的問題都可以解決。以下分別說明:

A. 關鍵名詞:

1. 有些片語同時可以修飾單數和複數名詞,那麼這些被修飾的名詞(不是片語中的名詞)才是決定動詞單、複數的關鍵的所在。也就是說,當這些片語修飾單數名詞時動詞用單數,修飾複數名詞時就用複數。這樣的片語主要包括:

a. all of:

All of the students have gone on the trip.

All of the money has been put in the bank.

b. half of:

Half of the books are written in German.

Half of the movie was very boring.

c. most of/ part of/ some of/ a lot of/ lots of/ plenty of:

Most of my high school classmates are in college now.

Most of his knowledge is obtained from reading books.

Part of the workers are still on strike.

Part of the problem lies in education.

Some of the excitement at a Lakers game occurs off the basketball floor.

Some of the fans find the movie stars at Lakers games more interesting than the game.

A lot of/ Lots of/ Plenty of tourists were visiting the museum.

A lot of/ Lots of/ Plenty of sugar is produced in this island.

d. the majority of:

The majority of William Wordsworth's poetry concerns nature.

The majority of Wordsworth's significant poems were composed before 1807.

e. the percentage of:

The percentage of gainers on the New York Stock Exchange were greater this week than last.

The percentage of time students now spend on studies is much lower than ever.

f. the rest of:

John is really generous, but the rest of his siblings are quite stingy.

I'll eat some bread, and the rest (of it) is for you.

g. 出現分數(1/2, 2/3)時:

One fifth of the workers do not have their own houses.

Two thirds of the land belongs to Mr. Wang.


2. 反之,假如修飾名詞的是一個計量單位,例如a pair of、a series of、a set of、a string of、a list of、a collection of等,這時關鍵名詞是這些量詞而不是其修飾的名詞。這個道理也不難理解,想想鞋店賣鞋子是一雙雙還是一隻隻算就知道了。所以,雖然a group of中的group看起來也像量詞,但我們應該把它看成一個修飾複數名詞的片語,意思類似many。首先,我們很少一個group一個group這樣算人或東西。再者,當我們看到一大群人時通常還是會把焦點放在人數,算算看究竟有多少人,所以關鍵名詞是人而不是group。這又是一個文法很多時候還是得回歸邏輯和情理的例子:

A pair of shoes is left outside the door.

Three pairs of shoes are left outside the door.

A series of lectures is scheduled.

Two series of lectures are scheduled: one for experts and one for laypeople.

A string of activities is designed to encourage people to communicate directly with each other.

A list of eligible candidates was posted on the bulletin board.

A list of the amendments that will be on Tuesday's ballot is on the front page of the morning paper.

A collection of letters, bills, and advertisements was waiting for me when I finally got back from my tour of Quebec.

A group of children are playing joyfully in the park.

3. 句子的主詞之後若緊接著一個介系詞片語,這個片語通常修飾主詞,片語中的名詞自然不是關鍵,動詞的單複數依舊取決於當主詞的名詞:

The price of NBA tickets is high.

The fans at an NBA game are noisy.

Monkeys in this national park are a menace to visitors.

Those hunters with their dog were out of sight.

The hunter with his dogs was out of sight.

Nobody but (= except) the stubbornest people insists on the old rules.

4. 主詞之後若有由not或rather than等引導的否定詞,既然是否定詞,它們之後所接的名詞已經被否定掉就應該不是關鍵,動詞的單、複數還是要看否定詞前面的名詞:

You, not your brother, are to blame for this mistake.

His works, not the artist, are now on exhibition.

John, rather than his parents, needs to be responsible for the matter.

5. 句首的There或Here是虛主詞,是虛的當然也不會是關鍵。當句子出現它們時先別著急,繼續往下讀,緊接著be動詞或一般動詞之後的名詞(介系詞片語中的名詞除外)通常就是主詞。若動詞之後的名詞為單數就用單數動詞,複數則用複數動詞:

There is a men's NBA team in Houston.

There are two NBA teams in Los Angeles.

There is in many countries much unrest today. (in many countries是介系詞片語,故countries不是主詞)

Here is your coffee.

Here are the tickets you want.

6. 形容詞子句(關係子句)的關係詞who、which或that假如當主詞用,後面的動詞單複數需依子句所修飾的名詞(先行詞)而定。如果先行詞是單數,關係詞後面的動詞也要用單數;先行詞是複數,關係詞後面的動詞也是複數:

I like people who talk less and do more.

He has three options, which look equally attractive. (which指options)

He has three options, which is a good thing. (which指他有三種選項這件事情)

She is one of those doctors who make house calls.

Dr. Stephens is one of those professors who lecture in an entertaining way.

She is the only professor who does what it takes to help her students learn joyfully.

B. 較引起興趣的名詞:either... or..., neither... nor...和not only... but (also)...這3組連接詞,很多文法書和老師都這麼教我們:以比較接近動詞的主詞為準,哪個主詞如果是單數動詞就用單數,是複數動詞就用複數。方法本無好壞,簡單說,能促進學習記憶的方法就是好方法。只是有另外2組連接詞的用法正好和either... or等相反,就是as well as和no less than。假如碰到A as well as/ no less than B的結構,動詞的單、複數卻得取決於較先出現的主詞A。把這2組連接詞和先前3組一起學,硬記它們的用法差別就顯得不牢靠,也就是難保不忘記。所以,我想從哪個主詞較引起興趣的角度幫助學習者記好這幾組連接詞的使用方式。就語言學而言,這個方法自然不夠精準客觀,但如果它可能讓我們更有效地記住這5組連接詞的用法,還是值得參酌。

1. either... or..., neither... nor..., not only... but (also).... 就功能方面說,這3組連接詞之外,還要加上單獨使用的or。本質上這些連接詞前後的名詞位階差不多,說其中一個是關鍵有些牽強,但如果說它們所連接的第二個名詞可能較能引起興趣或被強調。其中最明顯的是not only... but (also)....當我們說某人「不但聰明而且用功」時,表示我們對這個人的這兩種特質同樣佩服,但可能更敬佩他的用功。既然是比較被強調的名詞,動詞的單複數以此為準是可以理解的。理解通過了,硬記硬背就可以避免。這樣的感覺either... or...等較不明顯,但也不是完全沒有。因為當我們說「不是…就是…」的時候,那個「就是…」後面的名詞也許給人更多的好奇和想像,動詞的使用以它為依據也可以成例:

Either I or you were wrong.

Either the teacher or the students need to be responsible for the matter.

Either the students or the teacher needs to be responsible for the matter.

Either you or she has heard the bell ring.

Either Paul or his parents were able to attend the meeting.

Neither you nor she was allowed to leave.

Neither the soldiers nor the general has eaten anything for 3 days.

Neither Jack nor I am playing basketball.

Not only the employer but (also) the employees are very selfish.

Not only the passengers but also the driver was injured.

Not only my house but also the neighbors' houses were searched by police.

John or his sisters are going to attend the meeting.

Does he or his friends want to go?

上述的最後一例值得稍加說明。如果根據「較引起興趣」的原則,這個句子好像應該寫成Do he or his friends....但是,就如先前所說,這個原則的基礎是一般言語互動的默契而非學理,它的建立動機也只是為了盡可能讓學習者從理解的角度熟悉文法。姑且不論Do he是奇怪的表達,我們只要把句子完全展開,就知道為什麼應該用does了:

Does he want to go or do his friends want to go?

2. as well as和no less than。A as well as/ no less than B的結構較單純, 因為它們的意思是A之外附帶一提B。既然B只不過是被附帶提出,自然不會是動詞單、複數依循的標準。as well as/ no less than B的前後甚至可以用逗點夾住,也就是即使把這部份的內容刪除也無大礙。所以,「使用這兩組連接詞時先出現的主詞A是動詞單、複數選擇的關鍵」其實是多此一說的:

The employees as well as the employer are very selfish.

The driver as well as the passengers was able to get out of the bus before it began to burn.

You want to borrow money? But I, as well as you, am broke.

I, no less than you, am involved in this case.


A. one of/ every, each (of)/ either (of)/ neither (of)和many a:

One of my sisters goes to the market every morning.

One of the NBA's biggest stars is LeBron James.

Every day is a new beginning.

Every boy and every girl loves the teacher.

Each participant is entitled to a memorial pin.

Each of the participants is entitled to a memorial pin.

Each of the NBA players is a well-trained athlete.

Either way is fine with me.

Either of the ways is fine with me.

Neither solution looks attractive.

Neither of the solutions looks attractive.

Many a tourist has visited our town this year.

Many a passenger was free from any injury in this train accident.

B. 不定詞片語、動名詞或名詞子句當主詞時:

To see her is to love her.

How to prevent diseases is worth studying.

To hunt/ Hunting bears is dangerous.

Smoking is an awful habit.

That he owns a lot of books does not mean that he has read all of them.

What I need is your word.

C. 句中有連接詞and的情形:

1. 當and連接兩個名詞做主詞用時,兩個名詞是否都有冠詞往往是動詞單複數的決定關鍵。如果只有第一個名詞前面有冠詞,表示and連接的是同樣的人、事或物,動詞自然用單數;如果兩個名詞前面都有冠詞,表示and連接的項目真的有兩個,動詞就用複數:

The dancer and singer is beautiful.

The senator and delegate wants to make an announcement.

A cup and saucer was placed on the table. (指一組杯具)

A blue and white shirt is on the floor. (一件衣服,兩種顏色)

The dancer and the singer are beautiful.

The senator and the delegate want to make an announcement.

A cup and a dish were placed on the table. (一個杯子和一個菜盤子個別看待)

A blue and a white shirt are on the floor. (兩件不同顏色的衣服)

2. 即使and連接的表面上看起來是兩個項目,但如果這兩個項目實質上是一個東西或一件事情,這麼一來,動詞還是得用單數:

Chocolate and milk is my favorite. (指巧克力牛奶,「一種」飲品)

Chocolate and milk have both risen in price. (指巧克力和牛奶這「兩種」東西都漲價)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (只知工作不知玩樂「這種」生活模式)

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.--Benjamin Franklin (早睡早起「這種」作息)

D. 金錢、時間、距離或其它表示數量的詞,雖然很多時候是複數,但既然是「一個」量,動詞用單數是可以理解的。同時,從這裡我們也不難明白何以在含有定量時間或距離等的句子中會經常出現不定冠詞a或an:

For that rich girl, two million dollars is only a small sum of money!

Seven years is a time long enough for a person to achieve something great.

Five kilometers is not too long a distance to walk in one hour.

Three pounds of brown sugar is quite enough for now.

E. 許多學科名稱雖然字尾是-ics,但依舊得用單數動詞。不過,統計學statistics如果是指統計數據或統計資料,動詞就要用複數。如果是指單筆資料, 字尾的s也可以去掉,這時動詞當然又得用單數:

Physics is the study of matter and natural forces.

Mathematics is difficult for most students.

Statistics draws heavily on mathematics.

This statistic is quite accurate.

These statistics are mostly accurate.

F. news、billiards和measles要接單數動詞:

The news is very exciting.

Billiards is a popular game.

Measles is a contagious disease.

G. 加減乘除的四則運算動詞用單數或複數都可以,但一般用單數:

Four and four is (are)/ makes (make)/ equals (equal) eight.

Fifteen minus six equals nine.

Two times three is six.

Twelve divided by six is two.



A. 動詞需用複數的情形:

1. a number of:許多文法書在介紹這個片語或限定詞時,幾乎都會同時提到the number of這個用法,然後告訴讀者:a number of後面要用複數動詞,the number of後面用單數,並好心地提醒讀者不要搞錯。可惜的是,許多讀者還是常常搞錯,因為文法書多半會在有意無意之間造成讀者一種印象,就是上述用法是例外、很特別,大家努力記下來就是。然而,無論就語意或語法看,這兩種用法是既不例外也不特別。就語意上說,a number of = many。many後面接複數名詞,複數名詞如果當主詞用就得接複數動詞。如果many books當主詞,後面就得用複數動詞,那麼a numbr of books當主詞時自然也得比照辦理。至於the number of所指的是一個單一的數字,不管它是50、500或5000,就是「一個」數字。一個蘋果、一根香蕉如果當主詞,後面用的就是單數動詞,那麼「一個數字」當主詞後面還是用單數動詞。就語法看,既然a number of是一個片語,我們就不應該只看number這個名詞,何況這個限定詞的功能類似形容詞,被形容的複數名詞才是關鍵,才能決定動詞的單複數是理所當然的。而the number of something其中的of something是介系詞片語,不能決定動詞的單複數(關於這點我們在本單元第一部份已經說過),決定權是真正的主詞number,它是單數,句子的動詞自然用的也是單數:

A number of passengers were foreigners.

A number of students were absent from school yesterday.

The number of passengers was unknown.

The number of students in this class is 49.

2. cattle(牛群;牲口)和riches(財富)用複數動詞。如果要指牛的頭數,可用head。但不管有多少頭牛,head都不加s:

Their cattle are taken care of by six cowboys.

Several (head of) cattle were missing.

Riches often take wings and fly away.

Great riches have made him forget who he was.

B. 動詞單、複數皆可的情形:

1. 集合名詞:集合名詞是指由一群人所構成的群體或其中的成員,例如family、committee、public、crew、crowd等。一般來說,如果是指該群體本身,動詞用單數;如果指群體的所有成員,動詞則用複數。例如Her family are all doctors( 她所有的家人都是醫生),補語doctors明確指出這裡說的是所有家人,動詞自然得用複數are。但除了這種情形之外,集合名詞後面該接單數或複數動詞有模糊地帶,也就是很多時候兩者都可以。另外,family指「家人」時沒有複數形,families指的是一個以上的家庭:

Our family is very large.

My family has lived in this house for about 50 years.

My family are all sitting around the round table.

My family are all asleep.

Most families have televisions.

The committee was founded in 1980, so it has quite a bit of history now.

Our committee meets/ meet again tomorrow afternoon.

The committee are mostly seated now, and they are impatient to begin.

2. none of:none of可接不可數名詞和可數名詞的複數。接不可數名詞時,動詞自然用單數;接可數名詞的複數時,動詞用單複數皆可:

None of the meat was left.

None of the sandwiches was/ were fresh.

3. media、data、bacteria、whereabouts、headquarters:

The media has/ have been reporting this murder for days.

This data is/ These data are quite out-of-date.

Not all bacteria causes/ cause disease.

The missing child's whereabouts is/ are still unknown.

The headquarters of our company is/ are in Taipei.

C. 注意damage和damages的不同。damage的意思是「損害」,不可數名詞; damages是「賠償金」,複數的可數名詞:

The damage caused by the typhoon was not very serious.

The damages asked by the victim's family were quite high.

在結束本文之前,讓我來說個原本不該說的秘密。關於主詞與動詞的一致問題,我們首先得記得碰到cattle和riches時動詞得用複數,並心領神會像either... or...、 not only... but also...等成套連接詞的動詞使用原則,這麼之後要是在考試時依舊出現難以抉擇的情況,賭單數的勝算會明顯比賭複數高。不過,這是個不得已時的權宜訣竅,請大家千萬不要擴大使用喔!



談到現在簡單式時,文法書都會列出一條規則,說「當主要子句是由will所引導的未來式時,由after, when, before, as soon as, until等引導的附屬子句得用現在簡單式表示未來」。其實,這條規則肯定可以輕鬆記、自在學,並達到想要出錯也難的程度。從以下例子可以知道,這些連接詞所引導的附屬子句所描述的事件,不是比含有will的主要子句陳述的事件更可能發生(如例1),就是更為關鍵重要(如例2)。

•She'll see you before she leaves.

•We'll give it to her when she arrives.

•Helen will take care of her mother until she marries.

•I will tell you a secret as soon as you come.

•I will try to contact her after I go to The United States.

在第1句中,女生要走即使不是必然,至少也比去看you更為可能,她也許會因為遺忘或改變行程等原因而沒有實現看you的計畫。我們不能因為只要有個will, 就認為未來一定會發生某事。氣象局說it will rain tomorrow,明天就一定會下雨嗎?有時不只不會,甚至還晴空萬里、陽光普照呢!只要是未來就一定有變數,這是不言可喻的。至於第2句,女生來了人家才會把東西給她,不來就不會給,她來或不來是we給不給東西的關鍵和條件,所以這裡的when意思和if差不多。其他句子的道理和前兩句大致一樣,不再贅述。總之,機率明顯較高(甚至是必然)或關鍵的事情用現在簡單式表達是很可以理解的。事實上,現在簡單式所強調的不變也只不過是個相對的概念,不是絕對。





•Have you emailed the homework?


•Oh yes, I emailed it ten minutes ago.

再說Tom, 事實上他上個星期三下午就已經把作業做好,而且email給老師,但他向來低調,又不願讓John覺得太尷尬,於是就把這個時間細節(比John交作業的時間早多的過去時間)隱而不說,只交代在截稿(現在)以前交了,於是就用現在完成式回答Helen:

•Yes, I have emailed it.

以上解釋,希望有助於大家對現在完成式和過去簡單式的判別。簡單說,面對同一件發生在過去的事情,如果你想告訴別人那件事情的發生時間,那就要用過去簡單式,如果你沒有要說這個時間,那就要用現在完成式。再說一個例子:當你寫文章時,如果你要提醒讀者「就像我說過的」,因為沒有提到時間,所以你應該說As I have said,但假如你要說「就像我先前說過的」,那就應該說As I said it earlier。“earlier”是一個代表「過去」的時間細節,自然應當用過去簡單式。

最後必須提醒的是,語言千變萬化,靈活而有彈性。因此,我們不可能用一些簡單的原則化約語言的整體樣貌。很多時候,常理和語意邏輯也很重要。比方說,用過去簡單式敘述一件事情就非把那件事情的發生時間說出來不可嗎?當然不是。例如,有位小姐覺得她過去愛了不該愛的人。那麼可想而知,她一定非常希望把自己現在的生活和如此不堪回首的往事切割,所以應該不會說:I have loved him(現在完成式)。然而,即使非提這件傷心事不可,小姐想必也不想提太多細節,這些她不願提的事情當中也許就包括戀愛時間。因此,小姐最可能的說法是:I loved him。綜上所說,關於現在完成式和過去簡單式可以歸納出以下結論:如果要把一件過去事件的發生時間說出,一定要用過去簡單式;假如不說,用過去簡單式當然也可以,但這種情形通常會用現在完成式。擴大的說,任何語言的文法並不如大家想像的冷冰冰,更多時候它是親切且合乎人情之常的。




•He had finished his work.

乍看之下這個句子好像沒問題,但它其實大大違反過去完成式的基本精神。學生所以會那樣寫,是因為他們把現在和過去兩種完成式混為一談。但由於現在完成式強調的是到現在為止某件事情究竟是否發生,也就是before now那件事情有沒有發生。但過去完成式說的是在過去某個特定的時間點(上個月、去年、昨天)之前某件事情是否發生過,是一個before then的概念。由此可知,上面提到的那句話的問題就在那個必要的then不見了,從例句我們無法知道某人到底是在什麼時間以前完成他的工作。如果這樣說就可以了:

•He had finished his work before going on holiday yesterday.

去度假是昨天(過去特定的時間點then),then有了,工作在then(去度假的昨天)以前就已經完成(before yesterday/ then),自然要用過去完成式。

不過,在文學作品的閱讀中,我們有時會讀到一些看起來沒有before then的描寫。其實,那個then依舊存在。比方說,在某個故事一開頭作者這麼寫到:

•Three years ago, John went to America on business.


•In fact, he had seen her.

這表示John在3年前去美國之前(before then)就見過那女孩,這種情形和前面那 句沒有before then的"He had finished his work"不同,自然應該用過去完成式。

因此,過去完成式一定含有兩個先後發生在過去的事件,離現在較近的用過去式, 較遠的用過去完成式。由於有時態可供判別,所以先提到哪一個都沒有關係。在以下的例子當中,Event A是較早發生的事件,Event B則較晚發生。

Event A: Tina had gone out
Event B: when I entered the classroom.

Event A: I had saved my document
Event B: before the computer crashed.

Event B: When they arrived,
Event A: we had already started reading.

Event B: She was very tired
Event A: because she hadn't slept well last night.


  1. 必須確實為兩事件。我有一位大一作文課學生曾寫下這樣一個句子:

•I had not had my own computer until I went to college.

儘管句子不對,但我們還是得對我這位學生拍拍手,因為她對過去完成式很有概念,知道如果句子中出現兩個發生在過去的事件,離現在較近的要用過去式,較遠者得用過去完成式。可惜的是,這裡「只有一件事情」,不是兩件-她什麼時候開始擁有自己的電腦。雖然until I went to college中的went to college看起來好像是一件事情。其實不是,它是一個終結點,旨在說明我學生沒有自己電腦的時間持續到什麼時候。從功能上說,這個由until所引導的副詞子句就很像下例中的last Monday:

•Steve did not come until last Monday.


•I did not have a computer until I went to college.


  1. 在同一個句子當中,由and連接的過去事件應被看成同一系列,加上這樣的系列動作通常時間差都很小,所以得用過去式,不用過去完成式。

•He heard the news, went to the telephone, and called a friend.

•Martha turned off the light and went to bed.

  1. 如果兩過去事件呈現因果關係,後果都已經是過去,比後果更早的前因一般而言自然是過去完成式。例如:

•We went to London because our friends had invited us.


•I did well on my exam because I studied hard.





1. 主句的動詞say, think, believe等如果是現在式(簡單、進行、完成),that- 子句可依實際情況選用現在、過去或未來式。因為此時說話者是處在當下評論事情,自然可以縱橫古今,無所不談。

We think (that) Lisa is a good student.

They believe (that) he is telling a lie.

We suppose (that) he has just left.

People guess (that) he was dead.

We think (that) he was traveling that day.

They believe (that) John had returned before midnight.

We believe (that) our father will recover soon.

We suppose (that) Tom will be studying tomorrow morning.

We think (that) Helen will have reached home by tomorrow morning.

Steve has told me (that) it is going to rain/ you lost your money/ the prices will go up.

2. 主句的動詞say, think, believe等如果是過去式(簡單、進行、完成),that- 子句中的動詞用過去式。

He said (that) he trusted you/ he was waiting for the bus/ he had learned English many years/ he would go to the United States next summer.

想必有人會覺得"He said he would go to the United States next summer" 怪怪的。next summer還沒到,不是應該用will,為什麼用would呢?關鍵在he said。曾經說過的話後來改變不是什麼新鮮事。類似以下的經驗相信我們都有過:半年前A跟B 說他明年9月要去日本工作。相隔3個月後兩人又碰面了,B提起這件事,A反而很詫異地說:「喔!我沒跟你說嗎? 已經不去了。」用would的理由就在這裡。儘管next summer還沒到,但說話者也許早已改變心意了。我們得一直記住,過去式所描述的事實不是已經不存在,就是可能改變或早就改變了。

3. 主句的動詞say等雖為過去式,但that-子句所敘述的假如是公認的真理或事實,子句的動詞則要用現在簡單式。

The teacher said (that) light travels faster than sound.

Joe said that the class begins at 10:30.


The man who is sitting there came to town last night.

The man who was sitting there a moment ago wants to talk with you.

The man who will teach you English next month had left the room before you came in.

Because he did not submit the assignment on time, he will be punished by the teacher later.




Jane is hard to please.(Jane很不容易取悅)

The cloth washes well. (這塊布很耐洗)

The poem does not translate well. (這首詩不好翻)

The question is easy to answer. (這個問題容易回答)



Jane is pleased that I decide to go to her birthday party. (因為我決定參加Jane的生日宴會,所以她「被」取悅了)

The cloth was well washed. (這塊布「被」洗得很乾淨)

The poem was not well translated. (這首詩「被」翻得不好)

The question was easily answered by the girl. (這問題很輕易就被女孩答對了)


blame是「責備」的意思,但be to blame for的意思是「應負責」(be responsible for)或「有罪過」(be guilty of),所以用主動:

Either you or he is to blame for the failure. (這次失敗,該負責的不是你就是他。不可用to be blamed)

The children were not to blame for the matter. They were in no way to blame.(孩子們不需要為這件事負責。他們一點也不需要負責。同樣不可以用to be blamed)


Don't blame the children for the matter.


Don't blame the matter on the children. (別把這件事情怪罪到小孩頭上)

2. 動詞lie可以解釋為「平放於…表面」,這種狀態是很多東西的常態,也應該用主動:

The book lies on the table.


He laid the book on the table and went out.

A book is laid on the dining table; put it back to the shelf.





  1. 確定修飾對象的關係子句:這是指關係子句所修飾的名詞(先行詞)原本相當不清楚,經由子句的進一步描述才變得明確。例如:

•Children who hate ice cream are uncommon.

如果把關係子句who hate ice cream去掉,句子就是:Children are uncommon。這個句子仍是對的,我們也都看得懂,但它的語意就變得很模糊。儘管我們不會認為那是在說所有的小孩都uncommon,但究竟uncommon的是哪些小孩呢?從這個未確定修飾對象的句子我們實在看不出來,於是這個關係子句就很關鍵,因為就是它讓我們知道不多見的是那些討厭冰淇淋的小孩。


•The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.

•Dogs that like cats are very unusual.

•The doctor whom I was hoping to see wasn't on duty.

•The girl whom we met at the party is a singer.

•Cindy is a girl whose judgment I trust.

•This is the girl whose mother is from Canada.

•The flowers that grow in the garden are beautiful.

•An elephant is an animal that lives in hot countries.

•The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.

•The weather that we had this winter was cold.


附帶一提:在傳統英文中,一般用關係代名詞who(主詞)和whom(受詞)指人,用which指物(較不正式的英文中who可代替whom做受詞用)。不過,現在(尤其是美式英文)則習慣把which留給對象明確的敘述,至於對象不明確的情況則通常用that 指人以外的東西。同時,that也可以取代who和whom。此外,做受詞用的關係詞也可以省略:

•The doctor I was hoping to see wasn't on duty.

•The girl we met at the party is a singer.

•The umbrella I bought last week is already broken.

•The weather we had this winter was cold.

•Is that the man she arrived with?

•It is a club many important people belong to.

注意:當句子的介系詞不是在子句句尾(arrived with、belong to),而是在關係詞之前,那麼關係詞不只不能省略,也不能改用that,也就是得用whom指人、 用which指物:

•Is that the man with whom she arrived?

•It is a club to which many important people belong.

  1. 補充說明修飾對象的關係子句:這是指關係子句所修飾的名詞(先行詞)夠清楚,因此關係子句所提供的資訊是額外的、可有可無的。例如:

•My dad, who is 54, works for Apple.

這個句子很清楚地表示要說的是老爸,不是別人。有了關係子句who is 54提供的資訊當然更好,但缺了也不要緊,讓人家知道老爸在蘋果工作才是重點。既然是可有可無的補充說明,當然得用類似括弧的逗點把它括起來,不然事情就大條啦!因為沒有了逗點的整句話等於表示,說話者有好幾個爸爸,所以必須向人家強調他究竟在說哪一個。這下子英文文法錯誤是小,讓人家笑掉大牙或甚至氣死老爸才真是要命呢!

再者,既然先行詞所指的對象已經明確,這時候該用什麼關係代名詞就得用- 用who指人(較正式的受詞用法是whom)、用which指物,自然就不能再用that,也不能夠省略。


•My mother, who is 60, lives in London.

•My friend May, who went to the same school as I, has just written a best-selling novel.

•Many Halloween customs started with the Celts, who lived in Ireland and England hundreds of years ago.

•According to legend, Valentine's Day was named for St. Valentine, who was a Roman priest.

•James Stevenson, whom I met in England last year, told me about Boxing Day.

•Helen, whom Tom loves madly, is really beautiful.

•Yesterday I met a woman named Susan, whose husband works in London.

•Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.

•Gorillas, which are large and originate in Africa, can sometimes be found in zoos.

•Roses, which are usually very expensive, are a typical gift for Valentine's Day.

•Paris, which has a long history, is a romantic city.

•I like The Da Vinci Code, which many people like, too.

•Boxing Day, which people celebrate in Canada, Great Britain, and other English-speaking countries, is almost unknown in the United States.

•Stratford-on-Avon, about which many people have written, is Shakespeare's birthplace.

•Stratford-on-Avon, which many people have written about, is Shakespeare's birthplace.



•The watch that my girlfriend had sent me was stolen.

•The watch, which my girlfriend had sent me, was stolen.




  • 一個基本觀念

四十年前我讀國、高中時,也許假設語氣真的可怕。那時候的假設語氣除了用if 和wish之外,還有很多枝節和變化,的確頗為繁複,但現在那些幾乎都已經不用。此外,以前的「與現在事實相反」假設如果if子句碰到be動詞都得用were, 這方面現在也較有彈性。既然與現在事實相反的假設是以過去式呈現,現在的用法是可以完全比照過去式的規則。也就是說,當if子句的主詞是第三人稱單數或I時可以用was,不一定要用were。這樣的改變,相信讓假設語氣顯得友善不少。也因為這樣,時下的文法書有關假設語氣的篇幅也比以前少了許多。



了解假設語氣的精神之後,我們再來說說過去式。無疑的,過去式說的是在過去曾經發生過的事情。所以,當我們問Jack認不認識John時,如果Jack回答:Yes, he was my friend。這表示至少就Jack這方面看來,他和John的友誼現在已經「不存在」。過去式所描寫的事情現在已經不存在,這和與現在事實相反的if子句中所假設的事情現在沒有發生是不是有很大的雷同呢?




  • 與現在事實相反 vs. 與過去事實相反

在前一單元中,我們已經解釋過為什麼與現在事實相反的if子句動詞要用過去式, 與過去事實相反要用過去完成式。在討論這兩種假設語氣之前,我們還要再提醒兩點:

第一,到現在為止,我們並未說明為什麼與現在事實相反的主要子句要用語氣助動詞(較常用would)+ 原形動詞,與過去事實相反的假設語氣要用語氣助動詞(同樣較常用would)+ have + 過去分詞。那是因為,即使不用於假設語氣中,would、could和might等語氣助動詞+原形動詞也可以表示現在不可能發生的事情。這些助動詞如果加上現在完成式,也可以表示過去不可能發生的事。例如:

I'm so hungry that I would/ could/ might eat a whole pig.(現在我餓到可以吃下一整隻豬)

I was so hungry that I would/ could/ might have eaten a whole pig.(當時我餓到可以吃下一整隻豬)

因此,與現在事實相反和與過去事實相反的假設語氣說的既然都是不曾發生的事, 自然順理成章地延用這些語氣助動詞的原本用法了。


A. 與現在事實相反的假設語氣

附屬子句:if + 主詞 + 過去式動詞

主要子句:主詞 + 語氣助動詞 + 原形動詞



If I was/ were the President, I would add ten national holidays.

I could help a friend to buy a new car if I had one million dollars.

If I spoke German, I would be working in Germany.

I might fly to the United States if I was/ were a bird.

If I were you, I wouldn't do it.

They would go out if it didn't rain. (現在正下著雨)

If there was/ were an earthquake, I would be frightened to death. (現在沒有地震)

B. 與過去事實相反的假設語氣。

附屬子句:if + 主詞 + had + 過去分詞

主要子句:主詞 + 語氣助動詞 + have + 過去分詞


If I had worked harder, I would have passed the exam.

You could have been on time if you had caught the bus.

If I had known they were coming, I might have cooked a big meal.

I would have been happier if you had come to my birthday party.


  • 混合型的假設語氣


A. 敘述由於過去未種下A因,因而現在沒有產生B果。例如「假如過去我嫁給他,現在一定不快樂。」真正的事實是,因為我沒嫁給他,所以我現在是快樂的。這種用法的if子句要用過去完成式,主要子句用語氣助動詞(較常用would) + 原形動詞。


I wouldn't be happy now if I had married him.

If I had studied harder at school, I could have a better job now.

You might be dead now if you had caught that train.

If I had taken that job, I would be the president of a large enterprise.

B. 敘述要不是因為A特質的關係(這種特質到現在為止依然存在,也可能永遠存在),過去就能產生B情況。例如「他要不是太膽小,那漂亮女生就會是他老婆了。」因為人格特質不容易改變,所以那個過去因膽小而不能贏得美人心的人現在很可能膽小如故,膽大於是成了與現在相反的事實,if子句也因此要用過去簡單式動詞。又因為「娶到漂亮老婆」在過去未曾發生,所以主要子句要用語氣助動詞(較常用would) + have + 過去分詞,表示和過去事實相反。


If he was bold, he would have married a beautiful girl.

I could have crushed it if I wasn't afraid of cockroaches.

If my English was good enough, I would have translated that poem for her.

I would have been able to buy that wonderful villa if I was rich.


  • 和未來相關的假設語氣


A. 未來完全不可能發生的假設語氣。

if子句用were + 不定詞,主要子句用語氣助動詞(較常用would) + 原形動詞。


If my cat were to have human speech, I would take it to travel the world.

I might try to hide in a thick forest if the third world war were to break out tomorrow.

B. 未來有些微可能的假設語氣。

if子句用should + 原形動詞。主要子句若用現在時態語氣助動詞(例如can) + 原形動詞,表示真的有些可能會發生某事;若用過去時態語氣助動詞(例如could) + 原形動詞,表示那件事情幾乎不可能發生。


I can set up three companies if I should get a prize of two billion dollars in a lottery.

If a magnitude 20 earthquake should hit any city, it could be destroyed completely.



  • if的省略



If I had been there, I could have done something to help.

Had I been there, I could have done something to help.

If I were a plant, I would love rain.

Were I a plant, I would love rain.

If I spoke German, I would be working in Germany. (不能倒裝)





A. it's time...

是該做某事卻還沒做的提醒,也就是該是…的時候了。他可以接不定詞。接子句時通常用與現在事實相反的假設語氣,也就是用過去式be動詞或一般動詞。也可以用it's about time來加強語氣,表示早就該…了。


It's time for you kids to go home.

It's time you kids went home.

It's about time you kids went home. Don't you know what time it is?

B. if only...



If only I had more time!

If only she would come!

If she would only come!

C. wish

意思類似if only,主要也是表示與現在事實相反的情況。


There are too many things to do. I wish I had more time!

I wish I remembered more English idioms.

Do you ever wish you could fly?





A. 用在有關科學或邏輯事實的因果推演,也就是一旦有了A因,就必然有B果。因為所陳述的是普遍真理,所以主要子句和從屬子句的動詞都要用現在簡單式。又因為所陳述的是一般的事實和現象,所以通常也可以用when代替if。


If you heat ice, it melts.

When you heat ice, it melts.

The grass gets wet if it rains.

If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.

Plants die if they don't get enough water.

If my husband has a cold, I usually catch it.

If public transport is efficient, people stop using their cars.

If you mix red and blue, you get purple.

B. 用來發號指示。這時主要子句要使用祈使句。


If Helen calls, tell her to meet me at the supermarket.

Ask John if you're not sure what to do.

If you want to come, let me know before 6:00.

Meet me here if we get separated.

C. 敘述一旦有了A條件,那麼就有很大機率產生B結果,常用以提醒或警告。句型是主要子句用現在簡單式,從屬子句用未來式。


You will get wet if it rains this afternoon.

If Sally is late again, the boss will be mad.

If you don't hurry, you won't catch the train.

I'll call the police if you don't leave.

I may finish that letter if I have time.

If he invites you, you should go.





A. 修飾語沒有主詞可以修飾。

1. 分詞構句:這是最常見的情況,這種修飾語叫做dangling modifier。寫作時,當我們用現在分詞或過去分詞開始一個句子時要特別小心,因為在這種情況下很容易出現dangling modifier。要避免這種錯誤,寫完整個句子之後應該暫時忽略分詞片語,先看看逗點之後那個完整句子的主詞是什麼。接著再回頭檢視片語,確認片語中被省略的主詞和完整句的主詞是否一致。如果不一樣,這個片語就成了dangling modifier。解決方式有兩種:(1) 把分詞片語還原成句子,賦予它真正的主詞。(2) 修改完整句的主詞,讓它和分詞片語中被省略的主詞一致。簡單說,「主詞相同」是分詞構句的先決條件和必要條件。

x: Without knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him.

分詞構句(寫成完整句時是副詞子句)中有個人因為不知道某人的名字 所以無法介紹他,但主要子句的主詞卻是虛主詞it,分詞片語於是成了 dangling modifier。如果採用第一種方式解決,句子會變成:

*: Because I did not know his name, it was difficult to introduce him.


*: Without knowing his name, I found it difficult to introduce him.

*: Without knowing his name, I had difficulty introducing him.



*: I, without knowing his name, found it difficult to introduce him.

*: I, without knowing his name, had difficulty introducing him.


x: After reading the original study, the article remains unconvincing. (前面是人,後面是article,前後主詞不一致)

*: After reading the original study, I find the article unconvincing.

*: I, after reading the original study, find the article unconvincing.

x: Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should be a place to relax. (you和home主詞不同)

*: Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, you should be able to relax at home.

*: You, relieved of your responsibilities at your job, should be able to relax at home.

x: Walking down the street, the trees were beautiful.

*: Walking down the street, the man saw the beautiful trees.

x: Looking through the telescope, the moon seemed enormous.

*: As I looked at the moon through the telescope, it seemed enormous.

*: Looking through the telescope, I felt that the moon seemed enormous.

*: Looked through the telescope, the moon seemed enormous. (前後都用moon當主詞)

x: Having been thrown in the air, the dog caught the stick.

*: When the stick was thrown in the air, the dog caught it.

因為這個句子中的stick出現兩次,所以我們也可以用關係子句引導第二次出現的stick,然後進一步省掉不重要的關係代名詞that/ which和be動詞was:

*: The dog caught the stick (that/ which was) thrown in the air.


x: The experiment was a failure, not having studied the lab manual carefully.

*: The experiment failed, for they had not studied the lab manual carefully.

*: They failed the experiment, not having studied the lab manual carefully.

*: Not having studied the lab manual carefully, they failed the experiment.

x: When working with power tools, eyes should be protected.

*: When working with power tools, protect your eyes.

*: Protect your eyes when you use power tools.

*: When working with power tools, we should protect our eyes.

2. 以不定詞片語或As(身為…;做為…)開始句子的情形:

x: To improve his results, the experiment was done again.

*: To improve his results, the student did the experiment again.

*: The student, to improve his results, did the experiment again.

*: The student improved his results by doing the experiment again.

x: As a disabled woman, her achievement was great.

*: As a disabled woman, she achieved greatly.

*: She, as a disabled woman, achieved greatly.

B. 修飾語修飾的對象不夠明確。

1. 即使分詞構句沒有前後主詞不一致的問題也不能大意。例如當句子是主詞+動詞+受詞時,我們得確實弄清楚分詞片語究竟要修飾誰。修飾主詞就放在句首,後面加逗點,修飾受詞就直接放在受詞後面。

例1. x: The man killed a good friend, awfully enraged.

在修飾語的各種問題當中,這是最容易解決的。某人被惹毛了,所以把好友給殺了。毫無疑問地,修飾語awfully enraged應該修飾的是主詞The man而不是受詞a good friend。因此,只要把awfully enraged移到句首,後加逗點,修改就告完成:

*: Awfully enraged, the man killed a good friend.

例2. x: She left the room fuming.


*: Fuming, she left the room.


*: She left the fuming room.

例3. x: Hopping briskly through the vegetable garden, I saw a toad.


*: I saw a toad (that/ which was) hopping briskly through the vegetable garden.

2. 主詞+動詞+受詞的句子中如果有介系詞片語,它的位置也不能隨便。假如修飾主詞就得置於句首,後面通常會加逗點,如果修飾受詞則放在受詞後面(通常是句末)。

x: At the back of the refrigerator, I noticed a yellow apple.


*: I noticed a yellow apple at the back of the refrigerator.



x: You can find some oranges in the bag that I bought.

我們知道關係子句得盡可能放在所修飾之名詞(先行詞)後面。所以,這裡的關係子句that I bought應該放在oranges後面,放在bag後面明顯不好。

x: You can find some oranges that I bought in the bag.

這樣寫好一些,至少關係子句的位置對了。但新的問題來了。柳丁和所放的地方被分開了,何況這個可以算是地方副詞的介系詞片語in the bag跟動詞find(在哪裡找到)的關係也比跟另一個動詞bought密切。假如英文中找不到面面俱到的解決方法,上面的句子就可以成例。不過,有的。只要把介系詞片語放到句子最前面,問題就解決:

*: In the bag, you can find some oranges that I bought.

3. 以As'''為句首的介系詞片語只能修飾主詞:

x: As strategies to address domestic violence, the government did not emphasize them sufficiently.

*: As strategies to address domestic violence, they were not sufficiently emphasized by the government.

C. 形容詞(不能是副詞)也可以放在句首,後加逗點,形成主詞補語,修飾主詞(不能修飾受詞)。例如:

*: Proud, calm, and fearless, he took his final destiny--death.


*: He was proud, calm, and fearless when he took his final destiny--death.



*: Surprised but joyful, Jane accepted Bingley's proposal. (= Jane felt surprised but joyful when she accepted Bingley's proposal.)

x: Unable to pass the exam, John's father scolded him.

*: Unable to pass the exam, John was scolded by his father. (= Because he was unable to pass the exam, John was scolded by his father.)




Any method is right, every method is right, that expresses what we wish to express, if we are writers; that brings us closer to the novelist's intention if we are readers.

這個句子出自赫赫有名的才女作家Virginia Woolf。在可謂是意識流小說宣言的"Modern Fiction"中Woolf寫了這句話。我曾請幾個人試著理出他的結構,個個都 卡住了。剛讀到他,我自己也傻眼了一下下。在與人討論這個句子的過程中,我發現幾個一般人閱讀英文的迷思:

1. 過度強調單字在解意中的角色。有許多人在作題目時,哪怕一個句子只有出現一個生字都會感到害怕。事實上,就算是各種英文證照的考試,除了真正是字彙的大題之外,很多時候生字完全不妨礙解題。不要說是單字,有時連不懂題意都不影響作答。有一次我讀到一個描述三稜鏡功能的托福考題,這是個百分之百視覺的經驗,但完全不妨礙我對那個題目的回應。所以,想要自在閱讀英文,去除單字的心理障礙是極其要緊的。對那些懶於背單字的人來說,這種障礙更毫無存在的道理。

2. 本末倒置的思維。有人說,因為他不懂Woolf的意思,所以無法理出上句的結構。然而,不正是因為「不懂」,才更有必要找出上句中究竟省略了什麼嗎?何況,什麼叫做「懂」?我了解這個句子的結構,我就真的完全了解Woolf所要表達的意思嗎?所以,不要讓所謂的「不懂」成為我們理解英文的障礙,甚至是藉口。

3. 程序的迷思。和我討論的人當中,有人一開始就努力探究that expresses...和that brings us...當中的that代表什麼。不過,如果只是要弄清楚句子的結構,這種探索是不需要的。再說,當我們把被省略的內容還原之後也將更容易知道that意何所指。只要依循以下幾個原則,並不難找到文中被省略的部份:

  1. 被省略的內容一定是一個平行或對仗結構的後半段,也就是對等連接詞and、or、nor等的後面,連接詞之前往往會有逗點。又因為從功能上說分號等於對等連接詞加上逗點,所以自然有可能在分號後面進行省略。當然,到了新的句子再進行省略也有可能,但不常發生。
  2. 既然有東西被省略,那個部份看起來一定怪怪的、好像少了什麼。例如少了主詞、動詞或甚至兩者都不見了。
  3. 如果句子的分號或(逗點加上)對等連接詞後面出現怪怪的、短短的或結構不完整的內容,那就可能有省略。要知道省的是什麼一定要往回找。還沒有出現就進行省略不是不可能,但很少很少。可能省略的內容絕大部分在同一個句子,了不起是前一句,幾乎不可能跑更遠。


Any method is right, every method is right, that expresses what we wish to express, if we are writers; any method is right, every method is right, that brings us closer to the novelist's intention if we are readers.

這是最簡單、最尊重原作者的還原方式。就結構而言,這是由分號前後串連的兩個complex sentences所構成的句子。兩個句子的主要子句都是any method is right, every method...開頭的句子可以看作是同位語,進一步解釋怎樣的方法才是小說的創作與閱讀應當採用的。兩個that引導的都是關係子句,修飾every method 的method。兩個if引導的附屬子句用意在闡明具有何種態度,使用何種方法才是合格的現代小說作者與讀者。因此,如果暫時不管Woolf,我們可以把她的句子略為簡化,以比較平易近人的方式改寫成:

If we are writers, any method is right that expresses what we wish to express; if we are readers, any method is right that brings us closer to the novelist's intention.



1. For indifference, the powerful medicine substitutes devotion. For scorn, adoration.

這出自貼文「單字與閱讀(續)」提過的短篇故事"The Chaser",是老人在對Alan Austen解釋他所賣春藥的神奇效果。介系詞片語(For indifference和For scorn)是兩句話都有的部份,但第一句有主詞the powerful medicine和動詞substitutes,第二句卻沒有。根據平行對仗原則,我們知道省略情形出現在第二句,少的是主詞和動詞。由於主詞還有形容詞powerful修飾、有些長,而且才剛出現過,可以用it代替:

For indifference, the powerful medicine substitutes devotion. For scorn, it (the powerful medicine) substitutes adoration. (此藥將化冷漠為深情;轉鄙夷為愛慕)

2. It is not the time to be clever or cute when you are writing a resume. Sending a photograph of yourself with your resume might get you a date, but it won't get you a job. Nor will sending your resume on bright, colorful confetti paper or setting the type in a "cutesy" font.

這是教人如何準備求職履歷的一篇文章中提到的注意事項。要還原省略或許不容易,但要偵測並不困難,只要靜下心慢慢讀通常都能找到。絕大部分帶有省略的句子都有少東西或明顯較短(如第一例)。很明顯地,這段話的第三句和第二句一樣都是動名詞Sending當主詞,第二句說附相片或許能得到男朋友或女朋友,但不一定能得到工作。第三句由Nor開頭,提醒求職者刻意把履歷弄得太花俏同樣也不能,不能什麼?當然是不能get a job:

Nor will sending your resume... get you a job.


Sending your resume... or setting the type in a "cutesy" font won't get you a job, either.


3. When I return, the colors won't be so brilliant, and the Jhelum's waters so clean, so ultramarine.

如果只有一句話,那麼省略幾乎都出現在(對等)連接詞後面,仔細研讀連接詞前面的文字就能順利偵測並還原省略。以這個出自已故喀什米爾詩人Agha Shahid Ali一首題為"Postcard from Kashmir"詩中文句的例子來說,連接詞and前面有the colors won't be so brilliant(主詞+否定助動詞+動詞+形容詞)的句構,但and後面卻只剩下主詞+形容詞(the Jhelum's waters so clean...)。所以,答案出來啦!won't be就是被略去的部份。我們知道現在的喀什米爾可以說是處於被瓜分狀態,分別由印度、巴基斯坦和中國控制。透過這樣的詩句,Ali所要抒發的是一種故國山河變色、人事景物皆非的無限悲涼。

4. Once there lived a village of creatures along the bottom of a great crystal river. Each creature in its own manner clung tightly to the twigs and rocks of the river bottom, for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current what each had learned from birth.

這段話描寫的是一隻河底生物不想墨守成規,想擺脫傳統、走自己的路。它的問題也是第二句。但這個句子有一點點複雜,整句是一個由對等連接詞for(因為)連結的compound sentence,但它自己又是一個由and串接而成的複合句,省略就發生在and後面。撇開枝節,我們可以說and前面是動名詞+be動詞+補語(clinging was their way of life),但and後面be動詞不見了,只要重新加回去,還原省略就告完成:

...for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current was what each had learned from birth.

5. In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted. We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking. I should not talk so much about myself if there were any body else whom I knew as well.

這是美國浪漫主義大將梭羅(Henry David Thoreau)「湖濱散記」(Walden)中的話。無論是德國或美國,也不管是文學、繪畫還是音樂,幾乎所有的浪漫主義者都有一個程度不等的共同特色,那就是熱烈歌頌自我。但西方人說來也真是有趣,因為他們在突顯自我的同時,卻經常不喜歡看到別人也如法炮製。所以,這裡Thoreau要大家標準一致,既努力發聲,也讓人家談談自己。省略出現在第三句,它是與現在事實相反的假設語氣,意思是「如果其他人不要一直說自己,我也就不會這麼做。」也就是:因為大家都這樣,所以我也跟著有樣學樣。因此,改法是:

I should not talk so much about myself if there were any body else whom I knew as well did not talk so much about himself.

假如刪去不太重要的形容詞子句whom I knew as well,並稍加改寫,相信大家就能更了解Thoreau的意思了:

If other people did not talk so much about themselves, I would not do so, either.

6. One challenge facing the British proposal to force porn sites to verify the age of their consumers is figuring out how to make that work without invading adult privacy and despite the ease with which most teenagers can subvert online filters.

這個句子出自Time雜誌"Porn and the Threat to Virility"一文。作者Belinda Luscombe舉出許多實例,證明沉迷色情網站的青少年很可能引發對真正性生活無感。上句的大意是:英國原本計畫強制色情網站經營者驗證上站者年齡。但計畫能否落實,得先消除大家對妨礙成人隱私和治標不治本的質疑(小屁孩其實很容易就能「翻牆」偷窺)。偵測的關鍵還是and,figuring out…是主詞challenge的補語。figuring out之後由and引導兩個受詞,第一個受詞的結構是不定詞片語how to make that work加上介系詞片語without invading adult privacy。但and之後呢?就只剩下介系詞片語despite the ease…了。不用說,得在這個片語前面補上how to make that work:

...figuring out how to make that work without invading adult privacy and how to make that work despite the ease with which most teenagers can subvert online filters.

兩個受詞中的that指的都是that proposal。也就是儘管青少年很容易突破封鎖,但做總比不做好,唯一得注意的是不能侵犯大人們的隱私。






A. 切忌中、英文寫作習慣的根本差異:

1. 英文需要開門見山,不宜像寫中文作文那樣拐彎抹角。

2. 尤其不要在一段的開頭或結尾引別人說的話。這是文章的重要位置,應當留給自己。

B. 最終內容比文法重要:

1. 我們文法、結構、用字再好也好不過母語人士。所以強調它們,是因為那是基本功夫,但決定文章好壞的關鍵最終是內容。

C. 確實檢查拼字:

1. 在我們念大學的年代沒有像現在WORD所提供的那種Spelling Checking,每個字都得靠自己一個一個仔細檢查。儘管如此,拼字錯誤一般都會受到老師嚴厲的指責。現在有了好的檢查機制,拼錯單字更說不過去。

2. 即使寫作方面的考試不可能讓我們檢查拼字,但平時這麼做可揪出我們可能一直拼錯卻不自知的字,對考試依舊有幫助。

D. 不要用縮寫,就是不要用:it's、I'm、don't、doesn't、haven't、I've等。

1. 所以不要用,是因為容易造成混淆。例如it's可能是it is、it was或it has; I'd可能是I would、I should、I could或I had。

2. can't也是縮寫,但不能寫成can not,應該寫成:cannot。

E. 多用單字, 少用片語,尤其不要用俗語(colloquial)和俚語(slang)。

1. 不要用像rain cats and dogs這種說法。

2. 哪些用法是俗語或俚語,好的字典都會說明。

3. 要記得,我們之所以要背片語,主要是為了reading,不是為了writing。

4. 也不要用像last but not least、to put it in a nutshell或it goes without saying這種老套。這些是考學測時用來湊字數的,但在真正的英文寫作中則不討好。

5. 簡化是寫作的核心原則。也就是說,能用片語表達的就不要用句子,能用單字的就不要用片語。

F. 不要寫太複雜的句子:

1. 無論是誰,把句子寫得越複雜就越容易出錯。

2. powerful sentence經常都是short and simple sentence。

G. 除非你確定對方知道你的意思,否則不要輕易用it、they、them、this、that、these、those等不夠清楚明確的代名詞。

1. 當然也不能矯枉過正,比如你前一句才剛提過的名詞(尤其是比較複雜的敘述),自然要用代名詞取代,否則就顯得累贅。例如以Contemporary Taiwanese Music 為題的文章,每次提到時都要這麼寫一次當然奇怪,自然得和it一類的代名詞交互使用。

H. 不要用容易讓你的讀者困惑的字:

1. 例如:「有禮貌的」就用polite, 不要用civil。

I. 不要太害怕重複(repetition)。

1. 有些重複是不可避免或甚至必要的。例如主題是「大學」,我們除了用university或college之外,還能變出什麼戲法嗎?

2. 除了不用過於害怕重複之外,更積極的作法是擴大同意字的思維。同意字絕對不是死板板地careful = cautious或decide = determine那樣一個字對應一個字。例如「年輕人」除了說成young people之外,也可以表示成:young adults、individuals in the 18-to-34 age group或18-to-34-year-olds。最後兩個說法有些累贅,但假如young people已經用過太多次,它們絕對是可以代用的。

J. 在寫論說文(尤其是有點說教的文章)時,不要用you,要改用one或we,以免你的讀者認為你在指導他或訓他而感到不舒服。

1. 假如是寫給西方人、老師或其他長輩看的文章就更要注意這點。

2. 不過,當寫類似教人「如何…」一類的文章時則要用you。從這裡,我們也能進一步了解為什麼論說文不適合輕易用you的原因,因為這麼一來可能讓讀者感覺你是在「教」他們。

3. 此外,書信、日記等也很適合用you。就像中文「我跟你說喔」那樣,讀者會覺得你把他視為好朋友,要和他分享祕密和經驗。

K. 避免用過於簡單的陳述:

1. 例1:避免用thing表示「事情」,應改用business、matter或affair。其中,affair強調比較負面或駭人的事情。

I don't talk to my employer about private matters.

I don't know this business.

The whole affair was a farce/ disaster.

「事情」這個先行詞甚至可以完全被排除,由what取而代之。例如「我妹妹最愛做的事情是購物」即使說成"The activity my sister likes to do best is shopping"都不夠好,應說:

•What my sister likes to do most is shopping.

2. 例2:避免用make或let表示「使…」。

a. 如果是正面或中性的事情應用allow或enable。

Past experiences allowed/ enabled her to get the desired job.

b. 不少負面敘述都有直接相關的動詞可以使用,例如「他的話讓我生氣」說成"His remarks made me angry"就過於簡單,應直接用表示「激怒」的動詞enrage或irritate等,也可以用被動be angered by的形式。

His remarks irritated/ enraged/ displeased me.

I was angered by his remarks.

3. 避免用thing、make或let等不只是因為它們過於簡單,更主要的是,這麼一來我們就會不自覺地一用再用,成為一種慣性,進而疏於在遣詞用字方面力求精進。

L. 因為東西是你寫的,基本上讀者已經認定整篇文章就是你的個人觀點。所以,就不要再用I think, In my opinion, I consider等等表示「我認為」的說法,尤其更不應該出現"In my opinion, I think..."這樣的敘述,這是徹徹底底的中式英文 -「就我的看法,我認為…」。

M. 在比較正式的文章寫作中,不要用5個英文字母連起來的maybe表示「或許」,而要改用perhaps、probably、may等等。同樣地,更不能隨便用非常不正式的網路英文(ASAP、U、supermoved)。

N. 不要用大寫的And和But開始一個新的句子。

O. 把越多的句子用逗點連結起來,就越容易發生錯誤,也更會讓看你文章的人抓狂,絕對要避免。

P. 除了以下4種詞類之外,標題每個字的第一個字母都需要大寫:

1. 介係詞

2. 冠詞

3. 不定詞

4. 連接詞


5. 所以,寫標題時不要以字的長短判斷應否大寫。

a. through和between很長,但它們是介係詞,所以要小寫。

b. up很短,但它是副詞,所以要大寫。

c. 如果有這麼一個作文題目,應該怎麼正確大小寫呢?

a few ways through which one is able to climb up the mountain of success and happiness

Q. 除非是寫定義性質的段落,例如「論友誼」或「論命運」等,否則不應該花篇幅定義標題。例如寫My Family,就不應該多此一舉定義什麼叫做family。這麼做浪費篇幅是小,更大的問題是可能給人充字數和灌水的感覺,得不償失。

R. 不要用太深奧或未經查證的單字:在我那個年代,用深奧單字都未必討好。現在網路科技這麼發達,誰鍵盤敲兩下都能敲出神奇的單字,深奧單字就更不討好。

S. 結論不要硬套上一些美美的句子。如果做結論之前沒有對應的例子和細節,這些美美的句子是一點用都沒有的,甚至顯得突兀。

T. 不要動不動就用always。英文always所代表的頻率幾乎接近百分之百,所以中文才會翻譯成「總是」。很明顯地,天底下沒有那麼多的always,比較多的肯定是usually、often或frequently。





Is a good idea to do volunteer works. (缺主詞)

Students never too busy to help others. (缺動詞)



Stop that!

Listen carefully!

Birds fly.


1. A teacher who is liked by all of her students and whose ways of teaching are recognized by all of her colleagues. (22 words)

這個字組缺的是包括動詞在內的述語部份。A teacher是主詞,其後是兩個修飾 teacher的形容詞子句。其中一個是who is liked by all of her students,另一個是whose ways of teaching are recognized by all of her colleagues。只要補足述語,句子就能完整。方法很多,只要結構正確、文意合理就行。例如:

...may not be quite available.

...should get a prize for such excellence.

...can feel proud of herself.

2. Who you saw on the street yesterday is my father. (10 words)

這是和第一句相反的情況。述語有了,是句末的is my father。可是,形容詞子句 Who you saw on the street yesterday該有個修飾的對象(也就是主詞)不見了。 完整句子的方式很簡單,只要加個主詞就可以:

The man who you saw on the street yesterday is my father.

3. Among all the poems written by the poet who has been considered to be the literary genius. (17 words)

就是前面提過主、動詞都沒有的字組。它儘管長,但其實就只是一個類似in the tree、on the desk或under the car等一類的介系詞片語。Among the poems是這個片語的核心字串,written by the poet是過去分詞片語,修飾poems。接著從who到最後這一大串又是修飾poet的形容詞子句。由此可知,假如in the tree、on the desk、under the car是沒有主詞和動詞的介系詞片語,among all the poems當然也是。完整句子的方式同樣很多:

..., I like this one best.

..., this one is the worst.

..., only two or three concern love.

4. Although he was handsome, got a very good job, and had a rich, beautiful wife. (15 words)

這是我的英文寫作課中出現頻率頗高的fragment。相信多數人都知道當寫一個由 When...、Because...、If...、Although...等所引導的附屬子句時,子句之後或之前得有主要子句。如果附屬子句在前,後面需有逗點;要是主要子句在前,則需一路把句子寫完再加句點。但當我們寫了一個長長的附屬子句時,往往會不自覺地用句點結束句子。所以,上句的解決方式有:

..., John desired more.

..., the young man was not happy.

..., John was quite worried about his health and thought that he might die young.


Incorrect: The boy got punished by the teacher. Because he was late for school again.

Incorrect: Because he was late for school again. The boy got punished by the teacher.


Correct: The boy got punished by the teacher because he was late for school again.

第二例反過來,是附屬子句+主要子句的句型。這時,需把again後面的句點去掉,加逗點,the boy小寫:

Correct: Because he was late for school again, the boy got punished by the teacher.

5. Late in the evening walking with her dog on the main street that was very crowded and had many large shops. (21 words)

印象中這種錯誤在我的教學經驗中不常出現,可能因為多數人對分詞構句不夠熟悉 ,因此不敢輕易使用。這種保守也許是對的。因為即使我們知道應該在這個分詞片語之後加一個主要子句,也還得考慮子句的主詞和現在分詞walking所隱含的主詞是否一致的問題,如果兩個主詞不一致,句子依舊是錯的。所以,保守一點的確比較好。

另一方面,既然這是可能的fragment,所以還是值得稍做說明。字組中有個人在走路,而且確定是女性(with her dog),that was到最後又是一個長長的形容詞子句 ,修飾street。沒啦!這位女性是誰?處此情境她的心情又如何?等等這些,我們都不得而知。完整的方式有:

..., the girl felt very lonely.

..., Helen did not know where to go.

..., the old lady hoped that she could find her son.


..., a little boy was looking everywhere to find his mother.

相信聰明的讀者一定猜得到,縱使我們不知道誰是字組中真正的主詞,但至少一定是女性,怎麼也不可能變成a little boy。



To Repeat or Not to Repeat-細說英文中的避免重複問題

A. 有些重複不只不可避免,甚至是必要的:


Undoubtedly, many of the differences traditionally believed to exist between the sexes are based on stereotypes. But despite this, evidence from recent brain research indicates that many behavioral differences between men and women are based on differences in brain functioning that are biologically inherent and unlikely to be modified by cultural factors alone.

這個小段落出自"The Other Difference between Boys and Girls"一文。文章中,神經學家Richard Restak綜合各方和他自己的研究,主張男女因腦部結構不同而影響身心機能的發展與表現。因此,教育制度和考試方式應當因應這樣的差異而有所調整,以達到真正的公平。由此可知,「不同」(differences)是全文的關鍵點之一,適度地重複不僅難以避免,而且必要。


I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and change of scene.

以上段落出自一篇同樣叫做"I Want a Wife"的文章。文章中,作者Judy Syfers用詼諧、誇張和反諷的筆觸,包裹著她強烈的女性主義訴求。筆法當中,也包括I want a wife的不斷重複。藉著這樣的重複,Syfers像是在對父系傳統孕育下的男性讀者提出質問:假如大家光是「讀」這篇文章就覺得煩,那麼得在這樣的體系下「做」妻子的女人又該如何耐煩呢?考量作者這樣的寫作目的,I want a wife的不斷重複無疑地具有加分效果。但仍得再一次強調,無端的重複是該盡量避免的。

B. 適時地應用助動詞與代名詞避免重複:



Despite his prominence and the respect in which he was held by his fellow Catholics, Karol Jozef Wojtyla's election as Pope John Paul II came as a surprise. "I was afraid to receive this nomination," he told the crowd. "But I did it in the spirit of obedience to our Lord and in the total confidence in His mother, the most holy Madonna."

在這段敘述中,已故教宗若望保祿二世告訴群眾,儘管戰戰兢兢,但基於對主的服從和對聖母瑪利亞的信靠,他決定承擔聖職。所以,斜體字did it就是早先提到過的receive this nomination。


A connection between animal behavior and earthquakes could be made, but not all earthquakes cause unusual animal behavior while others do.

這句說的是動物行為與地震之間或許存在著因果關係。然而,並非所有的地震都會引發動物的不尋常行為,儘管某些地震的確會。那麼,斜體字do代表的是哪個或哪些字呢?我聽到了,你說指的是cause unusual animal behavior。答對了,聰明!另外,還得注意這裡的others是指other earthquakes。尤其要注意句中的while是「雖然」、「儘管」的意思,這是很常見的用法。

C. 英文中的「隱形重複」問題:

有些英文用法,表面上並未重複先前提過的字或字串,但從語意或字根字首的角度說,它們算是某種形式的重複。這種情況,英文稱為redundancy,也就是「冗贅」或「多餘」的意思。以下是一些redundancy的常見例子。由於嚴格說來這些情況不算是文法錯誤,只是太過累贅,所以我說它們是Not Good,而不說是Incorrect。

1.Not Good: He is a man who is brave.


Better: He is a brave man.

Better: He is a man of bravery.

2. total就是總數,所以「6個男孩」不要說a total of 6 boys,直接說6 boys就行。

3.Not Good: The old lady lives alone by herself.

alone就是by oneself,兩者只能選一個用。

Better: The old lady lives alone.

Better: The old lady lives by herself.

4.Not Good: She is an extroverted/ introverted girl.


Better: She is an extrovert/ introvert.

5. cooperate中的co-是表示「共同」、「互相」或「一起」等的字首,所以單單說cooperate就好,不要說cooperate together。

6.Not good: This shirt is green/ red/ blue in color.

大家都能夠知道green等就是顏色,所以再加上in color自屬多餘。

Better: This shirt is green/ red/ blue.

7. 不要說personally, I think/ feel。因為大家一看到I think/ feel就知道我們要發表個人觀點,自然不用再說personally。

8. 同樣地,personal opinion/ view等也是冗贅的敘述,因為opinion和view所陳述的也是個人看法:

Her opinions are usually based on facts.

In my opinion/ view, you are wrong.

9. re-是字首again的意思,所以「再說一次」不要說repeat again,應該 說repeat或say again。

10. 除了again之外,re-也有back的意思。所以return back明顯畫蛇添足,應該說return/ come back/ go back。

When do you come/ return home?

He has returned/ gone back to Taipei.

11. 如同提到green等就不要再說in color,說了small/ large就不要再說in size,說了square/ round/ rectangular就不要再說in shape。

Not Good: This house is small/ large in size.

Better: This house is small/ large.

Not Good: This table is square/ round/ rectangular in shape.

Better: This table is square/ round/ rectangular.

12. 因為summarize是「做摘要」,摘要自然是簡單明瞭,所以不要說summarize briefly,說summarize就可以。

13. 「包圍」當然是從四面八方團團圍住,所以說surrounded就好,說surrounded on all sides是沒有道理的。

14. 由於circum-是字首round(環繞),所以surrounding circumstances是不對的,應該說circumstances。

15.Not Good: She began to write her own autobiography.


She began to write her own biography.

She began to write her autobiography.

Better: She began to write her biography.



在「單字與閱讀 (一)」中,我們曾提到一個常見且重要的英文句構,還說有機會要細說。那個句型是:A is no/ not any more than B-A和B都不…。例子是:Tom does not believe in Islam any more than John does.(Tom和John都不信伊斯蘭教)


He is not handsome any more than his wife is beautiful. (他不帥,他老婆也不漂亮)

Eating pizza and playing soccer doesn't make us Italian, any more than drinking Coke or playing baseball turns the Japanese into Americans. (日本人不會因為喝可樂或打棒球就變成美國人,我們美國人也不會由於吃pizza和踢足球就變成義大利人)

He wrote no more beautiful poetry than a 9-year-old boy could. (他寫不出美麗的詩篇,就像一個9歲孩子寫不出來一樣)(如果他能寫,一個9歲大的孩子也寫得出)

He is no more fit to be a President than a schoolboy would be. (假如他能當總統,小學生也能)(兩個都不能)

No one has any more of a choice to be gay than to be black or white or male or female. (會不會成為同性戀不是我們所能決定的,就像我們無法選擇膚色或性別一樣)

I should no more like to be without a cat than to be without a dog. (我喜歡貓,也喜歡狗)(原來的否定「都不喜歡」有了without轉為雙重否定變肯定「都喜歡」)




John is poor, but/ yet he is happy.

Although/ Though/ While/ Whereas John is poor, he is happy.

John is happy although/ though he is poor.

John is happy, while/ whereas he is poor. (注意句中逗點的使用)

Despite/ In spite of/ For all John's poverty, he is happy.

John is happy despite/ in spite of/ for all his poverty.

Poor as John is, he is happy.

John is poor; however/ nevertheless, he is happy.




He becomes increasingly selfish.

He studies increasingly hard.

假如是「越來越多的…」後面接可數的複數名詞,則要用一個關鍵的表達方式a growing number of:

A growing number of people like traveling abroad.

A growing number of rivers in Taiwan have been seriously polluted.




He said (that) he had learned English many years.

起初,我覺得這個句子是錯的,因為我認為many years前面要有個for:

He said (that) he had learned English for many years.








1. hopefully:這個字可以翻譯成為「如果運氣好的話」。在英文的表達中假如不用hopefully,就得這麼說:if the hope succeeds;it is to be hoped that…;if it's lucky enough。

Hopefully, I will finish my paper this weekend.

Hopefully, we will be there by this time tomorrow.

2. arguably:強調我們所提出的主張或論點有充分理由做為支持(there are good reasons why something might be true)。

He is arguably the greatest playwright of our country. (說他是我國最偉大的劇作家是有充分道理的)

He is arguably the best driver of his generation.

Arguably, war is inevitable. (我們)有理由說戰爭(永遠)無法避免。

3. seemingly:意思是某人、事、物表面看起來是這樣,但事實可能是,也可能不是,且不是的機率明顯較高。例如要表示John表面看起來誠實,但其實並不誠實,如果不用seemingly,就得說成:

On the face of it, John is honest. However, he is not.

John is honest in appearance but dishonest in reality.


John is seemingly honest.


Star Wars is a seemingly simple story of good versus evil.

The new minister was faced with a seemingly impossible task.

Alice was standing in the street, seemingly oblivious to the rain.

To Jason, life was a seemingly endless journey.

Some seemingly good luck brings us nothing but trouble.

The employer seemingly agreed with the employees' request for a raise of salaries.

He worked seemingly hard.

4. vice versa:當有並陳的兩種說法,且後一種和前一種正好相反時,第二種說法之前就可以用拉丁字vice versa(反之亦然)。由於有兩種說法並陳,且被省略的顯然也是句子,所以vice versa之前需要有逗點和對等連接詞,連接詞通常是and,也有可能是or或but。

Last year, the sun almost scorched the fields when farmers desired rain, and vice versa. (vice versa代表的是當農夫們需要好天氣時反而狂下雨)

People who love dogs often dislike cats and vice versa. (vice versa代表的是愛貓人通常不愛狗)

You clean the house and I cook, or vice versa. (或者是你煮飯,我打掃房子)

We thought that Tom would kill John, but vice versa. (但結果是John把Tom給殺了)

5. backfire:意思是某件事情的結果和原來期待的正好相反(to have an effect opposite to the one intended)。如果句子的上下文夠清楚,相關的因果也不一定要說明。

His plan to get rich backfired, and he lost all his money. (he lost all his money可以不提)

Jack's wish to marry Ann backfired. (Jack可能不只沒有娶到Ann,甚至連朋友也做不成呢!)

The company's policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit. (公司原來的政策顯然是要拉攏員工,卻不幸適得其反)


approve/ approve of差很大


只要一翻字典,誰都能馬上知道approve of是對人、事、物的正面肯定或認同,也就是「贊成」。但這純粹是一種個人的意見表達,並不能改變什麼。

I don't approve of smoking.

Nobody approves of selfish people.


Legislators did not approve the government's plan of increasing the income tax.

The mayor approved the proposal to build a new bridge.

問題是,要怎麼把上面說的這些用法差別牢牢地放在心中,永遠不跑掉呢?這應該也不難。我們或許可以這麼想:因為我們只是一些small potato,為了讓說出來的話多點份量,就得請of出來壯一下聲勢,安慰一下自己。相反地,那些在上位者令出能行必行,要通過什麼就能通過,哪裡需要of來湊熱鬧?因此,儘管approve/ approve of差很大,用錯會鬧笑話,但想清楚了就不怕。還有還有,下次您若有幸碰到蔡總統,可千萬別跟她這麼說喔:

Dear President, I totally approve what you have said and done.


Come in Time/ Come on Time,哪個到得比較早?


在學英文的過程中,我們或許都問過自己類似上述的問題,而且也可能不只問過一次。有趣的是,我們卻很少去尋求這個問題的解答,儘管他並不難辦到。究其原因,應該是我們認為只要知道on time是準時、in time是及時就夠了,就算對這個問題有了交代。我自己,也是這樣的人之一。

從定義說,這兩個片語之間並不存在早晚的問題。因為in time的意思是early or soon enough-來得及或趕得上(做某事、參與某活動等)。一旦沒有in time而錯過某事就可能在一段期間無法彌補(如例1和例3)或甚至永遠無法彌補(如例4)。即使沒有錯不錯過的問題,意義也往往大不同。如例2,沒有in time回家吃晚餐還是可以照樣吃,但自己一個人吃與和家人一起吃的氛圍總是不一樣。不過,儘管不in time可能造成無法挽回的結果,但因為他通常用來指私領域的事情,所以大體上說並沒有法律或道德層面的問題。

至於on time的意思則是at the right time-準時或按時。相較於in time、on time經常涉及公眾事務,也因此較常有法律和道德的意涵。值得注意的是,on time的time不必然是某時某刻那麼特定的時間點。例如老師要學生交作業,期限是一個星期。那麼,只要在規定的那星期內交都算是「準時」。此外,沒有on time當然不好,但在大多數情形下並沒有錯不錯過的問題。例如沒有on time開會只是遲到,誤點的火車還是會來,老師通常也會接受遲交的作業等。


•He caught the train in time because it did not leave on time.

•Will you be home in time for dinner?

•The father is usually home in time to see the children before they go to bed.

•If he gets to the hospital in time, he'll be able to see his father for the last time.

•The 9:45 train to Taipei left on time.

•Three people did not come to the meeting on time this morning.

•If you don't submit the assignment on time, you will be punished by the teacher.

•We should always be on time.

我所以會開始想這個題目,完全得感謝請我家教的國一學生。假如沒有這個因緣, 我會跟很多人一樣,繼續滿足於「準時」和「及時」的說法。當然,我也可以這樣教他,因為絕大多數的老師都是這麼教的,絕大多數的文法書也只是這麼寫。





INCORRECT: Contact with me when you are free.

有一回一個朋友寫出這樣的句子,被我糾正後還很詫異地說:「我怎麼從來不知道這是不對的」之所以會錯用with,主要是受了中文的影響。因為我們會跟人家說「有空時和我聯絡。」這個「和」的概念很多時候的確是用介系詞with。contact所以不能接with並不是它特別,而是我們錯把及物動詞的contact錯認為不及物。contact 就和call(打電話)等很多及物動詞一樣,後面得直接接受詞。「有空打電話給我」說Call me when you are free. 同樣地:

CORRECT: Contact me when you are free.

因此為了永遠避免錯誤,我們應該把上句的中文翻成、記成「有空時聯絡我。」至於「跟我去」為什麼是go with me呢?原因是go為不及物動詞。試想:go me是多麼奇特的說法!即使要表示「去哪裡」,除了home、there等之外,「去」的地方之前也還要加個介系詞to。總之,一定不要硬記go後面得加with,contact不用,應著眼於動詞特性(及物或不及物)才是正途。

不過不過,英文令人討厭的例子又一樁了!儘管動詞contact後面不加with,但名詞contact卻需要(keep in/ lose contact with):

CORRECT: Let's keep in contact with each other forever and ever!

CORRECT: I've lost contact with her since graduation from college.







This medicine can cure hepatitis.

My knife wound was completely healed.

Many people say that time can heal all sorts of sorrow.

My uncle is a doctor who treats lung cancer.


一個中式英文的例子-every time when

我的作文課曾有學生寫了類似以下的句子: I feel very happy every time when I see her. (每一次當我看見她時都覺得非常開心) 

很明顯地,這是把中文「每一次當…」直接翻譯成英文every time when,是不折不扣的中式英文。事實上,every time的意思是whenever。所以說every time when就等於說whenever when,是明顯的畫蛇添足。

I feel very happy every time I see her. I feel very happy whenever I see her. 
或者:I never see her without feeling very happy. 
如果不用every time或whenever,只用when說:
I feel very happy when I see her,這麼一來不只語氣強度大為降低,更重要的是有著動詞時態的錯誤。因為這樣說會讓人覺得是在說某特定的一次見面。

假如是某特定的一次,那麼這個碰面從邏輯上說應該已經發生過,用現在簡單式也不對,得用過去式,也就是得把動詞feel和see分別改成felt和saw說:I felt very happy when I saw her.


for the sake of不等於because of

由於for the sake of的意思是「為了…的緣故」,所以有人可能會把它等同於because of。事實上,because of的適用範圍要比for the sake of大很多。一切可能的原因,不管是正面或負面都可以用。至於for the sake of所陳述的理由一般是正面的。


•She moved to Taipei for the sake of/ because of her father.

•They canceled the picnic because of (不能用for the sake of)the rain.

女生為了就近照顧或陪伴爸爸而搬到台北,動機是溫暖和貼心的,所以是for the sake of。因為下雨而不能去郊遊即使不掃興應該也很難讓人開心,所以只能用中性的because of。




這事情是這樣:我問他們,應該說I hardly can speak English或I can hardly speak English。

如果把hardly視為副詞,那麼我們知道副詞在句子中的位子較有彈性,所以嚴格說來兩個位子都可以。尤其從中文的角度看hardly can可能更容易讓華人接受,因為「幾乎不會」嘛!哈哈哈!但可惜這是英文,所以我們要用英文的角度,因此應該說can hardly。

這個故事的重點是:既然會有中文的干擾,我們要怎麼樣確保牢記can hardly而不忘呢?有一帖萬靈藥,用了保證終生有效。那就是我們知道hardly是否定副詞所以有它就不能有not等一類的字。有人會說not can嗎?

不會,是不是?因此,只要我們記住can not多久我們就會記住can hardly多久。



說I win you就輸了



I beat my wife at tennis yesterday.

Trump beat Hillary in the 2016 American presidential election.

I won the tennis game yesterday.

Trump won the 2016 American presidential election.

如果是輸了比賽要用lose+比賽等。比賽等中輸了某人則要用lose to或be beaten by某人。

My wife lost the tennis game yesterday.

Hillary lost the 2016 American presidential election.

My wife lost to me/ was beaten by me at tennis yesterday.

Hillary lost to/ was beaten by Trump in the 2016 American presidential election.


I admit that you have won and I have lost.

Even if our team just won by one point, we still won; even if your team lost by one point only, you still lost.

註:「勝利在望」或「勝券在握」可以說成Victory is in sight或Victory is secure。

另外:win和beat都可以用片語by a large margin修飾,指「大勝」;用by a small margin修飾,意為「險勝」。

The athlete beat (defeated) his opponent by a large margin.

Our team won (the match) by a small margin.




  1. ignore是指刻意地不理睬。這種不理睬有時是必要的,也有可能出於惡意,例如:

•To avoid giving babies a wrong hint, we may sometimes ignore their cry.

•The school ignored the students' requests to hire more teachers and purchase more books.

  1. neglect是無意識或無心的忽略,有時意思很接近forget。此外,它也指在工作或職責方面的疏忽。例如:

•The public neglected his genius for many years.

•He neglected to return the call.

•She tends to neglect the household chores.

  1. 重點來了,要怎麼牢記這兩個字的不同呢?其實很簡單!當今這個時代很少人沒用過電腦。當電腦要我們忽略某個步驟或程序時會用哪個字呢?IGNORE!因為電腦要使用者「刻意的忽視」。好幾次上課我教學生這麼記,得到的反應都非常好。所以,祝福有緣讀到這篇文章的人也同樣和我慈濟大學的學生一樣,永遠和ignore與neglect的用法困擾說再見!



由於in主要的意思是「把…涵蓋在內」,因此我們很容易用他來表示「在一段時間內」,但in的這種用法幾乎只出現在非未來式的句子中。在未來式中,in的意思是「在某段時間的最後」。假如我們要說的是在未來某段時間內,應用介系詞within。至於如果用介系詞after呢?他主要用來敘述一種時間、事情或計畫的次序。相對於in、after用來表示若干時間之後將要發生的事則比較不明確,所以經常用在after a while這個片語中。


She learned Chinese in four years. (她在四年內學會中文)

It was amazing how much we managed to do in a day! (我們在一天之內能夠做這麼多事,真神奇)

It's 10:30 now, I'll be back in 30 minutes. (現在是10:30,我會在30分鐘後(11點)回來)

It's 10:30 now, I'll be back after 30 minutes. (多半11點回來,也不無可能在晚一些)

It's 10:30 now, I'll be back within 30 minutes. (最慢11點前會回來)

You'll get used to it after a while.

After five minutes, check the pizza in the oven.

They will return the day after tomorrow.

We will leave after breakfast.

The party begins after the ceremony.





A. marry

1. A和B結婚要說A married B或A was (got) to B。被動時這個介系詞to要特別注意。另外,marry可接受詞,也可以不接。

John married/ was married to/ got married to Mary.

John married Mary.

John was married to/ got married to Mary.

John will marry Mary or nobody. (John非Mary莫娶)

Mary will marry John or nobody. (Mary非John莫嫁)

John married late in life. (John晚年才結婚)

John never married. (John終身未婚)


2. marry還有兩個意思:一是「為…主持婚禮」,二是「把…嫁人」或「為…娶妻」。

A former teacher married John and Mary.

John's father married him to Mary.

Mary's mother married her to John.


B. divorce

1. 和marry一樣,divorce可以用主動與被動,但用被動時的句型是be/ get divorced from。同樣的,它也可以不接受詞。此外,divorce也用來指第三者使夫妻離婚。

Mary divorced/ was divorced from/ got divorced from John.

Mary and John divorced (each other) last month.

The court divorced Mary and John.


2. 動詞之外,divorce也用作名詞。

Some religions do not allow divorce.

Mary obtained a divorce after years of domestic violence.

It is much easier to get a divorce than it used to be.


「訂婚」要以be engaged的方式表達,其後可接介系詞to。

John and Mary are engaged.

John is engaged to Mary.

注:「一對怨偶」叫an ill-assorted couple;「一對佳偶」稱a well-assorted couple。


不是My Friend喔!


My friend and I went to the movies yesterday.

問題出在my friend,因為在正常的情況下我們不會只有一個朋友。所以,明顯較 好的寫法是:

A friend (of mine) and I went to the movies yesterday.

不只單數my friend,嚴格說來複數my friends都有欠精準。因為,當我們提到朋友時,通常不會指全部。所以,some friends of mine是比較合理的說法。由此可以推知,縱使真的要指所有朋友也應該說all friends of mine.

Some friends of mine encouraged me to study abroad.

All friends of mine treat me well.


My friend Lisa and I went to the movies yesterday.

這樣說沒問題,因為句中的my friend不是別人,是專指Lisa。假如作者是在敘述 前一天和Lisa的互動。那麼,接著他可能會這麼寫:

After the movie, we walked home. Suddenly, a dog rushed out of a house, barking angrily. My friend was frightened to death.

作者所以這麼寫,是因為讀者已經知道my friend指的是誰。不過,作者比較可能的寫法是:Lisa was frightened to death.

可是,我們不是經常說my cat、my dog嗎?那是因為只養一隻貓或一隻狗是比較常見的情況。再看兩個句子:

Yes, this is my book.

I lost a book on the bus.

我們通常有很多本書,為什麼第一句用my,第二句用a呢?第一句的情境可能是A撿到一本書,問是不是B的,於是B做了以上的回答。何況,單從this也可以讓我們知道那是指特定的一本,跟先前my friend Lisa的道理一樣。至於第二句,說話者並沒有說他在公車上弄丟的書究竟是哪一本,理論上他更不可能只有一本書,自然要用a book。




The Arabic numeral 10354 is a number of five digits/figures.



隨便說吧,下面提到的我的3個特質你知道嗎?假如你早就知道,那我真的很開心; 如果你現在才知道也沒關係,只要幫我多多宣傳,我還是一樣很高興的喔!

  1. 你們可以把我放在一個英文句子的最前面,這時候我的意思就會變成among。同時呢,這種句子經常會有一個最高級的形容詞。

•Of all students in this class, Lisa is the most diligent.

•Of all the current technology, smart phones have probably had the greatest influence on daily life.

•Of the 30 students who responded to the survey, 21 admit to regular television viewing.

•Of these 21 students, 16 have difficulty in class because they often do not complete their assignments on time.

  1. 小心!下面這個句子是錯的喔!
    Incorrect: These two books are the same type.
    為什麼不對?因為裡面沒有我啦,哈哈!不過不過,這絕對不是我愛現,而是它真的需要我。我想很多人一定聽說過主詞補語這玩意兒。它和主詞的關係很像雙胞胎,彼此可以互換所扮演的角色。但上面這個句子的主詞是書,補語卻是type。type是書的類型(比如小說、傳記什麼的),不是書。the same type(同類型的)在這裡的功能是形容詞,進一步告訴我們這是兩本什麼樣的書。它就好像"These two books are interesting"中的interesting一樣,都不是主詞books的雙胞胎姊妹,而是在形容主詞。說到這裡,相信你們這些我最親愛的朋友、最最聰明的粉絲一定已經知道該怎麼辦了。沒錯,請我幫忙就對啦!

Correct: These two books are of the same type.

•These two shirts are of the same color. 

•The four ropes are of different lengths. 

•The three houses are of the same size. 

•Jane and Lucy are of the same age. 

•The matter is of considerable importance.

•These two books are (books) of the same type.

•These two shirts are (shirts) of the same color.

•The four ropes are (ropes) of different lengths.

•These two books are novels.

•These two books are Harry Potter and The Little Prince.

無論是第一句中的novels還是第二句的Harry Potter and The Little Prince都明確指出這兩本書究竟是什麼書,無庸置疑是它們的雙胞胎姊妹,所以是對的句子。

  1. 當朋友們想對自己或別人所作的事情做評論時,我又有用啦,哈哈!大家可以套用下面的句型:
    It is / was + 形容詞 + of +人(所評論的對象) + 不定詞片語(所評論的事情/真正的主詞)

•It was very kind of you to say so.

•It is stupid of me to go out without a coat in such cold weather.

•It is very annoying of the school to have practiced the after-midnight light control.

•How good of you to lend me your car!


When "Pay for?" When "Pay?" 從此搞定

相信很多人都知道要用英文表示「付」所買東西的錢要用pay for。例如pay for the book/ for these vegetables/ for the fruit等等。但是,看看下面兩個句子:

•I have to pay for the service.

I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal.


If you want to go to London, I will pay the traveling expenses.

Let me pay the bill this time.

He broke a traffic rule and had to pay a fine.

The landlord reminded me that it's time to pay the rent.

How much income tax do you pay?

要釐清pay與pay for的用法並不困難。對於我們買的或享用的東西就得有for。我們可以把它想成那是因為我們為了(for)某種東西、享受或服務而付錢(pay)。至於bill, rent, tax, expenses等都是「錢」的概念,只不過沒有明白說出是多少而已,其實它的道理就好像pay 5000 dollars一樣,自然不需要for。bill(帳款)等是要給出去的,不是拿來享受的,所以不用for。也就是說,我們pay for所享用的餐點或服務。bill不是我們享用的東西,而是一種面對消費結果和事實的提醒,如何能pay for呢?


「最近」看過recently、lately或these days嗎?

  1. 從語意方面說,recently指不久前才發生的一件事,也可以和until連用,指本來持續的一種狀態到了前些日子才告一段落。就用法上說,除未來式之外,recently 幾乎可用於各種時態,但最常出現在過去式的句子中。用在完成式的recently有時也可以換成lately。

•The company recently opened a branch in New York.

•Tom recently bought a secondhand car.

•A new species of bird was recently discovered in Egypt.

•Until recently we had a female doctor. (那位女醫師在不久前已經離開)

•He was until very recently the most powerful banker in the city.

•We lived in Taipei until quite recently. We just recently moved to Tainan.

•The president has recently returned from a tour of South America.

•Howard has recently/ lately been promoted to assistant manager.

•It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the event.

  1. 相較於recently,lately的使用就顯得受限許多。語意方面,它描述的是從不久前開始「直到現在」依舊持續或無法持續的某種情況。至於使用時機,它則幾乎只能置於完成式的情境中。

•I've been really busy lately, so I haven't been out much.

•Lately, my wife has had trouble sleeping.

•Dad's health hasn't been too good lately.

•There hasn't been much in the news lately.

•I haven't been feeling so well lately.

•Have you been doing anything interesting lately?

•A: Have you talked to Helen lately? B: Yes, I recently (NOT lately) talked to her.

•Howard has lately/ recently been promoted to assistant manager. The Board recently (NOT lately) promoted him.

•"Have you been to the seashore lately?" "No, we haven't been there lately."

  1. these days是較不正式的用語,通常用於現在簡單式的句子中,描述某種有別於過去的目前趨勢、現象或習慣等,且這種趨勢或習慣可能將繼續一段相當的時間。

•The price of houses is so high these days, so they decide to rent an apartment.

•These days kids grow up so quickly.

•My father used to drive to work every day, but these days he usually rides his bike.


so和so that已經不一樣

在比較早的用法當中,so that可以等於so,意思是「所以」。但現在的so that多半不這麼用,而是用作表目的的附屬連接詞,等於in order that,中文可以說成「為了…」或「以便…」。so還是原本「所以」的意思,是表示結果的對等連接詞。

•She got up early so that she could catch the train. (她早起以便搭上火車 )(不能用so)

She got up early, so she caught the train. (她起得早,所以趕上火車)(不能用so that)


some time/ sometime別搞我

或許不少人對什麼時候該用some time和sometime感到困擾。期待看了這篇文章之後,這種困擾永遠成為過去。

首先,或許我們應該建立一個有用的英文學習觀念,那就是絕對不是長得很像的字或片語就真的那麼難以分辨。某種程度上,這也許是寫文法書的人在有意無意之間為我們營造的印象和錯覺,因為這麼一來才能突顯他們書的特色。就像之前一篇文章提過的a number of和the number of,一旦仔細思考和理解,就能很清楚地知道它們很不一樣,根本無須硬記死背。

同樣地,some time和sometime也沒有那麼不易釐清。事實上,some time就只是some再加上一個不確定數量的不可數名詞,好比some money、some water、some sugar那樣,some和time之間當然得空格。簡單說,some time就是「一些時間」,可能是20分鐘、3天、5個月等等。不知道多長多久,就是「一些時間」。

Are you coming? I have been waiting for you for some time.

It took me some time to finish the work.

Please give me some time to consider the matter.

至於sometime,它是指某個未明確指出的時間點,例如是昨天、下星期三、去年五月、2008年等。一個時間點是一個整體,是一個整體就不應該被分斷,就好像我們不能把yesterday、Tuesday和July這些字分開一樣。另外,sometime之後通常會再加一個時間副詞,用來說明是一段較長時間範圍內的某個較短的時間點,例如sometime in January(1月份的某個時間)。

I will go to Taipei sometime next week.

I will call you sometime this afternoon.

A friend came to see me sometime yesterday.

聽!some time和sometime好像正滿腹委屈地在對我們說:「我們真的一點都不難搞!我們一點都不難搞,真的!」


PART II 主題單字





address1: a speech, especially one that has been formally prepared, made to a group of people gathered especially to listen 正式演說

Pope John Paul II delivered more than 2000 public addresses during his lifetime.


address2: (formal) to think about a problem or a situation and decide how to deal with it 解決;處理;因應

Your essay does not address the real issues.


affair: (informal) object; thing 物體;東西

Her dress is a long silky affair.

My new smart phone is an amazing affair.

The wallet my boyfriend gave me for my birthday was a fancy affair.


air1: the general character or appearance of something; appearance of, or feeling caused by, a person or place 外表;模樣;態度;氣氛

There was an air of excitement at the meeting.

The worker protested against the wrongful dismissal with the air of a man defending himself against a large group of merciless enemies.


air2: that part of a piece of music that is easily recognized and remembered; tune 曲調;歌調

He whistled an air softly to himself.


apply: to be pertinent, suitable, or relevant 適用

The theory doesn't apply.


approach: a manner or method of doing something 方法

That critic's approach to the poem is quite different from anyone else's.

This is a new approach to teaching languages.


arms: weapons of war 武器

One question with which China's high-ranking leaders are preoccupied may be whether China will be able to take the place of supremacy without any country resorting to arms.

Arms control is an issue that literally concerns everyone in the world.


balance: money or something else which remains or is left over 餘數;餘額

My bank balance is not very large any more.

May I take the balance of my holidays before the end of November. (我是否可在11月底之前把假休完?)


ball: a large, formal dancing party 正式舞會

Mary was the most beautiful and admired girl at the ball last night.


bid (for): to make a formal offer to do (something), fulfill (a contract), etc., at a certain price for acceptance; tender for 投標(做某事)

Four firms bid for the contract on the new school.

China and America agreed to bid jointly for global oil projects on which they had previously been competing.


blind: a covering, especially one made of cloth, that can be rolled up and down to cover a window inside a building 窗簾

He walked to the window and raised the blind.


build: shape and size, especially of the human body 體格;體型

The athlete has a powerful build.

We are of the same build.


calling: a strong desire or feeling of duty to do a particular job; vocation 對某項工作的強烈愛好或使命感;天職

My son had a calling to become a priest.


career: to go at full speed; rush wildly 急馳;猛衝

The car careered uncontrollably down the hill.

He is always careering about and breaking things.


cause: a principle or movement strongly defended or supported 理想;主義;原則;運動

They worked in the cause of world peace.


caution: to warn against possible danger 警告

Tom's mother cautioned him about the harm of smoking.


celebrate: to praise (someone or something) in writing, speech, etc. 頌揚

Various great heroes are highly celebrated in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

Few poets never write poems that celebrate the joys of love.


champion1: to support strongly 擁護;支持

The crowd declared that no matter what obstacle they encountered, they would champion the principles of liberty and democracy.


champion2: a person who fights for, supports strongly, or defends a principle, movement, person, etc. 鬥士

We should be champions of justice.


civil: polite 有禮貌的

Try to be civil to her, even if you don't like her.

The boy gave me a civil reply.

Can't you be civil?


class: the fact that there are different social groups with different social and political positions and points of view 階級

In ancient China, class was of great importance in the matter of marriage.


colony: a group of the same kind of animals or plants living or growing together in close association 一群(同類的動植物)

A large colony of ants rushed out of their hole.


colors: the official flag of a country, ship, part of the army, etc. 旗幟(國旗、軍艦旗、 軍旗)

The general was proud that his men had taken the enemy colors in battle.

I am always ready to serve the colors.


confidence: a secret; some personal matter told secretly to somebody else 秘密;心裡話

The two girls told each other confidences about their boyfriends.


concern: a business; firm 公司;商店

Our concern only makes shoes for children.


consequence: (formal) importance 重要性

It is of much consequence to me that the government has lost the election.


constitution: the general condition of a person's body or mind 身心狀況

He is still under a weak constitution because he has just recovered from a serious illness.


count: to have merit, importance, value 有價值;有用;有重要性

Every bit of help counts.

You really count with me.

That serious illness has brought home to him that health counts.

The moral of this story is that every hour counts and therefore we should make the most of time.

It is not how much you read but how much you understand that counts.


counter: to oppose; move or act in opposition to (something) 反對;駁回

My employer countered my request for more money by threatening to dismiss me.


course: (of liquid) to flow or move rapidly (指液體)奔流

Tears coursed down her cheeks.

The lady's pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.


court: (of a man) to spend time with or pay attention to a woman one hopes to marry (指男性對女性)追求

Please teach me some tips to court a girl.


crop: (of an animal) to bite off and eat the tops of (grass, plants, etc.) (動物)吃草

The sheep cropped the grass short.


culture: the practice of raising animals and growing plants or crops 培育;培植;栽培

Bee culture is highly developed in this area.

Silkworm culture is not as profitable as before.

The culture of this uncommon flower is increasing in Taiwan.


custom: the habitual practice of a person 習慣

His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath every morning.


date: to be no longer fashionable; to make somebody or something appear old-fashioned 過時;退流行;(指人)顯得老氣

This type of music is beginning to date.

Her clothes date her.


deserts: something deserved, especially bad or painful 應得的懲罰

No matter how shamelessly the gangster behaves now, everybody believes that he will sooner or later get his just deserts.


develop1: to start to have a disease or illness 罹患(疾病)

The study showed that one in twelve women is likely to develop breast cancer.


develop2: to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals 沖洗照片

These photographs haven't developed very well.


divine: (literary) to discover or guess something 察覺;猜測

Somehow the children had divined that he was lying.


drive1: a basic or instinctive need 本能的需求

Hunger, thirst, and sex are among the strongest human drives.


drive2: a strong well-planned effort by a group (某一團體為達成某項特殊目的所用心籌劃並發起的運動)

The club is having a membership drive.


drive3: a forceful quality of mind or spirit that gets things done 幹勁;活力

Although she is over seventy, my grandmother remains to be a woman of great drive.

He's clever, but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.


ear: the head of a grain-producing plant, such as wheat or corn, used for food (稻子、小麥等穀物的)穗

Dropping ears of rice promise another good harvest.


effect: (formal) to cause, produce, or have as a result 實現

I will effect my purpose; no one can stop me!


effects: (formal or law) belongings; personal property 財產

The kind lady donated most of her effects to the charity.


elements: the weather, especially bad weather (壞)天氣

In spite of the terrible storm he walked on, quite regardless of the elements.


end: an aim or purpose 目的;目標

He wants to buy a house, and is saving money to/ for this end.


entertain1: (formal) to be willing to consider or accept (an idea, doubt, suggestion, etc.) 願意考慮或接受

The entrepreneur never entertained the possibility of bankruptcy.


entertain2: to keep in the mind (thoughts or feelings); cherish; harbor 心裡懷著(某種想法或情感)

He entertains a strong intention to revenge his dead brother in the future.

She could never entertain the idea of living in the country.


exact: to demand and obtain by force, threats, etc. 苛求;強求

The master exacted unconditional obedience from his servants.


exercise1: the use of a power or right (力量、權利的)運用

You can only understand this poem by the exercise of imagination.

By the exercise of his influence over the manager, John got his son a wellpaid job in the company.


exercise2: (often plural) a movement made by soldiers, naval ships, etc., in time of peace, to practice fighting 軍事演習

100 ships left harbor today for exercises at sea.

China protested strongly against America and Japan's exercises conducted in the west Pacific waters.

Canada is already conducting naval exercises in the arctic waters, and making no secret of this.


fashion: manner; way 方法

He behaves in a very strange fashion.

He expressed his idea in a serious fashion.


fast1: firm; firmly fixed 牢固的

The colors aren't fast, so be careful when you wash this shirt.


fast2: to eat no food, especially for religious reasons 齋戒

To show his piety, the pilgrim had fasted for three days before entering the holy temple.


favor: to be unfairly fond of; treat with too much sympathy for one person as compared to others 偏袒

The mother always favors his youngest son.


figure1: any of the number signs from 0 to 9 數字

If you want to write in a formal essay a number greater than 9 and lesser than 100, you had better write it in words rather than in figures.


figure2: the shape of the human body, especially a woman's body that is attractive 體態;身材

She has a good figure.

I am dieting to keep my figure.


figure3: an important person 重要人物

She is a figure in the development of modern Chinese fiction.

Dr. Sun Yet-Sen was born a political and philosophical figure.

Mother Teresa's humanity marked her as one of the dominant and most respected figures of the 20th century.


figure4: to be or seem important or prominent 具重要性;扮演重要角色

Newton figured in the history of science.


fortune: wealth 財富

His father has made great fortune by doing the jewelry business.


frequent: (formal) to be often in (a place, someone's company, etc.) 經常去

She likes animals very much and frequents the zoo.


gift: a natural ability to do something 天才;天賦

He has the gift of speaking well.

She has a gift for music.


given1: prep. if one takes into account 如果考慮到;鑒於…

Given their inexperience, they have done a good job.

Given that they are inexperienced, they have done a good job.


given2: (be given to) to be in the habit of (doing) something 成為習慣的;熱衷於…

He is given to (taking) long walks.


ground1: (of a boat or ship) to strike against the bottom or the ground 擱淺

The ship grounded on a hidden sandbank.


ground2: the past and past participle of grind, to crush into small pieces or a powder by pressing between hard surfaces 已磨碎的

These coffee beans have not been ground finely enough.


harbor: to keep in the mind (thoughts or feelings); cherish; entertain 心裡懷著(某種想法或情感)

They secretly harbor thoughts of revolution.


import: (formal) meaning 意義

The import of the letter was more a threat than an advice.

This is a legal decision of far-reaching import.


industry: continual hard work; diligence 勤勞

Taiwan's economic miracle has been created primarily by the Taiwanese industry and frugality.


interest: benefit; advantage 利益

It's in your interest to put your point of view first.

Whatever he does, he always has his own interest in mind.


last: the least likely 最不可能的

He was the last person I thought would come.


lead: a soft heavy easily melted grayish-blue metal, used for water pipes or to cover roofs 鉛

The plumber was diagnosed as lead poisoning.

Much lead was detected in the herb.


leave: permission 允許

All this was done entirely without my leave.


let: to give the use of (a room, a building, land, etc.) in return for regular payments 出租

We are hoping to let this apartment to a small family.


lift: to bring to an end; remove 結束;停止

The unpopular tax was soon lifted.


long: to want very much 渴望

He longed for spring.

The girl missed her parents very much and longed to return home as soon as possible.


lot: fate; destiny; fortune 命運

Her lot had not been a happy one.

People must learn how to bear their lot.

The poet sympathized with the laborers whose lot in life was hard and bitter.


master: to gain as a skill 精通

He learned a lot but mastered nothing.


mean: average 平均的

The mean yearly rainfall is 20 inches.


measure: an action taken to gain a certain end 措施

This medicine may not help him, but it is the only measure I can take before the doctor comes.

If he refuses to pay, I shall take measures against him.

She took some measures to improve the order of her class.


meet: to satisfy 滿足;符合

He almost met all of his father's hopes.


might: power; strength; force 力量

The army fought bravely, but it was crushed by the might of its powerful enemy.

He tried with all his might to move the heavy rock from the road.


minute: very small, in size or degree 細微的

His writing is so minute that it is difficult to read.


moment: (formal) importance 重要性

This is a matter of the greatest moment.


nature1: the qualities that make something different from others 特性;特質

The nature of the new chemical is being tasteless, colorless, but extremely poisonous.


nature2: kind; type; sort 種類

These two books are of the same nature.


number: a group 一群(人)

Anyone, even of our own number, who went against this rule would be severely punished.


object: purpose; aim 目的;目標

Profit is the object of business.


observe1: to make a remark; say 說;評論

He observes frequently that clerks are not as polite as they used to be.


observe2: to act in accordance with (law or custom); obey 遵守;服從

Wearing uniforms is a rule that the school requires students to observe.


observe3: to celebrate 慶祝

Fifty years later there may be few people who know how to observe the Chinese New Year in a traditional way.


occasion1: direct cause 理由;原因

His remark was the occasion of a bitter quarrel.

You have no occasion to be angry.

The real causes of the strike were not clear, but the occasion was the dismissal of two workers.


occasion2: (formal) to cause 引起;導致

She had a long career break occasioned by her husband's job being moved to Rome.


of: (used for picking out in a group) among 在…之間

Of all students in this class, Lisa is the most diligent.


order: kind; sort 種類

This was something of a completely different order from what I had recommended.


otherwise1: differently; in another manner 不同地;以別種方式

Under the circumstances, I can't believe otherwise. (在那種情形下我不得不那麼想)

He should have been studying but he was otherwise engaged. (那時他應該得用功念書的,但卻在忙別的事)

I thought she would bring her date to my birthday party, but she came otherwise. (我以為她會帶男朋友來參加我的生日宴會,可是並沒有)

I hate him and I won't pretend otherwise. (我討厭他,也不會假裝喜歡他)

I thought we have the same idea, but evidently you think otherwise. (我以為我們意見一致,但你顯然有不同的看法)

He is not guilty until proved otherwise. (在證明有罪之前,他是無罪的)

She is always in good spirits, so I don't know why she behaved otherwise yesterday. (她向來開朗活潑,所以我不知道她為什麼昨天怪怪的)

The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise. (政府聲稱經濟正在好轉,但調查顯示的卻是另一回事)


otherwise2: apart from that, in other ways... 除這(那)之外,其它方面都…

This was an otherwise perfect concert. = Except for a minor problem, the concert was perfect. = The concert would have been perfect if there had not been a minor problem. (要不是有點小問題,這場音樂會真是完美)


outstanding: not yet done or paid 未完成的;未付的

There is some work/ There are some debts still outstanding.


own: to admit 承認

I'm ashamed to own that I didn't study hard.


personal: (of things said) directed against (the appearance or character of) a particular person; rude 做人身攻擊的;無禮的

Don't become personal even when you are in a heated debate.

Let's avoid being personal. (讓我們對事不要對人)


plant: a factory 工廠

My father worked in a chemical plant.


pool: to combine; share 合併;均分

If we pool our ideas, we may be able to produce a really good plan.

None of us can afford it separately, so let's pool our money.


possess: (often passive) (of an evil spirit or the devil) to enter into and become master of (someone) (指鬼魂等的)附身

He claimed that he had been possessed by the spirit of his dead wife.


practice: habit; custom 慣例;習慣

It is their practice to raise salary every year.

It is the practice in our law to consider a person as not guilty until he has been proved guilty.

It's not the usual practice for shops to stay open after 10 p.m.

I'll lend you the money this time, but I don't intend to make a practice of it.


property: a quality, power, or effect that belongs naturally to something 性質;屬性

Many plants have medicinal properties.


quarter: an area of a town (城鎮的)區(常指某特定族群聚集之處)

I found a small apartment in the student quarter.

This is the quarter of the Jews in New York.

Anping is a historic quarter in Tainan.


rank: (of smell or taste) very strong and unpleasant (指異味或味道)刺鼻的;惡臭的

The rank smell of vomit reached me.


regard: (formal) to look at (in the stated way) 看

She regarded her husband closely.

The father regarded his sick daughter anxiously.


relate: to tell (a story) 敘述;講述

The father related to his children the story of his Africa adventure in his youth.


rule: to have and use the highest form of power over (a country, people, etc.), especially as a king, queen, or government; (figurative) guide 統治;駕馭;引導

In ancient times, the kings of England ruled without a parliament.

He ruled his children by principle, not by authority.


save: except (for) 除了…之外

I agree with you, save that you have got one or two facts wrong.

We know nothing about him save that he was in the army during the war.

I'm wondering why you should answer all other questions save that easiest one.


season: to give special taste to a food by adding salt, pepper, a spice, etc. 調味

The soup can be more delicious if you season it with some pepper.

The dish was finely seasoned.


secure: (formal) to get, especially as the result of effort (經一番努力後)取得;獲得

He is lucky to have secured himself such a good job.


seeing: considering the fact (that); inasmuch as; because 因為

Seeing (that) she's lawfully old enough to get married, I don't see how you can stop her.


sense1: meaning (字的)意義

Nowadays, few people think that the sense of "man" includes both men and women.


sense2: consensus 共識

The legislator sounded out the sense of the electorate on capital punishment through questionnaires and telephone interviews.

The sense of the people is that the government should set up one more school in this town for children.


sentiment: an opinion 意見;觀點

Public sentiment is against any change to the law.


separate: different 不同的

What he said was often completely separate from what he did.


serve: to be good enough or satisfying for a purpose or the needs of (someone) 滿足;符合

The room has to serve as (for) both bedroom and living room.

The bad roof does not even serve to keep the rain out.

I haven't got a hammer, but this stone should serve (my purpose).


skirt: to avoid (a question, subject, difficulty, etc.) 避免;規避

The speech was disappointing: it skirted all the main questions.


smart: to cause or feel a painful stinging sensation, usually in one part of the body and not lasting long 刺痛

The place where he had cut his knee was smarting.


some: adv. (used usu. before a number) about 大約

It took me some five days to write that paper.

There were some 40 or 50 people there.


spell1: words believed to have magical powers 咒語;符咒

He whispered a spell as he moved his hands.


spell2: a period of weather of a specified kind (某類型天氣持續的)一段期間

The weather bureau forecast that the rainy spell would be over within a few days.


start: to make a quick uncontrolled movement, as from sudden surprise; be startled (因事出意外、突然而)嚇一跳;驚起

She started at the noise.

The touch on his shoulder made him start.


strain: (especially literary) notes of music; a tune 曲調;旋律

Nobody is not familiar with the strain of this well-known song.


suggestion: something not expressed but understood; implication 暗示

Although he hasn't told me his decision on my request, the manner he showed had a suggestion of refusal.


tone: one of the many types of a particular color, each slightly darker, lighter, brighter, etc. 色調

This is a picture painted in various tones of green and no other color.

Perhaps a darker tone would be better.

Your skin tone looks very healthy.

The dried color is slightly deeper in tone than it appears when first applied.


vessel: a ship or large boat 船

The Port of London is filled with vessels of all kinds.

Our shipping industry is able to build various kinds of vessels.


virtue: power; force; effect 力量;效果

The pious Christian believed in the virtue of prayer.


weakness: a strong liking 癖好;嗜好;偏好

I've always had a weakness for the opera.

Chocolates were her weakness.


while: although 雖然

While she appreciated the honor, she could not accept the position.


yield: to give, produce, bear, etc.; the thing or amount produced, as of fruit or profit 生;產;結;生產量;收益;利潤

That tree yields plenty of fruit.

His business yields big profits.

The trees gave a high yield this year.




altruistic/ austere/ benefactor/ beneficiary/ benevolent/ benign/ compassionate/ composed/ composure/ conscientious/ despicable/ devious/ disposition/ dissolute/ equable/ equanimity/ extrovert/ exuberant/ frailty/ frantic/ frenetic/ frenzied/ ignoble/ imperturbable/ insusceptible/ integrity/ intractable/ introvert/ inveterate/ licentious/ lofty/ magnanimous/ malleable/ meek/ obdurate/ obstinate/ perverse/ philanthropist/ phlegmatic/ pliable/ pliant/ poise/ poised/ probity/ profligate/ rectitude/ refractory/ rigid/ sanguine/ scrupulous/ sedate/ smear/ stern/ stoop/ streak/ susceptible/ sway/ taciturn/ tractable/ trait/ unruffled/ unscrupulous/ uprightness/ voluptuous/ wayward

1. 「慈悲的」、「對他人之痛苦能夠感同身受的」叫compassionate:

•In spite of her own hunger and thirst, the compassionate girl gave all her food and water to the beggar.

•We should be compassionate toward the miserable.

2. 「慈善的」可用benevolent或benign。其中,benevolent可以指人或事物 ,benign則只能指人:

•He is a benevolent old man and wouldn't hurt a fly.

•They organized a benevolent club to help the underprivileged.

•Everybody likes the benign old lady.

3. 「慈善家」叫philanthropist,「施恩者」叫benefactor,「受惠者」 叫beneficiary:

•As the businessman grew older, he became famous as a philanthropist and benefactor of the needy.

•An anonymous benefactor donated 2 million.

•All the children in the neighborhood will be the beneficiaries of the new playground.

4. 對敵手「寬宏大量的」或對弱勢者「慷慨的」可用magnanimous,「利他的」叫altruistic,理想、情操等「崇高的」、「高貴的」叫lofty:

•The philanthropist was most magnanimous.

•The girl is so altruistic as to do much volunteer work on most of the weekends.

•Mediocre as we may be, we all cherish lofty aims.

•We all admire the teacher for her lofty ideals of liberal education.

•Only a man of lofty sentiments can make such a sacrifice for a mere stranger.

5. 「有良心的」、「是非分明的」、「誠實正直的」可用conscientious 或scrupulous:

•He is a conscientious teacher.

•The boy felt happy because he had done a conscientious piece of work.

•I can recommend him for a position of responsibility, for I have found him a very scrupulous young man.

6. 「誠實正直」、「剛直」可用integrity、uprightness、probity(正式)或rectitude(正式):

•He is a man of proved integrity.

•A man of his uprightness won't take bribes.

•Everyone took the clerk's probity for granted; his defalcation, therefore, shocked us all.

•The statesman was renowned for his rectitude.

7. 「不誠實的」、「不正直的」可用devious,「昧著良心的」、「毫無道德操守的」、「寡廉鮮恥的」可用unscrupulous,「卑鄙的」、「令人不齒的」可用despicable或ignoble:

•Mary is a devious person and I don't trust her.

•He was suspected to have become rich by devious ways.

•I don't admire him at all because he has used devious means to attain his wicked ends.

•An unscrupulous acquaintance sold them some worthless stocks.

•It is despicable of you to leave your wife and family without any money.

•This plan is inspired by ignoble motives.

8. 「作賤自己」、「自貶人格」可用stoop,「玷汙」名譽、人格等可用smear:

•We liked the man who would not stoop to tell a lie.

•The old public servant's involvement in the case smeared his long-time good reputation.

9. 「個性」、「性情」可用disposition。談到整體個性中的特質,正面者通常用trait,負面者則較常用streak,至於性格上的「弱點」則用frailty:

•She has a happy disposition.

•She is of a cheerful/ sunny/ nervous disposition.

•Anne's generosity is one of her most pleasing traits.

•The chief traits of his character are bravery and kindness.

•Everyone who had been close to the king could easily found that he had a streak of cruelty.

•There's hardly a streak of kindness in his character.

•His stubborn streak makes him very difficult to work with sometimes.

•You need to have a competitive streak if you are working in marketing.

•One of the frailties of human nature is laziness.

10. 「外向者」叫extrovert,「樂觀的」可用sanguine,「神采奕奕的」可用exuberant:

•A good salesperson is usually an extrovert who likes to mingle with people.

•His sanguine disposition itself is a pledge of success.

•He remained to be exuberant all the same after the great loss of his business investment.

11. 「內向者」叫introvert,「沈默寡言的」叫taciturn:

•The poet reveals in his poems that he is an introvert by his intense interest in his own problems.

•New Englanders are reputedly taciturn people.

12. 「嚴厲的」可用austere、rigid或stern:

•Her diffidence resulted from her father's austere upbringing.

•The proctor was regarded as a rigid disciplinarian.

•She is a stern but conscientious teacher.

13. 「沈著的」、「冷靜的」可用composed、equable、imperturbable、phlegmatic、poised、sedate或unruffled:

•She is cool, composed, mistress of herself and her destiny.

•I like working with Jack because he's so calm and equable.

•Having seen people come and go, he came to acquire an equable temper.

•Imperturbable composure is essential when we are in danger.

•The nurse was a cheerful but phlegmatic person.

•We have to remain poised in an earthquake.

•The parents were worried because they felt their son was too quiet and sedate.

•Come what may, we are completely unruffled.

14. 「沈著冷靜」可用composure、equanimity或poise:

•The conductor asked the passengers to keep their composure when the train accident took place.

•He received the bad news with surprising equanimity.

•In his later years, he could look upon the foolishness of the world with equanimity and humor.

•The girl suffered her cruel fate with equanimity.

•As a girl of only 16, Janet has a great deal of poise.

15. 「狂亂的」、「心煩意亂的」可用frantic、frenetic或frenzied:

•The mother is frantic with grief when she heard that her child was dead.

•The noise is driving me frantic.

•At the time of the collision, many people became frantic with fear.

•His frenetic activities convinced us that he had no organized plan of operation.

•The people greeted their leader with frenzied shouts of joy.

•As soon as they smelled smoke, the frenzied animals proceeded to and fro in their cages.

16. 人、品格、個性等「易受影響的」、「有彈性的」、「可塑性大的」可用malleable、pliable或pliant:

•Children's character is more malleable.

•To be a leader, one must not be too pliable.

•A leader should not have pliant will.

17. 「溫順的」、「容易服從的」可用meek或tractable(正式);「難駕馭的」、「韌性的」可用intractable或wayward;「剛愎自用的」、「刻意唱反調的」可用perverse:

•The employee was as meek as a lamb when reproved by his boss.

•Most of our children are very tractable and willing to learn.

•That intractable boy needs some discipline.

•Scolded by his parents, the wayward child ran away from home.

•The perverse janitor did just what we told him not to do.

•The perverse lad was always disobeying his parents.

18. 「易被…左右或操控的」可用susceptible,「不易被…左右或操控的」則用insusceptible,「左右」、「操控」可用sway:

•Like many people, the manager is susceptible to flattery.

•A leader must be insusceptible to flattery.

•Think independently; don't be swayed by his radical statement.

19. 「積習已深的」、「根深蒂固的」叫inveterate,「頑固的」可用obdurate、obstinate或refractory:

•Churchill was an inveterate smoker.

•The boss was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.

•He had a very obstinate determination to live as he pleased.

•The employer is as refractory as a mule.

20. 「沈迷於酒色的」、「放蕩的」可用dissolute、licentious、profligate或voluptuous:

•The dissolute life led by those nobles was indeed shocking.

•As a result of his licentious life, the young man quickly dissipated his inheritance.

•Leading a profligate life, he lost all sense of decency.

•The wealthy playboy leads a voluptuous life.




amity/ brook/ dote on/ epistle/ forbearance/ forlorn/ gauche/ gregarious/ hail/ liaison/ misanthrope/ nosy/ pamper/ reciprocal/ reciprocate/ recluse/ recompense/ rendezvous/ requite/ seclude/ sequester/ solitude/ tact/ tolerate/ withstand/ xenophobia

1. 不同單位間或同單位的不同部門間的「聯繫」可用liaison:

Our role is to ensure liaison between schools and parents.

We work in close liaison with the police.

2. 互動過程中彼此「互惠的」叫reciprocal。另外,正式英文中,「回報」、「補償」可用reciprocate、recompense或requite:

They held each other in reciprocal esteem.

They were glad of the chance to reciprocate her kindness.

Be a little kind; do not recompense good with evil.

The ungrateful young man requited his benefactors by betraying them.

3. 「合群的」、「好交際的」叫gregarious,「不擅社交的」可用gauche(法文),人際互動或處理難題的技巧可用tact:

Many Chinese students in the United States are not gregarious and prefer to be alone most of the time.

No one liked her gauche manner.

I am quite sure he can handle the embarrassing situation with great tact.

A minister of foreign affairs who lacks tact is a dangerous man.

4. 「孤零零的」可用forlorn,「孤獨」叫solitude,「隱居」叫seclude 或sequester(文言),「隱士」可用recluse:

The child is a forlorn waif.

John is a very social person who cannot bear solitude.

In the convent she was secluded from secular life.

Although he had hoped for a long time to sequester himself in a small community, he never was able to drop his busy round of activities in the city.

The scholar leads the life of a recluse although living in a busy city.

5. 非正式英文中,「好管閒事的」用nosy。另外,「恨世者」、「憤世嫉俗者」 叫misanthrope,「仇外」、「排外」、「怕生」叫xenophobia:

Don't be so nosy about people's private affairs.

The hermit was thought to be a misanthrope because he shunned our society.

If there is xenophobia in us, let's get rid of it.

6. 人際互動的「和睦」叫amity(正式)。另外,「容忍」可用動詞tolerate、withstand或brook(正式),「耐性」、「耐心」、「寬容」可用forbearance:

Even though getting divorced, they are in amity with each other.

The teacher can tolerate slowness in learning, but not laziness.

A politician must be able to withstand public criticism.

He would brook no interruptions from his listeners.

This important matter brooks no delay; we must talk about it now.

A great man often cannot brook a rival.

The child doesn't understand that he's doing wrong, so you must treat him with forbearance.

We must use forbearance in dealing with the boy because he is still weak from his illness.

7. 「溺愛」、「寵愛」可用dote on或pamper,但pamper同時也可以指自己對自己好:

The mother couldn't help doting on her only child.

She spent her childhood as the pampered daughter of a wealthy family.

Pamper yourself with the stay in one of our luxury hotels.

Our flesh should neither be starved nor be pampered.

8. 「打招呼」可用hail,「聚會」、「約會」可用rendezvous(法文)。另外, 正式英文中,「書信」可用epistle:

An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street.

Cheerful voices hailed the president as he entered the hall.

The crowd hailed the returning hero.

They promised not to fail the once-in-a-year rendezvous after graduation.

This year we are studying the epistles of some famous poets.




apparatus/ blunt/ decrepit/ gadget/ implement/ kit/ paraphernalia/ percolator/ perforate/ shovel/ siren/ trough/ wedge/ xerox

1. 「工具」、「用具」可用implement,「小工具」、「小器械」叫gadget:

•Spades and hoes are a gardener's implements.

•Shopkeepers are not supposed to sell knives and other sharp implements to children.

•This is a neat gadget for sharpening knives.

•Some businessmen declare that the surest way to make money nowadays is to produce gadgets that will relieve women of housework.

2. 個人「完成特定事情或技巧的一套小工具」可用kit或paraphernalia:

•As a do-it-yourself fan, Mr. Robinson bought a carpenter's kit.

•The writer's desk was cluttered with paper, pen, ink, and other paraphernalia of the writing craft.

•I keep all my photographic paraphernalia in that cupboard.

3. 「為某種用途而裝的一組儀器或機器等」叫apparatus:

•This electric heating apparatus is very clean.

•A lot of apparatus was unworkable in our physics laboratory.

4. 東西「老舊的」、「破舊的」可用decrepit:

•The decrepit car blocked traffic on the highway.

5. 在紙張等上面「打洞」叫perforate,「影印」、「複印」可用xerox,把地上的障礙物等「剷除」可用shovel,讓刀劍等「變鈍」用blunt:

•This machine is used to perforate sheets of postage stamps.

•Would you have this page xeroxed?

•Several young people voluntarily shoveled a path through the snow.

•A good sword will not be easily blunted by long and frequent use.

•Time blunts the edge of sorrow.

6. 幾種用具或工具的名稱:

A. 「咖啡壺」叫percolator:

•This percolator was made in Taiwan.

B. 「警報器」可用siren:

•We were watching TV when the siren of the fire engines passed by.

C. 餵養動物的「食槽」或「水槽」叫trough:

•The horse was led to the water trough, but it did not drink.

D. 用以撐開一個空間或剖開某物的三角狀金屬、橡膠或木塊-「楔子」-叫 wedge:

•Put a wedge in the door so that it will stay open.

•Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers.




abound in (with)/ copious/ cram/ dearth/ deficiency/ deficient/ devoid/ fecundity/ fraught/ glut/ inkling/ legion/ meager/ multitude/ myriad/ particle/ paucity/ profuse/ remnant/ replenish/ replete/ rife/ scanty/ superfluous/ surfeit/ teem with/ vestige/ void of

1. 指不可能數或不容易數清楚的東西(如眼淚等)「很多的」或「也許過多的」 ,用copious,如果真的過多且形成累贅或困擾,用superfluous:

•The story made her weep copious tears of sadness.

•She had copious reasons to reject the proposal.

•They drank copious amounts of beer last night.

•She took copious notes during the lecture.

•The reporter omitted all superfluous information.

•People may hardly feel that the money they have is superfluous.

2. 假如「大量的」是指人際互動時的情感表達或某事物不受控制地產生、釋放出或流出(類似copious的用法),用profuse:

•Your profuse apologies were not necessary because you did nothing terribly wrong.

•Please accept my profuse thanks for your timely help.

•She was immediately hospitalized with profuse bleeding.

•Her head was covered with a profuse mass of curls.

3. 「很多(的)」、「形形色色(的)」可用myriad:

•A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind.

•Involved and myriad events have filled our modern history.

•A major subject an astronomist studies is the myriad stars in the heavens.

4. 「多產」、「豐饒」可用fecundity:

•The farmer's unique growing method led to the fecundity of these apple trees.

•The fecundity of his mind is illustrated by the many vivid images in his poems.

5. 指數量很大的人群或事物可用legion或multitude,但用multitude指人時通常說the multitude(人群;群眾):

•The singer has a legion of devoted fans.

•The basketball player has legions of admirers.

•A multitude of thoughts filled her mind.

•He stepped out onto the balcony and addressed the multitude below.

6. 「充滿」可用abound in、abound with或teem with(文言),「飽足的」、「供應完備的」叫replete(正式):

•The park abounds in (with) wild animals.

•The river abounds in (with)/ teem with fish.

•The scholar has a mind replete with learning.

•Eating one more bowl of noodles, Jack was finally replete.

•They have an apartment replete with the most fantastic furniture.

7. 「塞滿」可用cram,「充斥」叫glut,因為充斥而引起厭膩感或反感, 用surfeit:

•She crammed all her clothes into the bag and had to sit on it to close it.

•Stop cramming your mouth with food!

•The shops are glutted with fruit from abroad because nobody will pay the high prices.

•We are surfeited with the sentimentality of the average television serial.

8. 形容事情充滿著可能的壞結局,用fraught;形容不好的事情在某處蔓延或流行,用rife(文言):

•Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, the boss will ask for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks.

•The long journey across the desert was fraught with difficulties.

•The city was rife with disease and violence/ Disease and violence were rife in the city.

•In the face of the many rumors of scandal, which are rife at the moment, it is best to remain silent.

9. 「剩餘物」可用remnant,「遺跡」叫vestige:

•I suggest that you wait until the store places the remnants of these goods on sale.

•Archaeologists have been digging for the vestiges of past civilizations.

•Some upright stones in wild places are the vestiges of ancient religions.

10. 「再裝滿」、「補充」叫replenish:

•The secretary used her bonus to replenish her wardrobe.

•She replenishes the food cupboard once a week.

11. 「極少的量」、「一點點」可用particle,對某件事情、某種情況「略有了解」叫inkling:

•I'm afraid you'll have to do with particles of food for a few days.

•There was no particle of truth in what he said.

•I did not have the slightest inkling of your visit.

•His explanation gave me an inkling of the difficulties.

12. 「不足」、「缺乏」可用deficiency或be void of,較正式的用法則是dearth 或paucity:

•He blamed his failure on the deficiency of a good upbringing.

•Their quarrel was triggered by being void of mutual understanding.

•That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors.

•His paper was rejected because it was void of originality.

•The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.

•The dearth of news was brought about by censorship.

•The poor test papers indicate that the members of this class have a paucity of intelligence.

13. 「不夠的」、「缺乏的」可用deficient、meager或scanty:

•The food is deficient in iron.

•The worker was deficient in skill.

•There has been a deficient supply of water in recent months.

•He supplements his meager income by working on Saturdays.

•Through the solid floor of the abode, the chill of winter seeped in, fettered little by the meager warmth provided by the fire.

•The remains of dinner provided only a meager meal that evening.

•Her scanty clothing did not keep out the cold.

14. 正式用法中,「空空的」、「一無所有的」可說成devoid of:

•This house is totally devoid of furniture.

•He is devoid of human feeling.

•The social worker was devoid of any personal desire for gain.

•This was a speech devoid of even a trace of ill-will.




bulky/ cumbersome/ dainty/ elegance/ exquisite/ glossy/ gossamer/ harsh/ mammoth/ microcosm/ miniature/ shoddy/ sleazy/ sleekness/ sumptuous/ taper

1. 「大件的」、「大型的」可用bulky。但這個字所描述的是一種相對的情況或感覺,如果事物客觀地說的確巨大,用mammoth:

You need to pay more for bulky baggage.

Students living away from home often received bulky parcels their parents sent them.

The mammoth corporations of the twentieth century are a mixed blessing.

After the big earthquake, we found it a mammoth task to clean up the debris of the area.

2. 「笨重的」、「礙手礙腳的」叫cumbersome:

You'd better travel light; you will find your luggage very cumbersome.

3. 「豪華的」、「奢華的」可用sumptuous:

The host gave a sumptuous banquet to the guest of honor.

4. 「小巧玲瓏的」、「小而美的」、「纖細的」可用dainty:

She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was large and had big feet.

We were given tea and some dainty little cakes.

The violet is a dainty spring flower.

5. 指複製品或象徵物「縮小版的」用miniature,「小宇宙」、「小世界」、「縮影」用microcosm,指東西的一端「越變越小」用taper:

He has a rich collection of miniature books.

The child was playing on the floor with his miniature farm animals.

This village is a microcosm of the great outside world.

The church spire tapers off to a point.

6. 「粗糙的」、「過度鮮艷的」、「刺眼或刺耳的」用harsh,「粗製濫造的」 叫shoddy,「精緻的」、「近乎完美的」用exquisite,「精緻高雅」可用 elegance:

This cloth is harsh to the touch.

She did not buy the dress because its color is a little too harsh.

The harsh sunlight made his eyes very uncomfortable.

Many birds have harsh cries.

You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material.

This is an exquisite white fur coat.

Those orchids are exquisite flowers.

The sumptuous elegance of the furnishings stunned the visitors.

7. 「廉價且質劣的」用sleazy:

There is a sleazy hotel in the dirty dark street.

This piece of sleazy cloth can only be used in cheap garments.

8. 「如遊絲般的」、「輕而薄的」可用gossamer:

The gossamer wings of a dragonfly break easily.

9. 「光鮮亮麗的」可用glossy,「光鮮亮麗」可用sleekness:

Our cat has glossy black fur.

Will you have this photograph printed on glossy paper?

Automobiles can be handsome things, but the sleekness and brightness of cars' exterior makes the people in them look shabby if not downright sordid.




biased/ bigoted/ disinterested/ dispassionate/ equitable/ even-handed/ favoritism/ iniquitous/ jaundiced/ nepotism/ partiality/ prejudice

1. 「超然的」、「公正的」、「一視同仁的」可用disinterested、dispassionate或even-handed:

His action was not disinterested because he hoped to make money out of the affair.

The only disinterested person in the room was the judge.

He was coldly dispassionate as the chairperson of the meeting.

To be honest, it may not be easy for a teacher to give exactly even-handed treatment to all students.

2. 「公平合理的」可用equitable,「不公不義的」叫iniquitous:

Paying a person what he is worth is equitable.

I cannot approve of the iniquitous method he used to gain his present position.

3. 「偏見的」可用biased、bigoted或jaundiced,「偏見」可用prejudice:

Misled by a biased point of view, he is firmly convinced that the disabled have no need to receive high education.

He had a bigoted opinion that the Anglo-Saxons were the most intelligent people in the world.

He looks on all these modern ideas with a rather jaundiced eye.

You had better look into the problems without jaundiced eyes.

A judge must be free from prejudice.

He has a prejudice against students graduating from private universities because he thinks that they were not well educated.

4. 「偏袒」、「偏心」可用favoritism或partiality,「偏袒親戚」、「裙帶關係」叫nepotism:

Vincent doesn't deserve that job--he only got it out of favoritism because he married the owner's daughter.

As a judge, you must avoid any evidence of partiality when you award the prize.

John left his position with the company because he felt that advancement was based on nepotism rather than ability.




arctic/ balmy/ bleak/ blizzard/ break/ cyclone/ deluge/ dreary/ drizzle/ elements/ frigid/ gale/ glacial/ gust/ hazy/ hibernal/ hold/ hurricane/ inclement/ murky/ overcast/ spell/ sprinkle/ sultry/ swelter/ torrent/ torrid/ vernal

1. 某種天氣的「持續」,用動詞hold;持續一段時間後的「改變」,用動詞break,如果要表示某種天氣持續的「一段期間」,可用spell:

•The cold weather will hold for three more days, and then it will break.

•The weather bureau forecast that the rainy spell would be over within a few days.

2. 天氣「溫和的」、「宜人的」叫balmy;天候「惡劣的」用inclement(正式)。另外,在較為正式或文言的英文中,可用elements表示「壞天氣」:

•We felt fine when a balmy breeze brushed by.

•It's a balmy summer evening.

•Reading a good book in inclement weather is a delight.

•In spite of the terrible storm he walked on, quite regardless of the elements.

3. 「多雲的」、「烏雲密佈的」可用overcast,「有霧氣的」、「霧濛濛的」叫hazy,「陰沈的」可用dreary或murky(文言):

•The overcast sky preceded a storm.

•In hazy weather, we cannot see the top of the mountain.

•The mountains were hazy in the distance.

•What a dreary day it is!

•The murky air retarded the traffic.

4. 「酷熱的」叫torrid,「悶熱的」叫sultry。假如指人「熱得難受」,用動詞swelter。不過,這種熱的情況通常是可以改善或甚至避免的:

•July and August are torrid months here.

•He could not adjust himself to the sultry climate of the tropics.

•As we cannot afford to buy an air conditioning unit, we have to swelter through another hot and humid summer.

•Open the window, we are sweltering.

5. 「陰冷的」、「寒冷的」可用bleak,如果強調酷寒,則用arctic、frigid 或glacial。另外,「暴風雪」叫blizzard:

•The weather in early December was bleak and unpleasant.

•This year they'll have a bleak winter.

•It is hard for the students from Taiwan to stand the arctic weather.

•Polar bears and penguins have thick furs to resist the arctic weather.

•The air on the mountain top was frigid.

•Alaska is in the frigid zone.

•They had a glacial winter in the States.

•Blizzard is impossible in tropical areas.

•Flights were canceled and schools closed because of the blizzard.

•Blizzard is expected this winter.

6. 「強風」叫gale,如果是突然的「陣風」則用gust:

•Hundreds of trees and fences were blown down in the gale.

•A gust of wind blew the door shut.

•A gust capsized the boat.

7. 「巨風」、「旋風」可用cyclone或hurricane:

•They turned pale upon hearing a cyclone nearby.

•The hurricane struck the coast early this summer.

8. 「下毛毛雨」叫drizzle或sprinkle;「暴雨」可用torrent;「豪雨」、「大洪水」或(正式)「為大洪水淹沒」可用deluge:

•I took off the raincoat because it was only drizzling.

•It's only sprinkling, so we can still take our walk.

•The drought was broken by a torrent.

•The spring deluge caused the river to overflow.

•The lowlands were completely deluged.

9. 「春天的」叫vernal(文言);「冬天的」叫hibernal:

•Enjoy the vernal aspect of the fields and woods; it won't stay long.

•An array of vernal flowers greeted me as soon as I came to the countryside.

•I was fascinated with the beauty of hibernal snow.




chisel/ chop/ hack/ hew/ mince/ prune/ trim

1. 「用鑿子鑿或刻」叫chisel:

He chiseled that rock into the figure of a woman (He chiseled the figure of a woman out of that rock).

The artist was chiseling a statue from the marble.

2. 「把食物切碎」叫mince:

Cindy helped her mother mince the ham to make salad.

3. 「修剪花木」可用prune或trim:

The gardener will prune the twigs off before winter comes in.

Be sure to trim the rosebushes.

4. 「砍」可用chop、hack或hew。hew也可以指「砍傷」:

I'm tired of chopping; will you do it now?

He chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.

We had to chop a path through the thick forest before we could come to the river.

They hacked their way through the trees.

The explorers hacked a path through the jungle.

He hacked the tree down.

They hewed (down) trees.

The soldiers are determined to hew the enemy to pieces.




aquatic/ blaze/ combustible/ conflagration/ hydraulic/ ignite/ incinerate/ inundate/ kindle/ scorch/ smolder/ spark/ stagnant/ submerge

1. 「水生的」、「水上的」叫aquatic,「由水力所產生的」叫hydraulic:

Lilies are an aquatic plant, and whales are an aquatic animal.

Among aquatic sports are swimming and rowing.

A hydraulic power plant is situated near the valley.

2. 指水「停滯不流動的」叫stagnant,「氾濫成災」叫inundate,「淹沒」或將東西「沒入水中」叫submerge:

Serious pollution has made the clear and beautiful stream dirty and stagnant.

A stagnant pool of water is a breeding place for mosquitoes.

The tremendous waves inundated the town.

The ship submerged and then rose to the surface.

There are dangerous submerged rocks nearby.

He submerged the cups in the bowl.

3. 「大火」叫conflagration。不過,萬一真的發生火災可別真的狂說這個字,應該大叫Fire!Fire!才對,免得老外傻眼,或英文沒有你好的人搞不清楚是怎麼回事喔!哈哈哈!

A conflagration destroyed a lot of buildings.

4. 「燃燒」用ignite或kindle。兩個字意思差不多,但ignite較正式,因人點火才燃燒則通常用kindle。另外,「可燃的」叫combustible:

The petrol tank suddenly ignited.

Gas ignites very easily.

The candle ignited the plastic.

We tried to kindle the wood, but it was wet and wouldn't kindle easily.

We watched as the fire slowly kindled.

Petrol is highly combustible, so don't smoke while you are handing it.

Combustible materials should be stored away from open fire.

5. 「發出熊熊烈火般地燃燒」叫blaze,「悶燒」叫smolder,「冒出火花」叫spark:

A wood fire was blazing (away), but there was no other light in the room.

The campfire smoldered for a long time after the blaze was extinguished.

When I pushed the plug into the socket, the wire sparked.

The striking together of two stones may spark.

6. 「焚化」叫incinerate,指東西「燒焦」或大地等被曝曬得乾乾的用scorch:

All the clothes that were affected by radiation had to be incinerated.

Most of the waste is incinerated.

The monkeys killed Wednesday were dissected for research and then incinerated.

The meat was black and scorched on the outside but still raw inside.

The meat is likely to scorch if you leave it cooking too long.

The lawn was scorched by the sun.




dexterous/ fondle/ fumble/ grope/ pommel, pummel/ pound/ swipe/ tactile/ texture/ thump

1. 「有關觸覺的」叫tactile,東西的「質地」叫texture:

His hands lost tactile sensitivity.

The delicate texture of my girlfriend's skin is implanted in my memory.

Since she liked the smooth texture of silk, Jane bought the dress.

2. (手的使用)「靈巧的」、「俐落的」、「熟練的」可用dexterous:

She untied the knots with dexterous fingers.

The magician was so dexterous that we could not follow him as he performed his tricks.

3. 「撫弄」、「撫摸」用fondle,為尋找某物或做某事而「摸索」可用fumble或grope:

The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her.

The little girl liked to fondle her doll.

She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen.

Men are often seen fumbling about in their pockets for something.

He groped in his pocket for his ticket.

She groped along the wall in search of the door.

4. 「用拳頭連續擊打」可用pommel (pummel),「重擊」可用pound、swipe或thump:

The severity with which the boy was pommeled was indicated by the bruises he displayed on his head and face.

The boy pounded the desk angrily.

She swiped him round the head.

She swiped at his head, but he got out of the way.

The old man was so agitated that he thumped the table with his fist.




alloy/ corrode/ dissect/ ductile/ erode/ extinct/ extract/ fauna/ fiber/ flora/ foliage/ habitat/ homo sapiens/ hybrid/ indigenous/ nugget/ parasite/ tarnish/ weld

1. 酸鹼等的「侵蝕」或「腐蝕」可用corrode或erode。但erode用得廣泛許多,雨水、海水、風等的侵蝕都包括其中:

Acid causes metal to corrode.

Rust has corroded the steel rails.

The sea erodes the rocks.

Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.

The cliffs are eroding away several feet a year.

The coast is slowly eroding away.

2. 使物體「失去光澤」,用tarnish:

Acid and salt tarnish silverware.

3. 「提煉」或「萃取」,用extract:

A variety of chemical substances can be extracted from petroleum.

They are extracting gold from the rocks.

The oil is extracted from cottonseed.

4. 把金屬「銲接」在一起,用weld:

Iron and copper weld easily.

5. 「合金」叫alloy;金屬「可延展的」叫ductile;「塊狀貴金屬」叫nugget:

Bronze is a hard alloy mainly of copper and tin.

Gold is more ductile than most of the metals.

The miser gloated over the single nugget of gold and was satisfied and content.

6. 動、植物「原產自…的」用indigenous,它們的自然棲息地叫habitat:

Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.

Rice is indigenous to China.

The gorilla is said to be quite gentle in its own habitat.

Taiwan is not the habitat of durians.

7. 動、植物的「雜交」叫hybrid,它們「已滅絕的」叫extinct:

The mule is a hybrid of the donkey and the horse.

According to a UN report, millions of animals and plants will be extinct in the future.

The mammoth has been extinct for a long time.

8. 某地區或某時代的所有動物叫fauna,所有植物則叫flora:

The scientist could visualize the fauna of the period by examining the skeletal remains and the fossils.

As a botanist, she spent most of her time studying the flora of the desert.

9. 植物的「纖維」叫fiber,葉子的總稱叫foliage:

Some plant fibers are spun and woven into cloth.

Foliage wavers in the breeze.

This is a forest of beautiful foliage.

10. 「解剖」動、植物叫dissect;「寄生蟲」或「寄生植物」叫parasite:

Some girl students could not stand seeing the frogs dissected.

I didn't eat those clams with the fear that there might be parasites.

11. 生物學上,「人類」一般用拉丁文homo sapiens:

Homo sapiens will be doomed when a nuclear war is launched.




aesthetic/ allegory/ anecdote/ anthology/ baton/ burlesque/ caricature/ delineate/ denouement/ depict/ didactic/ doggerel/ epithet/ fable/ genre/ graphic/ histrionic/ ineffable/ lachrymose/ minstrel/ motif/ panorama/ pantomime/ parable/ parody/ pathos/ philistine/ prolific/ prosody/ protagonist/ rehearse/ satiric/ silhouette/ soliloquy/ verve/ vicarious/ virtuoso/ vivid/ vulgar/ yarn

1. 文學藝術作品等「具美感的」叫aesthetic,「說教的」叫didactic,「賺人眼淚的」叫lachrymose,「淒美」叫pathos:

•In pursuit of the aesthetic achievement of art, many of the writers in the early 20th century began to distance themselves from the general public and society.

•He was only interested in aesthetic values rather than in purely practical affairs.

•The audience was awfully bored by the didactic movie.

•His speech to the freshmen was painfully didactic.

•This is a poem with a didactic purpose.

•This is a lachrymose tragedy.

•The pathos of the play was rarely offset by moments of comedy.

2. 形容欣賞文學藝術時把自己投射到作品中的某一角色,隨之離合悲歡,或藉此滿足一些在現實生活中不能滿足的事情,用vicarious:

•Many people get a vicarious thrill at the movies by imagining they are the characters on the screen.

•He gets vicarious pleasure by going to watch movies about sex.

3. 「品味低俗的」叫vulgar,「對文學藝術無感之人」叫philistine:

•Oftentimes, our TV programs tend to cater to vulgar taste.

•The house was full of costly but very vulgar furniture.

•There are too many philistines who oppose everything new and creative in art.

4. 文藝作品的「類型」叫genre,其主題或內容可用motif,把一切情節都妥善交代的「故事結局」叫denouement,「主角」叫protagonist:

•Edgar Allan Poe is regarded as the originator of a genre of detective stories.

•A love motif runs through the entire novel.

•The denouement of the play is a happy ending.

•The soap fans wrote to the screenwriter very sentimental letters suggesting that the protagonist stay alive.

5. 在較不正式的敘述中,可用yarn表「故事」,但這個字通常用於spin a yarn片語中:

•Please spin a good yarn for the children; they never tire of it.

6. 有關某人或某事件之短且有趣的故事-也就是「逸事」或「異事」- 叫anecdote:

•Most children enjoy listening to anecdote of great men's childhood.

7. 中文的「寓言」,英文有allegory、fable和parable三字。allegory的使用層面最廣,不只是文學作品,甚至繪畫都可以有allegory。文學中的allegory往往長篇而複雜,包含很多人物角色,情節豐富,政治、道德和宗教都可以是寓言的素材。fable和parable則簡短,fable通常在最後道出給人的教訓,並且藉著能說話的動物反應人性,把故事敘述出來。parable則總是將道德教訓加入在人人都熟悉的事物中,但和allegory一樣,並不點破寓意:

•The picture can be viewed as allegory.

•Augustine's "City of God" is an allegory of the triumph of good over evil.

•Dante's "Divine Comedy" is an allegory based on the struggle among the city-states of the medieval Italy.

•The tale "A Turtle and a Rabbit" is a well-known fable.

•A fable is often of a moral lesson.

•Jesus Christ taught in parables.

8. 誇大或滑稽呈現某人特質的畫或文學叫caricature,對某作家、藝術家的風格或某文類的「戲謔模仿」用parody或burlesque,這種「諷刺的」手法叫satiric:

•This is not a realistic portrait of the king but a malicious caricature.

•Newspapers often contain caricatures of well-known politicians.

•We enjoyed the clever parody of popular songs which the chorus sang.

•He wrote a parody on Kipling's "GungaDin."

•Evidently, this is a burlesque of a famous poem.

•Jonathan Swift was the greatest English satiric writer/ the greatest English satirist in the 18th century.

•Mr. Lurie is noted for his satiric sketches.

9. 「打油詩」叫doggerel,「詩學」、「作詩法」叫prosody,中世紀為歐洲貴族朗詩或唱詩助興的「吟唱詩人」叫minstrel:

•Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in his works, most of his writing is mere doggerel.

•This book on prosody contains a rhyming dictionary as well as samples of the various verse forms.

•In the Middle Ages, minstrels traveled from place to place to make a living by singing.

10. 一種源自古羅馬時期的mime、演員不開口說話、只隨音樂應用姿勢和表情傳達意思的「默劇」叫pantomime,戲劇作家為反應角色之內心世界所特別安排的「獨白」叫soliloquy:

•The pantomime was quite expressive.

•Soliloquy is a device used by the dramatist to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and emotions.

11. 作家、藝術家、作曲家等「多產的」叫prolific,編選不同作家作品而成的「選集」叫anthology:

•Definitely, Shakespeare is one of the fewest writers who are both prolific and great.

•Isaac Asimov is a very prolific writer.

•This is an anthology of the Renaissance English plays.

•This is an anthology of modern poetry.

12. 「描寫」除describe和portray之外,還可用delineate或depict,描寫「生動的」叫graphic或vivid,「筆墨所難以形容的」叫ineffable:

•The writer is well versed in delineating social customs.

•The song depicts the love of a prince for a country girl.

•In that book, the author depicts the slave owners as kind and benevolent masters.

•The witness gave a graphic description of the whole incident.

•The novel begins with a vivid description of the protagonist's early life.

•I wish that I am able to attain to the ineffable joy of Zen meditation during my lifetime.

13. 「通盤的描寫」叫panorama,人或東西的「剪影」或「輪廓」叫silhouette:

•This book gives a panorama of life in England 400 years ago.

•The artist had a silhouette of himself on his desk.

14. 「描寫性的形容用語」叫epithet:

•Homer's writings are replete with such epithets as "resourceful Odysseus."

•He cursed me, using a lot of rude epithets like "bloody."

•"Glaring error" is a commonly used epithet.

15. 「預演」叫rehearse,「精湛的表演者」叫virtuoso,演出者在表演過程中所展現的「生命力」或「熱情」叫verve:

•The symphony will be rehearsed again and again before it is presented to the public.

•The violin virtuoso was only 13 years old.

•The pianist played the concerto with tremendous verve.

16. 「關於戲劇表演的」、「演技的」叫histrionic:

•The actor was proud of his histrionic ability and wanted to play the role of Hamlet.

17. 「指揮棒」叫baton:

•The conductor wielded his baton gracefully.




fabulous/ homespun/ mediocre/ phenomenal/ preeminent/ prodigy/ stellar/ sublime/ superb/ transcend/ transcendent/ unique

1. 「樸實無華的」、「一般的」可用homespun,「平庸的」、「不出色的」可用mediocre:

Those farmers are simple, homespun characters.

The boss was disappointed because the highly-paid manager gave a rather mediocre performance in his role.

2. 「獨一無二的」、「絕無僅有的」可用unique,「奇才」、「天才」(通常指青少年或小孩)用prodigy:

The tranquil beauty of the Mona Lisa is unique.

A teenage horse-racing prodigy, named Steve Cauthen, outrode everybody and won $6 million season's winnings.

3. 表現「超越」一般水準或限制可用動詞transcend,表現「傑出的」、「亮眼的」、「超群的」可用phenomenal、preeminent、stellar、superb或transcendent:

This accomplishment transcends all our previous efforts.

Taiwan's phenomenal achievement in economy is widely applauded.

Dr. Smith is preeminent in the field of surgery.

He was the stellar attraction of the entire performance.

The writer's style is brilliant and his command of words and imagery, superb.

Mozart showed his transcendent musical ability from his earliest childhood.

4. 真、善、美等特質「令人肅然起敬的」、「壯偉的」、「絕妙的」可用sublime,數量等「難以置信的」、「驚人的」可用fabulous:

We must learn to recognize sublime truths.

Such sublime music may only be heard in heaven.

Visitors at home and abroad are captivated by the sublime beauty of the cataract.

The businessman is not satisfied with his fabulous wealth.

She inherited a fabulous sum of money from an uncle.




boisterous/ clamor/ clamorous/ commotion/ ejaculate/ ferment/ furor/ hubbub/ rowdy/ tumult/ turmoil/ vociferous/ wail/ yelp 

1. 「叫嚷」、「喧鬧」可用動詞clamor:

•The baby is clamoring to be fed.

•They were clamoring for war, but it was simply a bluff.

2. 正式用法中,「突然地叫出或說出」叫ejaculate:

•The little boy ejaculated a cry of horror.

•The wounded man ejaculated painfully.

3. 疼痛、激動時「發出短促的尖叫聲」可用yelp,持續而尖銳地「呼叫」可用wail:

•The dog yelped when I stepped on his paw.

•The siren wailed and woke everyone.

•The wind wailed all night.

4. 「喧囂」、「騷動」、「喧嘩」可用commotion、ferment、furor、tumult、turmoil或hubbub:

•"Why is there so much commotion coming from the classroom?" asked the angry teacher.

•The imprisonment of the union leaders caused a commotion right through the country.

•New York City was in a state of ferment during the electric black-out.

•The story of his embezzlement of the funds created a furor on the stock exchange.

•The tumult in the streets awakened us.

•The midnight robbery put our neighborhood in a turmoil.

•The city was in turmoil after the earthquake.

•The market place was a scene of hubbub and excitement.

5. 「嘈雜的」、「喧嘩的」、「鬧哄哄的」可用boisterous、clamorous、rowdy(不正式)或vociferous:

•Look at those boisterous children.

•The fans at the baseball game became particularly boisterous after the home run.

•A clamorous outburst of the crowd outside could be heard.

•The place is too rowdy for you.            

•A vociferous group of boys rushed into the room.

•The students made vociferous demands for easier exams.




abduct/ abscond/ absolve/ accomplice/ arson/ atone (for)/ chastise/ clemency/ clement/ clue/ commutation/ condone/ confederate/ confiscate/ connive at/ conspire/ contraband/ culpable/ culprit/ delinquent/ den/ dungeon/ embezzlement/ exculpate/ exonerate/ expiate/ fetter/ fugitive/ gallows/ hijack/ homicide/ hooligan/ hostage/ implicate/ impunity/ incarcerate/ incorrigible/ larceny/ leniency/ lenient/ loot/ lynch/ manslaughter/ parole/ penalize/ perpetrate/ plagiarism/ probation/ punitive/ ransom/ rascal/ reprieve/ rogue/ scaffold/ scapegoat/ scoundrel/ shackle/ smite/ smuggle/ smuggler/ strangle/ surveillance/ venal/ villain/ vindicate/ whistle-blower

1. 「犯罪」在commit之外可用perpetrate(正式),「罪犯」在criminal之外可用culprit或delinquent:

Only an insane person could perpetrate such a horrible crime.

The police hope the public will help them to find the culprits.

The culprit of the mess deserved punishment.

•The man was found to be a delinquent by the court.

2. 「逃犯」、「亡命之徒」叫fugitive,「潛逃」叫abscond:

•The murderer became a fugitive from justice.

•The accountant of the bank absconded with a large sum of money two weeks ago.

•Four prisoners absconded last night.

3. 「流氓」、「惡棍」可用hooligan、rascal、rogue、scoundrel或villain(正式):

•A hooligan broke the windows of my car, deflated its tires, and damaged the engine.

•The boy asked two hooligans to beat a classmate who had bullied him.

•The hated rascal was eventually brought to justice.

•The rogue who pestered the small businessmen was finally brought to justice.

•The young man was disowned by his parents because he became a scoundrel estranged by the community.

•Her ex-husband was an insufferable bully, a tyrant, and a villain in general.

4. 「不法活動的中心」、「罪惡淵藪」叫den,罪犯「不可救藥的」叫incorrigible:

The police uncovered a drugs den in Taipei.

Don't go near the den if you are not well armed.

As an incorrigible criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

5. 犯罪行動中的「從犯」、「共犯」或「幫凶」用accomplice或confederate,「同謀」用conspire,「牽連」叫implicate:

The thief insisted that he had stolen the house by himself, without any accomplice.

The robber was arrested, but his confederate was still at large.

The criminals conspired to rob a bank.

The minister's confession implicated numerous officials in the scandal.

6. 法律、道德或宗教等各層面的「赦免」都可以用absolve:

The judge absolved the first offender from punishment.

The teacher absolved John for his lying to her.

The priest absolved him of all his sins.

7. 「證明或宣告無罪」叫exculpate、exonerate或vindicate(absolve有時也可以這樣用):

The accused was exculpated by a jury.

The driver of the train will surely be exculpated when all the facts are known.

The officer was exonerated from the charge of running away from the enemy.

We are sure this letter will exonerate you from blame.

The report exonerated the crew from all responsibility for the collision.

The suspect is sure the jury will vindicate him.

The report absolved her from/ of all blame for the accident.

8. 「贖罪」、「謝罪」叫expiate或atone(for):

He tried to expiate his crimes by giving money to the church.

The criminal decided to expiate his crime with his life.

He tried to atone for his rudeness by sending her some flowers.

9. 對犯罪或不當行為的「縱容」叫condone,對此等行為的「視而不見」或「隱匿不報」叫connive at:

If the government is seen to condone violence, the bloodshed will never stop.

We cannot condone his recent criminal cooperation with the gamblers.

The policeman connived at the prisoners' escape.

A policeman should not connive at gambling.

10. 犯罪偵查中對嫌犯的「跟蹤」叫surveillance,偵查所根據或得到的「線索」叫clue,政府部門或公司中的「告發者」叫whistle-blower:

The FBI kept the house under strict surveillance in the hope of capturing all the criminals at one time.

Have any clues been found that can help the police find the criminal?

Fingerprints are the best clues for the investigation.

A whistle-blower revealed that the premier had been bribed by a rich businessman.

11. 一些罪行的說法:

A. 「綁票」可用abduct,被綁架的「人質」叫hostage,「贖金」或「付贖金」叫ransom:

The police think the missing woman has been abducted.

The man with the gun took the boy with him as a hostage and no one could do anything for fear the child would be killed.

The terrorist kept one of the passengers as a hostage.

The tycoon paid a large sum of ransom for the freeing of his wife.

The billionaire refused to ransom his kidnapped grandson.

B. 「縱火」(罪)叫arson:

In our country, arson will be heavily sentenced even if no casualty is caused.

A shopping mall was burned out in Taoyuan last Sunday; police suspect arson.

C. 「盜用公款」叫embezzlement,「貪贓枉法的」、「貪污舞弊的」叫venal:

The bank teller confessed his embezzlement of the funds.

The venal legislator is a disgrace to the country.

D. 「劫機」叫hijack:

Three Palestinians hijacked an American airliner to force the United States to set free their partner.

E. 「謀殺罪」叫homicide,「過失殺人」叫manslaughter,把人「勒死」叫strangle:

The judge did not believe that the homicide was committed in self-defense as the criminal claimed it was.

The driver of the city bus was convicted of manslaughter.

The kidnapper claimed that the child would be strangled unless the ransom reached as directed.

F. 「竊盜罪」叫larceny,竊盜所偷的「贓物」叫loot,「剽竊」或「抄襲」他人的文字或想法可用名詞plagiarism:

He was indicted for grand larceny.

The police have caught the thief but have not found the loot.

The editor soon recognized the plagiarism and rebuked the culprit who had presented the manuscript as original.

The student denied the charge of deliberate plagiarism.

G. 「走私」叫smuggle,「走私犯」叫smuggler,「走私貨」、「違禁品」叫contraband:

•It's a serious crime to smuggle guns into Taiwan.

•The smuggler was finally caught.

•He was found guilty of trading in contraband.

12. 「懲罰」的動詞可用chastise、penalize或smite,但smite為文言用法:

Parents don't chastise their children as much as they used to do.

Speeding on city streets will be penalized.

The boy's conscience smote him because he cheated in the exam.

13. 「懲罰性的」叫punitive,「應受罰的」叫culpable,「免罰」叫impunity:

He asked for punitive measure against the offender.

Besides the gamblers, corrupt politicians who condone gambling are equally culpable.

The bully mistreated everyone in the class with impunity, for he felt that no one would dare retaliate.

14. 罰則「寬容的」、「從輕發落的」叫clement或lenient,「寬容」、「從輕發落」可用名詞leniency或clemency:

•My father is a clement judge who tempers justice with leniency.

•The judge is lenient toward wrongdoers.

•The judge was noted for his clemency toward first offenders.

15. 「假釋」叫on parole,「減刑」叫commutation,「緩刑」叫reprieve,「緩刑期間」叫probation:

•The prisoner was released on parole.

•The court ordered a commutation of his punishment from death to life imprisonment.

•Owing to the change of evidence, the criminal's execution was reprieved.

•He was fined and given two years' probation.

•The judge put him on probation for two years.

•He served a year in prison and was then let out on probation.

16. 「上手銬」叫shackle,「戴腳鐐」用fetter,「監禁」叫incarcerate,「地牢」叫dungeon:

The criminal's hands were shackled together by the police.

The prisoner was fettered to the wall.

He crushed his opponents by incarcerating them.

The criminals were kept in lightless dungeons.

17. 「處私刑」用lynch,「絞刑架」叫gallows,「斷頭臺」叫scaffold:

The villagers agreed to lynch the adulterers.

He committed a crime deserving of the gallows.

The condemned prisoners used to be sent to the scaffold.

18. 「替罪羔羊」叫scapegoat:

The clerk was made the scapegoat for his boss's errors.

19. 「充公」或「暫時沒收」叫confiscate:

Confiscated property should be kept by the state for public use.

If you try to smuggle goods into this country, they may be confiscated by the government authorities.

The teacher confiscated my radio because she heard me playing it in class.




attribute/ extraneous/ extrinsic/ inherent/ innate/ intrinsic/ per se/ underlying

1. 人的「本質」或事物的「屬性」叫attribute:

Generosity was his outstanding attribute.

Darkness is an attribute of night.

2. 指人的個性「與生俱來的」或事物的特質「固有的」,用inherent或intrinsic,形容人時還可用innate。另外,「本質上」可用perse:

The police officer's inherent love of justice compelled him to come to their aid.

The inherent beauty of the canyon needs to be carefully preserved.

The intrinsic worth of a person cannot be assessed in terms of money.

We were highly impressed with Cindy's innate kindness.

The color of the shell per se does not affect the quality of the egg.

Detente, per se, will not prevent war.

The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.

Money per se is not the main reason that people change careers.

3. 「根本的」、「基本的」可用underlying:

The underlying principle of our economic planning is to assure an equitable share of economic benefits for everyone.

4. 「非本身具有的」、「附加上去的」可用extrinsic,「不屬於本質的」、「外來的」、「無關的」可用extraneous:

He is lucky enough to have such extrinsic advantages as wealth and family influence.

We don't need extraneous interference.

Let's exclude the material extraneous to the subject.




bounteous/ dissipate/ economical/ eke out/ expenditure/ extravagance/ extravagant/ frugal/ frugality/ gratuitous/ improvident/ largess/ miser/ miserly/ munificent/ niggard/ niggardly/ overheads/ parsimonious/ pinch/ prodigal/ skimp/ solvent/ sparing/ spendthrift/ squander/ stingy/ subsistence/ thrifty

1. 「花費」(spending)較正式的說法是expenditure;企業的經常性支出(尤其是英式英語)說overheads:

You should limit your expenditures to what is necessary.

May all countries on the globe some day use the least expenditure on the military and the most on the promotion of human welfare!

The accountant suggested reducing some overheads.

2. 「浪費」,用動詞dissipate和squander,用形容詞extravagant、improvident和prodigal。3個字當中,prodigal的語氣最強、最具貶抑意味,improvident語氣則相對溫和,講一個人只知道花錢,不懂得為將來打算。至於名詞「浪費」,用extravagance;「浪費者」、「揮霍無度之人」是spendthrift:

The young man quickly dissipated his inheritance.

The prodigal son squandered the family estate.

She is an extravagant woman, seldom buying things with a second thought.

The rich man keeps warning himself not to become an improvident spender.

The prodigal son squandered all his inheritance.

The neighbors held no respect to the prodigal man.

By living simply and avoiding extravagance, the couple saved enough for the trip.

Even a poor boy may often behave like a spendthrift before his girlfriend.

We were told that the spendthrift had lost his estate through gambling.

3. 「節省的」,用economical、frugal、sparing和thrifty,因為節省而能把債務還清,用形容詞solvent。名詞「節儉」,用frugality:

She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.

John has kept his frugal habits, although he has become rich.

She is frugal of her money.

The student, living away from home, was sparing in his expenditures.

The farmer was thrifty and prosperous.

By dint of very frugal living, he was finally able to become solvent and avoid bankruptcy proceedings.

Frugality is a fine virtue many people have forgotten.

4. 「節省」的動詞可以用pinch,如果要強調由於某種目的或原因而導致可能節省過了頭,用skimp。另外,敘述為「貼補」微薄收入而省錢或額外兼差,用片語eke out;「最起碼的生活水平」或「僅能糊口的營生」,用subsistence:

You have to pinch pennies if you are going to study abroad.

The parents skimped on food and clothing for their daughter's tuition.

The accountant ekes out his regular income by working evenings and Sundays.

She eked out her small income by washing clothes for other people.

In these days of inflated prices, his salary provides a mere subsistence.

The family has lived at subsistence level for a long time.

5. 「慷慨的」用形容詞bounteous和munificent,兩個字都比generous正式。另外,「不求回報的」,用gratuitous;敘述「(在上位者)對需要幫助者的慷慨援助」,用largess(法文):

The benefactor is famous as a bounteous giver.

The munificent gift was presented to the bride.

The kind man often offered gratuitous help.

Lady Bountiful distributed largess to the poor.

6. 「吝嗇鬼」、「小氣鬼」、「守財奴」用miser或niggard;「吝嗇的」、「小氣的」,用stingy、miserly、niggardly或parsimonious。其中,stingy較不正式,語氣也較和緩;parsimonious是較為正式的用字,且強調小氣到連對自己都頗寒酸:

The notorious miser/ niggard felt no sympathy at all for the needy.

Tom is stingy in most cases, but he will give and help when he thinks necessary.

John is a miserly guy, so don't expect he would reward you for the help.

She had a niggardly husband who never gave her enough money for food.

His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxuries.




alias/ anonymous/ appellation/ autograph/ incognito/ misnomer/ namesake/ nomenclature/ pseudonym/ roster/ signet

1. 罪犯等為免被發現所用的「化名」或「假名」叫alias;公眾人物為免受到太多打擾而把身分隱藏起來叫incognito(用作形容詞和副詞):

After committing murder, Henry Hutchinson used an alias and called himself Jack Lee.

The monarch enjoyed traveling through the town incognito and mingling with the populace.

The tycoon spent a three-week holiday in the countryside incognito.

In an age like ours it's scarcely possible to be incognito.

2. 基於正面或負面動機而以「匿名的」方式做某事叫anonymous;它也指某作品「作者不詳的」,至於「筆名」則是pseudonym:

The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.

It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters.

Ignore any anonymous caller in your smart phone.

After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.

George Eliot is a pseudonym for Mary Ann Evans.

The writer concealed his identity by a pseudonym.

3. 為表示敬意等在人姓名之外所加的很像是頭銜般的「稱號」或「尊稱」叫appellation;名實不符的「不當名稱」叫misnomer:

The Hector in Greek mythology is given the appellation "tamer of horses."

King Alexander was given the appellation "the Great."

"Bard of Avon" is a poetic appellation for William Shakespeare.

To call him a brave man is really a misnomer.

4. 「同名者」或「以他人之名取名者」叫namesake;「命名的系統或規則」叫nomenclature:

I often get letters belonging to my namesake John Smith down the street; it's confusing that we are namesakes.

He is his grandfather's namesake.

The nomenclature of the major streets in Taipei City is based on names of large Chinese cities.

5. 「親筆簽名」叫autograph;可用以代替簽名的印章叫signet:

May I have your autograph, sir?

The envelope was sealed with the sender's signet.

6. 工作的「班表」、「會員名冊」、「選手名單」等叫roster:

Why was your name crossed out in the membership roster?




dusk/ flicker/ gleam/ glimmer/ glisten/ glitter/ illuminate/ luminous/ luster/ sheen/ shimmer

1. 「照亮」叫illuminate,「發光的」、「明亮的」可用luminous,「黑暗」可說成dusk:

•They were living in a room dimly illuminated by firelight.

•The sun is a luminous body.

•The lights go on at dusk.

•Almost nothing was visible in the dusk of the room.

2. 「不穩定地閃著」、「明滅不定」叫flicker,「微微發亮」、「柔和地閃著」叫glimmer或shimmer:

•The brief candle flickered and then went out.

•A faint light glimmered at the end of the passage.

•The moonlight shimmered on the water as the moon broke through the clouds for a moment.

3. 「閃閃發亮」、「閃耀」叫glisten或glitter:

•His hair glistened with oil.

•I polished it till it glistened.

•The diamond glittered on her finger.

•All that glitters is not gold.

4. 「光澤」叫luster或sheen,「突然射出或發出的亮光」叫gleam:

•The soft luster of the silk in the dim light was pleasing.

•I will forever remember her voice and her hair that has a soft beautiful sheen.

•Gleams of sunshine came round the edges of the dark cloud.




arid/ belch/ bog/ cascade/ cataract/ creek/ erode/ erupt/ ford/ glen/ headland/ lagoon/ maelstrom/ maritime/ marsh/ nautical/ prairie/ precipitous/ promontory/ quagmire/ ravine/ recede/ sediment/ shoal/ silt/ slough/ surf/ swamp/ terrain/ terrestrial/ topography/ tract/ vortex

1. 「地形」叫terrain或topography,一片「廣闊的土地」叫tract,「地表的」、「陸地的」叫terrestrial:

•The geologist made an analysis of the terrain via aerial photos.

•Before he gave the order to attack, the general demanded a complete study of the topography of the region.

•There are tracts of land in Australia.

•The tract of land should be put to the best possible use.

•Islands and continents make up the terrestrial parts of the earth.

2. 「大草原」可用prairie,「沼澤」、「濕地」可用bog、marsh、quagmire、slough或swamp:

•The prairie is so immense as if it were boundless.

•The land is a bog and is no use for growing crops.

•The cart was stuck in the bog.

•The villagers endeavored to protect the marsh because it is of great ecological value.

•Rain had been falling all day and the ground had become a quagmire.

•In the United States, some Indians are still living in primitive huts in the sloughs.

•They decided to hunt alligators in the Florida swamps.

3. 「山谷」可用glen或ravine,「陡峭的」可用precipitous,「小瀑布」叫cascade,「大瀑布」叫cataract:

•The shepherd's pipe was heard from glen to glen.

•The explorers followed the ravine high up into the hills.

•This is a precipitous cliff.

•We could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we were forced to make detours around each of them.

•The visitors were marveled at the grandeur of the cataract.

4. 「小溪」、「小河」可用creek,河中可涉水或駕車通過的「淺灘」叫ford,如果是在水面以下、對行船造成危險者則稱為shoal:

•The boys went wading in the creek.

•The horses were driven across the ford.

•The sailors were advised not to go near the dangerous shoal in uncharted waters.

5. 「潟湖」叫lagoon,「海角」、「岬」叫headland或promontory,「臨海的」叫maritime,「航海的」叫nautical:

•They enjoyed their swim in the calm lagoon.

•A lighthouse was erected on the headland/ promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore.

•Canada's maritime provinces depend on the sea for their wealth.

•The sailor used all sorts of nautical terms in his talk.

•My father began his nautical career at the age of 24.

6. 火山「噴發」或「爆發」可用erupt或belch:

•Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years.

•The volcano erupted gouts of lava.

•The volcano belched smoke and ashes.

7. 「海浪」可用surf,「漩渦」可用vortex或maelstrom(文言):

•The surf was so high after the storm that fishermen were forced to stay home for another day.

•The swimmer was caught in the vortex and perished.

•The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom.

8. 化學藥劑、水、風等的「侵蝕」叫erode,水的「消退」叫recede,水退後留下的沉積物叫sediment,若特別指港口或河道的「淤泥」或「淤沙」則用silt:

•The sea erodes the rocks.

•The limestone was eroded by the dripping water.

•They will return after the flood waters recede.

•Rocks hidden by sediment spoiled the bay for diving.

•The harbor channel is choked up with silt.

9. 形容某地區「氣候乾燥的」用arid:

•Inner Mongolia is the arid region of China.

•It is hard to grow crops in the arid desert land.




abide by/ amenable/ breach/ compliant/ comply with/ conform to/ contravene/ docile/ foul/ infraction/ precept/ quotidian/ rut/ sanction/ stringent/ transgress/ violate/ wont

1. 對規則、法令等的「服從」、「遵守」可用abide by、comply with或conform to:

Since you have joined the organization, you'd better abide by its regulations.

People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.

Most people willingly conform to the customs of society.

2. 「順從的」、「服從的」可用amenable、compliant或docile:

The boy was amenable to his mother's suggestion.

We should not be producing compliant students who do not dare to criticize.

I don't respect people who are too compliant.

He was compliant and ready to conform to the pattern set by his parents.

The once docile population has finally risen up against the ruthless regime.

Docile as it seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast.

3. 「違規」可用動詞contravene、transgress或violate,也可以用名詞breach或infraction:

Your behavior contravenes established social customs.

The young man frequently transgressed the bounds of decency by doing or saying something offensive.

Do not transgress the law.

The singer violated the terms of his contract and was sued by the company.

A country isn't respected if it violates an international agreement.

Your action is a breach of our agreement.

His behavior was a gross breach of good manners.

Because of his many infractions of school regulations, he was suspended by the dean.

4. 形容運動或比賽中「犯規的」動作或行為用foul:

He struck his opponent a foul blow on the back of the neck.

Good sportsmanship never admits of foul play.

5. 指規則等「嚴苛的」用stringent:

Don't you think these regulations are too stringent?

6. 對違規或違法行為的「約束力」叫sanction:

The best moral sanction is that of conscience; the worst is the fear of punishment.

7. 「每天的」、「例行的」可用quotidian,「例行公事」可說rut。另外,在正式用法中,「習慣」也可以用wont:

Among the quotidian duties of the secretary are answering letters and sorting papers.

Day in and day out, the clerk went on in the same old rut.

He stayed up late, as was his wont.

8. 「道德行為準則」可用precept:

Love of all people is a main precept of our religion.

Example is often better than precept. (身教勝於言教)




acme/ apex/ conspicuous/ consummate/ culmination/ eminent/ flawless/ impeccable/ pinnacle/ zenith

1. 成就或表現的「最高峰」可用acme、apex、culmination、pinnacle或zenith:

The artist's creativity had. reached the acme of perfection before the age of thirty.

His election to the presidency was the apex of his career.

The culmination of the doctor's life's work was his discovery of a cure for the cold.

The manager has reached the culmination of his career.

The novelist has reached the pinnacle of fame.

America may have begun to go down from the pinnacle of power.

Being elected mayor was the zenith of his political career.

2. 「完美的」、「登峰造極的」、「爐火純青的」可用consummate、flawless 或impeccable:

The violinist displayed her consummate skill in the performance.

Her acting is almost flawless.

This is a flawless argument: I completely agree on it.

Somewhat nervous as she was, the pianist performed with impeccable skill last night.

His English is impeccable.

Services in the restaurant are impeccable.

3. 「傑出的」、「卓越的」可用conspicuous或eminent:

He was conspicuous for his bravery.

After a lifetime's eminent services, the employee retired.




accede/ acquiesce/ assent/ consent/ demur/ deprecate/ dissent/ dissident/ endorse/ espouse/ exponent/ ratify/ sanction/ unanimous/ versus

1. 正式英文中,「同意」、「應允」建議、計畫、要求等用accede to,這裡的to 是介系詞:

Don't accede to their unreasonable request.

2. 「批准」、「認可」可用endorse或sanction,若特別指批准條約或契約,用ratify(正式):

Civic leaders have endorsed the rehabilitation project.

The church would not sanction the king's second marriage.

The Congress agreed to ratify the treaty.

3. 對目標或理念的「支持」,用espouse(正式),理念或信仰的「支持者」(可能亦是實踐者),用exponent:

He espoused the cause of equal rights for women.

The psychoanalyst is an exponent of the opinions of Freud.

Benjamin Franklin is a famous exponent of self-education.

4. 「默許」或「勉強同意」叫acquiesce(正式):

She acquiesced in the plans his parents had made for her.

5. 名詞「同意」,用assent或consent:

Once we have his assent, we can start.

Mary's parents refused their consent to her marriage.

Governments should rule only with the consent of the governed.

Say something, or he will take your silence for consent.

6. 「全體意見一致的」叫unanimous:

They were unanimous in their determination to win/ in asking for more holidays.

7. 「不同意」可用dissent:

Do you dissent from what the speaker has said?

He dissented violently, rejecting compromise.

8. 正式用法中,「反對」用demur或deprecate。另外,公開且經常是強烈的反對者叫dissident:

They demurred at the idea of not paying.

Don't demur at her request.

Such waste of money at a time like this should be deprecated.

I must deprecate your negative attitude.

The dissident was exiled for life.

9. 正式英文中(尤其是運動賽事或法律用語),表「與…成為對比」可用介系詞versus:

The age-old argument about free trade versus protection has emerged again.




budge/ dangle/ dart/ embed/ exodus/ flounder/ flutter/ glide/ haul/ heave/ hitch/ hoist/ hustle/ inert/ jerk/ jolt/ lurk/ maneuver/ paddle/ plunge/ prowl/ ripple/ ruffle/ scurry/ scuttle/ shift/ skid/ slide/ slip/ slither/ sneak/ squirm/ stalk/ surge/ swirl/ taut/ throng/ thrust/ toss/ tow/ wallow/ welter/ whisk/ wobble/ wriggle/ writhe

1. 指身體在固定的小範圍內(例如座位上)移動或物體脫離原本置放的位置,用shift;指「稍稍移動」,用budge。這個字很常用在否定句中,強調想稍微移動一下都不容易。如果用人當主詞,句子又是否定的,經常比喻其想法、立場等很難被改變:

He shifted impatiently in his seat during the long speech.

Lydia shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

I shifted uneasily under his gaze.

Fasten the load down to keep it from shifting at high speed.

This rock is so heavy that I cannot budge it at all.

Once he reaches a decision, he won't budge.

She won't budge from her opinions.

2. 「扭動」身體用squirm、wriggle或writhe。其中,writhe語氣最強,表示痛到幾乎打滾起來:

Whenever the boy thought of the poor report card, he squirmed.

He wriggled uncomfortably on the hard chair.

She writhed in anguish with a throbbing toothache.

The child writhed in agony on the floor.

3. 「擺動」叫dangle;「搖搖晃晃」叫wobble:

He dangled the keys on his chain.

The leaves dangled in the wind.

The table is wobbling.

You are making the table wobble with your foot.

Let the baby wobble along.

4. 「拉」可用動詞haul:

In some parts of the world, elephants are still used to haul logs from a forest.

He hauled up the fishing nets.

4-1. 「突然地猛力一扯」某物,有時拉扯的力量太大,以致使該物晃動起來,可用jerk或jolt,兩個字都可用做動詞和名詞:

The old car jerked/ jolted along.

The bus stopped with a jerk/ jolt.

4-2. 用繩、鏈等「拖拉」(車輛),用tow:

The car had to be towed to the garage.

4-3. 把東西「拉得緊緊的」,用taut:

Pull the string taut!

The sails were taut with breeze.

5. 突然地「(被)往前推」,可用plunge。另外,「猛力推」可用動詞thrust:

The sudden stopping of the car plunged him forward.

The car suddenly stopped and he plunged forward.

We thrust our way through the crowd.

6. 「用力拉起或提起」叫heave;強調「把東西舉高」,用hoist:

We heaved her to her feet.

The worker heaved the heavy box into the car.

He hoisted it over his shoulder.

We stood at attention when the flag was being hoisted.

They hoisted sail.

7. 「靈巧地移動位置」叫maneuver;在可能下陷的情況下「艱難行進」, 用flounder:

She managed to maneuver expertly into the parking space.

We maneuvered the TV in front of the sofa.

It was difficult to maneuver the furniture through the door.

People and cars were floundering in the deep snow beside the road.

8. 指人成群結隊地向前移動或擠在某個狹小空間,也就是「蜂擁」,用throng:

People thronged to attend the concert.

Passengers thronged the station waiting for their trains.

8-1. 指大批人群從某個地方離開,可用名詞exodus:

War and tyranny often lead to the pathetic exodus of refugees from their homeland.

In New York, the exodus from the hot and stuffy city was particularly noticeable on Friday evenings.

Every fine weekend there is a general exodus of cars from the city to the country.

8-2. 指人群或某種自然力量突然且強力地向前或向上移動,用surge:

The crowd surged past him.

Blood surged to his face when he was agitated.

9. 「催促…趕緊行動」叫hustle;「迅速且突然地把麻煩的人或物移往它處(搞定)」叫whisk:

She hustled the children off to school and started working.

Upon being caught, the criminal was whisked into the police car.

She whisked away the cups/ whisked the kids home.

10. 指突然且快速前進,像是用衝的,用dart:

The crowd darted out of the shopping mall when a fire was announced.

Insects were darting about before the storm.

11. 指人或動物為了逃走等而「慌張快跑」用scurry或scuttle。但scuttle有時並不是慌張,反倒是偷偷摸摸地:

The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.

The children scuttled off/ away when they saw the policeman.

The hounds scuttled off into the woods to chase the hares.

12. 指輕薄之物的「上下前後擺動」,用flutter;指「翻來覆去」,用toss:

The flag fluttered in the wind.

The curtains were fluttering in the breeze.

She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a goodbye.

On our ocean cruise, we saw a small boat tossing in heavy seas.

My husband was tossing about all night. He couldn't get to sleep.

13. 指做了錯事或想幹壞事而「鬼鬼祟祟地行動」,用lurk或sneak:

There were snakes lurking along the mountain paths.

The burglar sneaked into the garage and stole the car.

14. 指「悄悄地追捕獵物」,用stalk;指人或動物「悄聲卻緊張地四處找尋(獵物等)」,用prowl:

The hunter stalked the deer.

I woke in the middle of the night and heard someone prowling in the garden.

Many wild beasts prowl at night.

15. 「輕巧地滑動或滑行」叫glide,假如這種滑動或滑行是在一個平面進行,用slide;「失足滑倒」叫slip:

The boat glided over the river.

Fish were gliding about in the lake.

She slid along the ice.

He slid his glass across the table top.

My foot slipped and I nearly fell.

15-1. 趁別人不注意「偷偷溜掉」,用slip或slide:

The boy slid/ slipped out of the room when no one was looking.

15-2. 指時光的「流逝」,用slip或glide:

As the years slipped by/ past, I thought less about her.

Years glided past without our knowing.

16. 車輛或車輪等的「打滑」,用skid;指像蛇那樣邊扭動邊前進,用slither:

The car skidded on an icy road.

The boy drove the dog-drawn sled slithering along the stormy pavement.

17. 指水「起微波或漣漪」,用ripple或ruffle,但ruffle用的是寓意,它的本意是把頭髮等弄亂。同時,ripple也可以指類似漣漪的景象,例如田間被風吹起的麥浪等:

The pond was rippled by rain.

A pleasant breeze ruffled the lake.

The wind rippled the surface of the cornfield.

18. 指水等的「打轉」,用swirl:

After a heavy rain, water swirled into the storm drains.

The water swirled about his feet.

19. 指用槳等划船(尤其是划獨木舟),用paddle:

We are going to paddle our own canoe through stress and storm.

20. 指大型哺乳動物等在泥地或水中「打滾」,用wallow或welter,但welter明顯比較少用:

Hogs enjoy wallowing in mud.

The hog weltered happily in the muddy puddle.

21. 把東西「牢牢地插入」一大塊物體的周邊使固定不動,用embed;如果固定的方法是用繩子拴住或鉤子鉤住,用hitch。此外,形容東西「動不了的」,用inert:

The gold crown was embedded with jewels.

He hitched the horse's rope over the pole.

Another railway carriage has been hitched on.

A rock is an inert mass of matter.




akin/ analogous/ analogy/ concerted/ consensus/ discrepancy/ discrete/ disparity/ distinct/ diverse/ diversity/ equate/ equivalent/ heterogeneous/ identical/ manifold/ miscellaneous/ nuance/ parity/ semblance/ separate/ simultaneous/ solidarity/ synchronous/ synonymous/ tantamount/ variance/ variety/ various/ virtually

1. 「完全相同的」叫identical:

It's the identical coat that was stolen from me.

I've never before met two sisters with identical voices.

Your voice is identical to hers.

No fingerprints of two persons are identical.

2. 「相似的」、「類似的」可用akin、synonymous或analogous(正式),「類比」叫analogy:

Her beautiful handwriting is akin to drawing.

Pity is akin to love.

Superstition is synonymous with ignorance.

The study's findings are analogous with/ to our own.

The teacher likes to make clear her points by analogy.

He indicated points of analogy between the two situations.

3. 描述一種有可能異於實況的「類似」,用semblance:

Although his book has a semblance of wisdom and scholarship, a careful examination will reveal many errors and omissions.

4. 「同時發生或存在的」、「同時作出的」可用simultaneous或synchronous:

The simultaneous appearance of two books on the same subject is very common.

We have many examples of scientists in different parts of the world who have made synchronous discoveries.

5. 計畫、行動等「一致的」、「聯合的」可用concerted,為共同利益、目標或準則而「團結一致」叫solidarity,「共識」說成consensus:

All governments have made a concerted effort to stop terrorism.

We must take concerted action.

Solidarity among union members is essential in negotiations.

What is the consensus of opinion, ladies?

Can we reach a consensus on this matter?

Our consensus is that corporal punishment should be banned in schools.

The consensus indicates that we will not enter into this pact.

The consensus of the committee was that no action should be taken.

6. 時間、數量等「相等的」叫equivalent,它也做名詞用,指等值的東西:

She changed her pounds for the equivalent/ an equivalent amount of dollars.

Some American words have no British equivalents.

7. 效果、嚴重程度等「相等的」、「實質上一樣的」用tantamount,「實質上」、「幾乎」可用virtually:

His reticence was tantamount to an acknowledgement of fault.

This was an act that is tantamount to treason.

Your answer is tantamount to a refusal.

That request is virtually an order.

8. 狀態、階級、地位等「相等」、「平等」可用parity,「把…同等看待」、「把…畫上等號」叫equate:

We seek to stand at parity with all the other races in the world.

You can't equate his poems and/ with his plays.

Orientals equated retreat with cowardice.

9. 中文「不同的」這個概念,換成英文至少可以分為「差異」和「繁多」兩個層面,項9先說差異。屬於這層面的different可以替換成distinct、separate和discrete(正式)。這些字都強調某些人、事、物儘管同樣屬於某個族群,彼此之間卻存在著明顯且關鍵的差別,讓人不可能混淆:

Chinese and English are two entirely distinct languages. (儘管都是 language)

The European Union is made up of 15 nations with distinct cultural, linguistic, and economic roots. (儘管同在歐洲)

This word has three separate meanings.

The website lists ten separate ways to kill cockroaches.

The picture consisted of a lot of discrete spots of color.

The universe is composed of discrete bodies.

These two discrete issues are totally unrelated.

10. 相對於「差異」,另一組different的代用字則強調「繁多」、「形形色色」、「各式各樣」或「多元」,它們包括diverse、various、heterogeneous、miscellaneous和manifold(正式)。另外,「多元」、「形形色色」可用diversity或variety表達:

There are diverse ways of approaching this problem.

Papers presented for this conference included subjects as diverse as pop music and archaeology.

He decided to leave school for various reasons.

I had to sign various documents before they would let me into the country.

The heterogeneous population of the United States constitutes the melting pot.

The bookseller gathered together a miscellaneous lot of books for sale.

Marriage consists of manifold duties.

Mary has a great diversity of interests: she likes sports, travel, photography, and making radio sets.

Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons.

11. 「不同」、「不一致」可用discrepancy、disparity或variance,但variance主要用在片語at variance (with)中。另外,「細微的不同」叫nuance:

You said you paid 500 dollars and the bill says 300; how do you explain the discrepancy?

Wide discrepancies were found between the two accounts of the battle.

There is (a) great disparity of/ in age between him and his wife.

Their stories showed significant disparity.

There is great disparity between promise and performance.

They have been at variance for years.

What he did was at variance with what he had promised to do.

There is some nuance between the adjectives "beautiful" and "good-looking."




balm/ console/ reassure/ solace

1. 「安慰」除了comfort之外,也可用console:

After fire had destroyed my home, I consoled myself with the thought that it might have been worse.

Time is said to be able to console anyone's grief.

2. 安慰憂慮之人,使其免於擔心受怕,用動詞reassure:

He reassured his wife that she would forever be loved.

The doctor reassured the sick man about his health.

3. 「慰藉」可用solace;用作慰藉的東西,用balm。它本來的意思是一種用以止痛的香膏,這裡是比喻的用法:

The lonely man found solace in reading.

Your kind words come like balm to my hurt feelings.




haven/ hazardous/ imperil/ jeopardize/ jeopardy/ peril/ pitfall/ salvage/ sanctuary/ tutelage

1. 「危險」可用jeopardy或peril,「意料之外的危險或困難」、「易犯的錯誤」 叫pitfall:

His life was in jeopardy.

His foolish behavior may put his whole future in jeopardy.

Those young people crossing the dilapidated bridge were in great peril.

There are many pitfalls in English grammar, spelling, and pronunciation for foreign students.

This business is a pitfall that traps unwary investors.

2. 「危險的」可用hazardous,「使陷入危險」可用imperil或jeopardize:

His occupation is too hazardous for insurance companies to consider his application.

Those stray mines will imperil commercial shipping.

The policeman jeopardized his life to save the drowning boy's life.

3. 「避難所」、「避風港」可用haven或sanctuary,「庇護」、「保護」可用tutelage:

The baby was safe in the haven of her mother's arms.

A home is a haven of refuge from life's stress and storm.

The study became his best sanctuary.

He passed the entrance exam under the tutelage of several teachers.

4. 「救援遇難船隻」叫salvage:

All attempts to salvage the wrecked ship failed.




contaminate/ defile/ filthy/ hygienic/ immaculate/ lather/ pollutant/ rinse/ sanitary/ scrub/ smudge/ sordid/ squalid/ taint

1. 「汙穢的」、「骯髒的」可用filthy、sordid或squalid:

Take away your filthy boots!

You will see a lot of filthy streets in big cities.

The mendicant lived in a sordid hut.

Sordid motives breed selfish actions.

It is easy to see how crime can breed in such a squalid neighborhood.

2. 「汙染」可用contaminate,食物「腐壞」、道德人格「敗壞」等可用taint,使美感「遭到破壞」或人「變得不純淨」可用defile:

Don't eat this cake; it may have been contaminated by cockroaches.

The sewage system of the city so contaminated the water that swimming was forbidden.

The river was contaminated by waste from the factory.

Our students are being contaminated by foreign ideas.

The warm weather has tainted this meat.

His good reputation was tainted by the scandal.

Despite the extreme financial difficulty that was confronting him, the father refused to use the tainted money his son had earned.

His character has been tainted with dishonesty.

Our beautiful country is being defiled by advertising signs.

It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.

Evil books defile the mind.

3. 「汙染物」叫pollutant,「汙漬」叫smudge:

Our rivers are full of pollutants from the factories along the banks.

Cheap carbon paper makes smudges easily.

4. 「乾乾淨淨的」、「一塵不染的」叫immaculate,「不會危害健康的」、「衛生的」可用hygienic或sanitary:

The cadets wore immaculate uniforms as they lined up for inspection.

The seamy side of the city has very poor hygienic conditions.

Sanitary inspection will be done to restaurants twice a year.

5. 「用肥皂水清洗」叫lather,「用清水沖洗」叫rinse,「用力刷洗」叫 scrub:

He lathers his face before shaving.

You must rinse the soap out of your hair.

She scrubbed the shirt to remove the spot.

After cooking and eating, she hates to scrub the pots and pans, and leaves the task to her husband.




celebrated/ celebrity/ eminent/ galaxy/ ignominious/ illustrious/ infamous/ infamy/ luminary/ noted/ notoriety/ notorious/ obscure/ prestige/ prestigious/ prominence/ renowned

1. 「有名的」、「著名的」可用celebrated、noted或renowned,若強調人在科學或藝術領域方面有名用eminent,形容其成就輝煌或名聲顯赫則用illustrious。另外,「有名」可用prominence。但它通常用於come into prominence或bring something into prominence等片語中:

Venice is celebrated for its beautiful buildings.

She is a noted performer.

This town is noted for its cheeses.

She is renowned for her piano performance/ renowned as a pianist.

He is a renowned architect throughout the world.

The most eminent doctors treated the queen in her illness.

The scientist's illustrious accomplishment will live in the memory of humanity.

As a lover of literature, you should know the illustrious name of William Butler Yeats.

This young artist is coming into prominence.

Red wine has brought this remote village into prominence.

2. 「名人」叫celebrity,若強調確有真功夫的名人則用luminary。另外,「一大群」名人聚在一起(也就是「冠蓋雲集」)叫galaxy:

Quite a few celebrities showed up at her music show.

The feast was graced by a number of luminaries.

The king was followed by a galaxy of brave knights and fair ladies.

3. 指機構等「有名望的」、「名聲響噹噹的」叫prestigious,這種名望叫prestige:

Taiwan University is one of the most prestigious universities of Taiwan.

She has a very prestigious address; she lives in the best part of Taipei City.

As Senator he enjoyed great prestige.

4. 「不名譽的」可用ignominious,「惡名昭彰的」叫notorious或infamous,「惡名昭彰」叫notoriety或infamy。因此,要注意infamous並不是指「不有名的」。「不有名的」、「沒沒無聞的」、「名不見經傳的」應說obscure或not famous。同時,也得注意infamous的念法:

The corruption scandal caused the mayor to suffer an ignominious descent from political power.

It was an ignominious defeat to the team that had several excellent players.

Their country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious.

He was a notorious gambler.

The infamous murderer has killed four people in a month.

Newspapers often bring notoriety to those involved in crime or scandal.

The President described the attack as a day that will live in infamy.

The surprisingly successful movie was actually starred by an obscure actor.




allure/ captivate/ catchword/ charisma/ enchant/ enthrall/ fascinate/ glamorous/ lure/ obsession/ piquant/ placard/ slogan/ spellbound/ stunning

1. 以「美好的誘因」吸引,用allure,強調吸引之後造成的結果(尤其是不好的結果),用lure:

•Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.

•Helen was allured by the prospect of her new job.

•People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.

•Computer games are luring youngsters away from their lessons.

•The promise of money lured him away from his steady job.

2. 因產生陶醉、興奮感而被吸引,用captivate;因興趣或好奇而被吸引,用fascinate:

•Venice's beauty captivated the old man so much that he swore he would not leave for fear he might die elsewhere.

•With her beauty and charm, she captivated movie audiences worldwide.

•I'm fascinated with/ by Buddhist ceremonies.

•Poetry always fascinates me.

•Anything to do with flowers and trees fascinates my sister.

3. 如施魔法般地在一段短時間內讓人著迷,用enchant或enthrall,兩個字經常用 在被動中。另外,這種「似被定住」(enchanted、enthralled)的狀態,也可改用spellbound:

•We were all enchanted with her singing.

•The little boy was enthralled by the soldier's stories of battles.

•The philatelist was spellbound by his friend's rarer collection.

4. 某些人在大眾面前所具有的「魅力」用charisma,人「有魅力的」、事物「吸 引人的」可用glamorous:

•A politician's charisma is sometimes not quite consistent with his abilities.

•Political commentators have explored the importance of a candidate's charisma in these days of television campaigning.

•His sister is a glamorous girl.

•Being a foreign correspondent is a glamorous job.

5. 「讓人印象非常深刻的」、「漂亮的」、「討人喜歡的」可用stunning:

•The bonnet looked stunning on her.

•This is a stunning dress.

•The view from our balcony is stunning.

•Both of their daughters are absolutely stunning.

•He has taken many stunning photos of his girlfriend.

6. 形容以一種微妙或特殊的方式吸引人,用piquant:

•Time will turn the memory of hardships into piquant reminiscences.

•Her face wasn't beautiful, but it had a piquant charm.

7. 指人以全部心神關注的事情、想法或情緒,用obsession:

•Now that he has learned bowling, it has become his obsession.

8. 「公告」、「告示」、「廣告」叫placard,「標語」可用catchword或 slogan:

•The placard states: No admittance except on business.

•The placard announcing that the circus was pulling into town was luring both adults and children.

•The new political party has done nothing but invented a lot of catchwords.

•"Customer First" is the chain store's slogan.




bridle/ curb/ forbear/ immoderate/ indulge/ inordinate/ intemperate/ rein/ repress/ repression/ subdue/ suppress/ temperance/ unleash/ withhold

1. 「克制」、「節制」可用bridle、curb或withhold:

•Bridle your tongue and be more careful with what you say.

•To live in a more harmonious society, we have the obligation to bridle our temper.

•The girl tried to curb her nervousness during the waiting for her job interview.

•Please curb your passions.

•Nothing could withhold him once he made up his mind.

2. 強調控制情感或慾望等,可用動詞repress,但它的名詞repression則可能暗示過度或不當的壓抑。至於如果是情緒反過來「掌控」我們,則用subdue:

•I could hardly repress my laughter.

•He repressed a sudden desire to cry.

•Sometimes, repression of emotions does hurt.

•Anger subdued him and made him unable to think rationally.

•Fear subdued the kids.

3. 強調用強力節制或控制,用suppress,假如是發了慈悲憐憫心而忍住不做某種行為,則用forbear:

•With so many people present, you ought to have suppressed your yawn.

•The hunter forbore to shoot the animal despite temptation.

•He has deserved to be punished several times, but I have forborne (from doing so).

4. 名詞的「克制」或「節制」可用temperance。另外,「馬韁繩」rein的比喻用法也有這種意思:

•I think you should be old enough to have temperance in your speech and action.

•The radical is a man who knows no temperance in his opinions.

•You had better keep a tight rein on your passions.

5. 「沉迷於」叫indulge:

•I indulged my interest in flowers for several years by planting a large garden.

6. 無節制地「宣洩」情緒等叫unleash:

•All her anger was unleashed on her little child.

•The armies unleashed violence on the city.

7. 「無節制的」可用immoderate、inordinate或intemperate:

•Immoderate eating caused him to gain much weight in recent months.

•We are much worried about her immoderate feelings of sorrow over her dead husband.

•The child was spoiled by inordinate praise.

•The spoilt child has a good number of intemperate habits.




adept/ adroit/ competent/ contrive/ deft/ dexterous, dextrous/ expertise/ feat/ finesse/ flair/ forte/ inept/ ingenious/ innate/ knack/ proficiency/ proficient/ subtlety/ versatile/ versed

1. 在較為非正式的用法中,可用knack表示「技巧」或「能力」;個人的「強項」、「特長」、「專長」可用forte,它只能用單數,且前面經常加上所有格:

Most Chinese girls seem to have the knack of cooking.

He has a knack of making friends wherever he goes.

Games are his forte; he plays baseball and football unusually well.

Singing is her strongest forte.

2. 指「能展現個人技巧、力量或勇氣的事情」用feat:

It was quite a feat to move that piano by yourself.

The young man's feats of horsemanship won him fame and fortune.

3. 指處理人際互動或其它事情的「細膩技巧」用finesse(法文),技巧或能力的「細膩」、「微妙」叫subtlety:

Wilson handled the meeting with great finesse.

The finesse and adroitness of the surgeon impressed the observers in the operating room.

A good vocabulary enables us to communicate with greater subtlety and precision than a limited one.

Although I do not agree with what you have said, I cannot but praise the subtlety of your argument.

4. 「專門技術」或「專業知識」叫expertise:

His expertise saved the business from failing.

Special expertise is in great demand in this highly technological society.

5. 「靈巧的」、「熟練的」、「俐落的」可用adroit、deft或dexterous。其中,adroit也可以形容心思的敏捷。另外,「不靈巧的」、「笨拙的」、「無能的」叫inept:

Her long-time service in the government allowed her to be adroit at dealing with complicated problems.

This is an adroit answer to the difficult question.

The magic needs to be worked with the adroit movement of the hands.

The pianist has extremely deft fingers.

The audience marveled at the young dancer's deft performance last night.

She untied the knots with dexterous fingers.

He is quite inept at baseball.

The constant turmoil in the office proved that he was an inept administrator.

6. 「天份」可用flair,「天生具有的」可用innate:

The girl has a flair for writing.

He shows little flair for this subject.

The young merchant has a flair for bargains.

The girl's innate talent for music was soon recognized.

7. 「能勝任的」叫competent:

Perhaps he is not so brilliant, but he is competent at his job.

The boss found his secretary very competent.

8. 「多才多藝的」叫versatile:

Leonardo da Vinci was a very versatile artist who was at home in almost any medium.

9. 「專精的」、「擅長的」可用proficient、adept或versed,「專精」叫proficiency:

The intelligent student is proficient in almost every subject.

My mother is adept in painting.

May is adept at playing the piano.

The factory needs a man who's well versed in auto mechanics.

Proficiency in English is hard to come by, but it is not impossible.

10. 把很平常的東西「發揮巧思地設計」成另外的東西,用contrive;指所設計發明的東西「精巧的」或腦筋「靈活的」、「有創意的」,用ingenious:

She contrived a dress from a piece of old cloth.

He contrived a useful camp store from a few bricks and a piece of screen.

The inventor has got an ingenious mind.

It's an ingenious device.




acrimonious/ acrimony/ admonish/ berate/ caustic/ censure/ chide/ condemn/ cynic/ cynical/ denounce/ fastidious/ fussy/ hairsplitting/ imprecation/ invective/ mordant/ rebuke/ reprehensible/ reprimand/ reproach/ reprove/ revile/ sarcastic/ slanderous/ stigmatize/ stricture/ tart/ vitriolic

1. 「指責」除了一般的scold和blame之外,還可用berate(正式)、reproach 、reprove或stigmatize:

John was berated by the teacher for his habitual lying.

The Trump administration keeps berating China for its insufficient transparency of the coronavirus outbreak.

The clerk was reproached for being late.

Mary's mother reproved her for staying out late.

You must not stigmatize his reticence as insolence.

2. 「溫和地指責或警告」用admonish(正式),「嚴厲且強烈地指責」可用censure、condemn、reprimand和rebuke。其中,rebuke也常做名詞使用:

The wife admonished his husband against smoking.

His teacher censured his pessimistic perspective of life.

Human Rights Watch called on the United Nations to censure the Chinese government for its various violations of international human rights standards.

He was censured for his misconduct.

Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort (as evil).

Tom was afraid that his parents would reprimand him when he showed them his report card.

The teacher rebuked the child for his disobedience.

The boy's bad behavior earned him a sharp rebuke.

3. 「公開且強烈地譴責」(例如傳播媒體所為者)叫denounce,文言敘述中的「指責」經常用chide:

The minister's action was denounced in the newspapers.

He was denounced by the press as a traitor.

All citizens must denounce cruelty to children.

The government's diplomatic policy has been denounced on all sides.

King Arthur chided Sir Lancelot for his unfaithfulness.

4. 「辱罵」、「惡言相向」可用動詞revile或名詞invective或imprecation。另外,「誹謗的」、「做不實指控的」叫slanderous:

He was avoided by all who feared that he would revile and abuse them if they displeased him.

His proposal met with invective.

The angry speaker hurled imprecations at those who would not listen to him.

A slanderous tongue does hurt.

5. 「應受指責的」叫reprehensible:

We find his present attitude reprehensible.

6. 「尖酸刻薄的」可用acrimonious、caustic、mordant、sarcastic、tart 或vitriolic,「尖酸刻薄」可用acrimony或stricture:

The young writer was stung by the acrimonious remark.

John's always making caustic remarks about his colleagues.

The critic's caustic comments angered the performers.

His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen.

The critic was noted for his sarcastic comments on actors' performances.

The salesgirl gave her customer a tart reply.

The movie critic is famous for his vitriolic reviews.

It is not right for teachers to blame students with acrimony.

The critic's stricture on the young writer's style is prejudiced and unwarranted.

7. 「吹毛求疵的」可用fastidious、fussy或hairsplitting:

Helen is too fastidious to eat with her fingers.

The waitress disliked serving him dinner because of his very fastidious taste.

Don't be fussy about food.

We don't like his hairsplitting habits.

8. 「憤世嫉俗的」叫cynical,「憤世嫉俗者」叫cynic:

He belittled the hero with a cynical remark.

A cynic at all times, he was suspicious of all altruistic actions of others.




awry/ diagonal/ juxtapose/ oblique/ prominent/ sideways/ slant/ slope/ tier/ tilt

1. 說明東西擺放的位置「醒目的」、「能引起注意的」用prominent,「擺放不正的」用awry,指線條「歪斜的」用diagonal:

The boy put his girlfriend's picture in a prominent position on his desk.

Our house is the most prominent building on the street; it's painted blue.

The picture was hanging awry on the wall.

The cloth has a diagonal pattern.

2. 「並列」叫juxtapose:

In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.

3. 階梯式、層疊式座位或架子的「一排」、「一列」、「一行」、「一層」可用tier:

Tickets for the front tiers of seats were sold out.

4. 「向左或向右偏的」可用oblique或sideways,注意sideways不但可以做副詞用,且用的頻率或許還比形容詞高一些:

Mary gave an oblique look to one side.

He looked sideways to avoid her questioning eyes.

Crabs walk with a sideways motion.

5. 「斜向…側」用動詞slant、slope或tilt:

The roof line slants upwards from left to right.

The rain, slanted by the wind, did not discourage the fisherman.

The railway slopes up/ down slightly at this point.

The lazy clerk sat in front of the store, with his chair tilted back against the wall, chin on breast, hat pulled down over his face, asleep.




cohabit/ coquette/ coy/ cuckold/ dally with/ feminine/ gigolo/ henpecked/ inconstant/ libertine/ masculine/ philanderer/ shrew/ termagant/ unrequited/ uxorious/ virago/ virile/ vivacious

1. 「具男性特質的」或「陽剛的」說masculine;「具女性特質的」或「陰柔的」叫feminine:

• In terms of gender equality, men can have feminine qualities and women can have masculine ones.

• They're nice curtains, but I'd prefer something a little more masculine.

• Hunting was a typically masculine occupation.

• Jane's feminine intuition told her that there is something wrong with her marriage.

2. 女性「嬌羞的」叫coy,「爽朗的」是vivacious:

• She was coy in her answer to his offer.

• The vivacious girl made a good cheerleader.

3. 「壞脾氣、兇悍且嘮叨的女人」叫shrew、virago或termagant。其中termagant最常出現在文學作品裡:

• The husband did not know how to tame the shrew.

• The husband could never live a peaceful life with the termagant.

• My neighbor's wife is a virago.

4. 男性「雄赳赳的」叫virile;「怕老婆的」叫henpecked;「疼老婆的」叫uxorious:

• She admired the virile young swimmer.

• How could such a big, virile man have such a high, piping voice?

• The husband emphasized that he was not henpecked but uxorious.

5. 「淫蕩的男人」叫libertine;「靠女人養活的男人」、「小白臉」叫gigolo;「戴綠帽的男人」叫cuckold:

• Although she was aware of his reputation as a libertine, she felt she could reform him and help him break his dissolute way of life.

• She sadly found that her boyfriend turned out to be a gigolo.

• He flattered himself with marrying a beautiful wife, but his neighbors knew that actually he was a cuckold.

6. 「調情」說成dally with;「愛情不專的」叫inconstant;形容愛情「得不到回報的」,用unrequited:

• Never dally with a woman you don't intend to marry.

• No longer an inconstant lover, John became a faithful husband and good father after marriage.

• John was grieved for his unrequited love to Helen.

7. 「玩弄感情的人」,男的叫philanderer,女的叫coquette。另外,「同居」叫cohabit:

• The philanderer said shamelessly that he had five girlfriends at the same time.

• Don't take her promises so seriously; she is a proverbial coquette.

• She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding.




adolescent/ assimilate/ catharsis/ choke/ dislocate/ dizzy/ entrails/ exhale/ giddy/ inhale/ knuckle/ longevity/ mellow/ narcissism/ numb/ palpitate/ pant/ paralyze/ precocious/ puberty/ retarded/ rupture/ sanity/ senility/ stamina/ stunt/ stupor/ swoon/ throb/ urchin/ vein/ volition/ wean

1. 嬰兒「斷奶」叫wean:

•The mother weaned the baby when she was 20 months old.

2. 「頑童」叫urchin,「青春期的男女」叫adolescent,「春情啟動時」、「情竇初開時」叫puberty:

•Those urchins were caught pilfering apples on their way home.

•Adolescents tend to say and do things different from their parents' expectation.

•The party was full of spotty adolescents.

•Adolescents want to be, and will be, adults.

•Having arrived at puberty, the boy begins to be conscious of how he behaves.

•Perhaps it is different among people as to when puberty begins.

3. 「阻礙」生長發育,可用動詞stunt,「發展遲緩的」叫retarded:

•The poor child was stunted from malnutrition.

•Society should try everything in its power to rehabilitate those retarded children.

4. 「成熟的」可用mellow,「早熟的」叫precocious:

•Her mellow character refrains from rash judgment.

•By his manner of discussing serious topics, the child demonstrated that he was precocious.

•The girl was a precocious genius.

5. 「長壽」叫longevity,「衰老」、「老態」叫senility:

•The country is remarkable for the longevity of its inhabitants.

•Most of the decisions are being made by the junior members of the company because of the senility of the president.

6. 「呼氣」叫exhale,「吸氣」叫inhale,「上氣不接下氣」、「喘氣」叫pant,因異物卡住喉嚨等而「呼吸困難」叫choke:

•Breathe deeply and then exhale slowly.

•He lit his pipe and exhaled clouds of smoke.

•He rushed out of the stuffy room and inhaled deeply.

•The soldier died from inhaling too much gas.

•He was panting after running up the stairs.

•Water went down his throat and he started to choke.

•His death was sudden: he choked on a fish bone.

•The plants were choked by long grass.

7. 腸胃道的「消化吸收」叫assimilate,「內臟」可用entrails:

•Most of the fruit is assimilated most easily when eaten in the morning.

•Food is assimilated and converted into organic tissues through a process known as metabolism.

•Some of the entrails are valued as food.

8. 心跳平穩用動詞throb,心跳快速或不規律用palpitate:

•When she received the report card, her heart throbbed.

•When he was excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

9. 「耐力」叫stamina,「(自由)意志」叫volition(正式):

•I doubt that he has the stamina to run the full distance of the marathon race.

•He took the risky job out of his own volition.

10. 情緒藉由藝術、藥物、(痛苦)經驗之再現或人際之深度互動而獲得「宣洩」、「淨化」叫catharsis:

•There are many ways to attain catharsis--under the influence of art or by reliving early experiences, for instance.

11. 「脫臼」叫dislocate,「指關節」叫knuckle:

•Tom dislocated his wrist while wrestling with John.

•The teacher gave the naughty boy a rap over the knuckles.


•The worker's fingers were numb with cold.

•The boy's right leg was paralyzed with polio.

13. 身體某部位、器官、薄膜或血管的「爆裂」叫rupture。至於血管除了說成blood vessel之外,一般也常用vein(本義是「靜脈」):

•The patient was told that a blood vessel had ruptured.

•He was so angry that the veins stood out on his forehead.

14. 「頭暈目眩的」、「頭昏眼花的」可用dizzy或giddy:

•The speed with which she dispatched her tasks made the onlookers dizzy.

•The children enjoyed going round and round, but I felt giddy just watching them.

•Quick waltz made her giddy.

15. 「心智健全」、「神智清楚」叫sanity,「神情恍惚」叫stupor,因過度情緒 刺激而「昏過去」,用swoon(文言):

•When people become sentimental or passionate, sanity of judgment may desert them.

•In his stupor, the addict was unaware of the events taking place around him.

•Some women are so delicate that they swoon at the sight of blood.

16. 過度的或病態的「自我崇拜」、「自我陶醉」、「自戀」等叫narcissism:

•That handsome young man is bloated with narcissism.




asset/ canker/ deleterious/ demon/ detrimental/ drawback/ inimical/ innocuous/ insidious/ lethal/ liability/ militate against/ noxious/ optimum, optimal/ pernicious/ salutary/ sinister/ vantage point

1. 指不討好或令人不快之事「有益的」用salutary:

A light punishment will have a salutary effect on the boy.

It was a salutary experience for him to be forced to work hard.

2. 「最佳的」、「最有利的」叫optimum (optimal),可供攻擊、防禦、觀測的「有利位置」叫vantage point:

The expert is trying to figure out what is the optimum degree of economic recovery.

She believed that being a nurse was her optimum choice for a lifelong profession.

According to the teacher, this was the optimum level of academic achievement that John could arrive at.

They fired upon the enemy from behind trees, walls, and any other vantage point they could find.

If we climb to the top of the ground, it will give us a vantage point to see the basketball game.

3. 「優點」、「長處」、「特質」、「有助益之人」、「得力助手」可用asset:

Good health is a great asset.

Eloquence was his only asset.

Her eyes are her best asset.

Knowledge of computer science is a real asset for this job.

She is a great asset in our class.

The scrupulous and efficient secretary was a wonderful asset to the company.

4. 「有害的」可用deleterious、inimical、noxious(以上3字相對正式)、detrimental或pernicious,「無害的」用innocuous:

Workers in nuclear research must avoid the deleterious effects of radioactive substances.

Many of Trump's actions are inimical to America's real interest.

They tried to get rid of all the inimical factors.

These are conditions inimical to comfort.

Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression.

Those noxious doctrines must be eradicated.

Smoking is detrimental to health.

The teacher argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young and susceptible minds.

Let him drink it; it is innocuous.

It was an innocuous remark, but it enraged him.

5. 「逐步和暗中危害的」叫insidious,「陰險的」、「陰森的」、「具威脅性的」用sinister,「致命的」可用lethal:

The cancer cell is insidious because it works secretly within our body for our defeat.

Hypertension is an insidious disease that has few symptoms.

Fewer-children tendency is no longer an insidious condition but a mammoth crisis that needs to be immediately and effectively addressed.

A sinister-looking man stood at/ on the corner of the street.

The derelict old building had a sinister appearance.

We must defeat the sinister forces that seek our downfall.

It is unwise to leave the lethal weapons within the reach of children.

6. 「缺點」、「壞處」、「負面效果」可用drawback,「成為妨礙或累贅的事物或人」用liability(非正式),描述情況「成為妨礙」也可用片語militate against:

The only drawback of this plan is that it costs too much.

Everything has its drawback.

Illegible handwriting is a liability in getting a job.

This old car is a real liability; I can't use it but have to pay for somewhere to keep it.

The devout Buddhist parents did not regard their disabled child as a liability but a blessing from Buddha instead.

The fact that he had been in prison militated against his chances of getting fresh employment.

Mary's humble birth and low education did not militate against her ultimate success.

7. 「危害個人或社會的壞情況」、「禍害」可用canker,「魔鬼」、「似魔鬼之人或事物」可用demon:

Violence is the canker in our society.

Money, when corruptly used, can be a canker.

The demon of avarice ruined his own happiness.




defer/ dilatory/ linger/ procrastinate/ protract/ retard/ tardy/ tarry

1. 「拖延」與「耽擱」,delay和postpone之外,還可用defer。如果對展延不以為然,可用procrastinate:

Let's defer action for a few weeks.

His military service was deferred until he finished college.

The members decided to defer voting until the next meeting.

It is not wise to procrastinate; otherwise, we find ourselves bogged down in a mass of work which should have been finished long ago.

He missed his opportunity by procrastinating too long.

2. 敘述某狀態雖已開始,但步調明顯受阻,用retard:

Cold weather retards the growth of the crops.

A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth.

3. 在一個地方停留的時間超過預期,用動詞tarry;「流連忘返」叫linger:

When something should be done right away, do not tarry.

They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.

She should have gone out but lingered over her meal till it was too late.

I spent a week at Kandersteg and could happily have lingered on.

He lingered on after saying good-bye to his girlfriend.

4. 「拖長」一件事情的時間,用protract:

Do not protract this phone conversation as I expect an important business call within the next few minutes.

Let's not protract this argument; there's nothing else useful to be said.

5. 形容人做事「慢吞吞的」或事情的進行「遲緩的」,可用dilatory和tardy。其中,dilatory較常指人,tardy較常指事:

It was rather dilatory of him not to answer such an important letter.

Many of the students tend to be dilatory in turning in their homework.

Some people are dilatory in paying their bills.

The boss was not satisfied with the tardy progress of the dam under construction.

The meeting was awfully delayed on account of Tom's rather tardy arrival.




circumscribe/ emancipate/ entangle/ extricate/ finite/ shackle/ tether/ untrammeled/ yoke

1. 本義為「(繩索等)糾纏在一起」的entangle和本義為「上手銬腳鐐」的shackle都可比喻為「束縛」的意思。另外,「束縛」也可用名詞yoke:

The bird entangled itself in the net.

The sailor's legs got entangled with the ropes.

The firm hopelessly got entangled in financial difficulties.

The criminal's ankles were shackled to prevent his escape.

A conservative is one who is shackled by old customs.

Throw off your psychological yoke and feel free to make yourself understood.

2. 「限制」可用circumscribe(正式),「有限的」可用finite:

His activities have been severely circumscribed since his serious illness.

Although I don't wish to circumscribe your activities, I must insist that you complete this assignment before you start anything else.

It is difficult for humanity with its finite existence to grasp the infinite.

3. 「以繩索綁住」叫tether:

Before the farmer went to sleep, he tethered the cow to prevent its wandering off during the night.

4. 「未被束縛的」、「沒有牽絆的」、「自由自在的」可用untrammeled(正式),「脫困」可用extricate,在社會、政治及法律上「獲得解放」用emancipate:

He said that he would remain untrammeled by marriage, or even by love, throughout his lifetime.

Self-governing schools are untrammeled by education authority rules.

The wrecked car had to be lifted before the driver could be extricated.

How can we extricate the firm from this trouble?

The businessman tried very hard to extricate himself from financial difficulties.

At first, the attempt of the Abolitionists to emancipate the slaves was unpopular in New England as well as in the South.




distracted/ encroachment/ harass/ infringe/ irksome/ molest/ nag/ obsessed/ perturb/ pester/ plague/ trespass on/ vex

1. 「煩擾」、「擾亂」某人(使其不安)用perturb(正式),假如是「以瑣事煩擾」,用vex,要是「一再煩擾」(糾纏),用harass、nag、pester或plague:

I am afraid this news will perturb him.

Nothing vexes him more than her constant criticism.

She used to harass her husband by her continual demands for fine attire.

The husband was told to stop nagging her over nothing.

The child pestered his father with too many silly questions.

My daughter has been pestering me to take her to the zoo.

The poor children pestered the tourists for money.

Please stop plaguing him with matters that are not urgent at all.

2. 對婦女或小孩施以性方面的「侵犯」、「騷擾」叫molest,侵犯他人權益用infringe,侵入私人或禁止進入的區域用trespass on,侵入或侵擾的行動可用encroachment:

He was specifically warned by the court not to molest his former wife.

Don't infringe upon others' rights.

The landlord warned the hunters not to trespass on his land.

The encroachment of the factories upon the neighborhood lowered the value of the real estate.

The new censorship law is a serious encroachment on freedom of speech.

3. 指事情「煩人的」、「惱人的」可用irksome,指人「為…所困擾的」 用obsessed,人「心不在焉的」、「分心的」、「心煩意亂的」用distracted:

The male chauvinist looked upon dish-washing as an irksome task.

To some students, exams are very irksome.

The patient was obsessed by the fear of operation.

She is obsessed by the thought of another big fire/ the desire to become a great dancer.

The noise drove him distracted.

He gave me a distracted look and ran out of the room.




appraise/ arbiter/ arbitrary/ assess/ gauge/ referee/ umpire/ verdict

1. 「武斷的」叫arbitrary:

The arbitrary decisions of the factory owners caused anger among the workers.

His arbitrary father insisted that he should study medicine.

2. 非正式英文中,「普遍的、一般的看法或意見」可用verdict:

The popular verdict was that the punishment served him right.

The general verdict on the party was that it had been very enjoyable.

3. 「仲裁者」叫arbiter,運動比賽中的「裁判」叫referee或umpire:

This was a fair decision rendered by the arbiter.

When the football player got old, he went to become a referee.

No one can say that the umpire is never wrong, but his decision should be respected and obeyed.

4. 「估計」、「評估」可用appraise、assess或gauge:

They appraised the house carefully before offering to buy it.

A personnel manager should be able to appraise ability and character.

The insurers will need to assess the fire damage.

They assessed the cost of the fire damage at one million dollars.

Fame may not be a good means of assessing people's achievement.

It's too early to assess the real significance of John and Mary's marriage.

We have to assess whether the project is feasible.

It is no easy matter to gauge one's character.




acumen/ cosmopolitan/ incisive/ intuition/ mentor/ myopia/ obtuse

1. 「直覺」叫intuition,思路敏捷、判斷精準可用acumen(正式),理解、思路 「異常遲鈍的」則是obtuse(正式):

She claimed to know the truth by intuition.

His political acumen has made him very successful.

My father showed exceptional business acumen even when he was quite young.

I was too obtuse to take the hint of what he had said.

2. 分析問題等「一針見血的」叫incisive,指人「見識廣的」、「沒有狹隘偏見的」、「具有視野的」用cosmopolitan,「缺乏視野」、「沒有見識」則是myopia(正式):

Shaw was a man well known for his incisive wit.

A real philosopher usually has a thoroughly cosmopolitan outlook on life.

Sometimes political myopia will jeopardize world peace and security.

3. 能和人分享經驗和提供建設性建議的「導師」、「良師」叫mentor:

During this very trying period, he could not have had a better mentor who was sympathetic, understanding, and willing to help.




alienate/ animosity/ antagonism/ antagonize/ clique/ consort with/ coterie/ crony/ enmity/ estrange/ faction/ foe/ fracture/ hostile/ intimate/ malediction

1. 非正式用法中,可用crony表示「朋友」或「同伴」:

John's gone out with some of his cronies.

It is everybody's knowledge that Bert is Jimmy's crony.

2. 因共同興趣、嗜好而結合的小團體叫coterie。另外,大團體中的小派系、小圈圈叫clique或faction,兩個字的意思都有些負面,尤其是clique:

She has only a small coterie of select friends.

A coterie of writers often gather(s) in this cafe to discuss their works.

Even a small class may have cliques.

The quarrels and bickering of the two small factions within the club disturbed the majority of the members.

3. 「結交」朋友可用consort with,朋友關係「親密的」叫intimate:

We frequently judge people by the company with whom they consort.

The young girl was innocent to the point of thinking that everyone she knew was her intimate friend.

4. 「疏遠」用alienate或estrange,友誼的「結束」可用名詞fracture:

His dishonesty and insincerity eventually alienated all his friends, even those among his best.

Her arrogance estranged all her friends and colleagues.

The bickering resulted in a fracture of their friendship.

5. 正式英文中,「敵人」用foe:

As a pious Buddhist, he hopes that he can ultimately be compassionate towards everyone--friend and foe alike.

6. 「敵方的」、「具有敵意的」用hostile,「敵意」用animosity、antagonism 或enmity,「樹敵」用antagonize:

The turmoil of the country gave its hostile neighbor a chance to invade it.

Probably thinking that the guest was hostile to it, the otherwise tame dog kept on barking.

There is a long history of animosity between the two nations.

The Senator emphasized that he had no personal animosity towards the Prime Minister.

Antagonism between the two families has finally ended.

You both should work out a way to settle your long-time antagonism.

He felt great enmity towards his brother.

John and Bill are at enmity (with each other).

South Africa has experienced generations of racial enmity.

The habitual informer antagonized most of his colleagues.

Deviation from his ideals caused the politician to antagonize some of his supporters.

7. 正式或文言的英文中,為傷害別人所發的「毒咒」叫malediction:

The witch uttered maledictions against her captors.




conserve/ deplete/ exert/ exploit/ futile/ harness/ implement/ inexhaustible/ manipulate/ obsolete/ peter out/ prey on, prey upon/ resort to/ shabby/ utilitarian/ utilize/ wield

1. 「實用的」叫utilitarian,「破舊的」、「不堪使用的」可用shabby,「已廢棄不用的」叫obsolete,「無用的」、「徒勞的」叫futile:

The building is beautiful but not utilitarian.

This is a shabby old hat.

Some old-fashioned social customs are obsolete.

This is an obsolete word that is not even included by most dictionaries.

All his attempts to unlock the door were futile because he was using the wrong key.

Don't waste time in asking futile questions.

Efforts to convince a prejudiced person like him will be futile.

2. 「善加利用」、「有效利用」叫utilize(正式),如果善用的方式是節約、避 免浪費以確保資源得以永續供應,用conserve。另外,「利用」太陽能、風等天然力以產生動能用harness:

The city will utilize its garbage as landfill.

She utilized her English ability in teaching.

We must conserve our forests if we are to make sure of a future supply of wood.

Energy should be conserved.

Taking environmental protection into account, we need to harness the energy of the sun.

3. 運用力量或技巧叫exert,運用權勢、影響力等叫wield:

She couldn't open the door, even by exerting all her strength.

My wife's been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.

A capable leader knows how to wield his power properly.

The retired businessman still wields enormous influence in commercial circles.

4. 熟練地「操控」機器或人用manipulate,假如對人的操控到了「剝削」的程度,用exploit或片語prey on (prey upon):

While learning driving, you must first learn how to manipulate the steering wheel.

The manager had various ways to manipulate his young, inexperienced secretary.

He exploited the poor by making them work for less pay.

The owner of the sweatshop denied having exploited the workmen.

These refugees were exploited by unscrupulous employers.

The government tried to prevent loan sharks from preying upon the poor.

5. 「採用」新的制度、系統或方案等叫implement,因為無計可施等因素而「使用」不妥當或甚至不好的解決方法(也就是「訴諸」)用resort to:

The changes of the taxation system will be implemented next year.

The determination of policy is not your business; your job is to implement it.

Local governments will be given some leeway as how to implement the regulation.

He has been vested with the power/ authority to implement whatever changes he sees fit.

In an attempt to implement his ideas, John decided to take part in the election.

I hope they don't resort to a lawsuit to accomplish their goals.

She will resort to anything to get her way.

There must be some other means; don't resort to violence.

6. 「逐漸消耗終致用完」叫peter out,「用盡」叫deplete,「取之不盡的」叫inexhaustible:

Their oil will peter out sooner or later.

We must wait until we deplete our present inventory before we order replacements.

The government depleted the public treasury by vast building programs.

It's a great mistake now to think that the supply of water on earth is inexhaustible.




ascribe/ attribute/ bane/ contingent/ corollary/ engender/ ensue/ episode/ epoch/ farce/ fortuitous/ heyday/ hinge on, hinge upon/ imminent/ impact/ impending/ impute/ incur/ inevitable/ interlude/ intervene/ juncture/ milestone/ nexus/ nick/ pertinent/ phenomenon/ potent/ relevant/ resulting/ status quo/ subsequent/ trigger

1. 人生或歷史過程中的「重要事件」、「里程碑」或「轉捩點」叫milestone,具有新進展或產生新變革的「時代」叫epoch,某正面價值或力量所達到的「最高峰」或「全盛時期」叫heyday:

The treatment of diabetes reached a significant milestone in the 1970s.

The invention of the computer was a milestone in the twentieth century.

She felt that meeting Charles was a real milestone in her life.

The invention of the computer marked a new epoch in history.

The Prime Minister said that the country was creating a new epoch of remarkable prosperity and lasting peace.

In the heyday of housebuilding there were enough homes for everybody.

English has attained the status of a universal tongue to a degree never approached even by Latin in the heyday of the Roman Empire.

2. 「緊要時刻」、「關頭」可用juncture(正式)或nick(不正式):

The manager arrived at a juncture where he had to make a decision.

At this juncture in our nation's affairs, we need firm leadership.

The police arrived at the scene in the nick of time.

3. 獨立於主要事件之外的「特別事件」-也就是「插曲」-叫episode,一連串類似情境中間的「緩衝時間」叫interlude:

The year she spent in Paris was an important episode in her career.

This was one of the funniest episodes in my life.

Holidays are such short interludes in a life of work!

There is an interlude of happiness in the tragic story.

4. 可笑或毫無意義的情境-「鬧劇」-叫farce:

The talks were a farce since the minister had already made the decision.

So much of life is merely a farce.

5. 不尋常的、具科學研究價值的自然或社會「現象」叫phenomenon:

Snow in Egypt is an almost unknown phenomenon.

Earthquakes until now are a sudden and unpredictable phenomenon; scientists have no way of knowing exactly when or where the next one will hit.

Thundering is a common phenomenon of nature in most areas of the world.

Unmarried mothers should not be regarded simply as a social phenomenon.

In ancient times the disabled were often considered as a strange and abnormal phenomenon of society.

6. 事情或情況的「現狀」叫status quo:

Preserving the status quo may sometimes be an impediment to progress.

The status quo of your married life needs to be maintained.

7. 「偶然的」可用contingent或fortuitous:

You must set aside some money for contingent expenses.

There is no connection between these two events; their timing is extremely fortuitous.

He had a fortuitous meeting with a friend in need.

8. 事情「即將發生的」可用imminent或impending。兩個字(尤其是impending)都很常用來指不好的事情。另外,「不可避免的」可用inevitable:

There's a storm imminent.

Every sign shows that a war is imminent.

Their departure is imminent.

According to the weather report, a typhoon is impending.

Because of his arrogance and stubbornness, everyone knew that his failure was inevitable.

9. 原本計畫好的事情因隨後其它事情的「突然發生」而受阻或延遲,用 intervene:

Rain intervened and we postponed the match.

I'll go to see you next Wednesday unless anything intervenes.

10. 事情之間的「關連」可用nexus,「相關的」、「有關的」可用pertinent 或relevant:

Could you see the nexus that binds these two widely separate events?

The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details.

The witness' testimony proved relevant.

11. 觀念、發明、制度等所產生的「影響」或「衝擊」叫impact,「具重大影響的 」可用potent:

Our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment.

Advances in medicine and medical technology have had a marked impact on the process of dying.

The impact of modern science upon society is tremendous.

The forced resignation of Nixon has a potent effect on American politics.

12. 導致一個人成就嚴重受限或甚至毀了前程的「禍根」叫bane。它經常以the bane of one's life/ existence的形式出現。另外,因自身行為而「遭致」不好的結果用incur,如果引發的後果雖短暫卻牽涉較多且較嚴重(例如引起鬥毆等),用trigger:

Gambling was the bane of his life.

I incurred his dislike from that day on.

He foolishly incurred debts beyond his ability to pay.

The boy's whining triggered his father's quick anger.

His stupid remarks triggered a fight.

13. 把某結果「歸因於…」可用ascribe to或attribute to,假如是不好的結果(也就是「歸咎於…」),則應用impute to:

The shopkeeper ascribes the flourishing business to his work partners' amiability towards customers.

Bill attributed his success to bard work.

We imputed his failure to carelessness.

The police impute the rise in crime to the greater freedom enjoyed by young people.

14. 「自然或必然的結果」叫corollary;由於發生A,所以B「接著發生」,用ensue;「接著發生的」用subsequent或resulting:

In rural areas, the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in the provision of public transport.

The crimes ensue from lack of good education.

Silence ensued when the leader arose to speak.

They said the building would be finished during the ensuing (= the following) year.

Subsequent events disproved the expert's predictions.

He spoke to her rudely, and the resulting quarrel was violent.

15. 不好的事情或情況等「產生」不好的結果,用engender(正式):

Flies carry dirt, and dirt engenders disease.

Crime is sometimes engendered by poverty.

16. 「依…而定」可用hinge on或hinge upon:

Everything hinges on/ upon what we do next.




altercation/ bicker/ brawl/ cantankerous/ embroil/ fracas/ fray/ grapple/ melee/ scuffle/ wrangle/ wrestle

1. 「為小事爭執」,用bicker;「長期反覆地爭執」,用wrangle;「一群人吵吵鬧鬧(經常以打架收場)」,用fracas;「大聲爭吵」,可用名詞altercation(正式):

The two children were always bickering (with each other) about/ over who should take a bath first.

A major issue that the couple often bickers is where to eat.

He keeps wrangling with his wife about/ over how to bring up their children.

A fracas broke up the meeting.

According to witnesses, the altercation between the two girls started in front of the theater.

2. 在大庭廣眾之前大聲爭執,且通常會拳腳相向,用brawl或fray。後者是文言的用字:

More than seventy lawmakers were involved in a mass brawl in the Legislative Yuan.

Windows and furniture were broken in the barroom brawl.

The brothers were in the thick of the fray.

3. 「好爭吵的」叫cantankerous;「捲入」糾紛叫embroil:

His cantankerous and sullen disposition made many of his friends stay away from him.

Tom and Jack were quarreling, but Jane refused to get embroiled.

4. 「格鬥」或「扭打」可用grapple、scuffle或wrestle;「打群架」可用melee:

He grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground.

The two wrestlers grappled each other.

Two police officers were injured in scuffle with the demonstrators at Sunday's protest.

Something unfair happened in the match and the boys scuffled with the cheater.

She wrestled with the attacker until she kicked his feet from under him and he fell to the ground.

The captain tried to ascertain the cause of the melee which had broken out among the crew members.




board/ domicile/ dwell/ evict/ habitable/ inhabit/ inhabitable/ lease/ lodge/ nomadic/ sojourn/ tenant/ uninhabitable/ vagabond/ vagrancy/ vagrant/ waif

1. 中文「居住」,英文除live之外另有dwell和inhabit。它們都頗正式,且inhabit有別於live、dwell和reside等字,是及物動詞,現在主要以被動式呈現,居住地是句子的主詞。另外,「適合居住的」用habitable或inhabitable,「不適合居住的」叫uninhabitable,「住家」可用domicile(正式):

It's reported that the island is inhabited by some cannibals.

She dwelled/ dwelt among the mountains when she was a child.

The house was so overrun with rats as to be no longer habitable.

Robinson Crusoe was relieved to find that the island was inhabitable.

Typhoon damage has made the house uninhabitable.

Deserts and jungles are uninhabitable.

Although his legal domicile was in New York city, his work kept him from his residence for many years.

2. 「暫住」、「旅居」、「寄居」、「逗留」用sojourn(文言),它是名詞和動詞;「提供住宿」可用lodge,假如供住又供吃,用board:

After his sojourn in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of his native New England.

She will sojourn with her grandmother in Taipei this summer.

The people whose houses had been damaged by typhoon were lodged in the school.

I'm boarding with a friend/ at a friend's house.

She arranged to board some students from the university.

3. 「房客」叫tenant,「租約」叫lease,依法把某人「逐出居住地」用evict:

The landlord liked the young tenant who always paid his rent on time.

The lease runs out/ expires in two years' time.

We signed a 3-year lease when we moved into the house.

He has the house on a long lease.

The tenant was evicted by the landlord for not paying the rent.

4. 「四處漂泊者」、「流浪者」可用vagabond或vagrant(法律或正式用語),「無依無靠或無家可歸的孩子」叫waif(文言),「漂泊」、「流浪」可用vagrancy,「遊牧的」、「逐水草而居的」叫nomadic:

Sometimes the park is full of vagabonds sleeping on the benches.

The town has shelters and food handouts for vagrants.

The child became a waif after the divorce of his parents.

The malcontent dropped out of society and lived a life of vagrancy.

Several nomadic tribes of Indians would hunt in that area.




alter/ barter/ caprice/ capricious/ cataclysm/ convert/ deflect/ deviate/ deviation/ digress/ divert/ drastic/ erratic/ fickle/ fluctuate/ flux/ gradation/ immutable/ iridescent/ kaleidoscopic/ mercurial/ metamorphosis/ modify/ modulate/ mutable/ oscillate/ precarious/ radical/ swap, swop/ swerve/ temperamental/ transfigure/ transform/ transmute/ upheaval/ vagary/ variable/ vary/ veer/ vicissitudes/ whim

1. 強調小幅度地改變計畫、想法、情況或某種事物的形式或本質,用modify;強調儘管改變的幅度可能不小,但本質、本體或結構不變,用alter:

•She modified her novel by removing a few trivial episodes.

•The committee modified the agenda of the meeting to allow it to be ended within one hour.

•The village altered greatly over the last decade.

•According to a zoologist, in the course of their century-old association with humans, there is no animal that has so rapidly altered as the dog, and no animal that has altered so little as the cat.

2. 指改變形式、用途、宗教或政治信仰、貨幣單位等,用convert:

•The bungalow was converted into a granary.

•The factory has worked out a way to convert used plastic containers into blankets and garments.

•The atheist is scarcely likely to be converted to any religion.

•The Zen master has converted many of his followers to Buddhism.

•The politician spent much time converting his wife to his camp.

•In the interest of investment, it may be a good time now to convert some of your NT dollars into US dollars.

3. 指隨情況而改變,用vary。它後面常接with或according to。此外,vary也可以接between,表示在兩種相反的情況之間變來變去,等於fluctuate或oscillate:

•Climate varies with geographical areas.

•Salaries in our company vary according to employers' performance.

•The girl's moods varied with the weather.

•My uncle's business varied between prosperity and stagnation.

•Lucy's emotion fluctuated between an intention to revenge and a willingness to forgive.

•It is interesting to note how public opinion oscillates between the extremes of optimism and pessimism.

4. 描述完全改變外型或本質,用transform;若強調改變後的外型顯得更加光鮮亮麗,用transfigure;強調改變後具有更好的性質或品質,用transmute:

•The witch transformed a branch into a knife.

•A generator transforms water into electricity.

•She was transfigured with the beautiful new dress.

•The tapestry and the grand piano transfigured the living room.

•A happy marriage transmuted his attitude toward life.

•Great writers can transmute an ordinary event into a superb story.

•Science has transmuted many supposed impossibilities into possibilities.

5. 指拋出之物偏離方向,用deflect;指車輛等的突然轉向,可用swerve或veer。但swerve比較是在駕駛控制下的轉向,veer的轉向有時是在失控下所造成。此外,veer也可以指風向的改變:

•He did not catch the ball because it was deflected from the course.

•My father swerved the car and therefore avoided collision.

•A boy rushed out of the alley and the taxi driver swerved.

•The motorcycle veered suddenly and ran into a tree.

•The wet and slippery road caused the car to veer and hit the lamppost.

•The typhoon veered to the north earlier than the weather bureau had forecast.

6. 指作者或演講者的「離題」,用digress; 指人在行為等方面的背離傳統或「越軌」,用deviate;指讓人轉移焦點,用divert,這個字也可以指讓河川改道。另外,deviate的名詞deviation也很常用:

•Do not digress when you are doing a presentation.

•He deviated from the generally agreed moral standards and deceived the girl into marrying him.

•A nice trip may help to divert her away from her bereavement.

•The farmers diverted the river to irrigate their farms.

•No deviation from traditional methods was permitted in preparation for the banquet.

•The man was deeply worried about his sexual deviation.

7. 指人「調整」聲音的強弱、語氣或音調,用modulate:

•When the teacher modulated her voice, the student became less nervous and began to tell the truth.

•In the radio interview we modulated the interviewee's voice to protect her identity.

8. 「以物易物」,用barter或swap,但swap較不正式,且可以拼成swop。 同時,它還可以指位置的交換:

•We bartered our poultry (fowls) for our neighbor's fruit and vegetables.

•I swapped (swopped) my old iPhone for John's old computer.

•I like to sit near the window; shall we swap (swop) the seats?

9. 描寫一種不斷變化或充滿變數的不穩定狀態,用flux;描寫人生的起起落落,用vicissitudes,生活的不穩定還可以用形容詞precarious。再者,強調變換過程中的「層次」,用gradation:

•The country has been in a state of flux since the resignation of the President.

•Jane became an orphan when she was only five and suffered many vicissitudes of fortune afterward.

•His precarious income provided him no luxuries.

•The musician was best known for his ability to express every gradation of music from the cheerful to the plaintive.

•Shakespeare's drama demonstrates the gradation of human nature from hate to love.

•Vermilion and pink are two distinct gradations in the color red.

10. 指昆蟲生活史中型態的完全改變,用metamorphosis:

•A butterfly is produced by metamorphosis from a caterpillar.

11. 生活的大改變或社會的大失序,用upheaval;災難性的巨變,用cataclysm。指改變突然、劇烈或甚至帶有暴力成份,用形容詞drastic;指改變「根本而徹底」,用形容詞radical:

•Changing workplace was an upheaval for her.

•The 9/21 Earthquake and Typhoon Morakot were two of the cataclysms of Taiwan.

•Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of the country.

•Drastic measures have been taken to stop the crime wave.

•The sociologist said that our society was undergoing a radical change.

•You should make radical improvements in your behavior.

12. 指人突然的改變心意或行為,且這種改變可能毫無道理,可用caprice、 whim或vagary等名詞,其中vagary還可以指情況不可理解的突然改變,例如流行時尚等:

•You don't have to take his suggestion so seriously; it may be one of his caprices again.

•The old father spoiled his youngest daughter to the point of letting her indulge her every whim.

•The professor hoped that this cultural movement did not end up as a vagary of fashion and fad.

•The poor man had a vagary to send his girlfriend a diamond ring.

13. 「善變的」,可用capricious、erratic、temperamental、mercurial 和fickle等形容詞。其中,capricious可以指人或情況,temperamental和mercurial 經常指人的喜怒無常,fickle則有頗負面的意含,暗示人在愛情方面的不專一和友誼方面的不堅定:

•It is hard for a capricious youth to stay long in a job.

•Nature may not be more capricious than humans.

•An erratic person cannot concentrate on a single idea easily.

•A country will be in great danger if it is ruled by a temperamental leader.

•A mature person should not behave in such a mercurial manner.

•A fickle friend is probably more dangerous than a robber.

•Strangely enough, sometimes the more fickle a man is, the more seductive he seems to be to a woman.

14. 只強調改變的不可避免,不做特別的(尤其是負面的)價值判斷,用形容詞 mutable,其相反詞immutable是個較為正式的用字。另外,表示「可以被改變的」,用variable:

•Life is mutable.

•Human destiny is mutable.

•Mary is mutable in mood as a spring day.

•Many psychologists and philosophers were in constant pursuit of the immutable laws of human nature during their lifetime.

•The result of this experiment is variable by using different materials.

15. 形容形式或景物的不斷變化,用kaleidoscopic;描寫當光線投射到某物體後呈現種種色彩變化,用iridescent:

•The kaleidoscopic views of Taipei fascinated the Chinese tourists.

•The iridescent percolator cost much.




antics/ bizarre/ eccentric/ eerie/ exotic/ freakish/ grotesque/ idiosyncrasy/ ludicrous/ outlandish/ quaint/ quirk/ quizzical/ uncanny/ wacky, whacky/ weird/ zany

1. 形容現象等透露出讓人難以解釋的神祕氛圍,用uncanny,假如奇異的感覺詭異和令人害怕,用eerie或weird:

She has the uncanny knack of reading people's thoughts.

There is an uncanny resemblance between the two people who do not come from the same blood.

The two cases have an uncanny similarity.

It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night.

In that eerie setting, it was easy to believe in ghosts and other supernatural beings.

The boy shuddered at the weird glow that swept across the sky.

2. 形容一種違反常情常理的怪誕,用bizarre、eccentric、freakish、grotesque或outlandish,這樣的古怪情況也經常給人不恰當或不舒服的感覺:

The frost made bizarre figures on the windowpanes.

The duck-billed platypus is a truly bizarre creature.

If you go to the palace in tennis shoes, they will think you are eccentric.

Some friends of his look upon him as an eccentric person.

His behavior is becoming so freakish that I wonder if he is mad.

The Chinese people tend to ignore freakish theories.

The child drew grotesque animals, unlike real horses, dogs, or cows.

The children were delighted in the monkey's grotesque antics.

The men who wore beads and feathers looked quite outlandish.

3. 形容因過時或不尋常而使人著迷,用quaint;形容因(似乎)來自異國而顯得奇特,用exotic。另外,quaint也可用以形容我們所不認同的信念或觀點,但語氣顯然比項目2的形容詞(例如freakish)要溫和許多:

When the couple came upon those quaint old photographs, they smiled.

The village has still retained some quaint customs.

We all love that quaint old lady.

This is an exotic costume imported from Asia.

Her garden is full of exotic flowers.

"What a quaint idea!" she said, laughing at him.

4. 形容正因為古怪或甚至有些荒謬才顯得有趣,用wacky,但假如這種古怪行為是為引人發笑而刻意做出來的,用ludicrous、quizzical或zany,這樣的行為或肢體動作叫antics:

The patient's wacky behavior interested many a psychologist.

The ludicrous acts of the clown made all the children laugh.

Bob Hope's quizzical remarks endeared him to his audience.

The professor has got a zany sense of humor.

Everyone laughed at his foolish antics.

All the children were amused by the clown's antics.

5. 個人的特殊習慣或癖好叫idiosyncrasy或quirk:

Liking wild flowers in his garden is his personal idiosyncrasy.

Washing everything before he uses it is his idiosyncrasy.

Wearing white was one of Mary's idiosyncrasies.

As human beings, we all have our own quirks and twists.




alibi/ custody/ defendant/ exparte/ forensic/ illicit/ indict/ legitimate/ litigation/ notarize/ perjury/ plaintiff/ prescribe/ prosecute/ quorum/ residue/ statute

1. 「符合法律規定的」、「合法的」可用legitimate,「違法的」可用illicit:

Public funds can be used only for legitimate purposes.

Smuggling is an illicit act.

2. 法律「規定」用動詞prescribe,「法規」叫statute:

What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime?

We have many statutes in our law books that should be repealed.

3. 「告發」、「檢舉」叫prosecute,「起訴」叫indict,「訴訟」叫litigation:

The placard reads: Trespassers will be prosecuted.

He was prosecuted for stealing.

If the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will go to trial.

Try to settle this matter amicably; don't start litigation.

4. 「原告」叫plaintiff,「被告」叫defendant:

The plaintiff accused the defendant of fraud.

5. 「法庭的」、「法庭用的」叫forensic:

Ann's father is a lawyer gifted in forensic debate.

A specialist in forensic medicine was called as a witness in the murder trial.

The use of scientific methods by the police is known as forensic science.

6. 「作偽證」叫perjury,陳述法律案件時「偏袒一方的」叫exparte,「不在場證明」叫alibi:

When several witnesses appeared to challenge his story, he was indicted for perjury.

The exparte statement should be carefully examined.

They all had alibis when asked where they were on the day of the crime.

7. 「監護權」叫custody:

The mother was given custody of the children because the father was always drinking.

The orphan was placed in the custody of his uncle.

8. 將文件等「公證」叫notarize:

Some papers must be notarized before they become legally effective.

Please have your statement notarized and return it to this office.

9. 「法定人數」叫quorum:

The meeting was postponed because the members present did not constitute the required quorum.

10. 往生者在償債和贈與後的「剩餘財產」叫residue:

The residue of the property will go to the widow.




bouquet/ coniferous/ deciduous/ flourish/ germinate/ gnarled/ knotty/ lush/ luxuriant/ rampant/ sprout/ twig/ vegetation/ verdant/ verdure

1. 「(某一地區的)植物」、「草木」叫vegetation,植物「萌芽」可用germinate或sprout:

Much of the rare vegetation nearby has been damaged because of the establishment of an amusement park.

A major attraction of the scenic spot is the strange and colorful vegetation of the tropical forest.

Seeds germinate in spring.

When spring comes, birds sing and buds sprout.

2. 「生長茂盛的」可用lush或luxuriant,假如這種茂盛是我們所不樂見的(例如雜草叢生),用rampant,「生長茂盛」則用動詞flourish:

The children over there were lucky enough to have the lush pasture as their playground.

Luxuriant forests covered the hills.

The rampant weeds in the garden killed all the plants that had been planted in spring.

Very few plants will flourish without water.

3. 在具文學意味的敘述中,「綠油油的」、「蒼翠的」、「青蔥的」用verdant, 如此一片「春綠」則是verdure:

The verdant meadows in spring are always an inspiring sight.

When spring comes, the hills are covered with verdure.

4. 「針葉樹的」叫coniferous,「落葉樹的」叫deciduous,「小樹枝」叫twig:

The pine is a coniferous tree.

The oak is a deciduous tree.

A small bird was singing on a twig.

5. 指樹木因年代或飽經風霜等使樹枝或樹幹「粗糙扭曲的」用gnarled或knotty:

The gnarled oak tree has been a landmark for years.

The old tree grows quite knotty.

6. 「花束」可用bouquet:

He came to see a friend in hospital with a bouquet of fresh flowers.




baleful/ furrow/ grim/ grimace/ radiate/ scowl/ wry

1. 指眼神等「懷恨的」、「惡狠狠的」用baleful,面部表情「冷峻的」用grim:

His baleful looks made me shudder.

His expression was grim when he told them they were to be shot.

The boxer looked grim and determined.

2. 因為不開心等而「板著臉的」用wry,「做鬼臉」叫grimace:

She made a wry face to show her scorn for his vulgar taste.

She grimaced at the sight of all the work.

The clown grimaced at the children.

3. 「面露皺紋」可用furrow,「皺眉」可用scowl:

He looked at the exam paper with a furrowed brow.

His brow furrowed in deep thought.

He didn't say anything; he just scowled his disapproval.

4. 描寫「洋溢著」某種表情可用radiate:

Her face radiates joy and content.




agnostic/ ambrosia/ amulet/ ascetic/ atheist/ blasphemous/ consecrate/ cult/ deity/ devout/ doctrine/ dogma/ ecclesiastical/ fetish/ hallowed/ incarnate/ incarnation/ infernal/ liturgical/ monastic/ mundane/ nectar/ nemesis/ nymph/ ordain/ pagan/ perdition/ pious/ profane/ psalm/ psyche/ pulpit/ purgatory/ reincarnation/ retribution/ rite/ sacrilegious/ sacrosanct/ sanctify/ sect/ secular/ shrine/ spectral/ talisman/ temporal/ tenet/ tithe/ vicar/ wand

1. 上帝之外的「神」或「女神」可用deity,「教派」、「宗派」叫sect,「邪教」可用cult。但這個意思的cult前面通常會加上形容詞religious:

•The sun was a deity to ancient peoples.

•Each religious sect in the city has its own church.

•The police have uncovered a religious cult, arrested its leaders, and freed several of its followers.

2. 「教義」、「教條」可用doctrine、dogma或tenet(正式)。不過tenet或許更 常指某個人的信念或某組織的理念:

•He is deeply committed to Christian doctrine.

•As opposed to what many people may have supposed, doing good is actually not the core dogma of the main world religions.

•I regard sincerity and frankness as my fundamental tenets.

•Good quality and friendly service are two basic tenets of our company.

3. 「靈魂」可用psyche,「似幽靈般的」、「有如鬼魂的」可用spectral。另外,「成為某神靈化身的」叫incarnate。注意這個形容詞得放在名詞後面,而那個名詞通常是devil:

•It is quite difficult to delve into the psyche of a human being.

•In his hallucination, he saw the spectral form of the headless horseman.

•His attitude is so fiendish that he must be a devil incarnate.

•A newspaper depicted those gangsters as devils incarnate.

4. 「輪迴轉世」叫reincarnation,輪迴過程中的「一世」叫incarnation:

•Even in a highly technological era like ours, a vast number of people across the world still believe in reincarnation.

•A Japanese farmer claimed that he had been a reincarnation of George Washington.

•He believed that in his former incarnation he had been a rabbit.

5. 「虔誠的」可用devout或pious;「褻瀆的」可用blasphemous、sacrilegious 或profane,但profane也可以做「非宗教的」解釋(見15):

•Mrs. Smith is a devout churchgoer.

•My mother is a pious Buddhist.

•The pious parents gave their children a religious upbringing.

•It's blasphemous to smudge a Buddhist sutra on purpose.

•Some of the significant discoveries in science were ever thought to be blasphemous by the Church.

•Asking a Muslim to eat pork is blasphemous.

•Cursing God is blasphemous.

•Wearing shoes inside a mosque is a sacrilegious act.

•To smoke in a church, mosque, or temple would be a profane act.

6. 「極為神聖的」叫sacrosanct,「奉為神聖的」叫hallowed,「使(擺脫罪惡而)聖潔」叫sanctify:

•The villagers regarded a common stone as sacrosanct.

•The martyr was laid to rest in hallowed ground.

•A life of sacrifice and selflessness will sanctify her.

7. 「苦行的」、「克己的」叫ascetic,「修道院的」、「僧侶的」叫monastic:

•The billionaire's only son decided to pursue the ascetic life of a monk.

•Poverty, chastity, and obedience are three monastic vows.

8. 上帝或命運的「安排」用動詞ordain:

•God has ordained death as our lot.

9. 「報應」叫nemesis或retribution(正式),「永墮地獄」、「萬劫不復」叫perdition(正式),「地獄的」可用infernal。另外,根據天主教教義,靈魂進入天堂前用以贖罪的「滌罪所」、「煉獄」叫purgatory(經常大寫):

•Nemesis is notoriously slow.

•Most of the Chinese believe that nemesis cannot be evaded, although it may often be delayed.

•He maintained that an angry God would exact retribution from the sinners.

•Dr. Faustus was damned to eternal perdition.

•An evil man was supposed to dwell in the infernal region after his death.

•Could the sinner's soul be saved in the purgatory?

10. 「與教會有關的」叫ecclesiastical,「牧師」、「教士」可用vicar,教堂中的「講壇」可用pulpit:

•I don't know much about ecclesiastical history.

•The composer is better known for her ecclesiastical music.

•The theologian is well versed in ecclesiastical law.

•The vicar of Wakefield was a benevolent person.

•The minister who occupied the pulpit was well beloved by the countryfolk.

11. 「用於做禮拜時的」、「禮拜式的」叫liturgical,禮拜時所唱的「聖歌」、 「聖詩」叫psalm,宗教或其它方面莊嚴肅穆的「儀式」叫rite:

•The ceremony was conducted in strict liturgical form.

•Let's sing the psalm of life!

•The marriage rites nowadays are very much different from those in ancient times.

12. 「奉獻」可用consecrate。另外,早期教會每年向信徒收取的「十一稅」叫tithe:

•The priest promised God he would consecrate his life to helping the poor.

•We had better consecrate our lives to noble purposes.

•Since the philosopher was an agnostic, he refused to pay his tithes to the clergy.

13. 「信仰世界非主要宗教者」叫pagan,認為神、來生等乃無法確定之事的「不可知論者」叫agnostic,「無神論者」叫atheist:

•The clergyman wanted to convert the pagans who regarded death and oblivion as the natural end of life.

•On his deathbed, the agnostic said that he heard angels singing in the sky.

•The atheist declared, "There is no God."

14. 「廟堂」、「殿堂」、「祠堂」叫shrine,「護身符」叫amulet或talisman:

•The poet's birthplace is often visited as a shrine.

•He believed that the amulet he wore could protect him from any harm--huge and small alike.

•She wore a talisman in an attempt to ward off evil.

15. 「世俗的」、「世間的」、「非宗教的」可用mundane、profane、secular 或temporal:

•Many of the Buddhists think that they are able to lead a harmonious mundane and spiritual life at the same time.

•He was concerned only with mundane matters, especially the daily stock market quotations.

•He was speaking of profane history, not the history found in the Bible.

•Sacred and profane art can be of similar values.

•The church leaders decided not to interfere in secular matters.

•The monk paid very little attention to temporal affairs.

•He was a man preoccupied with temporal matters.

16. 「山林曠野間的小女神」叫nymph,神的食物和飲料分別可用ambrosia和nectar(以上3個字都和希臘羅馬神話有關):

•In ancient mythology, nymphs were dwelling in mountains, forests, meadows, and waters.

•It is said that those Olympian gods ate ambrosia and drank nectar.

17. 早期社會人們認為具有魔力因而予以膜拜的「神物」叫fetish,傳說可以施展魔法或魔術師使用的「魔棒」叫wand:

•Local people worshipped the fetish in a ceremonial dance.

•In ancient times, even a stone or a tree may be regarded as a fetish.

•The magician was ready to throw away his wand.




decline/ overrule/ rebuff/ reject/ repudiate/ spurn/ veto

1. 「婉拒」、「婉謝」用decline:

We asked them to come to our party, but they declined (our invitation).

The resigned official declined to make a statement to the media.

2. 「拒絕錄取」或對計畫、建議等的拒絕,用reject:

The appeal was rejected by the court.

The manager rejected the suggestion that the company needed one more secretary.

I applied for a job as a flight attendant but was rejected.

He was rejected for the army because of his poor eyesight.

3. 對別人表示出的友好或求助等「斷然拒絕」,用rebuff:

All her overtures were rebuffed.

She rebuffed all my offers of friendship.

4. 對於協議、義務、債務等「拒絕」接受或履行,用repudiate:

She announced that she would repudiate all debts incurred by her husband.

5. 對感到不恥的事情「輕蔑拒絕」,用spurn:

An upright judge will spurn any bribe.

6. 為阻止某事情的發生而「否決」,用veto;強調居較上位者對較下位者所作決定的否決,用overrule:

The chairperson has the right to veto any of the board's proposals.

In 1961, President De Gaulle vetoed Britain's entry into the Common Market.

My boss vetoed my taking any more time off this year.

In tennis, the umpire can overrule the line judge.




adjacent/ adjoin/ circumference/ contiguous/ contour/ domain/ environs/ fringe/ innards/ lateral/ latitude/ magnitude/ nook/ perimeter/ precincts/ propinquity/ protrude/ proximity/ realm/ sphere/ vicinity/ zone

1. 「緊鄰的」叫adjacent(正式),若強調不只是緊鄰,而且還有共同邊界-也就是接壤-,用contiguous,「緊鄰」則用動詞adjoin:

The girl and the boy work in adjacent companies.

The two families live in adjacent streets.

England is the only place contiguous to/ with Wales.

Our house adjoins theirs/ Our two houses adjoin.

2. 「附近(地區)」可用vicinity:

Is there any decent restaurant in the vicinity?

3. 正式用法中,人或物的「接近」可用propinquity或proximity:

Propinquity is an influential aid to foster intimacy.

The deer sensed the hunter's proximity and bounded away.

People usually like to work in close proximity to their home.

4. 「內部結構」(內臟、機器或裝置的內部等)可用innards(非正式),「輪廓 」、「外形」叫contour:

All the innards of the new building were already installed.

The contour of the Atlantic coast of America is very irregular.

5. 「旁邊的」、「周邊的」叫lateral,「周圍」叫perimeter,「圓周」叫circumference,「城鎮等的周圍」可用precincts或environs,「邊緣」、「邊界 」可用fringe:

In order to get good plant growth, the gardener must pinch off all lateral shoots.

The perimeter of the airfield is protected by guard-dogs.

The earth's circumference is nearly 20,000 miles.

The kindergarteners are not allowed to leave the school precincts during school hours.

The environs of Vienna is very beautiful.

It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.

The woodcutter had a little house on the fringes of the forest.

The house is situated on the fringe of trees about a field.

6. 在文言或誇張打趣的敘述中,「角落」可用nook:

The lazy dog was resting in a shady nook.

7. 具有特殊風格、目的、用途或限制的「區域」叫zone:

Do not honk in this residential zone.

The peaceful little town has become a war zone.

8. 活動、興趣或專業「領域」可用domain或sphere:

I can't answer your question about photography--it's not in/ it's out of my domain.

You'd better ask Tom; chemistry is not my domain, I'm afraid.

Now that Helen is a teenager, her bedroom is strictly her own private domain.

I don't do any cooking; that's my husband's domain.

I hope to find a job in the medical domain.

These documents should never be released into the public domain.

Woman's sphere nowadays is no longer the home alone.

She is famous in many spheres.

9. 文言用法中,抽象事物(例如想像力、科學、愛情等)的領域,可用realm:

The realm of our imagination is unbounded.

The belief in God or ghosts may sometimes be discussed in the realm of science.

Realities of marriage dragged the couple out of the realm of romantic love.

10. 指可自由思考和行動的「尺度」可用latitude,指事物的「廣大」、「浩瀚」可用magnitude:

Our government allows people great latitude in religion.

It is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of the philosopher's mind.

11. 指東西「延伸到某平面之外或凸出於平面之上」,用protrude:

The policeman stopped the man when he saw a gun was protruding from his pocket.

The young epicurean's belly begins to protrude.




apparel/ attire/ crease/ crumple/ disheveled/ garb/ livery/ rag/ rumple/ sartorial/ slovenly/ spruce/ unkempt/ well-groomed

1. 「衣服」、「服裝」可用apparel(文言或舊式用法)或attire(正式)。另外 ,僕人或某些官員所穿的「制服」可用livery,「破爛的衣服」叫rag(通常用複數),「穿」則可用garb:

•When spring comes, colorful apparels are everywhere.

•Everyone was in formal attire in the ceremony.

•The queen wore rich attire.

•The chauffeurs of that company go in livery.

•Beggars in rags can be seen everywhere in some poor countries.

•We garbed ourselves in black.

•The clown was garbed in motley.

2. 把衣服等「弄皺」可用crease、crumple或rumple:

•Don't sit for too long, or you'll crease your new dress.

•The bachelor is always wearing a badly creased suit.

•Take care not to crumple your dress by packing it carelessly.

•Don't rumple your best dress.

3. 「與穿著有關的」、「縫製的」叫sartorial(文言):

•She is a lady of sartorial elegance.

4. 「穿戴整齊的」、「衣冠楚楚的」叫spruce或well-groomed;「服裝不整的」、「不修邊幅的」、「邋遢的」可用disheveled、slovenly或unkempt:

•Dick looked spruce in his new suit.

•The banker was in his spruce coat and hat.

•A well-groomed person is not necessarily good and kind.

•His disheveled appearance will hurt his chance in the interview.

•The philosophy professor is always in slovenly attire.

•The teacher severely criticized the student's slovenly appearance.

•The child always has dirty nails and unkempt hair.




articulate/ barrage/ compact/ concise/ contend/ convey/ diffusion/ discourse/ discursive/ eloquent/ enumerate/ enunciate/ expatiate/ import/ inarticulate/ laconic/ lucid/ narrate/ paradox/ paraphrase/ perspicuous/ pithy/ proclaim/ promulgate/ rambling/ recapitulate/ recount/ redundant/ reiterate/ relate/ succinct/ terse/ verbiage/ verbose/ volley/ wordy

1. 「表達」、「傳達」可用convey,「敘述」、「講述」可用narrate(正式)、recount或relate:

•Words often fail to convey our feelings.

•The story was narrated vividly.

•The suspect was ordered by the police to recount all the happenings of the day.

•He related (to us) his escape from the enemy.

2. 「清楚表達」可用enunciate,「清楚表達的」、「容易了解的」可用lucid 或perspicuous:

•The scientist enunciated a new principle.

•He enunciated his views on the subject of crime.

•His explanation was lucid and to the point.

•Hemingway's style is quite perspicuous.

3. 「強烈主張」叫contend,「公開宣布」叫proclaim(正式)或promulgate(正式):

•The lawyer contended that the jury's decision was unfair.

•President Ma Ying-Jeou proclaimed to some offspring of 2/28 victims that the only way to appease the victims' spirit was to uncover more truths about the incident.

•The names of the new cabinet members were promulgated.

•The president promulgated a decree.

4. 「能清楚表達的」可用articulate(以文字)或eloquent(用口語),「拙於表達的」叫inarticulate:

•Jane is the most articulate of the sisters.

•They gave the eloquent orator a warm reception.

•The father was completely inarticulate when it came to expressing affection.

5. 「漫談式的」、「漫無章法的」叫discursive或rambling:

•The listeners were annoyed and bored by his discursive remarks.

•This rambling letter covered many topics.

6. 「長篇大論地敘述」可用expatiate,「冗贅的」可用redundant、verbose 或wordy,「冗贅」叫diffusion或verbiage:

•He expatiated on the subject for two hours.

•She kept expatiating on her son's cleverness.

•Your composition is redundant; you can easily reduce its length.

•The teacher was so verbose that it took him an hour to tell a simple joke.

•The boy gave a wordy explanation to the teacher for his being late.

•Your composition suffers from a diffusion of ideas; try to be more compact.

•After we had waded through all the verbiage, we discovered that the writer had said very little.

7. 「言簡意賅的」、「簡明扼要的」可用compact、concise、laconic、pithy、succinct或terse:

•His book was written in a compact style.

•The students enjoyed his compact speech.

•He is a concise speaker.

•This is a concise book on the history of Muslim.

•Will Roger's laconic comments on the news made him famous.

•This was a laconic reply that spoke volumes.

•I enjoy Mr. Walker's essays because they are always compact and pithy.

•His remarks are always succinct and pointed.

•The writer is admired for his terse style of writing.

8. 「重述」可用reiterate,如果是「重述重點」則用recapitulate。另外,「列舉」叫enumerate:

•The commander reiterated his order until all his soldiers remembered it without fail.

•"Go away! Go away!" he reiterated.

•His story was so exciting that it could not bore the audience even if reiterated once more.

•Let us recapitulate what has been said thus far before going ahead.

•He recapitulated the main arguments for joining the navy.

•He enumerated all his reasons.

•The expert enumerated the advantages of his new project.

9. 以較淺顯易懂的文字對較難字句「再解釋」叫paraphrase:

•The students were told to paraphrase the poem.

10. 「像連珠炮似的一連串表達」(通常是負面內容,例如攻擊、抗議等)可用barrage或volley:

•The announcement was met with a barrage of protests.

•The audience responded to his talk with a barrage of questions.

•A volley of criticism greeted the mayor's proposal.

11. 「鄭重的演說或論文」可用discourse,文章、演說等的「意義」可用import(正式):

•The priest delivered a long discourse on/ upon the evils of untruthfulness.

•The scholar's discourse was unanimously applauded.

•The audience fully understood the import of the speech.

12. 「看似矛盾荒謬,實則可能有一番道理的陳述」叫paradox:

•"Life is too important a matter to be taken seriously," a paradox by Oscar Wilde.

•"More haste, less speed" is a paradox.




allegiance/ fealty/ fidelity/ infidelity/ mutinous/ perfidious/ pledge/ renegade/ treachery

1. 「忠誠」可用allegiance、fidelity或fealty(舊用法):

Although he has lived overseas for a long time, Mr. Wang does not waver in his allegiance to Taiwan.

They pledged to show perfect fidelity to their leader.

We ought to practice fidelity to our word.

The soldiers were pledged to fealty to their ruler.

2. 動詞「鄭重地承諾」或名詞「認真嚴肅所許的諾言」叫pledge:

He pledged to be always faithful to his wife.

The new school is the pledge given by the community to its children.

3. 「不忠誠的」、「不值得信任的」叫perfidious(正式或文言),「不忠」、「背叛」用infidelity或treachery,「叛徒」(叛黨或叛教)可用renegade:

A perfidious friend is to be shunned the sooner the better.

She thought her husband was guilty of infidelity.

Corruption in public office is similar to treachery.

He was a renegade from his former allegiance.

4. 指軍人或水手「反叛的」用mutinous:

The captain had to use force to quiet his mutinous crew.




buttress/ contention/ contentious/ controversial/ controversy/ deduction/ dichotomy/ forum/ incontrovertible/ inference/ moderator/ polemical/ postulate/ premise/ presumption/ quibble/ rationale/ rebut/ rebuttal/ refutation/ refute/ repartee/ retort/ substantiate/ tenable/ untenable

1. 立論「站不住腳的」用untenable,「站得住腳的」叫tenable,「無法反駁的」、「不能爭辯的」可用incontrovertible:

Those experts found his theory untenable.

He withdrew the argument as untenable.

The theory he advances is tenable.

Essentially, he proposed little incontrovertible evidence to support his main argument.

2. 「反駁」可用動詞rebut與refute或名詞rebuttal與refutation。如果強調反駁內容的風趣詼諧,用repartee或retort:

If you want to rebut the argument of the other team in a debate, you must collect as much evidence as possible.

His argument was so untenable that I refuted him easily.

I refuted his claim that human beings were inherently evil.

The employee issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the employer's accusations.

I will wait until I hear the refutation before deciding whom to favor.

The mayor is quick at repartee when heckled by the city councilmen.

Nicknamed as "Shorty," John made a retort by saying that small was beautiful.

3. 「爭議性的」、「引發爭議的」用contentious或controversial;指演說或文章「激烈討論的」、「打舌戰或筆戰的」用polemical(正式);「爭辯」、「爭論」可用名詞contention或controversy;「為小事或瑣事爭辯」用quibble:

He has some contentious views on religion.

The government has recently formulated some contentious policies.

Same-sex marriage seems not to be so contentious an issue as it used to be.

Euthanasia may still be a controversial issue until now.

The Internet celebrity's behavior is very controversial.

There have been so many polemical books about the topic, but only the fewest of them are well-argued.

The editor was trying to find experts to write passionate and polemical essays on each topic.

This is no time for contention; we are in severe trouble and must help each other.

The incoming government appointments have caused much controversy.

The point in controversy is not whether we should do it, but whether we can do it.

Don't quibble about unimportant things with me.

4. 用證據和資料「強化」論點可用buttress或substantiate:

She buttressed her argument with lots of solid facts.

The defendant had to substantiate his statement by producing more witnesses.

5. 「假定的事實」、「前提」可用postulate、premise或presumption,「基本原理」、「理論基礎」叫rationale,基於證據和推理分析所作的「推論」叫deduction 或inference,討論事情時可能採用的「二分法」叫dichotomy:

We must accept these statements as postulates before pursuing our discussions any further.

Please take into consideration the premise that he will reject our offer.

He based his picnic plan on the premise that Sue would come, but she didn't in the end.

Your presumption that I would share the apartment with you is false.

There may be no philosophical rationale for her argument.

He tried to explain the scientific rationale behind his work.

The deduction that she was guilty was unwarranted.

The inference was based on incomplete evidence.

Your demand that I respond either with a "yes" or "no" presupposes a dichotomy of choice on the issue that I don't accept.

6. 會議或協商談判時,幫助不同立場各方達成協議的「調解人」、「仲裁人」叫moderator,「供討論的園地或場所」叫forum:

A moderator should be appointed to oversee the negotiations.

The school provides a forum for students to express their various opinions.

The Internet may be seen as the largest forum in the world.




affluent/ annuity/ appropriate/ deposit / destitute/ impoverished/ indigent/ lucrative/ mercenary/ mint/ opulence/ pauper/ pecuniary/ pension/ penury/ pittance/ refund/ reimburse/ remit/ restitution/ revenue/ stipend/ upstart

1. 「和錢有關的」、「財務方面的」,用pecuniary。它是比較正式的用字:

•We should not look upon pecuniary reward as our single goal in life.

•The family was involved in pecuniary difficulties.

2. 「薪水」可用stipend;「收入」或「所得」可用revenue;「訂金」或「押金」叫deposit。這個字也用作動詞:

•There is a nominal stipend attached to this position.

•The retired man holds property that yields a good revenue.

•We've put down a deposit on a new house.

•When we moved in, we had to deposit $20,000 with the landlord in case we broke any of his things.

3. 「退休金」、「養老金」或「撫卹金」用pension,若強調一年發一次,且將發到領取人死亡或某約定的年限,則用annuity。另外,因造成傷害或損失而必須付的賠償金叫restitution。

•The retired mailman is living on his pension.

•The gentleman has a good annuity income.

•She receives a small annuity.

•Those who damaged public property should make restitution.

4. 「少量或不夠用的錢」要用pittance:

•The retired man could not live on the pittance he received as a pension and had to look for an additional source of income.

5. 錢幣的「鑄造」,用動詞mint:

•The silver will be minted into coins.

6. 因顧客對產品不滿等因素而「退款」,用refund;「償還」人家先墊的錢用reimburse。另外,「撥款」叫appropriate;為付款或贈予而「匯款」給人,用remit:

•If you are not satisfied with the book, the bookstore will refund your money.

•Expenses made for the company will be reimbursed.

•The government appropriated a large sum of money for building a new university.

•The filial young man remitted money to his parents every month.

7. 「富有的」可用affluent,「財富」可用opulence。不過,這個字有時暗含豪奢和炫耀的意味。另外,「暴發戶」叫upstart:

•The affluent businessman spent money in much the same way as he used paper.

•The young man got a large bequest from his affluent grandfather.

•Visitors from all over the world are amazed at the opulence of the United States.

•She said that her suitor was an upstart lacking all breeding and culture.

8. 在正式用法中,「貧窮的」用indigent。另外,形容某地區(例如國家)人民的普遍貧窮,用impoverished;強調很窮很窮,窮到連基本的食衣住行都發生問題,也可能幾乎沒有謀生工具或管道,用destitute:

•Because the old man was indigent, he was sent to the welfare office.

•Their country was impoverished by war.

•Thanks to advances in agriculture and medicine, more poor people survive in the impoverished countries where population growth is fastest.

•The father's death left the family destitute.

9. 「窮光蛋」叫pauper。在正式用法上,「一貧如洗」或「赤貧」叫penury:

•The rich businessman died a pauper.

•The social workers found much penury and suffering in this slum area.

10. 「有利潤的」、「有利可圖的」叫lucrative;「唯利是圖的」叫mercenary:

•He inherited a lucrative business from his father.

•He turned his hobby of collecting stamps into a lucrative business.

•The politician's action was apparently prompted by mercenary motives.




amicable/ congenial/ friction/ placid/ reconciliation/ repose/ reprisal/ retaliate/ schism/ serenity/ tranquil/ tranquility/ turbulent/ unison/ vindictive

1. 「平靜的」、「祥和的」、「安寧的」可用placid或tranquil,「平靜祥和」、「寧靜」可用repose、serenity或tranquility:

•A big typhoon is coming; don't be misled by the placid surface of the sea.

•After his vacation in this placid section, he felt soothed and rested.

•The influential politician led a tranquil life in the country after retiring.

•This is a tranquil lake.

•May responded to her boyfriend's proposal with a tranquil smile.

•The recluse did not allow anybody or anything to disturb his repose.

•The serenity of the sleepy town was shattered by a tremendous explosion.

•After the commotion and excitement of the city, he appreciated the tranquility of fields and forests.

2. 「宜人的」、「舒適的」、「讓人感覺輕鬆自在的」可用congenial:

•The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.

•I'm more than lucky to grow up in congenial surroundings.

3. 「友好的」、「和平的」可用amicable:

•We reached an amicable agreement/ settlement.

•Few people have amicable divorces.

4. 演出、說話、行動等的「和諧一致」叫unison,「和解」、「化解」 叫reconciliation:

•The choir sang in unison.

•A reconciliation between the two countries was effected after thirty years' hostility.

5. 「狂暴的」、「不穩定的」、「紛亂的」可用turbulent:

•His turbulent passions died down as he grew older.

•We are now in a turbulent period of history.

•The turbulent weather will last for one more day at least.

•Turbulent winds are quite common in the winter of this area.

•A turbulent crowd surrounded the police station, protesting against the arrest of two dissidents.

6. 人與人之間的「摩擦」叫friction,團體或組織等的「分裂」叫schism:

•Jane is neat and Mary is careless; if they have to share a room, there will probably be friction.

•At this time when harmony is essential, we cannot afford to have any friction in our group.

•Let us not widen the schism by further bickering.

7. 「報復」分別可用動詞retaliate和名詞reprisal,「充滿報復之心的」、「報復性的」叫vindictive:

•Fear that we will retaliate immediately deters our enemy from attacking us.

•They were ready for any reprisal the enemy may undertake.

•He decided to take action in reprisal against his neighbor.

•A vindictive person cannot be truly happy.

•She was very vindictive and never forgave an injury.




artful/ beguile/ bluff/ canny/ cheat/ conjure/ counterfeit/ crafty/ deceive/ defraud/ delude/ disguise/ dupe/ duplicity/ fabricate/ fake/ feign/ forge/ forgery/ fraud/ fraudulent/ guile/ guise/ gullible/ hoax/ impostor/ juggle/ phony/ pretext/ ruse/ sham/ simulate/ sly/ spurious/ swindle/ wily

1. 談到欺騙,我們最容易想到的字莫過於deceive和cheat。先說deceive, 它強調給人錯誤資訊,這個意思可以用beguile、delude和dupe替換。dupe可做名詞用,意思是受騙上當的人。或許因為這個意思,它當動詞時通常用被動,也就是用受騙者作為句子的主詞。delude有時可以指自己騙自己。另外,受騙之後所造成的情況,前面要用介係詞into:

His munificent ways deceived his colleagues into thinking he was a good man.

He tried to deceive the public into believing the economy would soon be improved.

She beguiled her mother into giving her more money.

Helen deluded her friends into agreeing with her idea.

It is easy to delude ourselves into thinking we are more intelligent than our friends.

Consumers are easily duped into buying things that they don't really need.

2. 整體說來,和以deceive為首的那組字比較起來,以cheat為首的這一組指的欺騙就顯得更嚴重、更該受到譴責。cheat主要是指考試、遊戲或比賽中的作弊犯規,也指騙取錢財,騙財這個意思等於hoax、swindle和defraud。但defraud經常指嚴重違法,如向某組織或銀行大量詐財等。此外,注意defraud + 被騙取的東西或金錢 + of + 受騙的人或團體的用法:

My brother often cheats at cards.

He cheated in the exam by using a smart phone.

He cheated/ hoaxed/ swindled her out of her money.

The gangsters hoaxed the young girl out of her money.

The factory used some defective goods to defraud the company a large sum of money.

He defrauded more than one million dollars of an old lady.

3. 名詞的「欺騙」或「騙局」,除了deceit、deception等字之外,也可用guile、duplicity和ruse。guile和duplicity是不可數名詞,ruse為可數,但它主要是指那些無傷大雅的小伎倆。另外,為了隱藏動機或逃避責任、義務等所編的「藉口」,除了excuse之外,pretext是另一個應該學會的單字:

We all sneered at his promotion because he got it by guile and adulation.

They should not continue to condone his duplicity.

I have to conceive a ruse to make her go with me.

The studious girl never uses sickness as her pretext for absence from class.

Many acts of cruelty were done out of the pretext of religion.

4. 「冒牌貨」可用fake和fraud,但fraud的語氣要比fake重得多,而且也可以用來指具體的詐騙事件或行為:

The presumable manuscript of Paradise Lost turned out to be a fake.

The supposed washable woolen dress is a fraud because it became smaller after I washed it.

He was charged with fraud.

He was sent to prison for several frauds.

5. 「冒牌貨」之外,fake和fraud也有「騙子」的意思,這個意思還可以用impostor和phony。其中,phony是俚語:

A clerk of the bank finally convinced the old gentleman that the guy he believed to be a prosecutor was a sheer fake.

If someone tells you that he is able to memorize 2000 English words a day, you may almost conclude that he is a fraud.

He is nothing but a phony.

The engineer was unmasked as an impostor.

The presumed heir to the estate was discovered to be an impostor.

6. 形容詞「騙人的」cheating、deceitful之外,還可用fraudulent。另外,形容假東西或冒充某種身分的人,可用fake、spurious和counterfeit。counterfeit經常指「偽造的」錢幣或鈔票,fake現在也常用來形容不確實的消息(假新聞):

The real murderer beguiled the police with a fraudulent alibi.

A fake jeweler deceived the lady into buying a spurious diamond ring.

Laypeople have great difficulty distinguishing a genuine work of art from a spurious one.

He gave the boy some counterfeit coins.

It may be hard to specify what should be regarded as fake news.

7. 形容人頗善於騙人或「詭計多端的」,可用artful、crafty、sly和wily。這4個字的意思基本上差別不大。當然,也可以用較常見的cunning:

The man attained his mean objective by artful measures.

In how to defeat his opponents and win the election, the mayor was as crafty/ sly/ wily as a fox.

8. 指人「容易受騙的」,用gullible。相反的,形容人不只不容易受騙,可能還頗精明,尤其在錢財方面,用canny:

Children and old people tend to be more gullible than others.

A canny investor earned 1 million dollars last year.

Perhaps it is not necessary for us to be too canny, but it may be necessary to be less gullible.

9. 其它一些與「欺騙」相關的用字:

A. 純粹為了好玩或為特別目的(正面和負面)所作的「假裝」,可用動詞simulate、feign和sham。feign比較正式,可接受詞或子句,sham則可接或不接受詞:

A sheet of metal was shaken to simulate the noise of thunder.

The children simulated a scene of robbery for fun.

The murderer simulated insanity in order to avoid more severe punishment.

To avoid more danger, the girl feigned that she was sleeping when the burglar broke into her room.

He feigned to be angry, but we saw through his pretense.

The lazy boy often feigns/ shams sickness so as not to go to school.

He is not really dead but is only shamming.

B. 假扮為另外一個身分或把某種特質暫時隱藏起來,用disguise,假扮之後的「樣子或身分」,用guise:

She disguised herself as a man, but she couldn't disguise her voice.

In the guise of a plumber, the detective investigated the murder case.

C. 偽造文書的「偽造」,用forge。偽造的行為叫forgery。另外,「捏造」事實騙人叫fabricate:

The rogue forged a notification of the court to hoax the old man out of all his lifelong savings.

Many people have argued that we need to increase the penalty for forgery.

He fabricated a wonderful story, but nobody would believe him anymore.

Ann fabricated a story that she would go to study in Australia two months later.

D. 「虛張聲勢地騙人或嚇人」,用bluff:

In an attempt to bluff the big boy, the small boy said that his father was a policeman.

The grocer bluffed the robber with an unloaded gun.

Don't be frightened; she is only bluffing.

E. 在帳目或數據等上面「動手腳」騙人,可用juggle。它後面可以接介係詞with,也可以不接。juggle也指迅速利落地同時把好幾樣東西在空中拋來拋去,這種有點像在耍魔術的意思有一點類似conjure:

The scientist juggled (with) the statistics and claimed that global warming was not as serious as we imagined.

To create a semblance of growth, the boss asked his secretary to juggle the account.

He juggled (with) two sticks and four balls on television yesterday.

The young man conjured a chicken from his otherwise empty bag.




ambiguous/ bewilder/ dormant/ impalpable/ latent/ manifest/ nebulous/ obfuscate/ palpable/ patent/ perceptible/ perplexity/ transparent/ unequivocal/ vague

1. 「顯而易見的」、「清楚明白的」可用manifest(正式)、palpable、patent 或transparent:

•His evil intentions were manifest and yet we could not stop him.

•It seemed that he had overlooked a palpable blunder.

•It was patent to everyone that the witness spoke the truth.

•Your scheme is so transparent that it will fool no one.

2. 正式英文中,輕微的移動或細微的改變等「可以感覺到的」、「可見的」用perceptible:

•A perceptible change could be felt in his attitude.

3. 「模稜兩可的」可用ambiguous或vague,「明確的」、「沒有模糊空間的」可用unequivocal:

•The teacher was puzzled by the student's ambiguous statement.

•Your answer is too vague; please specify.

•His refusal is unequivocal.

4. 想法、觀念等「虛無飄渺的」、「難以理解的」可用impalpable或nebulous:

•His ideal is as impalpable as a dream.

•Your idea is too nebulous; please clarify it.

5. 「潛在的」、「潛伏的」可用dormant或latent:

•Sometimes dormant talents in our friends surprise us.

•The father believes that his youngest daughter has latent talent that time will reveal.

•After the floods, we have to be careful with the latent infection.

6. 「使困惑」、「使迷惑」可用bewilder或obfuscate(正式),「困惑」可用perplexity:

•Big city traffic bewildered the old lady coming from the remote country.

•Please do not obfuscate the issues by dragging in irrelevant argument.

•This is a matter of the most discouraging perplexity.




cuddle/ huddle/ jostle/ knead/ nudge

1. 「摟抱」、「擁抱」可用cuddle,「擠成一堆」、「縮成一團」可用huddle:

The little girl picked up her pet dog and cuddled it.

Jean and John were cuddling in the back row of the movie theater last night.

The mother cuddled her baby in her arms.

The kids huddled together for warmth.

2. 「撞擠」、「推擠」可用jostle,「用手肘輕推」以提醒注意或給予信息可用nudge,「搓揉」、「按摩」身體肌肉以消除疼痛、僵硬等可用knead:

He jostled against the crowd uneasily.

She nudged her husband who was dozing during the sermon.

The coach kneaded the lame muscle of the football player.




craze/ fad/ mania/ prevailing/ prevalent/ tendency/ trend/ vogue

1. 「流行的」、「盛行的」、「普遍的」可用prevailing或prevalent,「趨勢」、「傾向」用tendency或trend:

She wore her hair in the prevailing fashion.

The prevailing point of view among American farmers is that they have been sold out because of the low price of their products.

The habit of traveling by aircraft is becoming more prevalent each year.

Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.

The tendency of wages is still upwards.

She has always had a tendency to be fat.

He has a tendency to talk too much.

Today's trend is toward less formal clothing.

2. 「流行」可用vogue,假如強調「一時的狂熱」、「短暫的時尚」,用craze、fad或mania(非正式):

Slacks became the vogue on many college campuses.

This new toy is the latest craze in Taiwan.

Skateboarding is the latest craze in the United States.

His desire for black hats is only a passing fad.

Wearing long hair for men is on a fad.

The boy has a mania for collecting stamps.




clog/ deter/ encumber/ facilitate/ facility/ frustrate/ hamper/ hinder/ impede/ impediment/ inexorable/ inhibit/ insuperable/ insurmountable/ obstruct/ snag/ throttle/ thwart

1. 「便利」可用facility,「使便利」可用facilitate(正式):

A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel.

The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house.

The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.

2. 「防止」不好的情況發生可用deter或inhibit:

The fact that we have these big bombs will deter our enemies from attacking us.

This chemical is used to deter rot.

She inhibited a friend from a foolhardy course.

This drug inhibits the growth of tumors.

3. 以下這些字通常用以指「妨礙」活動、計畫、發展或進步等正面情況:frustrate、hamper、hinder、impede、obstruct、throttle和thwart:

The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.

His efforts are frustrated at every turn.

His scholastic progress was frustrated by a serious illness.

In his attempts to escape, the prisoner was frustrated by a watchful guard. (從想脫逃者的角度看,這算是「正面情況」受阻)

The snow hampered my movements.

The minority party agreed not to hamper the efforts of the leaders to secure a lasting peace.

High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.

Her progress has not been hindered by her lack of experience.

The blizzard impeded travel.

Insufficient practice is the main cause that obstructs his progress in playing tennis.

After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.

Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.

An accident is obstructing traffic on the N11.

He was charged with obstructing justice.

He tried all he could to obstruct the police investigation.

Protectionism will throttle trade between countries.

I was thwarted in my plan by the weather.

During Yeltsin's campaign for the presidency, Gorbachev at times blatantly intended to thwart him.

4. 「為(某種負擔)拖累」叫encumber,「阻塞(使無法正常運作)」用clog:

He is encumbered with/ by debts.

Don't clog your memory (up) with useless information.

The machinery was clogged with thick oil and dirt.

5. 名詞「阻礙」、「障礙」可用impediment(正式)或snag:

Laziness has been a major impediment to his success.

In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress.

Lack of foreign exchange is the chief snag in their commerce.

6. 「無法被阻礙的」、「不屈的」可用inexorable,困難、障礙等「無法克服的」可用insuperable或insurmountable:

Nature is often inexorable.

In the face of insuperable/ insurmountable difficulties, they maintained their courage and will to resist.




aggressive/ armistice/ armory/ array/ arsenal/ assail/ assault/ bastion/ besiege/ blockade/ bulwark/ citadel/ convoy/ deploy/ foray/ fort/ fortress/ harry/ hem in/ impregnable/ infiltrate/ intercept/ loot/ martial/ massacre/ militant/ military/ onslaught/ outpost/ parley/ pillage/ plunder/ reconnaissance/ sentinel/ siege/ skirmish/ stratagem/ truce

1. martial與military:字典中雖然這兩個字都有「軍事的」這個中譯,但更精準地說,martial或許應該說是「如戰爭般的」、「給人戰爭感覺的」。所以,martial law(戒嚴法)在非戰爭期間也可能施行,martial music更不一定只有在軍中或戰時才聽得到。比較之下,military跟真正的軍事運作(戰爭)或軍隊(尤其是陸軍)的關係就密切許多,用得自然也明顯比martial廣泛:

The sound of martial music is always inspiring.

The lifting of martial law in 1987 marked the beginning of Taiwan's real party politics.

Recent Pentagon assessments of China's military strength warn of the threat to Taiwan and American bases.

In some countries, every healthy young man must do a certain time of military service when he becomes of military age.

We defeated the enemy in a combined naval and military operation.

His bearing was very military.

There was a military hospital nearby.

He is of a military family.

2. 為抵禦敵人所建造的防衛牆叫bulwark或bastion,做防衛用的建築-要塞、堡壘-叫citadel、fort或fortress。此外,防衛堅固所以「攻不破的」叫impregnable:

This is a lofty bulwark for defense.

The garrison were firing behind the bastion.

Like a protecting angel, the citadel overlooked the city.

The threatened settlers fled to the fort.

The enemies surrendered as soon as we captured their last fortress.

This is an impregnable fortress.

We have impregnable defenses for the island.

3. 敵對雙方間的「滲透」叫infiltrate,「偵查」叫reconnaissance,「衛兵」叫sentinel(舊式或文言用法);「前哨」叫outpost:

The enemy infiltrated our land.

We infiltrated men into the enemy country.

The captain said to his soldiers, "If you encounter any enemy soldiers during your reconnaissance, capture them for questioning."

It was John's turn to stand sentinel over the arsenal.

We have to strengthen the defense of the outpost.

4. 「護航」叫convoy:

The merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.

5. 「軍械庫」或「兵工廠」叫armory或arsenal:

The enemy detonated a bomb and destroyed the armory.

It is very dangerous when there is a fire in the arsenal.

6. 「戰略」叫stratagem,兵力、武器等的「佈署」叫deploy,作戰時所擺的「陣勢」叫array:

The general's clever stratagem was successful against the enemy.

We must deploy all our soldiers correctly in order to win the battle.

Despite the improved ties with China, Taiwan still plans to deploy missiles.

The troops were formed in battle array.

7. 「攻擊性的」叫aggressive,「攻擊」的動詞較常用assail,名詞則以assault和onslaught使用較多。同時,onslaught的語氣很強,意味猛烈和毀滅性的攻擊:

For the last few months the country took several aggressive acts against its weaker neighbor.

A U. S. Congress-mandated commission urged the American government to take aggressive action against Saudi Arabia for alleged religious freedom violations.

The army assailed the town.

He led an assault against the castle.

Our soldiers made an assault upon the enemy's trenches.

They suffered many casualties during the unexpected onslaught of the enemy troops.

8. 「反覆攻擊」叫harry,「突襲」叫foray:

The soldiers harried the enemy out of the country.

The guerilla band harried the enemy nightly.

The officer sent a few of his men on a foray; they brought back several prisoners for questioning.

The defenders staged a midnight foray against the enemy outpost.

9. 「包圍」可用hemin,「圍攻」的動詞是besiege,圍攻的行動或狀態叫siege:

The whole army was hemmed in by the enemy with no hope of escape.

The enemy was hemmed in and forced to surrender.

For ten years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy for the sake of Helen.

We have laid siege to the enemy troops for one month.

We raised the siege as soon as the garrison surrendered.

10. 「大屠殺」叫massacre,「掠奪」或所掠奪的財物用loot或plunder,「掠奪」另有動詞pillage:

The massacre of the Indians by the soldiers and settlers was outrageous.

Anyone found looting the bombed houses and shops will be shot.

The town was looted by the enemy.

The enemies plundered all the valuable things they could find.

The conquerors carried the plunder/ loot in their ship.

The defeated country was pillaged by its conquerors.

11. 「攔截」叫intercept,「封鎖」叫blockade。除了戰時以外,當發生意外時的封鎖也用blockade:

Our fighter planes intercepted the enemy's bombers.

The Israeli forces threatened to shoot anyone who attempted to break the Gaza Strip blockade.

A blockade was enforced as soon as an accident took place.

12. 「小戰鬥」、「小衝突」叫skirmish:

Occasional skirmishes broke out still after the agreed ceasefire.

13. 「好戰的」或「好戰份子」叫militant:

A few militant extremists broke the truce and started to fight again.

Some militants forced the parley to end without arriving at any agreement.

14. 「停火協商會議」、「和平談判」叫parley,「休戰」、「停戰」用armistice或truce:

The peace parley has not produced the anticipated truce.

The armistice halted the war.

The high command ordered a truce for the holidays.




celestial/ constellation/ cosmic/ crescent/ diurnal/ nocturnal/ wane/ wax

1. 「和宇宙有關的」叫cosmic,「和天有關的」叫celestial:

Cosmic forces produce stars and meteors.

The sun, the stars, and the moon are celestial bodies.

Almost every major religion in the world urges its believers to create the celestial happiness on earth rather than in the remote paradise.

We enjoyed the celestial music from the angelic choir.

2. 「星座」叫constellation:

Ursa Major is the most conspicuous of the constellations in the northern sky.

3. 「日間發生的」、「日常的」叫diurnal,「夜間發生的」叫nocturnal:

A diurnal earthquake is no less terrible than a nocturnal one.

A farmer cannot neglect his diurnal tasks at any time; cows, for example, must be milked regularly.

We were awakened by the sounds of a nocturnal prowler.

4. 月亮「漸圓」叫wax,「漸缺」叫wane,「弦月」叫crescent:

The moon waxes till it becomes full, and then it begins to wane.

The moon waxes and wanes.

We can usually have a waxing moon at the mid-autumn festival.

The national emblem of Turkey is a crescent.




compendium/ consequential/ crucial/ crux/ dregs/ epitome/ gist/ hub/ inane/ junk/ kernel/ momentous/ overarching/ paltry/ paramount/ peripheral/ petty/ pivotal/ purport/ quintessence/ refuse/ rubbish/ scum/ snapshot/ subsidiary/ tenor/ trash/ trifling/ trivia/ trivial

1. 「重要的」可用consequential,形容由於影響或涵蓋一切而重要用overarching(正式),形容因為和未來有重大關聯而重要用momentous,至於「最重要的」、「首要的」則用paramount(正式):

Let me think it over for some time, for it will be a consequential decision for me.

Kissinger used to be a consequential man in the field of international diplomacy.

Patience and love are the overarching concerns at the school.

The overarching theme of the election campaign was political reform.

On this momentous occasion, we must be very solemn.

The momentous news of the president's death shocked the nation.

Whether or not to study abroad was a momentous decision for her.

Of Jack's many praiseworthy traits, his integrity is paramount/ is of paramount importance for our company.

2. 「關鍵的」、「決定性的」可用crucial或pivotal,「關鍵」、「核心」可用crux或kernel:

He promised to help at a crucial moment.

During the stagnation the company was undergoing a crucial test.

It was the crucial event that decided the outcome of the war.

This is a pivotal question that cannot be ignored.

I wonder if he understands the crux of the matter.

In the heated debate, the members of the club digressed from the kernel of the matter under discussion.

3. 「重點」、「要點」、「大意」、「主旨」可用gist、purport(正式)或tenor(正式):

The teacher asked her to give the gist of the essay in two sentences.

The purport of his speech was to arouse the rabble.

The tenor of the book is first expressed in the introduction.

4. 「簡要說明」、「概述」可用compendium或snapshot,「縮影」、「典型」叫epitome,「精華」、「典範」可用quintessence(正式),它經常以the quintessence of的形式出現,「(活動的)中心」、「樞紐」可用hub:

The professor made a compendium of chemistry in a slim volume.

Leave out details of the book and give me a compendium of useful information instead.

The book gives us a snapshot of life in the Middle Ages.

This final book is the epitome of all his previous ones.

My cat is the epitome of laziness.

He is the epitome of American humor.

These books display the quintessence of wit.

In former times, some people regarded mercury as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances.

Tom is the quintessence of bravery.

Taipei is the political and commercial hub of Taiwan.

5. 「較不重要的」、「次要的」可用subsidiary,「無關緊要的」叫 peripheral:

This information may be used as subsidiary evidence but is not sufficient by itself to prove your argument.

None of the peripheral criticism would do any harm to the project itself.

The scholar regarded exercise and recreation as matters of peripheral interest.

6. 「瑣碎的」、「不重要的」可用paltry、petty、trifling或trivial,「無意義的」、「空洞的」可用inane,「瑣碎的細節」、「瑣事」可用trivia:

Do not be upset by the paltry gossip; just ignore it.

The two parties were engaged in petty quarrels and intrigues.

The expected research turned out to contribute nothing but a few trifling discoveries.

Why are you get angry over such trivial matters?

His comment is inane because it doesn't help us solve our problem.

The couple became bored with the trivia of everyday life.

7. 「無價值的東西」(垃圾)可用junk(非正式)、refuse(正式)、rubbish 或trash(主用於美國),「人渣」、「敗類」可用dregs或scum(非正式):

The author called his own writing all junk.

There was a heap of kitchen refuse at the corner of the street.

"Refuse collector" sounds better than "dustman."

This book is all rubbish.

It is his opinion that this essay is mere trash.

Thieves and murderers are regarded as the dregs of society.

Billiards is a good indoor game, but the billiard saloon is often filled with the scum of the town.




audacious/ audacity/ chivalrous/ craven/ cringe/ doughty/ effrontery/ flinch/ foolhardy/ gallant/ grit/ impetuous/ imprudent/ intrepid/ mettle/ precipitate/ rash/ reckless/ recoil/ temerity/ undaunted/ valiant/ valor/ wince

1. 「勇氣」可用mettle、valor(正式;文言)或grit(非正式):

•When challenged by the other horses in the race, the thoroughbred proved its mettle by its determination to hold the lead.

•His mettle was tried in battle.

•The soldier was decorated for his valor under fire.

•John is a man of true grit.

2. 「勇敢的」可用doughty、gallant或valiant(正式或文言):

•The story of the doughty pioneer has been filmed time and again.

•A gallant soldier is the nation's asset.

•No knight was more valiant than Sir Lancelot.

3. 「無所畏懼的」、「有冒險精神的」可用intrepid或undaunted;「如武士般的」、「有俠義精神的」叫chivalrous:

•The soldier was promoted for his intrepid conduct.

•We must face the future with undaunted spirits.

•A chivalrous spirit forbade him to attack an enemy who was in trouble.

•A chivalrous man is hard to find nowadays.

4. 勇敢過了頭變成「大膽的」用audacious,「大膽」可用audacity或temerity(正式),「厚顏無恥」可用effrontery:

•The teacher was quite worried about John's audacious ideas.

•Audacious behavior will be frowned upon.

•It took me much audacity to say "No" to the domineering manager.

•He had the audacity to plagiarize my ideas.

•The young captain had the temerity to order an attack when hopelessly outnumbered.

•Don't leap into battle with thoughtless temerity.

•You damaged my bicycle last week, and now you have the effrontery to want to use my car!

5. 「有勇無謀的」叫foolhardy:

•A foolhardy general may cause the death of many of his soldiers.

•He was foolhardy to try when he knew he would fail.

•Please stop being foolhardy.

6. 「衝動的」、「魯莽的」可用impetuous、imprudent、precipitate(正式)、rash或reckless:

•We tried to curb his impetuous behavior because we felt that in his haste he might offend some people.

•The father told his son that it was imprudent to marry a girl with whom he fell in love at first sight.

•Do not be precipitate in this matter; investigate further.

•The boy was so rash as to cross the street without looking both ways.

•We have too many reckless drivers in the city.

7. 「退縮」、「畏縮」可用flinch、recoil或wince。假如強調夾雜著恐懼和自覺卑微而退縮,用cringe。另外,「懦夫」可用craven:

•Paul didn't flinch once when the doctor was cleaning the wound.

•The boy did not flinch to have a tooth pulled out.

•Brave as he was, he recoiled at seeing a snake in the path.

•She winced as she touched the cold body.

•The boy winced at his father's angry words.

•The slaves cringed every time their angry master raised his whip.

•For a soldier, fleeing from the battlefield is an act of a craven.




amble/ barge/ excursion/ gait/ hike/ hobble/ loiter/ lurch/ passerby/ pedestrian/ plod/ prance/ ramble/ reel/ roam/ saunter/ shuffle/ stagger/ straggle/ stride/ stroll/ strut/ stumble/ swagger/ teeter/ totter/ tramp/ trample/ tread/ trot/ trudge/ tumble/ wade

1. 「散步」或「漫步」,可用amble、roam、saunter、stroll、ramble。其中,amble是最普通的用字:

The old couple ambled hand in hand in the park.

The old retired gentleman roamed through the fields, enjoying the warmth of the winter sun.

The newlyweds did not hurry; they sauntered through the fields in complete forgetfulness of time.

Let's stroll and admire the scenery of the lakeside.

The poet preferred to ramble along willow banks to listen to the birds' song and children's laughter.

2. 「閒逛」或「閒晃」,用loiter:

Go home all the way after school; don't loiter.

Several teenagers were loitering near the park.

3. 在同一個範圍內「來回走動」,用tramp,這個字也用作名詞:

Several policemen tramped the streets to find an escaped prisoner.

The girls tramped the hills looking for wild flowers.

Having not enough money, the farmer took a tramp from the village to the town.

4. 「健行」,用hike:

The primary school required students to hike once a semester at least.

5. 「大步行走」,用stride:

Hearing the noise, she strode out to see what was happening.

6. 「蹦蹦跳跳地走」或「雀躍地走」,用prance:

The boy pranced out of the classroom once the teacher dismissed the class.

The little girl pranced into the living room to welcome her dear grandma.

7. 「趾高氣昂地走」或「威風地走」,用strut或swagger:

The upstart liked to strut to vaunt his wealth.

The male bird strutted in front of the female.

Even when he came to thank his voters, the newly elected legislator could not help but swagger along.

8. 「快步走」,用trot:

He trotted along to catch the train.

It's a lovely scene where a child is trotting along after his mother.

9. 行走時搖搖晃晃地幾乎快要跌倒,也就是「蹣跚而行」,可用lurch、reel、stagger、teeter、totter。其中,teeter經常指穿高跟鞋等所造成的腳步重心不穩:

The drunken man staggered/ lurched along the street.

Exhausted, the workman reeled down the street.

The lady teetered along in her high shoes.

Seriously wounded in the leg, the soldier tottered down the road to find his brothers in arms.

10. 走路時「跌倒」或「被絆倒」,用動詞stumble或tumble:

He stumbled on a stone.

When a child learning to walk tumbles, he will stand up and try again.

The old lady stumbled/ tumbled down the stairs.

11. 「拖著腳步走路」,用shuffle:

It is not polite to shuffle along in public.

12. 「走路時跌跌撞撞」,並把東西碰來碰去,用barge:

As soon as the policemen arrived, the burglar barged out of the house.

13. 「走路時顯得費力」,用plod或trudge:

The mother plodded on all day looking for her lost child.

The beaten athlete trudged wearily back to his team.

14. 因受傷等而「走路一跛一跛」,用hobble:

The basketball player hurt his foot and can just hobble along now.

15. 「踐踏」,用trample或tread。其中,用trample時經常表示踩踏的力道可能造成嚴重的傷害:

Don't tread/ trample on the flowers.

The farmer was trampled to death by a buffalo.

16. 「涉水」,用wade:

The stream may be deeper than you imagine, so don't wade across it.

17. 行進中的「脫隊」,用straggle:

The young lovers deliberately straggled away from their partners.

The sheep straggled along the road without much caring about the shepherd's call.

18. 「遠足」,用excursion:

The teacher warned that she would call off the incoming excursion if the students did not behave themselves.

19. 走路時的「腳步」或「步法」,用gait:

The little girl walked to school with a lively gait.

20. 路上的「行人」,用pedestrian。注意這個字是指在車道上或旁邊步行的人,不要和另一個也常被譯為「行人」的passerby混淆,它是指「碰巧經過的人」。所以,我們在深山中不期而遇的應該是passerby而不是pedestrian:

Mind the pedestrians when you are driving.

He was attacked by a heart disease in a trail and was luckily hospitalized in time by a passerby.




antithesis/ cohere/ commensurate/ compatible/ counterpart/ incompatible/ incongruous/ inverse/ symmetry

1. 「相容的」叫compatible,相反詞「不相容的」叫incompatible:

•Do you think that religion is compatible with science?

•They aren't really compatible blood groups.

•Health and hard work are often compatible.

•His plan was incompatible with my intentions.

•The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they were incompatible.

2. 「同等的」、「對等的」、「相稱的」叫commensurate:

•Your reward will be commensurate with your effort.

He was given a job commensurate with his abilities.

3. 想法等「一致」、「一貫」可用cohere:

•Do his religious and political beliefs cohere?

4. 「不協調的」、「不對稱的」、「不一致的」可用incongruous,「對稱」叫symmetry:

•That modern building looks incongruous in that old-fashioned village.

•No one believed in his incongruous story.

•All visitors marveled at the superb symmetry of the design.

5. 位置、方向、次序、結果等「倒轉的」、「相反的」叫inverse,「相反的情況或事物」、「對比」可用antithesis:

•There is an inverse ratio between the strength of light and distance.

•The writer's latest novel is trite and prosaic--the very antithesis of his earlier works.

•His selfish attitude seemed to me the antithesis of patriotism.

•The antithesis of death is life.

6. 「相對應的人或物」叫counterpart:

•The British queen is the counterpart of the German president: they are both nonpolitical heads of state.

•Tokyo is the counterpart of London because they are respectively capitals of Japan and UK.




belie/ camouflage/ clandestine/ cloak/ confidential/ covert/ dissemble/ divulge/ enigma/ esoteric/ furtive/ intrigue/ occult/ overt/ plot/ secretive/ surreptitious/ transpire/ ulterior/ unravel/ varnish/ veneer

1. 「祕密的」叫secret,但「保守祕密的」、「守口如瓶的」叫secretive。當我們說一個人secretive時,通常暗示對於這種守密覺得不以為然:

He was very secretive about his secret visit to Europe.

2. 「祕密的」、「被隱藏的」也可用covert,「公開的」可用overt(正式)。兩個字雖然很類似,但要搞定並不難。covert很像cover(覆蓋),因為是祕密所以要被蓋起來。overt是o開頭,我們可以把它聯想到open(打開、公開):

She had a covert dislike of her math teacher.

The shy boy took a covert glance of the beautiful girl.

Detectives often use covert video surveillance.

According to the United States Constitution, a person must commit an overt act before he may be tried for treason.

3. 在與軍事、商務、研發或禮節慣例等有關的情境中,「機密的」用confidential:

All information will be treated as strictly confidential.

Your medical records are strictly confidential.

4. 「偷偷的」(經常由於目的不正當)可用furtive或surreptitious。假如強調因為違法而「祕密的」進行某行動,用clandestine:

The thief was furtive in his movements.

The girl gave a furtive look at her classmate's test paper.

News of their surreptitious meeting gradually leaked out.

She undertook several clandestine operations for the CIA.

The gangsters had a clandestine meeting.

He has been having a clandestine affair with his secretary for three years.

5. 非正式英文中,在表面的理由等之外「被刻意隱瞞的」用ulterior:

He definitely had an ulterior motive in offering to help.

6. 「只對特定人公開的」、「只有少數人能了解的」叫esoteric,巫術、占星學等「玄妙神祕的」、「有如魔法的」叫occult:

Very few had access to the esoteric plan.

The history book is not popular with students because its language is too esoteric for them to understand.

The occult rites of the organization were revealed only to members.

The old man claimed to have occult powers given to him by some mysterious spirit.

7. 指人「洩露」祕密可用divulge(正式),指祕密、事件、消息等「逐漸為人所知」、「傳開」用transpire,它經常用在it transpired that(正式)的形式中。這時,that之後所接的就是逐漸傳開的事情:

He won't tell you the news because he is afraid you will divulge it prematurely.

The journalist refused to divulge his source of information.

Despite all their efforts to keep the meeting a secret, news of their conclusions transpired.

It transpired that the movie star had divorced her husband.

8. 「計謀」、「陰謀」可用intrigue或plot,plot也做動詞使用(「密謀」):

The royal family was filled with intrigue.

The gangsters had a plot to abduct the wealthy businessman.

Those who plot the overthrow of the government will be sentenced to death.

9. 「謎樣的人或事物」叫enigma,「破解」謎團可用unravel:

Despite all the attempts to decipher the code, it remained an enigma.

I wish I could unravel the enigma.

10. 「掩飾」、「偽裝」可用動詞belie或dissemble,假如掩飾的目的是為了粉飾太平或避重就輕,用varnish:

His gracious manner belied his evil purpose.

Even though you are trying to dissemble your motive in joining this group, we can see through your pretense.

Tom tends to varnish the truth to make a more interesting story.

Though members of the committee disagreed on several points, the chairman did his best to varnish this over in the report.

11. 「用作掩飾的東西」可用cloak或veneer:

His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intentions.

Some people use patriotism as a cloak for making money.

One can easily pierce beneath his thin veneer of elegance.

Under a veneer of good manners and speech, Mr. Smith was a coarse fellow.

12. 動物利用天然保護色或軍隊利用周邊環境所作的「掩護」或「偽裝」叫camouflage,它可用作名詞和動詞:

Many animals have a natural camouflage that hides them from their attackers.

Camouflage is necessary if we are to deceive the enemy.

They camouflaged the ship by painting it gray.




agile/ bask/ beckon/ clumsy/ coordination/ crawl/ creep/ crouch/ demeanor/ deportment/ hurdle/ lithe/ mien/ nestle/ nimble/ obeisance/ posture/ prostrate/ quiver/ recumbent/ sedentary/ shiver/ shudder/ slouch/ slump/ snuggle/ sprawl/ supine/ supple/ tremulous/ ungainly

1. 「姿勢」叫posture:

The eighty-year-old man still stands in an erect posture.

2. 人「慣於久坐的」或事情「需得久坐的」叫sedentary:

He gets very little physical exercise, for he only enjoys such sedentary activity as reading.

3. 「仰臥的」叫supine,「俯臥的」叫prostrate,「斜躺的」叫recumbent(正式):

The pugnacious fellow was defeated and lay supine on the floor.

He was resting in a supine position.

It's dangerous to let babies lie prostrate.

The actress took a recumbent posture for the photographer to take her picture.

4. 「輕鬆自在地坐下、躺下或靠著」可用nestle或snuggle:

The lovely baby nestled close to its mother.

She nestled down (into the big chair) and began to read.

She snuggled (her cheek) against his shoulder.

5. 「將手腳完全伸展地躺著或坐著」叫sprawl;「懶洋洋或顯出疲態地站著、坐著或行動」叫slouch:

The dog sprawled out on the sofa.

The old man was slouching in the chair.

There were three drunks slouching across the barroom.

6. 「(坐著或躺著)曬太陽」用bask:

I like to lie on the sand, basking in the sunshine.

7. 動作「敏捷迅速的」可用agile或nimble;身體「柔軟而有彈性的」可用lithe或supple;動作時身體肌肉的「協調」叫coordination:

Monkeys are very agile climbers.

You need to have agile fingers to do this kind of work.

The nimble dancer won an enthusiastic applause.

The dancer's figure is lithe and willowy.

When you grow older, you become less supple.

You would be a good horseback rider if only you could improve your coordination.

8. 「笨拙的」可用clumsy或ungainly:

Harry is a clumsy boy constantly stumbling over his own feet.

A clumsy dog knocked the cup over.

The freshman is as ungainly as a newborn calf.

9. 「儀態」、「(行為)舉止」的正式用字是demeanor和deportment,文言用字則是mien:

His demeanor has always been that of a perfect gentleman.

His sober demeanor quieted the noisy revelers.

The victor carried himself with a proud demeanor.

His is gentlemanly deportment.

The lady has an aristocratic mien.

The judge looked at the prisoner with a thoughtful and solemn mien.

10. 「做手勢」可用beckon;鞠躬或屈膝等「敬禮」姿勢叫obeisance(正式):

She beckoned me to follow her.

She made obeisance to the king as he entered the room.

11. 藉著彎下背部和膝蓋把身子放低到貼近地面-也就是「匍匐」,用crouch。另外,「爬行」叫crawl,假如強調悄悄地、不聲不響地爬則用creep:

The cat saw the bird and crouched down ready to jump.

The boy saw his angry father coming and crouched down behind a big tree.

The baby crawled across the room.

The prisoner crawled through a hole and escaped.

There's an insect crawling up your back!

The cat crept towards the mouse.

12. 「跳過」可用hurdle:

The horse hurdled both the fence and the ditch.

13. 「猛然坐下或靠著」叫slump:

Exhausted by work, he slumped into a chair.

14. 「顫抖」可用quiver、shiver或shudder,「顫抖的」叫tremulous:

Seeing its master approaching, the dog quivered with excitement.

The swimmer shivered with cold.

She shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

Brave as he was, he shuddered at the scene of the accident.

Her tremulous hands could hardly hold the book.

The captive was tremulous with fright.




anachronism/ apposite/ bide/ decent/ decorous/ decorum/ felicitous/ impropriety/ inopportune/ opportune/ outrageous/ propriety/ unwarranted

1. 正式用法中,指安排等「恰當的」、「符合當時情況的」用apposite。另外, 「恰當」可用propriety(正式),「不當」、「失當」可用impropriety:

•His remark was not apposite for the case.

•He used an apposite quotation to end the speech.

•The movie starts in a graveyard, an apposite image for the decaying society that is the theme of the movie.

•We have been taught to behave with propriety lest we should embarrass our parents.

•I doubt the propriety of making a public statement on that issue before we study the official reports.

•He was guilty of impropriety in public office.

2. 指言辭「得體的」用felicitous(正式):

•The master-of-ceremony was noted for his felicitous remarks.

3. 指裝束或行為「合宜的」、「體面的」、「不會讓自己丟臉或讓人家傻眼的」 可用decent或decorous,「合宜」、「體面」可用decorum:

•I tell you decent people just don't do things like that.

•The ceremony requested of all participants to wear decent clothes.

•Decent living conditions do not necessarily involve beautiful houses and expensive pieces of furniture.

•Her decorous behavior was praised by her teachers.

•To preserve decorum, they said they were husband and wife.

•They found his conduct quite lacking in decorum.

4. 指時機「恰當的」用opportune,「時機不對的」、「不是時候的」叫inopportune,「等待時機」可說成bide one's time:

•I found no opportune occasion to tell him the truth.

•She came at the opportune moment, for the employer needs a new secretary.

•They were sorry for their inopportune visit.

•He seems to be doing nothing, but really he's just biding his time.

•The employee wanted to ask a raise but bided his time until the right moment.

5. 指所做之事「理由不充份或不正當的」用unwarranted,如果是「太超過的」、 「突然且無理的」則用outrageous:

•She was angry with his unwarranted interruption.

•Our government will never allow outrageous prices that threaten our way of life.

•We were all angry with her outrageous jokes.

6. 「把某事物置於它不可能存在的時代」、「時空錯置」叫anachronism:

•It is an anachronism to say "William Shakespeare was surfing the Internet."

•A smart phone in a movie of the 19th-century setting is an anachronism.




askance/ blur/ daze/ dazzle/ dilate/ dim/ discern/ eyesore/ gloat/ glower/ illusion/ mirage/ monitor/ opaque/ optical/ peek/ peep/ peer/ squint/ twinkle

1. 「視覺的」叫optical:

•Near-sightedness is an optical defect.

2. 「偷看」可用peep或peek(非正式),另有極為類似的peer,它是「凝視」、 「盯著看」的意思:

•It's rude to peep (at other people's work).

•The child promised not to peek while counting in the game of hide-and-seek.

•He peered through the mist, trying to find the right path.

•She peered at me over the top of her glasses.

3. 「監看」、「監控」可用monitor,「得意地看」或「顯露得意的眼神」叫gloat,眼睛「閃閃發亮」叫twinkle:

•In an honor system, there is no one to monitor the exam.

•The miser gloated over his gold with total satisfaction.

•He gloated at the thought that his enemy had been trapped.

•Her eyes twinkled when she knew she had passed the exam.

4. 「怒目而視」、「凶狠地瞪著」用glower,「不悅或懷疑地看著」用片語look askance at:

•Instead of answering, he just glowered (at me).

•He took a glowering look at his son's report card.

•She looked askance at the dirty man/ looked at the dirty man askance.

•The cashier looked askance at the forged signature.

5. 眼睛「張大」、瞳孔「放大」用dilate,因強光或為瞄準目標而「瞇眼看」用squint:

•Her eyes dilated with terror.

•The cat dilated its eyes.

•In the dark, the pupils of your eyes dilate.

•She squinted through the keyhole.

6. 「很費力才看清或了解」用discern,「使看不清楚」、「使視線變模糊」用blur或dim,「不透明的」叫opaque:

•He was just able to discern the road in the dark.

•I soon discerned that the man was lying.

•It was difficult to discern which of them was to blame.

•Tears blurred my eyes.

•The windows were blurred with rain.

•The smoke dimmed his eyes.

•The opaque window will prevent people from watching you.

7. 「使目眩」可用daze或dazzle:

•The bright sunlight dazed him.

•The lights of the car dazzled me on the dark road.

8. 因為某些情境和背景因素而「看錯東西」-也就是「幻覺」-叫illusion,「海市蜃樓」、「空中樓閣」叫mirage,「難看或礙眼的東西」叫eyesore:

•It is easy to create an optical illusion in which lines of equal length appear different.

•The lost prospector was fooled by a mirage in the desert.

•The old abandoned house was a neighborhood eyesore.




arbor/ balcony/ column/ cozy/ demolish/ dilapidated/ dismantle/ dome/ edifice/ hovel/ kennels/ locker room/ lounge/ mural/ pillar/ quay/ ramshackle/ renovate/ repository/ rickety/ rostrum/ snug/ tavern/ trestle/ ventilate/ wharf

1. 宮殿、教堂等「宏偉建築」叫edifice,「簡陋骯髒的小屋」、「茅舍」叫hovel:

•The marble edifice is now used as a museum.

•There lived in the hovel a poor but happy old lady.

•The entrepreneur was born in a hovel but died in a mansion.

2. 「牆壁的」叫mural,「柱子」叫pillar或column,「圓屋頂」叫dome,「陽臺 」叫balcony:

•The mural painting is quite gaudy.

•The tall ceiling was supported by stone pillars.

•A column in the mosque was broken in the earthquake.

•The dome of the church can be seen in the distance.

•We had drinks on the hotel balcony.

•In this town hanging laundry over your apartment balcony is banned as "visual pollution."

3. 花園等中的「涼亭」叫arbor,飯店、戲院、俱樂部等公共場所的「休息室」叫lounge,運動場等之「寄物室」、「更衣室」叫locker room,「客棧」叫tavern (舊用法):

•Even in hot summer days the arbor is cool and comfortable.

•When the weather was fine, my grandfather liked to sit and read in the arbor after supper.

•Smoking is permitted only in the lounge.

•Never leave your important belongings in the locker room.

•Taverns of old days have come into vogue.

4. 「倉庫」可用repository,「養狗場」叫kennels:

•This is a huge furniture repository.

•The library is a repository of the world's most precious treasure.

•She bought a pretty puppy from the kennels.

5. 可供演說、頒獎、表演用的「講臺」可用rostrum,用以支撐桌子等平面的成對「支架」叫trestle:

•As the speaker was approaching the rostrum, the audience gave him a big hand.

•The terrain is so rough that the railroad tracks must be propped with trestles.

6. 建築物等「殘破老舊的」可用dilapidated、ramshackle或rickety:

•In the presence of the now dilapidated castle, it's hard to imagine its past pride and glory.

•I'm wondering why you still keep this dilapidated car.

•There were several hippies living in the ramshackle house.

•The rickety building will be torn down.

7. 將建築物「拆除」、「拆毀」可用dismantle或demolish,「整修」、「翻新」叫renovate:

•The dilapidated house needs to be dismantled.

•They're going to demolish that old building and put up a new one.

•We need to rent an apartment for the moment because we are going to renovate our old house this summer.

8. 建築物內「溫暖舒適的」用cozy或snug,「通風」叫ventilate:

•Reading in a cozy room is an incomparable pleasure.

•The puppy found a snug corner behind the stove.

•Will you open the window to ventilate the room?

9. 中文的「碼頭」,英文主要有quay和wharf。兩個字略有不同,quay是船隻靠岸的地方,wharf則範圍較大,且可固定船隻或暫時擺放貨物:

•Because of the captain's carelessness, the ship crashed into the quay.

•The crates were unloaded onto the wharf.




credible/ creditable/ credulity/ credulous/ dubious/ impugn/ misgiving/ skeptic/ unimpeachable

1. 「不容置疑的」可用unimpeachable(正式),「可信的」、「值得相信的」可用credible。另有個拼法很類似的字creditable,意思是「值得讚美的」,不可混淆:

His conduct in office was unimpeachable.

The honest gentleman should be an unimpeachable witness.

This is a credible news report.

The boy's excuse hardly seems credible.

Some credible witnesses supported the accused girl's statement.

We are credibly informed that the meeting will be postponed until next Friday.

The dancer was applauded for her creditable performance.

The diplomat has made many creditable efforts to establish peace.

The secretary's sense of responsibility is creditable.

2. 「輕信的」、「不容易起疑的」叫credulous,「輕信」叫credulity:

That credulous girl was deceived by a playboy.

He was a credulous fool whom anyone can dupe.

The witchdoctor took advantage of the credulity of the superstitious natives.

3. 「可疑的」、「抱持懷疑態度的」可用dubious,「質疑」可用動詞impugn(正式),描述一種對結果感到不安的「疑慮」可用名詞misgiving(經常以複數的形式出現)。另外,「持懷疑態度者」、「懷疑論者」叫skeptic:

Do you think he is a dubious character?

I'm still dubious about that plan.

We are not in a position to impugn the umpire's fairness.

No one impugned his honesty.

He had a misgiving about exploring into the heart of the jungle.

She hoped her new employer could be kind toward her, but she had some misgivings.

People of long experience are often skeptics.




affable/ amenity/ amiable/ august/ bland/ condescend/ cordial/ deign/ genial/ gracious/ imposing/ stoop

1. 「威嚴的」可用imposing或august(文言):

Her grandmother is an imposing old lady.

The farmer was awed in front of the august Duke.

2. 名詞「親切」可用amenity,本性「親切的」可用amiable或genial,如果形容一時的行為或態度親切,則用bland:

The hostess greeted every guest with amenity.

Few people would remain to be amiable in the face of such an insult.

My sister can attract friends by her amiable disposition.

The girl is always wearing genial smiles.

On her bland face it's hard to guess what she really thought of my suggestion.

A bland smile is always welcome.

3. 「熱誠的」可用cordial或gracious。其中,當一個人對另一人gracious時,有時會讓受關照者覺得受寵若驚。另外,「和藹可親的」叫affable:

He gave us a cordial invitation to his birthday party.

We received the guest with a cordial welcome.

She was gracious enough to show us round her home.

He is gracious toward those around him.

The old man was very affable to the little girl who missed her mother and could not find her way home.

4. 「放下身段」或「降低身分」做某事用condescend、deign或stoop。其中,deign尤其強調心不甘、情不願地屈就,因此高高在上的姿態其實依舊存在;stoop則意味一旦做某事,那麼所降低的就不只是階級或身分,更恐怕是人格,所以它主要用在否定句中,藉以表明對自身人格與尊嚴的維護:

We had to wait almost an hour before he condescended to see us.

The general condescended to eat with the soldiers.

Some male chauvinists never condescend to help their wives with housework.

Now that she is married to a rich and famous man, she no longer deigns to visit her former friends.

Will such an important person deign to answer your letter?

I'll never stoop to talk to such an arrogant man.




expedition/ itinerant/ itinerary/ journey/ shuttle/ travel/ trip

1. travel、trip、journey:就「旅行」這個定義說,travel指某類型旅行或旅行這件事本身,trip則最常指某特定的一次旅行,尤常用於片語go on a trip to…中。至於journey通常指長距離旅行,也常做比喻用,指一段漫長的歷程,例如生命:

Space travel is likely to become a common event some day.

Knowing a second language is useful not only for travel but also for employment.

We can't afford another trip this year.

I want to go on a school trip to Hawaii this autumn.

Mary hopes to travel round the world after retirement.

They like to travel in the winter when there are fewer tourists.

We broke our journey in Tokyo before traveling on to America the next day.

I am beginning to feel that my lifelong blindness is a meaningful journey to a greater awareness of human suffering.

2. 旅行之外,動詞travel也指例行性的往返兩地,意思類似shuttle。另外,穿梭兩地也可用形容詞itinerant:

My father travels to work by subway every weekday.

The businessman shuttled between Taipei and San Francisco every month.

He is an itinerant salesman.

3. 「旅行日誌」叫itinerary:

The itinerary will tell you where we are going to stop over next.

4. 一隊人馬所從事的「遠征」或「探險」叫expedition:

My brother was taking part in a small expedition to photograph wild animals in Africa.




adage/ aphorism/ epigram/ maxim/ precept

1. 短而充滿智慧和真理的「格言」可用aphorism或maxim:

"More haste, less speed" is a well-known aphorism.

"No pains, no gains" is one of her major aphorisms.

Francis Bacon is noted for his fondness for maxims.

The Freudian maxim may sometimes be true that "Laughter is just an expression of fear."

2. 「道德規範」、「行為準則」叫precept,「古訓」、「諺語」叫adage:

Examples are better than precepts.

Treating all creatures equally and compassionately is a main precept of Buddhism.

This policy goes against common precepts of decency.

When used to deal with the present-day situations, many adages seem not to be so suitable.

He remembered the adage "Look before you leap."

3. 「警句」、「妙語」、「詼諧短詩」叫epigram:

Who invented the epigram "Everything I like is either unlawful, immoral, or fattening?"

"Children and fools always speak the truth" is a provocative and interesting epigram.

One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation."




acrid/ aroma/ aromatic/ fetid/ fragrant/ noisome/ pungent/ putrid/ redolent/ reek/ scent/ sniff/ stink/ tang/ whiff

1. 只有持續一下子的「一陣味道」叫whiff,「強烈的氣味」可用tang:

Something good must be cooking: I got a whiff of it.

The salt tang of the sea air may refresh your energy.

2. 「發出…味道」(尤其是不好的味道)用reek,如果是「發臭」、「產生惡臭」則用stink,它常與of連用:

The chain-smoker's room reeks with stale tobacco smoke.

The place stank of decayed fish.

3. 「香味」可用aroma,「芬芳的」、「芳香的」可用aromatic、fragrant或redolent(正式,常接of):

I like the aroma of hot lavender tea.

Aromatic plants are often used in cooking.

The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.

The room is redolent of orchid.

The kitchen was redolent of onions.

4. 「有臭味的」、「惡臭的」可用fetid或noisome,假如指動、植物等「腐臭的」則用putrid:

The fetid air of the cellar made us queasy.

The swamp gave off a noisome odor.

The putrid flesh was thrown away.

5. 指味道「刺激(鼻子或喉嚨)的」可用acrid或pungent,但pungent所造成的刺激感覺有時候是舒服的。另外,acrid還意為「苦澀的」:

I was quite uncomfortable with the acrid smell of burning wood.

The pungent whiff of the goat was really terrible.

The cook coughed because of the pungent aroma of the smoke.

Please sit down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Italian coffee.

Good tea is not necessarily acrid.

6. 聞東西時發出鼻息聲,用動詞sniff,動物嗅出、聞出…的存在(獵物等),用動詞scent:

She sniffed several perfumes but could not decide which was the best for her.

The dog scented a fox.




fatigue/ grueling/ indefatigable/ jaded/ lackadaisical/ languid/ lassitude/ lethargy/ listless/ torpid

1. 「無精打采的」、「倦怠的」、「沒精神的」可用lackadaisical、languid、listless或torpid,「無精打采」、「倦怠」可用lassitude或lethargy:

The teacher said that John was too lackadaisical to be a good student.

He greeted Charles with a languid wave of his hand.

He does everything in a languid manner.

We just don't know why he is listless so often.

The heat and lack of sleep made everyone torpid.

The hot, tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude and encouraged drowsiness.

Disgusted, he sank into a state of lethargy.

2. 形容因經驗等重複過多而「感到厭倦的」可用jaded:

The pilot has become jaded with flying.

He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.

3. 「耗費體力的」、「令人疲憊的」可用grueling,「極度疲倦」、「疲乏」可用fatigue,「不疲倦的」可用indefatigable:

The marathon is a grueling race.

He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.

The scrubwoman is always suffering from fatigue.

Mr. Chang is a teacher who has indefatigable patience with slow learners.

My father is an indefatigable worker.




anomaly/ benchmark/ creed/ criterion/ cue/ exemplary/ norm/ paradigm/ paragon/ precedent/ unprecedented/ yardstick

1. 「信條」、「行為準則」可用creed:

•His political creed is that a politician's character is more important than the party he belongs to.

•In any loyal American's creed, love of democracy must be emphasized.

2. 「標準」可用benchmark、criterion、norm或yardstick:

•The valuation becomes a benchmark against which to judge other prices.

•These figures are a useful benchmark for measuring the company's performance.

•What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?

•Success in money-making is not always a good criterion of real success in life.

•As far as English is concerned, this class is above the norm for the freshman year.

•Short-term contracts are now the norm with some big companies.

•She considered people to be products of the values and norms of the society they lived in.

•Profit should not be the only yardstick of successful enterprises.

•This yardstick may not be right now, even though it was right then.

3. 「可做典範的」、「足為楷模的」叫exemplary,「榜樣」、「範例」可用cue、paradigm或paragon,但paragon指的是幾近完美無缺的典範:

•Her exemplary behavior was praised at commencement.

•Follow the general's cue and fight more bravely.

•The stranger took his cue from the actions of the natives.

•Pius XII remained the paradigm of what a pope should be.

•The needs of today's children cannot be met by our old educational paradigms.

•The old gentleman is a paragon of virtue.

•The royal family could be relied upon as paragons of etiquette.

4. 「史無前例的」、「空前的」叫unprecedented,「前例」、「先例」叫precedent:

•The Prime Minister made some unprecedented changes in the government.

•This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature.

5. 「異常的人或事物」叫anomaly:

•A person with 12 fingers is an anomaly.

•The snake is an anomaly because it has two heads.




filial/ foster/ fraternal/ genealogy/ heirloom/ kin/ lineage/ maternal/ matriarch/ nurture/ offspring/ paternal/ patriarch/ patrimony/ pedigree/ posterity/ progenitor/ progeny/ sibling/ spouse

1. 「祖先」、「祖宗」可用progenitor:

•We must not forget the teachings of our progenitors in our desire to appear modern.

2. 在較舊式和較不正式的情境中,可用kin表示「親屬」或「親戚」,但這個字必須接複數動詞和代名詞:

•All our kin are very willing to help people in need.

3. 「(似)媽媽的」、「母系的」叫maternal,「父系的」叫paternal:

•The director of the orphanage treated all children with perfect maternal love.

•Many animals display maternal instinct only while their offspring are young and helpless.

•The brilliant scholar is a relative on her paternal side.

4. 「(似)兄弟的」叫fraternal,「兄弟姊妹」、「手足」叫sibling:

•There is a strong fraternal likeness between the two boys.

•Their willingness to help each other indicates a very admirable fraternal love.

•I have four siblings: three brothers and a sister.

•One of John's siblings is quite rude indeed, but for his sake I don't mind that.

5. 「配偶」叫spouse,「子女的」叫filial:

•Every time Jane wanted to buy a dress she consulted with her spouse.

•Many children forget their filial obligations and disregard the wishes of their parents.

6. 「子孫」可用offspring、posterity或progeny。其中,offspring單、複數同形,posterity是古用法,沒有複數,progeny則用在文言的敘述中,也沒有複數:

•He was the offspring of a scientific genius and a ballet dancer.

•Their offspring were all slightly mad.

•The retired legislator said that he would never let any of his offspring go into politics.

•It is our responsibility to leave a better world to posterity.

•The father was proud of his progeny but regarded Tom as the most promising of all his children.

7. 家中的「家長」或部落的「族長」、「酋長」一般用patriarch,如果這人是女 性,則用matriarch:

•In many primitive tribes, the leader and lawmaker were the patriarch and in some others, the matriarch.

8. 「血統」可用lineage,「家譜」可用genealogy。不管血統或家譜,都可用pedigree,但這個字現在可能更常用來指動物的純種系譜:

•Robin is a man of good lineage.

•He decided to prepare a genealogy of his family.

•The employer scrutinized his pedigree and background.

•His voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree.

•The breeder showed us the dog's pedigree.

•He breeds pedigree poodles/ cattle.

9. 「家產」叫patrimony,「傳家寶」叫heirloom:

•As predicted by his critics, he spent his patrimony within two years of his father's death.

•The porcelain vase has been an heirloom of ours for several generations.

10. 「教養」、「養育」、「培養」可用foster或nurture(文言):

•The father tried to foster his daughter's interest in music by taking her to concerts when she was young.

•The only girl in the family was delicately nurtured.




altitude/ elevate/ nadir/ spire/ supreme

1. 「至高無上的」、「最高的」叫supreme:

•Dying for one's principles is an example of supreme sacrifice.

2. 「高度」可用altitude,「最高點」、「頂點」可用spire,情況等的「最不理想情形」、「谷底」、「盡頭」可用nadir:

•The old man fell from a great altitude.

•He has reached the spire of his career.

•The cold spell reached its nadir yesterday.

3. 「提高」、「提昇」可用elevate:

•Our government has been working very hard to elevate people's living standard.




chuckle/ giggle/ grin/ simper/ smirk/ snicker, snigger/ whimper/ whine

1. 「輕聲地笑」叫chuckle,「竊笑」叫snicker。這是美式拼法,英式英文通常拼為snigger:

•I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read that funny article.

•We could not help but snicker when Lucy said that she could definitely become another Emma Watson.

2. 「露齒而笑」叫grin,「開懷大笑」(尤指年輕女孩)叫giggle:

•The kids grinned with pleasure when I gave them cookies.

•The demure girl never giggles.

3. 「傻笑」叫simper,「得意地笑」、「假笑」叫smirk:

•When asked whether she loved Tom, Mary said nothing but simpered.

•The naughty child smirked to imitate his teacher.

4. 因害怕、痛苦或不快樂等而「低聲哭泣」叫whimper,像在抱怨似地「哀嚎」叫whine:

•The mother smiled over her baby’s whimpering in sleep.

•The little boy whined after he was spanked.




attest/ authentic/ axiomatic/ charade/ corporeal/ debunk/ effigy/ factitious/ fictitious/ genuine/ hypothetical/ intangible/ materialize/ mendacious/ nominal/ ostensible/ phantom/ quixotic/ specious/ tangible/ testimony/ validate/ veracity/ verify/ vouch for

1. 在較正式的用法中,「真實的」、「真正的」用genuine,形容藝術作品出自原作者或簽名出自本人,用authentic:

Dr. Sun had a genuine love for his country and people.

This is an authentic document of the Middle Ages.

The museum keeps many authentic paintings of the great master.

The paper bears an authentic signature.

2. 「不需證明就自然清楚明白的」叫axiomatic,「尚未證實的」、「純屬假設的」叫hypothetical:

Whatever we learn, it is axiomatic that the oftener we practice, the more skillful we become.

It is axiomatic that a whole is greater than any of its parts.

Why do we have to consider hypothetical cases when we have actual case histories that we may examine?

3. 「證明」、「證實」可用attest,其後若加介系詞to是較正式的用法。如果要強調求證的結果正確無誤可用validate、verify或vouch for,這樣的正確無誤叫veracity(正式)。另外,「證據」可用testimony:

His success attests (to) his ability.

The child's good health attests (to) his mother's loving care.

The scientist will not publish his findings until he validates his result.

Several witnesses verified his alibi.

I have read this report carefully and can therefore vouch for its correctness.

We can vouch for John's integrity.

The veracity of the report is unquestionable.

His happy expression brought testimony that he had done well in the exam.

The results are remarkable testimony to the accuracy of his predictions.

4. 「成真」、「成為事實」叫materialize:

His anxiety materialized that he might develop a certain type of cancer.

He always wanted a large family, but his hopes never materialized.

5. 「具體明確的」、「看得見摸得著的」、「有形的」可用tangible或corporeal,儘管看不見摸不著卻真實-也就是「無形的」用intangible:

Those primitives still find tangible expression of divinity in idols.

The police need tangible proof of his guilt before they can act against him.

These are tangible gains that can be seen and counted.

He is interested only in corporeal matters.

Good will is an intangible asset to a company.

6. 「揭露真相」叫debunk(非正式):

A lot of people used to believe that, but now it's been quite thoroughly debunked.

The baker tried to debunk the myth that lower education meant lower achievement.

7. 「名實不符的」、「表面的」用nominal或ostensible:

Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.

Having no time for the party is only his ostensible reason; the truer one is that he does not like the host.

8. 「似是而非的」叫specious,「沒說真話的」、「騙人的」叫mendacious。另外,描述一種只是做做樣子的行為或行動用charade:

Let us not be misled by such specious arguments.

People soon learned to discount his mendacious stories.

Everyone knew who was going to get the job from the start--the interviews were just a charade.

9. 「人為的」、「非自然的」叫factitious,「虛構的」、「杜撰的」叫fictitious,「具理想卻不切實際的」叫quixotic:

Actresses often created factitious tears by using glycerine.

A factitious demand for sugar was caused by false stories that there would be a lack of it.

His account of the crime was totally fictitious.

The escaped prisoner used a fictitious name to avoid being recognized.

Hamlet was a fictitious character.

Many of the incidents in the novel are fictitious.

The young man is constantly presenting these quixotic schemes.

This is a quixotic project that can never materialize.

10. 「幻影」、「幻象」可用phantom,「模擬人像」或「畫像」叫effigy(正式):

Phantoms of a dream soon vanish.

The mob showed its irritation by hanging the judge in effigy.




abhor/ abominable/ aversion/ detest/ detestable/ feud/ grudge/ implacable/ loathe/ nuisance/ obnoxious/ odious/ pest/ rancor/ repellent/ repugnant/ repulsive/ revulsion/ vile

1. 對於特別是不公不義、違背道德良心的事或人感到「痛恨」,可用動詞abhor、detest或loathe:

Most people abhor cruelty to children.

I detest people who deceive and tell lies.

They detest all that shooting and killing.

We loathed the wicked villain.

2. 名詞的「痛恨」可用aversion或revulsion。和前述動詞不同的是,這兩個字所指的嫌惡除了道德層面之外,也可能是純屬個人的主觀好惡:

The girl has a strong aversion to snakes and spiders.

The child has a strong aversion to hard work.

My aversion to cruelty is very strong.

Many people in the United States who admired dictatorship underwent a revulsion when they realized what Hitler and Mussolini were trying to do.

She turned away from the dirty food in revulsion.

3. 「令人痛恨的」、「可憎的」可用abominable、detestable、odious、repulsive或vile:

Both racism and sexism are abominable.

Violence is a detestable means.

War is odious to all people except the warmonger.

Snakes and rats are extremely repulsive to her.

Kidnapping is a vile crime.

4. 要注意的是,項目3所列之形容詞所透露出的厭惡感,通常較為長久、不變和客觀,也就是一種人神共憤的感覺。倘若要敘述一種相對主觀、不嚴重和暫時的情緒,則較適合用obnoxious、repellent和repugnant等字。其中,obnoxious的語氣或許最強:

The boy's bad table manners made him obnoxious to us.

His obnoxious remarks irritated me to the point of giving him a good beating.

Mosquitoes find the odor so repellent that they leave any spot where this liquid has been sprayed.

The idea of moving again became repugnant to her.

Of course I won't marry him; he is repugnant to me.

I found his opinions repugnant.

5. 由於過去的不愉快而在心中所埋下的怨恨叫rancor。另外,有時儘管一個人討厭另一個人,但這種厭惡感卻可能是他想像出來的,這樣的恨意叫作grudge:

Let's forget our rancor and cooperate in this new endeavor.

They cheated me, but I feel no rancor towards/ against them.

I always feel she has a grudge against me, although I don't know what wrong I have done her.

Why do you bear her such a grudge?

6. 人與人、家族與家族或國與國之間的長期不和-也就是「世仇」或「宿怨」叫feud:

Their family feud lives on.

Romeo and Juliet's tragedy is caused by the feud between their families.

The feud between Germany and France lasted for centuries.

7. 指仇恨「不可化解的」、「不共戴天的」要說implacable:

There is an implacable hatred between the two families.

He is my implacable enemy.

I have an implacable dislike of/ for injustice.

8. 「惱人的事物或人」叫nuisance或pest。不過,兩個字經常暗示的是一些無傷大雅的情況,用來指人時甚至可能有親暱的表示。此外,pest本來的意思是有害的動物或昆蟲,做nuisance的同義字是它較不正式的用法:

Don't make a nuisance of yourself: sit down and be quiet!

The disruptive child was a nuisance to the class.

I've forgotten my umbrella--what a nuisance!

I hate to be a nuisance, but could you help me?

Local residents claimed that the noise was causing a public nuisance.

Please go away; do not be a pest.

Put that back, you little pest!




cherish/ evocative/ evoke/ nostalgia/ oblivion/ oblivious/ redolent/ reminiscence/ retrospective/ tenacious

1. 心裡「懷抱著」希望、愛或其它情感用cherish:

He cherished the memory of his dead wife.

2. 「喚起」記憶用evoke,「使想起…的」用evocative或redolent:

The village scenery evoked the memory of her hometown.

The taste of these cakes is evocative of my childhood.

The movie was redolent of olden times.

This was an old house redolent of mystery.

3. 「回顧的」、「反思的」叫retrospective,「回憶」可用reminiscence,「懷舊」或「鄉愁」叫nostalgia:

Only when we are retrospective can we appreciate the tremendous advances made during this century.

She was looking at the stars, enjoying the pleasures of reminiscence.

The first settler found so much work to do that they had little time for nostalgia.

He felt nostalgia for the old homestead.

4. 「記憶力好的」可用tenacious,好像忘記般「渾然不知的」叫oblivious,這種遺忘的情境或狀態叫oblivion:

We all admire his tenacious memory.

The melancholy girl was walking in the rain, oblivious of her surroundings.

His works had fallen into a state of oblivion; no one bothered to read them any more.




concede/ confront/ dodge/ elude/ endeavor/ eschew/ evade/ evasive/ fend off/ shirk/ shun/ skirt/ tackle/ ward off

1. 避免本就該承擔的責任、義務、工作等可用動詞shirk,避免問題、話題等可用skirt,避免被抓可用elude:

I will not shirk from my duties/ responsibilities/ obligations.

We mustn't shirk our cleaning job/ shirk doing our cleaning.

The school has been accused of skirting round the issue of corporal punishment.

The essay was disappointing, for it skirted almost all delicate points of the subject.

The fox succeeded in eluding the hunters by running back in the opposite direction.

They eluded the police by fleeing.

2. 上述那些意思都可用evade或dodge取代,它們同時還可以指迴避碰見某人,但無論哪個意思,evade似乎都明顯常用。此外,「規避的」、「閃爍其詞的」 用evasive:

Sometimes the wealthier a person becomes, the more likely he may try to evade (paying) his taxes.

I feel perfectly sure that she is not one who will evade her duties.

Do not evade my question any more and tell me the truth.

The lion evaded the hunters.

The recently divorced actress was trying hard to evade reporters.

The scrupulous businessman never thought of dodging taxes.

The reformed man did not dodge questions about his past.

I almost caught her, but she dodged and ran quickly across the street.

She dodged her suitors with ease.

The suspect's evasive answers convinced the judge that he was withholding important evidence.

3. 主動或被迫避免人際互動用動詞shun,避免不好的人或情況用eschew(正 式):

The musician has shunned publicity since she retired from performing.

After the trial, he was shunned by friends and family.

My father kept advising me to eschew bad company/ alcoholic drinks.

He tried to eschew all display of temper.

4. 「躲開」、「抵擋」(攻擊、難題等)也可用片語fend off或ward off:

During the fight, the boy kept fending off the attacker's blows with his arms.

He fended off the difficult questions.

The mayor knew how to ward off attacks from councilors.

5. 「面對」可用confront,「嘗試」可用endeavor(正式),「因應」、「處理」可用tackle,「承認」可用concede:

It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.

I thought I would remain calm, but when I was confronted with/ by the TV camera, I became very nervous.

As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her way.

He confronted his accusers with perfect composure.

He endeavored to climb the mountain.

All of us have problems to tackle.

They finally conceded defeat.




annals/ annotate/ archives/ bibliophile/ credentials/ definitive/ demography/ dissertation/ epilogue/ excerpt/ literature/ prologue/ satchel/ symposium/ treatise/ unabridged

1. 一本書的開頭(序)叫prologue,結束(跋)叫epilogue:

•A successful prologue should enable readers to know what the book concerns.

•The author wrote an epilogue to his book explaining that some of his earlier impressions were wrong.

2. 著作、研究等「權威的」叫definitive:

•She's written the definitive guide to Mongolia.

•The scholar has recently published the definitive life of Keats.

•This is the definitive textbook of basic chemistry.

3. 從文章或書中「節錄」叫excerpt,「完整版的」、「未經刪減的」叫unabridged:

•These quotations were excerpted from many authors.

•An unabridged edition of Shakespeare's plays was recently published.

4. 在書中「做註解」用annotate:

•The sinologist annotated many of the Chinese classics.

5. 「愛書人」叫bibliophile,「書包」可用satchel:

•The bibliophile fingered the old book fondly.

•Only when the playful schoolboy arrived home did he realize that he had left his satchel in the classroom.

6. 「專題論文」、「研究論文」叫treatise,「高等學位論文」(尤其是博士論文)叫dissertation,匯集不同作者針對同一專題所寫之論文或報告而成的「論文集」叫symposium,做研究時必備的「文獻」叫literature:

•The doctor wrote a treatise on alcoholism.

•In order to earn a graduate degree from most universities, a candidate is frequently required to prepare a dissertation on some scholarly subject.

•This magazine contains a symposium on modern architecture.

•The scholar's assertion that females are more sensitive to sound while males show an early visual superiority is based on an incomplete evaluation of the literature.

•This is a developing literature of special education.

7. 「檔案資料」叫archives,「歷史記錄」、「史料」叫annals,「證明個人學、經歷的相關資料」叫credentials:

•Some long-puzzled diplomatic questions have been worked out in the government archives.

•He found many interesting facts in the family archives.

•The argument that William Shakespeare was Christopher Marlowe cannot be found in the annals of literature.

•A great deal has been left unwritten in the annals of history.

•Her credentials show that she's just the kind of secretary we want.

•Her academic credentials were excellent.

8. 「人口統計」叫demography:

•He majors in demography.




coerce/ decree/ dictum/ directive/ edict/ enjoin/ exemption/ imperious/ impose/ incumbent/ injunction/ levy on/ mandatory/ onerous/ onus/ optional/ ordinance/ overbearing/ peremptory/ reluctant/ remiss/ truant

1. 「責任」、「義務」可用onus,「有責任或義務的」、「職責所在的」可用incumbent(正式),「怠忽職守的」叫remiss,工作或職責「吃重的」可用onerous:

The prime minister bore the onus of his difficult office creditably.

The onus of proof lies with you.

It is incumbent upon you to give them some advice.

I felt it incumbent to tell them the truth.

The clerk was accused of being remiss in his duty.

The secretary is very remiss in answering letters.

The nurse found the care of the patient an onerous task.

It is an onerous duty to make these naughty boys behave themselves.

2. 「強制性的」可用mandatory,「非強制性的」叫optional,「非自願的」、「勉強的」、「因感覺被勉強而顯得不情願的」叫reluctant,責任、義務等的「免除」叫exemption:

Mandatory retirement will be enforced in their organization.

Attendance at the meeting is optional.

In fact, they were not real volunteers but only some reluctant helpers.

Jack was very reluctant to help.

She was reluctant to leave because she was having such a good time.

No one regards exemption from military service as an honor.

3. 「強勢的」、「專橫的」、「像是在發號施令的」可用imperious、overbearing或peremptory(正式):

Though knowing that he meant well, I did not like his imperious voice.

His imperious manner indicated that he had long been accustomed to assuming command.

The foreman's overbearing manner is disgusting.

Everybody resented his peremptory attitude.

4. 「命令」、「法令」可用decree、dictum、directive、edict、injunction或ordinance。基本上,這些字都頗為正式:

The decree that all captives would be immediately freed was widely acclaimed.

The decree stated that everyone should wear masks in public during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many people still believe in decree of fate.

The king issued an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.

The manager issued a directive about not using office computers for private purposes.

The government issued an edict of protection of endangered animals.

The city council issued an edict against honking the horn, unless absolutely necessary, near some places such as schools.

You had better obey the commander's injunction.

Passing a red light is a violation of a city ordinance.

5. 「強迫」可用動詞coerce或enjoin(正式),如果強調把不好的情況「硬推給」別人,強迫人家接受,用impose。另外,「徵收」稅金、費用或罰款用levy on:

Don't coerce a child into learning anything he is not interested in at all.

The parents enjoined good conduct on their son.

She imposed herself as their leader.

The conquerors imposed difficult conditions of peace on the defeated enemy.

He imposed all the dirty jobs on his brother.

The government levies taxes on people for national expenses.

6. 「曠課的」、「逃學的」叫truant:

The truant boy could never catch up with his classmates.




component/ constituent/ disintegrate/ disrupt/ encompass/ entity/ fragment/ fusion/ gamut/ incorporate/ ingredient/ integrate/ medley/ motley/ scrap/ segment/ shred/ sliver/ splinter/ stub

1. 「片段」、「碎片」或「未完成的作品」叫fragment,刻意從大片物體上取下 的「小碎片」用scrap或shred,「尖銳的小碎片」叫splinter或sliver(正式),香煙、鉛筆等的「末段」叫stub:

He dropped the bowl on the floor, and it broke into fragments.

This play is the fragment of a play by a famous writer who died earlier before finishing it.

Finding his friend out, he cut a scrap of paper and scrawled a note to her.

The strong wind tore the sail to shreds.

To vent her spleen, she broke the mirror into splinters.

My mom got a splinter in her finger.

Look out for the slivers of glass on the floor.

Don't let the baby get the stub of the pencil; he might swallow it.

2. 「成份」可用component、constituent或ingredient:

The factory supplies electrical components for cars.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet.

A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.

Flour, liquid, salt, and yeast are constituents of bread.

All the ingredients of the dish can be bought here.

3. 「實體」、「獨立存在體」叫entity,涵蓋一般情況與細節的「整個範圍」用gamut:

Since Korea was divided, it is no longer one political entity.

The Orchid Island may be regarded as a separate ethnic and cultural entity.

Each entity of the series requires separate study.

He has run the whole gamut of human experience.

In her stories she expresses the whole gamut of emotions from happiness to sorrow.

4. 「融合」、「聯合」、「結合」、「混和」可用fusion或medley,如果融合地不是很有序,更適合用motley:

There is a great deal of variety among the people of that nation; they are the result of the fusion of several races.

A fusion of interests prompted the corporations to merge.

In Hawaii, there is a medley of races.

The menu described the dessert as "a medley of exotic fruits."

That organization is a motley of nations and races.

5. 「整合」、「合併」可用integrate或incorporate,「把整體分成部份」 叫segment,「分裂」可用disrupt,「崩解」、「瓦解」叫disintegrate:

I integrated your suggestion with my plan.

We are aiming at an economic system that successfully integrates private gain with public responsibility.

They incorporated his new ideas into their plans.

The new plan incorporated the old one.

I incorporated the new plan with the old.

Oranges usually segment/ are usually segmented into several pieces.

The teacher tried to segment the poem into understandable units.

Factious quarrels may disrupt the state.

With the rise of nationalism, the colonial empires disintegrated.

Some pessimists believe that society is beginning to disintegrate.

These ancient walls were disintegrated by time and weather.

6. 「涵蓋」、「納入」可用encompass:

This is a book that encompasses almost all the range of people's religious beliefs.




alert/ approach/ assiduous/ bungle/ circumspect/ cursory/ desultory/ discreet/ discretion/ expedient/ fashion/ gingerly/ haphazard/ heedless/ impromptu/ improvise/ indolence/ laxity/ meticulous/ neglectful/ negligent/ perfunctory/ piecemeal/ provident/ prudence/ punctilious/ slacken/ slipshod/ sloppy/ sloth/ superficial/ vigilant/ wary

1. 中文「方法」除了我們熟悉的way、manner、method等字以外,還有approach 和fashion。其中,approach指做某件事情的方法,常與介系詞to連用,後面接用所做的那件事。fashion指的是人的行為舉止。這是個頗正式的用法,不過現在似乎已經不太常用,網路上Oxford和Longman等學習辭典中都已不列它。但文章或文學作品中這種用法出現的機會不少,所以還是值得學習和了解:

That critic's approach to the poem is quite different from anyone else's.

This is a new approach to teaching languages.

He behaves in a very strange fashion.

He expressed his idea in a serious fashion.

2. 形容詞「權宜的」或名詞「權宜之計」都用expedient:

She thought it expedient not to tell her mother where she had been.

He found it expedient to maintain silence at that moment.

They decided it was not expedient to interfere with the couple's problem.

They have tried all expedients to achieve a quick result.

3. 形容做事情缺乏計畫,「有一搭沒一搭的(地)」、「零零散散的(地)」 用piecemeal。儘管這個字也能當形容詞用,但更常用作副詞:

Rather than do everything piecemeal, you should make plans.

4. 「即席的」可用impromptu,「即興而做」叫improvise:

The guest made an impromptu speech.

I forgot the words of my speech, so I had to improvise.

She improvised a cake although she had no sugar.

5. 「勤勞的」可用assiduous,「偷懶」、「怠惰」可用indolence或sloth (文言):

Her assiduous practice made her become a great violinist.

She learned to speak English by assiduous practice.

The sultry weather in the tropics encourages life of indolence.

Sloth was regarded as one of the seven deadly sins; the others were pride, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and covetousness.

6. 「機警的」、「警覺的」可用alert或vigilant;「不嚴謹」、「過度放鬆」可用laxity,「鬆懈」叫slacken:

He is an alert boy.

The guards must be vigilant at all times.

The child's behavior indicates laxity in discipline.

Don't slacken your efforts till the job is well done.

7. 「仔細的」、「留心細節的」可用meticulous或punctilious;「疏忽的」可用neglectful或negligent:

The accountant was meticulous in checking all the accounts.

As a nurse, she is punctilious in obeying the doctor's orders.

Parents should not be neglectful of their children.

He was negligent in not locking the doors as he had been told to do.

8. 「草率的」、「敷衍的」可用cursory、perfunctory、slipshod、sloppy 或superficial,「漫無章法的」可用desultory(正式)或haphazard:

A cursory glance revealed no trace of the missing book.

Time permitted only a cursory examination.

The inspector overlooked many weaknesses when he inspected the factory in his perfunctory manner.

A slipshod piece of research cannot bring out any desirable result.

The employee was fired because he had been doing sloppy work.

Since your report gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, I cannot give you more than a passing grade.

If she continues to work in that desultory way, she will never finish anything.

It's a haphazard timetable; sometimes lessons happen, sometimes they don't.

His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the gist of the book.

9. 「小心的」可用circumspect或wary,為避免傷害而「小心翼翼地」可用副詞gingerly:

Marriage is a matter for which everyone has to be as circumspect as possible.

You must be circumspect in your decision.

The crow is said to be a very wary bird.

He gingerly picked the delicate flower.

Gingerly, she reached out to touch the snake.

10. 「未雨綢繆的」叫provident,為避免尷尬或吸引太多注意等而「謹慎的」叫discreet,「謹慎」可用discretion或prudence:

A provident person will put away for a rainy day.

The family made discreet enquiries about his background.

Use your own discretion in this matter.

Through years of experience, he displayed laudable prudence in setting up his new business.

11. 「不計後果的」、「不把…當回事的」可用heedless,把事情「搞砸」用bungle:

The reckless young man drove on, heedless of the warning signals.

They rushed into battle, heedless of the danger.

Why are you always bungling?

I am so sorry because I have bungled the job.




accelerate/ decelerate/ expedite/ gallop/ sluggish/ spiraling/ synchronize/ tempo/ velocity

1. 指行進中之車輛等的「高速度」用velocity,動作、生活、工作等的「步調」叫tempo:

The car came round the corner at such a velocity that the driver was unable to keep it on the road.

Some hawks descend with terrific velocity on their prey.

My grandma has not been quite used to the busy tempo of city life.

The booming economy increased sales and production tempo.

2. 「加速」叫accelerate,「減速」叫decelerate:

The driver accelerated his car to leave the group of beggars behind.

To accelerate the improvement of his skill, the pianist practiced four hours a day in the last five years.

We decelerated (the engine) long before we came to a stop.

Decelerate a little when you drive by the elementary school.

3. 正式用法中,「加速」安排、計畫等的進展用expedite。另外,(馬等的)「 奔馳」用gallop:

The builders promised to expedite the repairs to the roof.

Your timely help will expedite the matter.

The horse galloped down the hill.

4. 「逐漸加速的」、「節節上升的」叫spiraling,「遲緩的」可用sluggish:

There is no victory for any country in a spiraling arms race.

Most families were troubled by the spiraling prices of vegetables.

Why don't you change this sluggish car engine?

A man of sluggish mind shows little interest in anything.

5. 「同步」叫synchronize:

They synchronized their steps/ Their steps synchronized.

To achieve the desired result, we had better synchronize our acts of protest.




facetious/ flippant/ frivolity/ frivolous/ jocular/ levity/ saucy/ sobriety/ solemn

1. 「鄭重其事的」、「莊嚴肅穆的」、「嚴肅認真的」可用solemn,莊嚴肅穆的氛圍或感覺等可用sobriety(文言):

He made a solemn decision never to smoke again.

The solemnity of the occasion filled us with solemn sobriety.

2. 「鬧著玩的」、「玩笑性的」、「詼諧的」可用jocular(正式):

Do not take his jocular remarks too seriously.

3. 「喜歡亂開玩笑的」、「不莊重的」可用facetious或flippant,「行為隨便的」可用frivolous或saucy,「輕浮」、「隨便」、「不莊重」可用frivolity 或levity(正式):

I became angry with the facetious boy.

His facetious remarks are not appropriate at this moment.

His flippant remarks irritated all the audience.

He sees her merely as a frivolous young girl.

The mother wondered what would become of her saucy little girl.

Her frivolity of mind made her unsuited to a position of trust.

Such levity is improper on this serious occasion.




banish/ delete/ discard/ dispel/ eliminate/ expel/ jettison/ obviate/ ostracize/ oust/ phase out/ riddance

1. 「排除」不需要的東西或不可能的情況用eliminate:

Sweating is a way to eliminate waste material from the body.

My composition teacher eliminated several mistakes from my writing.

They eliminated (= ruled out) the possibility of reunion.

2. 指因為無用或覺得無用而「丟棄」用discard或jettison:

You should discard this old coat.

The upstart has discarded many of his old friends.

To enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain decided to jettison much of the cargo.

He will jettison anything--his principles or even his friends--in order to succeed in his work.

3. 「刪除」寫好或印好的文字用delete:

If you delete 50 words, we can put the whole story on one page.

If you delete this paragraph, the composition will have more appeal.

I suggest you delete this offensive phrase in the statement.

Delete his name from the list of members.

4. 「去除」不切實際或不好的念頭或想法可用banish,強調如驅散般地「清除」 用dispel:

You had better banish from your mind any idea of a salary increase.

She was advised to banish fear and anxiety.

The sun soon dispelled the mist.

Your explanation dispelled a doubt that had lingered.

5. 正式英文中,由於某事件或行動致使困難或需求得以「免除」,用obviate:

The rich man hoped that the contribution he made would obviate any need for further collections of funds.

A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.

6. 「逐步排除或淘汰」可用phase out:

The manufacturer is making plans to phase out obsolete machinery.

7. 把人自組織或團體中「排除」可用ostracize,「拔官」可用oust,被學校「開 除」叫expel:

As soon as the newspapers carried the story of his connection with the criminals, his friends began to ostracize him.

The minister who accepted bribes from merchants was ousted from office.

The boy was expelled from school.

8. 非正式英文中,「排除討厭鬼或麻煩事的行動」可用riddance:

Let's have riddance of all the mess.




acute/ ailment/ allergy/ benign/ chronic/ coma/ complexion/ congenital/ constipation/ contagious/ convulsion/ dyspepsia/ epidemic/ florid/ gaunt/ haggard/ hale/ hallucination/ hoary/ hollow/ hypochondria/ hysterical/ immune/ immunize/ infectious/ infirmity/ inoculate/ invalid/ lunatic/ malady/ malaise/ malignant/ morbid/ nauseate/ pallid/ palsy/ pandemic/ pestilence/ quarantine/ queasy/ robust/ ruddy/ sallow/ salubrious/ sunken/ ulcer/ vaccinate/ virulent/ wan/ wholesome

1. 在文言的敘述中,「健康的」用hale。另外,「健壯的」叫robust:

•It is really unusual that the ninety-year-old man is still so hale and hearty.

•The candidate for the football team had a robust physique.

2. 「有益健康的」可用salubrious或wholesome:

•Many people with hay fever move to more salubrious sections of the country during the months of August and September.

•Swimming is a wholesome sport.

•Tomatoes are a wholesome food.

3. 「臉色紅潤的」用florid或ruddy,「膚色」(尤其指臉色)叫complexion:

•His complexion was even more florid than usual because of his anger.

•The little girl had a ruddy complexion after being out in the cold.

•Regular exercise and proper diet enable her to have a very good complexion.

4. 因健康不佳而「臉色蒼白的」、「有病容或倦容的」用pallid或wan(文言),「面黃肌瘦的」叫sallow。另外,因年老而「髮色灰白的」叫hoary:

•As a night-shift worker, he has an exceptionally pallid complexion.

•The fond lover looked so wan and so pensive.

•The little boy has a very sallow complexion.

•The man was hoary and wrinkled.

5. 形容因身體瘦弱而顯得「憔悴」,用gaunt,假如憔悴的徵象是眼窩和雙頰下陷 、臉現皺摺,用haggard、hollow或sunken:

•Her gaunt figure seemed to be blown away by the wind.

•After his long illness, he was pale and haggard.

•The sick man has got hollow cheeks.

•His sunken eyes explained that he was really tired.

6. 身心的「衰弱」叫infirmity或malaise:

•He is suffering from age and infirmity.

•Sometimes she has no idea as to what causes her malaise.

7. 在正式或文言的敘述中,可用malady代表「疾病」。此外,「小病痛」叫ailment。當我們提到某人有著ailment時,經常暗指對方誇大或甚至無病呻吟:

•Now cancer is no longer a totally incurable malady.

•A mysterious, unidentifiable malady has been afflicting the area.

•The lazy student was often absent from class simply because of ailments.

•She is always complaining of some ailment or other.

8. 「患病者」、「傷病者」可用invalid,「病態的」叫morbid:

•The resort is good for invalids.

•These morbid speculations are dangerous; we must lighten our thinking by emphasis on more pleasant matters.

9. 病勢「急性的」叫acute,「慢性的」叫chronic,「良性的」叫benign,「惡性的」叫malignant;病徵「先天性的」叫congenital:

•The boy died of an acute attack of appendicitis.

•He is suffering from a chronic cough.

•"Don't worry," said the doctor, "it's only a benign tumor."

•The doctor cut off a malignant tumor in the girl's left brain, and she has completely recovered.

•My family told me that my blindness was not congenital.

10. 「傳染性的」叫infectious,若強調接觸傳染則用contagious,強調病毒性的迅速和嚴重傳染用virulent:

•Colds are infectious.

•There seems to be a highly infectious type of flu going around.

•AIDS may be considered as a contagious disease.

•Covid-19 is highly virulent and has claimed many victims.

11. 「流行性的」叫epidemic,「大流行病」叫pandemic。另外,舊式用法中,「瘟疫」叫pestilence:

•Advanced countries have almost held all the epidemic diseases under control.

•The World Health Organization at last declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.

•A pestilence was raging in Africa.

12. 「接種疫苗」可用inoculate、vaccinate或immunize。另外,「隔離檢疫」叫quarantine,「免疫的」叫immune:

•Army doctors have started inoculating villagers against disease.

•I'll rest easier knowing I'm inoculated against eradicated diseases like smallpox.

•Formerly, we were inoculated against cholera once in a year.

•New students are required to be vaccinated against Hepatitis B.

•The children were vaccinated against the major childhood diseases.

•Children are routinely immunized against polio.

•The vulnerable group such as old people and kids had better be immunized against flu in winter.

•If no indication of the rumored contagious disease is given, the quarantine won't last long.

•The nurse was fortunately immune to the disease and could take care of the sick.

13. 一些病症或病徵的說法:

a. 「過敏」叫allergy:

•He has an allergy to eggs/ an egg allergy.

b. 因疾病、中毒或重傷害等原因而陷入長時間的「昏迷」叫coma:

•The man lay in a coma for five hours.

c. 人不自然、突然且劇烈的抽動-也就是痙攣-叫convulsion,也可用palsy(舊式):

•The child's nervous illness often threw her into convulsions.

•The old man shook with such palsy that he could hardly hold chopsticks.

d. 「消化不良」可用dyspepsia,「便秘」叫constipation:

•As a workaholic, he suffers from dyspepsia.

•Eating more fruit and vegetables will relieve one's constipation.

e. 由於藥物的作用或心裡有病所產生的「幻覺」叫hallucination:

•The drunken man's hallucination was so vivid that he cried out in anguish.

f. 無端懷疑自己生病的「慮病症」、「疑病症」叫hypochondria,「歇斯底里的」叫hysterical:

•I thought the doctor was going to accuse me of hypochondria.

•His hysterical outbursts of fury were terrifying.

g. 「讓人感到噁心想吐」叫nauseate,「感覺噁心的」叫queasy:

•The foul smell began to nauseate her.

•He was nauseated by the movement of the ship.

•Traveling by boat makes me queasy.

h. 「潰瘍」叫ulcer:

•Frequent stressfulness may be a cause of stomach ulcers.

14. 舊式用法中,「精神病患」叫lunatic。但現在這個字不只過時,甚至還有冒犯的意味。日常生活中假如提到這類病人,最好就說a mentally ill person。現今的lunatic主要用在比喻或誇張的層面,表示一個人做了他在神智清楚時應該不會做的事情,例如莫名其妙地大吼大叫等:

•Bedlam was a famous old English asylum for lunatics.

•Like a lunatic, she was cursing and screaming.

•He drives like a lunatic.




anniversary/ autopsy/ bereave/ bereaved/ bereavement/ catacomb/ condole with/ cremate/ demise/ dirge/ dowry/ elegy/ epitaph/ hearse/ inter/ matrimonial/ mortician/ nuptials/ obituary/ perish/ posthumous/ pyre/ sepulcher/ toll/ urn

1. 正式用語中,「(有關)婚姻的」用matrimonial。另外,「婚禮」有個浮誇的用字nuptials:

He longed for matrimonial bliss right after his divorce.

She said she had seen nothing more splendid than the king's nuptials.

2. 「嫁妝」叫dowry;結婚等特別且重要的「週年紀念日」叫anniversary:

She came to her marriage with no dowry.

Jack and Kim celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary in January.

A huge parade was held on the anniversary of the 1959 revolution.

Next Friday is the anniversary of the day I first met you.

3. 在法律用語中,經常用demise表示「死亡」。另外,災難、意外、衝突等中的「傷亡人數」叫toll;在文言的敘述中,「突然死亡」或「死於暴力」可用perish:

Upon his demise the title passed to his son, who became Lord Tweedsmuir.

Upon the demise of the dictator, a bitter dispute about succession to power developed.

The flood took a heavy toll of lives and property.

Those who wield the sword will perish by the sword.

4. 「死後的」叫posthumous;「驗屍」叫autopsy:

Many an artist, impoverished while living, came to posthumous fame.

They carried out/ performed an autopsy to discover the cause of the man's mysterious death.

5. 「親人去世」叫bereave;「喪親之痛」叫bereavement;「喪親者」叫the bereaved。失去親人者若只一人,動詞用單數;超過一人則用複數:

The widow has just been bereaved/ bereft of her husband.

Bereavement is often a time of great grief.

The bereaved was full of grief for his dead wife.

The bereaved were full of grief for their dead child.

6. 「訃聞」叫obituary;「弔唁往生者」或慰問其親友用condole with:

The old man never missed reading the obituaries in the paper.

Victims of the earthquake condoled with each other in their grief.

We condole with the families of the deceased.

7. 喪禮上所唱的「輓歌」叫dirge。英文中另有elegy一字,一般雖也翻譯作輓歌,但它其實是文人舞文弄墨的一種文類。藉著透過elegy悼念某位重要人物(通常也是文人)之名,詩人們更常做的是抒發其個人的心緒,因此英、美文學中所謂的四大輓歌,個中所含的就是這樣的內容與韻味。同時,elegy也可以指對某不復存在事物或某不幸所詠的悲歌:

The funeral dirge stirred the mourners to tears.

Shelley's elegy on the death of Keats reaches a length of about five hundred lines.

This is an elegy to the loss of the countryside's peacefulness.

Several elegies about the Haiti earthquake have been composed.

8. 「殯葬業者」叫mortician;「靈車」叫hearse:

Those morticians are certified.

Crowds of mourners were saluting when the late president's hearse passed.

The king's hearse was plainly decorated.

9. 在正式用法中,inter是「埋葬」bury的代用字。另外,「火葬」叫cremate;火葬用的柴堆叫pyre;裝骨灰的甕叫urn:

They are going to inter the body tomorrow.

My dad had recently been cremated.

When she dies, she wants to be cremated, not buried.

In an ancient Greek funeral, the dead body was placed on the pyre and burned.

They used urns to hold the ashes of the dead.

10. 在舊用法或聖經中,「墳墓」叫sepulcher。另外,「地下墓穴」叫catacomb;「墓誌銘」叫epitaph:

A great genius who died young was rested in the sepulcher.

They went down into catacombs beneath the church.

In his will, he dictated the epitaph to be engraved on his tombstone.




ape/ archetype/ banal/ cliche/ hackneyed/ mimic/ platitude/ prototype/ replica/ stale/ threadbare/ trite

1. 「老套」或「陳腔濫調」可用cliche或platitude。兩個字都有貶損的意味:

With the lack of profound and varied readings, most of our students can say and write little but cliches.

The audience felt awfully bored with the talk because it was full of cliches.

High school compositions are often marred by such cliches as "strong as an ox."

His platitudes impressed the ignorant only.

2. 「老生常談的」、「了無新意的」,可用banal、hackneyed、stale、threadbare或trite:

This article is not worth reading; it is full of banal ideas.

What he said was simply a banal remark.

The teacher criticized his story because of its hackneyed plot.

Only a few people laughed over the stale joke.

His threadbare argument did not sound convincing.

The critics denounced the novel for its trite ending.

3. 「拙劣或失敗地模仿」叫ape;「為逗樂而模仿」叫mimic:

Taiwan should not try to ape Japan; we have to find our own path to successful modernization.

He called the new building unoriginal and said it merely aped the classical traditions.

He could mimic all the teacher's accents.

"I'm so sorry," she mimicked.

She was mimicking the various people in our office.

4. 供之後複製的「原始樣式」叫archetype或prototype;「複製品」叫replica:

These are copies reproduced from the archetype.

A modern ship has its prototype in the hollowed log used by savages.

There is a replica of a famous classical Chinese painting on the wall.




adjourn/ cessation/ consecutive/ halt/ incessant/ interminable/ recess/ recurrence/ relapse/ respite/ resume/ retrograde/ revert to/ session/ spasmodic/ sporadic/ successive

1. 「暫停」可用cessation,「停止」可用halt:

We arranged a weeklong cessation of fighting with the enemy.

Momentary cessation of breathing while sleeping--sleep apnea--is one of the most common disorders.

The workers threatened a cessation of all activities if their demands were not met.

The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.

The authorities concerned should call a halt to exaggerated advertisements and commercials.

2. 活動的「暫停期間」可用recess,從事困難或不愉快事情期間的「短暫喘息或放鬆」叫respite:

There will be a long recess before the next meeting.

After the typhoon, they toiled without respite to rehabilitate their damaged houses.

3. 會議的「休會」或法院的「休庭」用動詞adjourn,開會或開庭(期間)叫session:

The judge agreed to adjourn the trial one more time.

Be silent! This court is now in session.

Parliament will not be in session again until after Christmas.

4. 正式用法中,暫停或被終斷之後的「繼續」叫resume:

Let's resume our discussion where we left off.

5. 形容一個接著一個循序、中間沒有間斷,用consecutive或successive,但successive通常需要放在名詞前面:

The numbers 7, 8, 9 are consecutive.

It rained for five consecutive days.

This was the team's third successive defeat.

The athlete won the world championship for the fourth successive time.

6. 指令人不悅的事情或情況「不間斷的」,用incessant或interminable:

The crickets kept up an incessant chirping that disturbed our attempt to fall asleep.

Her telephone conversation seemed interminable.

7. 「一陣一陣的」、「間歇的」可用spasmodic或sporadic,但sporadic也指事情這裡那裡發生一些(也就是「零星的」):

The spasmodic coughing in the auditorium annoyed the performers.

Although there were sporadic outbursts of shooting, the major rebellion had been defeated.

Only sporadic cases of fever are reported now.

8. 發生過的事情「再度發生」或「一再發生」,用recurrence:

The recurrence of the nightmare upset her.

9. 重新回到先前的不好情況,可用retrograde或revert to,假如這種不好的情況是指疾病的復發或惡習的再現,用relapse:

Instead of advancing, our civilization seems to have retrograded in ethics and culture.

Should a nuclear war break out, human beings would probably revert to savagery.

He relapsed into his old bad habits.

The doctor was afraid the old lady might relapse into a coma.




disarray/ equilibrium/ jumble/ lopsided/ muddle/ offset/ redeem/ shambles/ tabulate/ topple

1. 描述東西雜亂無章地、亂糟糟地「混在一塊」可用動詞jumble,「紛亂」、「凌亂」、「紊亂」可用disarray、muddle或shambles(非正式):

All the gadgets were jumbled up in the basement.

Her books/ thoughts all jumbled together.

She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.

Her hair was in disarray.

Her unexpected leaving threw my plans into disarray.

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, the industry has been in a state of disarray.

Everything in the room was in a muddle.

By the time the police arrived, the room was a shamble.

After the noisy party the house was a shamble.

2. 「大小或高低失衡的」叫lopsided,因失衡而「傾倒」叫topple:

The arrangement of the furniture was lopsided.

The vase toppled and broke into pieces.

The tree toppled and fell.

3. 「平衡」可用名詞equilibrium,「使平衡」、「抵銷」、「彌補」可用offset或redeem:

He lost his equilibrium and fell into the lake.

Don't let little annoyances upset your equilibrium.

The better roads offset the greater distance.

Her plain features are redeemed by one single virtue--kindness.

4. 將數字、資料等「列表呈現」用tabulate:

The result of the golf tournament will soon be tabulated.




elicit/ extort/ forfeit/ preempt/ procure/ retrieve/ wrest

1. 正式用法中,敘述「歷經一番抽絲剝繭的過程」才獲得所要的事實或資訊等用elicit:

He elicited the truth at last, by questioning all the boys in the school.

The detectives tried to elicit where the suspect had hidden his loot.

2. 比對手「搶先得到」彼此都想得到的事物,用preempt:

The shrewd cat preempted the comfortable chair.

3. 正式用法中,「步步為營或費勁地」得到,用procure:

After a keen competition, he procured a position in the bank.

4. 「重新找回或取得」,用retrieve:

She was happy to retrieve the suitcase left at the station.

5. 「以脅迫方式」取得(也就是敲詐或勒索)或「艱難取得」,用extort;「以 搶奪等暴力方式」強行取得,用wrest:

He had been extorting money from the old lady for years.

Police have not so far been able to extort a confession from the people accused of the bombing.

Tom found it hard to extort a promise of marriage from his girlfriend.

The bully tried to wrest the ball from the smaller boy's hands.

He wrested the letter from her hands.

6. 因「違反協議或規定」、或由於某種行為等而喪失某權利或東西,用forfeit:

If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit the chance of getting your money back.

He forfeited his life by his excessive drinking.




attenuate/ brittle/ cogent/ consolidate/ debilitate/ diminish/ dynamic/ effete/ feeble/ flabby/ flaccid/ flimsy/ fragile/ indomitable/ invigorate/ invincible/ invulnerable/ languish/ momentum/ omnipotent/ poignant/ puny/ tempestuous/ tenuous/ undermine/ unrelenting/ vehement/ vulnerable

1. 事件進展過程中所累積的力量(也就是「勁」或「勢」)用momentum:

•The national struggle for independence is gaining/ gathering momentum every day.

•Concern about global warming has gained/ gathered momentum.

•The momentum towards economic and political union in Europe has been seriously frustrated in recent years.

•Interest in human rights issues is not likely to lose its momentum in near future.

•We must maintain the momentum of reform.

2. 「有活力的」、「精力旺盛的」、「生龍活虎的」可用dynamic,「強化」體力、精神、健康可用invigorate:

•Though over eighty, my grandma is still a dynamic woman.

•The runner possessed dynamic energy.

•We were invigorated by our walk.

3. 「堅強且無法被擊敗的」、「難以制服的」、「不屈的」可用invincible或indomitable,「不可能受傷或受損的」可用invulnerable,注意invulnerable的相反詞vulnerable「易受傷害的」、「敏感的」使用頻率或許更高:

•Our baseball team proved to be invincible.

•We all admire his indomitable spirit.

•Our founding fathers had indomitable will power.

•In the heart of the jungle, they felt invulnerable to an attack from the air.

•Achilles was invulnerable except in his heel.

•She looked so young and vulnerable that he felt a great desire to protect her.

•Her parents' constant arguments left/ made the little girl feeling increasingly vulnerable and insecure.

•The government must help the most vulnerable groups in our society.

•Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel.

4. 指悲傷、悔恨等情緒「強烈的」用poignant:

•Her suffering is poignant because she faces the gap between what she is and what she wants to be.

•Her husband's death pushed her into a state of poignant grief.

5. 指論點「強有力的」、「有說服力的」可用cogent,相反詞「論點薄弱的」、 「不周延的」用flimsy:

•The lawyer presented cogent arguments to the jury.

•I have cogent reasons for questioning his honesty.

•Do not make such a flimsy excuse.

6. 表達支持或反對時「強烈的」、「慷慨激昂的」用vehement,爭執時「激烈的」、「充滿火藥味的」叫tempestuous,它也可以指天候「狂風暴雨的」:

•The lawyer spoke with vehement eloquence in defense of his client.

•I have a vehement hatred of people who treat children cruelly.

•A tempestuous argument took place when both parties claimed they were in the right.

•People living in the remote fishing village were forced to live on the tempestuous sea.

7. 「全能的」叫omnipotent:

•The monarch regarded himself as omnipotent and responsible to no one for his acts.

8. 「強化」、「鞏固」叫consolidate:

•Taiwan is trying to consolidate its position in the West Pacific.

9. 指身或心「脆弱的」、「虛弱的」可用feeble。假如脆弱的部份是在肌肉,用flabby或flaccid。另外,「發育不全的」用puny,它也指努力等「微不足道的」、「無濟於事的」:

•Grandfather has been getting feebler lately.

•A feeble mind can hardly achieve anything great.

•You are not fat, but you are flabby.

•The scholar's sedentary life left him with flaccid muscles.

•His muscles grew flaccid after the illness.

•I felt very sorry for the girl's puny little arms and legs.

•Their puny efforts to stop the flood were futile.

10. 指人或情況等「脆弱不堪的」、「欲振乏力的」用effete:

•They are just a group of effete intellectuals.

•The Roman empire was once strong, but it grew effete when there were enough slaves to do all the work.

11. 「纖細的」、「單薄的」可用tenuous,「變薄」、「變弱」、「變得無價值」可用attenuate(正式):

•The spider hung from a tenuous silky thread.

•The defendant had only a tenuous link in the chain of evidence.

•The mother clung desperately to a tenuous hope of her daughter's recovery from the serious illness.

•The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel.

•Science has somewhat attenuated illusions.

12. 「易碎的」可用brittle或fragile:

•Glass is brittle.

•This old glass dish is very fragile.

•The commodity is fragile; handle it with care.

13. 力量、嚴重程度、決心等「絲毫未曾減弱的」可用unrelenting:

•The Health Department waged unrelenting warfare against the epidemic.

•The visitor will have a week of unrelenting activity.

14. 「減弱」、「減少」、「減小」可用diminish,「逐漸減弱或瓦解」用undermine:

•His illness diminished his strength.

•Civil war diminished that nation's strength.

•The intensity of the sound diminished gradually.

•Later on in life, the sex drive tends to diminish.

•His enthusiasm was by now considerably diminished.

•My memory of her will not be diminished by time.

•The movie star's invariable arrogance undermined his popularity.

•Constant gambling undermined his financial status.

•Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures.

•Their trading position has been seriously undermined by the minister's remarks.

•America was accused of undermining international efforts to reduce pollution.

15. 指使人「變虛弱或衰弱」用debilitate;指事情「處於疲弱不振狀態」用languish:

•Heat debilitates many people.

•The housing market continues to languish.

•The oil prices have been languishing at about $25 a barrel for a few days.




clammy/ damp/ dank/ dehydrate/ desiccate/ drench/ humid/ moist/ musty/ parch/ saturate/ sere, sear/ shrivel/ slimy/ soak/ sodden

1. 指太陽把土地等曬得又乾又熱,用動詞parch,它的形容詞parched可以指人「非常口渴的」。另外,「脫水」叫dehydrate;「使完全乾涸」叫desiccate(正式用法):

The fierce sun parched the soil.

The hiker was parched with thirst.

They dehydrated eggs to make egg powder.

That sick man will dehydrate and die if we don't get medical help.

Intensive farming has desiccated the land.

2. 「枯萎」叫shrivel,「枯萎的」較優雅的用字是sere:

The high temperature shriveled some leaves.

Leaves become sere in the hot dry weather.

3. 描寫一種讓人不舒服的濕氣,用damp:

The grass is still damp.

This shirt still feels a bit damp.

It was a damp, misty morning.

Almost no one likes damp weather.

4. 東西或地方因為潮濕而「有霉味的」叫musty:

You have to expose these musty books to the sun.

The attic was dark and musty.

5. 「濕濕、冷冷且黏黏的」用clammy;「黏黏滑滑的」用slimy;「濕濕、冷冷且暗暗的」用dank:

Don't touch me with your clammy hands.

Her face was clammy with sweat as she climbed to the top of the mountain.

Although snakes look slimy, their skin is actually dry to the touch.

The cave was dark, dank, and chilly.

The thief hid in the dank undergrowth of the forest.

6. 形容空氣中或物體表面不會讓人感到不快、甚至可能覺得舒服的濕氣,用humid和moist:

The humid air will be helpful for the old man's health.

The thick steam in the room had made the walls moist.

7. 「濕透」或「淋濕」,用drench或saturate;「浸泡」用soak;「濕透的」或「浸透的」叫sodden:

I am drenched to the skin because I had no coat on when the rain started.

It was a drenching rain. (大雨傾盆)

I got a good drenching in the rain. (我被雨淋得像落湯雞)

Their clothes were saturated by the rain.

Leave the dirty clothes to soak.

He likes to soak himself in a warm bath.

The football field was sodden from last night's rain.




affront/ boorish/ brusque/ cheeky/ crass/ curt/ etiquette/ gross/ gruff/ grunt/ impertinent/ impudent/ manhandle/ pert/ suave/ uncouth/ urbane

1. 中文「粗魯的」、「無禮的」,英文至少有6個大同小異的字可以使用:boorish、crass、gross、gruff、pert和uncouth:

He exhibited the boorish manners of a backwoodsman.

He made crass comments about her worn-out clothes.

She was shocked by the gross words he used.

Few people enjoyed gross jests.

He has a gruff manner, but a heart of gold.

I think his pert remarks call for an apology.

Some guests were offended by his uncouth manners.

2. 強調對年紀較長者或較重要人士的粗魯,可用形容詞impertinent或impudent:

It is impertinent to talk back to old people.

Do not be impudent toward our elders.

3. 非正式用法中,「厚臉皮的」、「無禮的」用cheeky:

Don't be so cheeky as to kiss me in public.

4. 形容言辭或行為因明顯簡略或草率而顯得不禮貌,用brusque或curt:

She was angry with his brusque reply to her important question.

Don't be shocked if you are greeted with a brusque welcome.

The salesgirl gave us a curt answer.

The customer was offended by the curt response of the shopkeeper.

5. 「粗暴對待」叫manhandle;「公然侮辱」叫affront:

He claimed that he had been manhandled by the police.

He affronted the mayor by saying that he had two mistresses.

6. 不滿或痛苦時「發出喃喃之聲」叫grunt:

The sullen boy grunted his apology.

7. (指男性)「彬彬有禮的」可用suave或urbane,不過suave經常暗示因過度多禮而給人一種假假的感覺。另外,「禮儀」叫etiquette:

The actor was particularly good in roles that are suave and sophisticated.

The director is a consummately urbane person.

Etiquette requires that we behave like civilized human beings.




carnivore/ croak/ crow/ cub/ fractious/ growl/ herbivore/ hibernate/ hover/ lair/ low/ neigh/ omnivore/ pen/ perch/ predatory/ procreate/ quack/ roost/ scavenger/ slough/ snarl/ soar/ stampede/ sty/ swoop/ vermin/ warble

1. 「草食性動物」叫herbivore,「肉食性動物」叫carnivore,「雜食性動物」叫omnivore,指動物「靠捕食其他動物維生的」叫predatory,食肉動物的「幼子」、「幼獸」(如幼獅、幼熊、幼狼等)叫cub:

Cows and sheep are herbivores.

Dogs and cats belong to the order of carnivores.

I hope to train our cat to be an omnivore.

The hawk is a predatory bird.

The hunter captured a fox and her cubs.

2. 動物「難駕馭的」可用fractious,牛群、馬群等(可能因為受到驚嚇而)「大舉奔逃」叫stampede:

The fractious horse unseated its rider.

The frightened cattle stampeded across the plain.

3. 正式英文中,動物的「生育」、「繁殖」用procreate:

Animals have the power to procreate their species.

It is often pointed out that the poorer the people, the more they procreate.

4. 動物「冬眠」用hibernate,「脫皮」用slough:

Bears are one of the many species of animals that hibernate.

Snakes slough annually.

5. 「咆哮」可用growl或snarl,「蛙鳴」叫croak,「鳥鳴」、「鳥囀」叫warble,「公雞叫」用crow,「鴨叫」用quack,「牛鳴」叫low(文言),「馬嘶」叫neigh:

The dog got mad and growled at the mischievous boy.

The ferocious dog snarled at the stranger.

Frogs begin to croak when it gets warmer.

Birds warble hilariously in the springtime.

The cock usually crows at dawn.

The ducks were quacking noisily in the pond.

How can the lowing herds in the meadow know that they will soon be sold and butchered?

The horse was running and neighing.

6. 「野生動物的巢穴」可用lair,「圈養動物的地方」叫pen,「豬圈」叫sty,但這個字可能更常做比喻用,指「髒亂的地方」:

The wolf was photographed at the entrance to his lair.

I'm building a new sheep pen.

The deserted basement became a rat-infested sty.

7. 鳥「翱翔」可用hover或soar(文言),「俯衝」叫swoop,「棲息」可用perch或roost,「以腐肉為食的鳥」叫scavenger:

There were several hawks hovering over their prey.

The birds were soaring over the hills.

The eagle high in the air saw a hare and swooped down upon it.

The well-trained bird perched on the master's finger.

An owl was roosting somewhere up in the tree, but it was invisible.

Vultures are scavengers.

8. 「具危害性的獸類、昆蟲或鳥」叫vermin。注意這個字不能加s和冠詞a:

To a farmer, a fox is vermin because it steals and kills chickens.

Flies, lice, and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.

The vermin ought to be eradicated.




churn/ condense/ dilute/ emanate from/ emit/ evaporate/ exude/ froth/ gush/ limpid/ lubricate/ lukewarm/ ooze/ pall/ puddle/ seep/ seethe/ slime/ smog/ sooty/ spout/ spurt/ tepid/ thaw/ thermal/ trickle/ turbid/ vapor

1. 因溫度突然改變等所產生之懸浮或散布在空氣中的蒸氣、霧氣或靄氣叫vapor:

A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.

A thin coat of vapor began to collect on the windshield.

Strange vapors rose from the dark lake.

2. 在較不正式的用法中,「泡沫」可用froth:

There is froth at the corners of the dog's mouth; can it be mad?

He blew away the froth on the glass of beer.

3. 液體的「慢慢流動」用exude或ooze,假如強調「慢慢滲透」進不該流進去的地方,用seep:

Sweat exudes through the pores.

Blood still oozed from his wound.

Water has seeped into the house through the walls and roof.

Pesticides are seeping out of farmland into the water supply.

4. 液體「一滴一滴慢慢流下」叫trickle;「奔流」可用gush、spout或spurt:

The young girl was so moved by the sentimental story that tears kept trickling down her cheeks.

Oil gushed (out) from the hole in the tanker.

The stream gushes forth from the rock.

Blood was gushing from her nose.

His arm gushed blood where the knife had gone in.

Lava spouted from the volcano.

Water is spurting from the broken pipe.

5. 把液體「稀釋」,用dilute:

He diluted the paint with oil.

The water will dilute the wine.

Please dilute the acid before you use it.

6. 「潤滑」用lubricate:

It's been a long time since the car was last lubricated.

7. 描寫液體如沸騰般「翻騰」用seethe,它經常以seething的形式呈現;「劇烈翻攪」液體使其如沸騰一般,用churn:

She was looking down into the seething sea around the rocks.

The ship churned the water up as it passed.

The sea was churned up by heavy winds.

My stomach started to churn as soon as we left port.

8. 指溫泉等「讓人產生暖熱感覺的」,用thermal;「微溫的」,用tepid或lukewarm,但lukewarm的溫度有時或許給人不太舒服的感覺:

The natives discovered that the hot springs gave excellent thermal baths and began to develop their community as a health resort.

Some people like to take a cool shower; other, a tepid bath.

This soup's lukewarm; let me heat it for a while.

9. 「清澈的」叫limpid(文言用語);「渾濁的」叫turbid:

Her eyes are like limpid pools.

A limpid stream runs through his property.

The water became turbid after the children had waded through it.

10. 「泥巴」、「泥濘」叫slime,滿是汙水的小水坑叫puddle:

A layer of slime was formed in the bottom of the pool.

The heavy rain last night left puddles in the road.

11. 「凝結」叫condense;「蒸發」叫evaporate:

Water vapor in the air condenses into fog.

The sun will evaporate the mist.

12. 氣體、光等「從…發出」用emanate from;某源頭「放射出」煙霧、光、熱、 聲音、味道等用emit:

A strong odor of sulphur emanated from the spring.

The volcano emits smoke and ashes once in a while.

The chimney emitted a cloud of smoke.

13. 「煙霧」、「黑煙」可用pall或smog,但pall通常以a pall of或palls of的形式出現,呈現一種煙霧瀰漫的厚重感。另外,像是蓋滿黑煙那樣「灰蒙蒙的」可用sooty:

The city sky was overcast with a pall of smoke.

Palls of smoke obscured our view.

The smog hanging over the city sky is a menace to our health.

The sooty buildings are eyesores to the city.

14. 固體「融化」可用thaw:

If the weather keeps being warm, it will thaw the ice very soon.




allocate/ bequeath/ bestow/ cede/ confer/ endow with/ imbue with/ impart/ inculcate/ invest with/ lavish on/ mete out/ quota/ ration/ render

1. 正式英文中,「給予」可用bestow (on),假如強調「公開售予」頭銜、學位等,用confer (on):

•Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors.

•She deserved all the praises bestowed upon her.

•The queen conferred a noble title on her faithful minister.

•The university conferred an honorary degree upon him.

2. 財產等的「轉移」、「讓度」用cede,「死後贈與」叫bequeath:

•He ceded his mansion to his youngest and favorite daughter.

•His father bequeathed him a lot of money.

•One age bequeaths its civilization to the next.

3. 正式或文言的敘述中,將某特性「賦予」某人或某物用invest with,上天在某人出生時就「賦予」才華等用endow with:

•The American Constitution invests the Congress with taxation powers.

•The poet was endowed with remarkable genius.

4. 給人訊息、知識等在正式英文中用impart,「灌輸」某種強烈情感或想法用imbue with,如果這種灌輸是長時間的啟發和教導-也就是「諄諄教誨」- 用inculcate:

•She imparted the secret to me yesterday.

•The first thing a teacher should do is to impart knowledge to his students.

•A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.

•The tourist's visit to the famous Gothic cathedral imbued him with feelings of awe and reverence.

•Childhood is the right time to inculcate the trait of kindness.

•He inculcated the spirit to succeed in all his children/ He inculcated all his children with the spirit of success.

•Week after week the teacher inculcated good manners in her pupils.

5. 大方地或過度地給予或花費用lavish on,提供或給予服務、幫助等可用 render:

•He lavished money/ kindness on his friends.

•The mother lavishes all her care and affection on her only child.

•Let's ask ourselves how much service we have rendered our country before we ask what our country can do for us.

6. 「分配」叫allocate,「配給」叫ration,分配的「額度」叫quota,「仔細分配或裁量(賞罰等)」叫mete out(正式;文言):

•We must allocate the money carefully.

•We allocated the organization some money.

•The government rationed them to two eggs a week.

•Each member of the organization was given their quota of tickets to sell for the garden party.

•The quota of foreigners allowed into the country has been reduced.

•The president of the company tried to be impartial in his effort to mete out rewards.




convivial/ festive/ festivity/ frolicsome/ hilarity/ jovial/ masquerade/ merriment/ mirth/ pageant/ revelry/ rollicking/ spree

1. 「歡樂的」可用convivial、festive、frolicsome、jovial或rollicking:

The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college song.

All students were in a festive mood with the victory of their school volleyball team.

The Spring Festival is the most festive occasion for the Chinese.

Children are naturally frolicsome.

I spent a jovial summer vacation with some of my relatives in the country.

This is a very jovial evening.

I will never forget the jovial chat with the old lady I came across on the train last week.

We had a rollicking time at the party.

This is a rollicking song about life at sea.

2. 名詞「歡樂」可用hilarity、merriment或mirth(文言),「狂歡」(尤其是涉及大量飲酒者)用revelry,「一段歡樂時光」叫spree:

Oftentimes, wine gives not light hilarity but noisy merriment.

Sounds of merriment were coming from the room.

Wherever she goes, mirth follows.

Christmas is a time of mirth, especially for children.

They were exhausted after the night of revelry.

On the day they got the pay they went out for a shopping spree.

The lottery winner invited a good number of friends to a drinking spree.

3. 「慶祝活動」、「慶典」叫festivity,這個用法通常以複數festivities呈現。另外,慶祝活動中「壯觀的遊行」、「化妝遊行」叫pageant,「化妝舞會」叫masquerade:

Hawaiian wedding festivities depend largely on the ethnic backgrounds of the couple.

I won't leave Berlin until the end of the New Year festivities.

The national anniversary pageant was splendid.

There were hundreds of people, young and old, at the masquerade.




atrocity/ diabolic/ ferocious/ fiendish/ flagrant/ gory/ heinous/ malevolent/ malignity/ nefarious/ ruthless/ sanguinary/ savagery/ venom/ vicious

1. 指人或其行動「冷酷無情的」叫ruthless:

The escaped convict was a dangerous and ruthless murderer.

Most countries agreed to censure the leader for his ruthless treatment of the conquered nation.

2. 指行動「殘酷的」或動物「兇猛的」可用ferocious或vicious:

There are fewer and fewer ferocious punishments in today's world.

Be careful; it's a very ferocious lion.

He gave the cat a vicious blow with his stick.

That vicious dog ought to be on a leash.

3. 「暴力血腥的」可用gory或sanguinary,但後者是文言用字:

This movie is not fit for teenagers because it is too gory.

The audience shuddered as it listened to the details of the gory massacre.

That was a sanguinary battle.

That border war was unexpectedly sanguinary.

4. 「暴行」可用atrocity或savagery:

The atrocity of the invaders was abominable.

The atrocity of the Nazis will long be remembered.

The psychopathic father inflicted many atrocities upon his children.

The defeated soldiers were treated with great savagery.

5. 「邪惡的」可用malevolent或nefarious。兩個字都頗為正式,malevolent可能更強調心裡所懷有的惡意,至於這種惡意最終是否化為實際行動則不一定:

Do you believe that human nature is malevolent?

The central character is a malevolent young man resolute for revenge.

He responded to my suggestion with a malevolent smile.

The despot was very much feared because of his many nefarious deeds.

He made a nefarious plan to cheat his own company.

The townspeople were relieved that the nefarious criminal had been arrested.

6. 「壞透了的」、「公然為惡的」可用flagrant或heinous,若強調壞到「如魔鬼般的」,用diabolic或fiendish:

This is an act of flagrant cheating.

Can you condone such flagrant violations of the rules?

The politician was condemned for his flagrant abuse of power.

Hitler's heinous crimes will never be forgotten.

Hijacking is a diabolic crime.

The kidnapper inflicted fiendish tortures on his captive.

7. 態度或言語、行動等的「惡毒」可用malignity或venom:

The president reminded his people not to underestimate the malignity of the enemy.

That was an act of genuine malignity.

Her friends dreaded the venom of her tongue.




bucolic/ gutter/ metropolis/ municipal/ pastoral/ rural/ rustic/ urban

1. 「田園的」、「農村的」、「鄉間的」可用bucolic、pastoral、rural或rustic。其中,pastoral是文言的用法:

•A bucolic poem describes the joys of the shepherd.

•In these stories of pastoral life, we find an understanding of the daily tasks of country folk.

•The peaceful rural scene was precious to the city dweller.

•The city dweller was intoxicated by the rustic charm he had gone without for such a long time.

2. 相對於項目1的單字,「都市的」叫urban,至於「市政的」則要說municipal:

•In these days of urban decay and energy crisis, there is a constant longing to return to the land and flee back to a simpler way of life.

•It's generally agreed that the mayor is taking very good care of municipal affairs.

•The municipal buildings remained undamaged after the big earthquake.

3. 「大都會」叫metropolis,大城市中的「貧民區」可用gutter:

•Each evening this terminal is filled with the thousands of commuters who are going from this metropolis to their homes in the suburbs.

•It was from the gutter that the entrepreneur rose.




debut/ embark on/ embryo/ expire/ forerunner/ genesis/ harbinger/ herald/ inaugurate/ inception/ incipient/ infrastructure/ initiate/ launch/ nascent/ outset/ pioneer/ preamble/ precursor/ preliminary/ prelude/ pristine/ prologue/ terminate/ valedictory/ vanguard

1. 「開始」可用動詞initiate(正式),若要強調「開始」新的或困難的事情,用片語embark on;強調「開啟」新時代、新紀元,用inaugurate:

The villagers have decided to initiate legal proceedings against the chemical factory.

Hague initiated a series of reforms of the Conservative Party.

We shall initiate urgent negotiations with our Asian allies.

Intellectuals have initiated a debate on human cloning.

The company has initiated a management training program for small businesses.

The brothers are embarking on a new business.

The celebrated retired professor has not yet accustomed himself to the new way of life that he embarked on.

When the Berlin wall fell in November 1989, a new era of democracy was inaugurated.

The invention of the internal combustion engine inaugurated a new era in travel.

The invention of the computer inaugurated a new era in administration.

The new government was hoped to inaugurate a period of economic prosperity.

2. 新產品「開賣」或「開始」大規模活動(如軍事攻擊)、公共投資、生涯或計畫等可用動詞launch。它也用作名詞,意思是「發表會」、「發布會」、「啟動儀式」等。此外,「初次公開表演」可用名詞debut:

The company announced it will launch a new version of its software in March.

The charity has launched a campaign to raise 10 million.

The police confirmed that an inquiry has been launched into the incident.

The father intends to launch his son into business after the latter's graduation from college.

The project officially launches next Monday.

How much champagne will we need for the launch?

The normally publicity-shy director will be making several public appearances for the launch of the movie.

Illness prevented her attending the launch party for her latest album.

The car has enjoyed modest success since its launch, but the modified version is expected to be far more popular.

The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch.

The singer made his debut as Mozart's Don Giovanni.

The actress' debut on the stage was a success.

3. 名詞「開始」可用outset,「源頭」、「起源」可用genesis,「成立」、「創立」可用inception,重大事件的「序幕」或「導火線」可用prelude或prologue,「前言」可用preamble(正式):

At the outset of his career, the now successful businessman was merely a peddler.

I did not like him from the outset.

Chemistry had its genesis in alchemy.

Since its inception in the early 20th century, the college has educated many brilliant scholars in the field of literary criticism.

The border raid was the prelude to more serious attacks.

The failure of the summit talk may mean the prologue to another war.

In the preamble to the Constitution, the purpose of the document is set forth.

4. 「先驅(者)」、「先兆」可用forerunner、harbinger(文言)、herald(文言)、precursor、pioneer和vanguard。其中,pioneer和vanguard只能指人,其餘各字人或事物均可適用:

It is believed that strange animal behavior is a forerunner of huge earthquakes.

Anna L. Barbauld, Charlotte Smith, and Mary Robinson were the forerunners of English Romantic poetry.

The cock serves as the harbinger of dawn.

The robin is the harbinger of spring.

Haughtiness is the harbinger of his doom.

The ruler turned out to be the harbinger of a sanguinary civil war.

These tiny flowers are the first heralds of spring.

The new president is expected to be the herald of a period of strong economy.

Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs.

Newton was one of the precursors of modern science.

He was a pioneer of operations on the human brain.

Paul's father is a pioneer heart surgeon.

Those young women are the vanguard of fashion and fad.

The students considered themselves the vanguard of the independence movement.

In the modern world, scientists are the vanguard of all industrial developments.

5. 「原始的」、「未被破壞的」可用pristine(正式;文言),「預備的」、「初步的」可用preliminary,「初期的」可用incipient或nascent(正式),「初期」、「萌芽期」可用embryo:

The scenic spot has been preserved in all its pristine wildness.

The committee held a preliminary discussion to set up the agenda of the conference.

You must go to bed early to break an incipient cold.

The nascent republic needs a lot of money and technologists for development.

The new project is still in embryo.

6. 讓組織或企業得以開始運作的「基礎設施」叫infrastructure:

The infrastructure of our economy is almost complete.

7. 「終結」可用terminate,「到期」叫expire:

A bickering terminated their friendly relations.

The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year.

His furlough will expire on Friday.

8. 「告別的」、「道別的」可用valedictory(正式;文言):

The graduation ceremony will end with a valedictory address by the highest-ranking student. 




afflict/ agonizing/ agony/ anguish/ excruciating/ groan/ harrow/ inflict/ moan/ pang/ prick/ scourge/ throes/ torment/ torturous/ tribulation

1. 「極大的痛苦」可用agony或anguish。無論是身體或精神方面的痛苦都可用agony,它是可數名詞;anguish則是不可數名詞,主要是指精神方面的痛苦:

•He lay in agony until the doctor arrived.

•He suffered agonies from his broken arm.

•She was in agonies of doubt.

•He was in anguish over his missing wife.

2. 個人生活中的「艱難」、「困苦」或社會群體的「大問題」、「大麻煩」可用tribulation,它經常以複數的形式出現在文中:

•Too many tribulations have left him a beaten man.

•We hope that she will soon get over her tribulations.

•Even close friends were unaware of the tribulations she faced.

•An artificial greenhouse effect could generate countless tribulations.

3. 在文言的敘述中,伴隨分娩、死亡或重大改變而來的「劇痛」叫throes,它尤其經常出現在in the throes of或in one's death throes(作垂死掙扎)片語中:

•The young mother was in the throes of labor when she reached the hospital.

•The soldier, fatally wounded, staggered down the lane in his death throes.

•The company/ factory/ government was in its death throes.

4. 身或心「一陣突如其來的劇痛」叫pang。另外,在比喻的用法中,良心的「刺痛」用prick:

•The pang of a toothache kept him awake all night.

•Pangs of hunger led the boy to stealing.

•She left her child with a pang of sadness.

•The boy immediately felt the prick of conscience after he had talked back to his mother.

5. 造成大痛苦、大麻煩的人、事、物叫scourge:

•In Middle Ages, the black plague was regarded as a deadly scourge.

•Eye diseases have always been a scourge in tropical countries.

•It seems not likely to keep the scourge of war off the earth.

•Definitely, a habitual gambler is a scourge of a family.

6. 「使痛苦」、「使苦惱」、「折磨」可用afflict、harrow或torment:

•The student was afflicted with his low grades.

•The country was afflicted by civil war for decades.

•It is an illness that afflicts women more than men.

•Do not harrow him at this time by asking him to recall the details of his unpleasant experience.

•The husband kept tormenting his wife by the questioning of her faithfulness.

•The old woman was tormented by a racking cough.

7. 「導致」痛苦、破壞等用inflict,它和項6那些字(自然包括拼法類似的afflict)有個根本的不同,項6那些字的焦點是受苦的對象,所以經常以被動語態呈現,藉以傳達受苦者的無奈和無助。至於inflict,它強調的是所造成的痛苦或不幸:

•A gentleman is one who never inflicts pain upon others.

•The storm inflicted heavy damage all over the country.

•These improved weapons are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

•The suffering inflicted on these refugees was unimaginable.

8. 「使人十分痛苦的」、「折磨人的」可用agonizing、excruciating或torturous:

•The dog died an agonizing death.

•He went through an agonizing few weeks waiting for the test results.

•She was faced with an agonizing choice/ decision/ dilemma.

•I had an excruciating stomachache last week.

•Red tape is often excruciating.

•The prisoner of war will never forget the torturous experience in the concentration camp.

9. 痛苦時的「呻吟」叫groan或moan:

•The old man who had been in the accident lay groaning beside the road.

•The sick child moaned a little and then fell asleep.




abstain from/ beverage/ cloy/ cuisine/ culinary/ delectable/ delicacy/ devour/ eatable/ edible/ gluttony/ gnaw/ gobble/ gorge with/ gourmet/ greasy/ gulp/ gusto/ imbibe/ intoxicated/ luscious/ morsel/ nibble/ nourishment/ nutritious/ omnivorous/ palatable/ purveyor/ quench/ ravenous/ regale with/ regimen/ relish/ repast/ satiate/ simmer/ sip/ snack/ stew/ succulent/ sustenance/ tipsy/ vegan/ whet

1. 中文「可食的」英文可用edible或eatable。但edible只表示某食物本質上可以食用,至於是不是美味就不一定了。相反地,eatable則暗示食物新鮮、並經過必要的調理,因此可能也有一定程度的可口。同時,要注意eatable的相反詞是uneatable,但edible的相反詞卻是inedible:

They are looking for edible seaweeds.

Are these berries edible or are they poisonous?

The bread was so stale that it was hardly eatable.

Fresh and well-cooked mushrooms are eatable.

The students complained that the food in the cafeteria was just edible but not really eatable.

2. 「營養的」叫nutritious,「營養品」、「營養」用nourishment或 sustenance:

During the convalescent period, the patient must be provided with nutritious food.

Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need from their mothers' milk.

In the tropics, the natives find sustenance easy to obtain.

3. 食物「美味的」可用delectable或palatable,「含水分多的」、「多汁的」 叫succulent,水果、酒等不需烹煮的食物「香甜的」叫luscious。另外,如山珍海味般的美食叫delicacy:

What delectable food you cook!

This is a delectable meal.

She is content to provide palatable meals for her family.

The succulent roast makes our mouths water.

The restaurant serves succulent steaks.

The ripe mango looks luscious.

I think I will never forget the luscious wine I drank at John's (house) last night.

That food is a great delicacy.

They prepared the feast with all the delicacies of the season.

4. 食物「油膩的」叫greasy:

Do not eat too much greasy food.

5. 「糧食供應商或公司」叫purveyor,「美食家」叫gourmet:

As a purveyor of rare wines and viands, he traveled through France and Italy every year in search of new products to sell.

The old gourmet stated that this was the best onion soup he had ever tasted.

6. 「廚房的」、「烹調的」叫culinary,「烹調」、「烹飪」叫cuisine:

Many chefs attribute their culinary skills to the wise use of spices.

I like French cuisine very much.

This hotel has excellent cuisine.

Chinese cuisine is known all over the world.

7. 「以溫火慢煮」叫simmer,「燉」或「悶」叫stew:

The soup was left to simmer.

She cooked the meat by simmering it.

What a sweet smell! There must be someone stewing beef nearby.

8. 「以食物等款待客人」叫regale with,「餐」也可以用repast(正式),「兩餐之間的點心」可用snack:

They regaled their guests with food and music well into the night.

After a heavy repast in the evening, you can't work very well.

He has formed a habit of eating a snack before going to bed.

9. 敘述咬都不咬似地迅速把食物吃光-也就是「吞噬」-叫devour,「狼吞虎嚥」叫gobble或gulp:

The lion devoured the deer.

The hungry man was devouring his food.

You didn't eat; you simply gobbled.

Don't gulp your food.

The foreman gulped his lunch and ran off.

10. 「一點一點地吃」用nibble,「慢慢咬著吃」、「啃」叫gnaw。另外,敘述像一口能吃進去那樣的一小份食物用morsel:

Aren't you hungry? You're only nibbling (at) your food.

He didn't answer but just continued to nibble (away).

The girl was nibbling (on) a piece of cake.

A dog lay under the table, gnawing (on) a bone.

As he got up too late, he went to school without a morsel of food.

Give me one more morsel of cheese, please.

The hungry boy ate every last morsel.

11. 「貪婪地吃(喝)」叫gorge with,「吃(喝)膩」用cloy或satiate:

The gluttonous guest gorged himself with food as though he had not eaten for days.

Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too many.

He greedily drank until his thirst was satiated.

12. 正式用法中,「喝」(尤其是「喝酒」)用imbibe,白開水、藥水和酒之外的「飲品」的正式用字則是beverage。imbibe經常做比喻用,表示「吸收」等意思,如用在較生活化的敘述中則有打趣和調侃的意味:

Have you been imbibing again?

The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.

Listening the great master's lecture evoked the memory of imbibing knowledge at his mother's knee.

Lemonade is my favorite beverage.

13. 「一小口一小口地喝」-「啜飲」-叫sip,「喝以止渴」叫quench:

Comfortable and joyful, the old lady was nibbling her cookie and sipping her coffee.

She was sipping at her drink to be polite.

This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.

After being in the hot sun, he found it difficult to quench his thirst.

14. 「已喝醉的」叫intoxicated,「微醺的」叫tipsy:

Some people become intoxicated more easily than others.

The poor alcoholic is always tipsy.

15. 「促進」(食慾)可用whet,「很餓的」用ravenous,形容「津津有味地吃(喝)」用片語with gusto或with relish:

The odor from the kitchen whetted the guests' appetite.

For a ravenous person, even food as common as onions or potatoes may taste like a delicacy.

The ravenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food.

A healthy man eats with gusto.

He drank up the wine with relish.

16. 「貪吃」叫gluttony,「節制(飲食)」叫abstain from,「健康的飲食原則」、「養生之道」叫regimen:

Gluttony was regarded as one of the seven deadly sins.

Her father has succeeded in abstaining from drinking alcohol.

The doctor said that under such a regimen the patient would live longer.

17. 「雜食的」、「葷素都吃的」叫omnivorous,「吃全素者」叫vegan:

Humans are an omnivorous animal.

Because I'm a vegan, I'm afraid I can't eat the cake.

Vegans get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, and cereals.




buoyancy/ rally/ recuperate/ rehabilitate/ rejuvenate/ renovate/ resilience/ resurrect/ resuscitate/ tonic

1. 「恢復」健康、精神等可用recuperate,「使回春」、「使返老還童」叫rejuvenate,「使失去意識或近乎死亡者甦醒」可用resuscitate,「使起死回生」叫resurrect,「復健」叫rehabilitate:

The doctors were worried because the patient did not recuperate as rapidly as they had expected.

The charlatan claimed that his elixir would rejuvenate the aged and weary.

The lifeguard tried to resuscitate the drowned child by applying artificial respiration.

They believed that his body would be literally resurrected.

Those who are handicapped must be rehabilitated.

2. 「復原力」、「韌性」可用buoyancy或resilience,「使人神清氣爽的」、「滋補的」可用tonic(正式):

It is a buoyancy of spirit that keeps her going.

A man of resilience is capable of throwing off troubles.

As a workaholic, he could not appreciate the tonic effect of a vacation.

3. 「重新振作」、「重整」用rally,「翻新」老舊建築等用renovate:

The tired soldiers rallied and drove the enemy back.

The stock market rallied at the close.

My father planned to renovate our old house this summer.




aristocracy/ elite/ hierarchy/ patrician/ plebeian/ proletariat/ stratum/ subordinate

1. 「階層」、「階層組織」或「等級制度」可用stratum或hierarchy。stratum通常指人的社會階層,hierarchy則可以指人和事物:

We must create job opportunities for the lower stratum of society.

It was difficult to step out of one's place in that ancient hierarchy.

Do you believe in the principle of hierarchy?

Bees usually have a very strict social hierarchy.

Allegiance to the monarch and filial piety have the highest moral value in the hierarchy of Confucianism.

2. 「貴族階級」叫aristocracy,貴族中的成員可用patrician,「平民的」、「庶民的」可用plebeian(貶義),「無產階級」叫proletariat:

The aristocracy enjoyed many special rights in ancient times.

He looked like a cultivated patrician.

The candidate's speeches were aimed at the plebeian minds and emotions; they disgusted the more refined.

The nobleman divorced his wife because he could not tolerate some of her plebeian habits.

A truckman is a humble member of the proletariat.

3. 「精英份子」叫elite,「下屬」叫subordinate:

The elite of society attended the reception for the visiting governor.

The power elite inside the government are all just and responsible.

A capable manager knows how to place trust in his subordinates.




adore/ bellicose/ belligerent/ deference/ defiant/ esteem/ homage/ idolatry/ invidious/ provocative/ pugnacious/ revere/ reverence/ truculent/ venerable/ venerate

1. 正式用法中,名詞的「尊敬」、「敬意」用esteem,「極為崇敬」可用homage或reverence,若強調由於崇敬所以願意服從,用deference:

All John's students held him in high esteem.

Let us pay homage to our soldiers.

The vast majority of people in the country look on their president with reverence (They all have/ show reverence for him).

Do you treat your parents with deference?

The young man yielded out of deference to the old man.

2. 「極為尊敬」的動詞主要有revere(正式)和venerate:

The sage was revered for his wisdom.

In China, most people venerate their ancestors.

3. 把人像神一般地「崇拜」叫adore,過度或甚至盲目的崇拜之情叫idolatry:

In childhood most people tend to adore their parents as great heroes.

The singer was adored to the point of idolatry.

4. 形容人由於年紀和經驗或事物因為有歷史而受人景仰與尊崇,用venerable(正式):

He is a venerable leader.

The venerable guitarist Pat Martino will make a performance tonight.

This is a venerable financial institution.

Initiation is a venerable tradition in our society.

5. 「挑釁的」可用defiant或provocative。defiant較常形容挑釁者或其態度、姿勢等,provocative則較常描寫具有挑釁意味的事例(例如文章或演說):

The clerk assumed a defiant attitude toward his employer.

He responded to my carefully considered suggestion with a defiant gesture.

He made a provocative speech that caused a great deal of argument.

The proverbially defiant writer published one more provocative article last week.

6. 形容挑釁到幾乎要跟人家打鬥或真的發生鬥毆,用bellicose、belligerent、pugnacious(正式)或truculent:

His bellicose attitude often got John into fights.

The minister made a belligerent reply to a diplomatic note.

As a child the heavy-weight was pugnacious and fought with everyone.

They are a truculent race.

7. 形容行為或情況刺激到讓人憎惡、氣憤,用invidious:

Don't pay any attention to his invidious remarks.




circumvent/ exult/ exultation/ fiasco/ internecine/ jubilation/ overwhelm/ rout/ scrape/ setback/ slim/ smash/ subjugate/ succumb/ surmount/ trophy/ vanquish

1. 把敵人「打敗」、「征服」用subjugate或vanquish(文言),如果強調打敗並退敵,用rout:

•It is not their aim to subjugate their foe; they are interested only in establishing peaceful relations.

•We shall never be vanquished.

•The army was vanquished with heavy losses.

•The army routed the enemy and recaptured the fort.

2. 以巧計讓敵方「受挫」用circumvent;「克服」困難或障礙用surmount:

•The king tried to circumvent his enemies in the government, but his cleverly prepared plan failed and he lost his crown.

•In order to circumvent the enemy, they will make two preliminary attacks in other sections before starting their major campaign.

•We are ready to surmount any difficulty that might confront us.

3. 指人在一時之間被某種情緒所「支配」,用be overwhelmed by或be overwhelmed with,如果因無法抗拒壓力、誘惑等負面力量而「屈服」,用succumb。另外,overwhelm也可以用來指憑著優勢武力把敵人打敗:

•The widow was overwhelmed by grief.

•The children were overwhelmed with excitement.

•Be careful not to succumb to temptations.

•The rebels have overwhelmed the government troops and seized control of the capital.

4. 指在學校的成績「勉強及格」用scrape:

•The student barely scraped through the exam.

5. 得勝之後的「歡騰」、「得意」或「喜悅」,用動詞exult或名詞exultation 或jubilation。另外,「戰利品」叫trophy:

•The players were exulting in their victory.

•They received the good news with exultation.

•The climber gave a cry of exultation when she reached the mountain top.

•There was great jubilation when the armistice was announced.

•The trophy was reminiscent of the days when he was a young and dynamic tennis player.

6. 在非正式的用法中,極為成功的作品、演出或表演者可說成smash或smash hit:

•The new musical was a box-office smash.

7. 形容勝利成功的機會「渺茫的」用slim,原本進展順利過程中的「受挫」可用setback,所計畫之事的「徹底失敗」叫fiasco:

•His chance for success in the business was slim.

•Loss of his fellowship was a serious setback to his education.

•The party was a total fiasco.

•Their business venture ended in a fiasco.

8. 「兩敗俱傷的」叫internecine:

•An internecine duel will benefit neither party.




apprehension/ apprehensive/ bemoan/ blithe/ crestfallen/ deplore/ dejected/ despondent/ disconsolate/ dismal/ dismay/ distraught/ droop/ ebullience/ ecstasy/ epicurean/ euphoria/ gaiety/ gleeful/ hedonistic/ jaunty/ lamentable/ lugubrious/ maudlin/ melancholy/ mope/ pathetic/ plaintive/ rapture/ transported

1. 指事情或情況等「令人難過的」可用lamentable、lugubrious或pathetic:

A lamentable accident occurred during your absence.

The lugubrious howling of the dogs added to our fear.

Her pathetic tales moved the listeners to tears.

2. 指歌聲、音樂等「哀婉動人的」、「淒美的」,用plaintive:

The plaintive music almost moved her to tears.

3. 指人「極度悲傷的」、「悲不自勝的」,用disconsolate;形容人(尤其是酒後)「自哀自憐的」,用maudlin:

The death of the kitten left Mary disconsolate.

He is never jovial when drunk, and either maudlin sorrow or insane rage results from his drinking.

He turned maudlin at the mention of his lost dog.

4. 「(令人)沮喪的」,可用crestfallen、dejected、despondent、dismal 或melancholy。其中,dismal用得很廣,除了人的抑鬱心情之外,也可以指天氣的陰沈、前途的黯淡或哀怨的歌等;despondent則語氣強烈,暗示一種很難或根本不可能改善的絕望。至於人為什麼感到melancholy呢?經常是沒來由的,哈哈!這個字更想訴說的,是人生就的多愁善感氣質:

We were surprised at his reaction to the failure of his project; instead of being crestfallen, he was engaged in new plans.

His dejected look revealed that he had not done well in the exam.

A dejected person is not easy to make friends.

The young man is despondent about his poor health.

She looks dismal today.

The future looks pretty dismal.

It's a dismal song.

I hope the dismal weather can soon be over.

The girl, looking very melancholy, stood away from her companions who were talking and laughing cheerfully.

The gloomy day led him to a melancholy train of thought.

I like that song very much because it often cheers me up when I feel lonely and melancholy.

5. 描寫一種夾雜著恐懼與失望的沮喪,可用dismay。它可用作名詞和動詞,但動詞的使用頻率明顯較少:

They listened in/ with dismay to the news.

The news filled/ struck them with dismay.

Much to their dismay, the army was defeated again.

They were dismayed with the bad news.

6. 指人因為失敗等而沮喪,可用動詞mope;指精神「萎靡不振」,用droop:

The football player moped for several days after the loss of game.

None of us knew why her spirits drooped.

7. 指「痛心」、「感嘆」、「悲嘆」等,可用deplore或(正式)bemoan:

They deplored the death of their capable and magnanimous leader.

One must deplore such bad behavior.

He bemoaned his bitter fate.

She bemoaned the lack of money for many good ideas.

8. 「憂慮」可用名詞apprehension,「憂慮的」可用apprehensive。如果憂慮的程度到了幾乎都要抓狂,也就是「憂心忡忡的」,用distraught:

He felt apprehension for the safety of his daughter.

Her apprehensions about an accident were not fulfilled.

The mother had the strongest apprehension about her son's health.

Being unprepared, John is apprehensive of the exam.

The distraught parents searched the ravine for their lost child.

9. 「心情愉快的」、「快樂滿足的」、「無憂無慮的」,可用gleeful、jaunty或blithe。另外,在較文言的語句中,經常用transported表示「滿心歡喜的」:

The choir boys and girls sang in gleeful mood.

The happy little girl walked with jaunty steps.

Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit.

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful lass on a blithe isle.

On hearing of the news of victory, the nation was transported with joy.

10. 「生活享樂的」,可用epicurean或hedonistic:

His entire existence demonstrated his epicurean tastes.

Don't you think that your hedonistic life should come to an end?

11. 指高昂的興致、愉快的心情或爽朗活潑的氣質,可用gaiety。它的形容詞gay也有快樂的意思,但現在主要用來指同性戀者。其實,很早以前gay就有這兩個定義。幾十年前的英文字典會把「快樂的」放在比較前面,現在的字典自然已經倒過來,會先出現「同性戀者」的意思。由此可見,有時從字典上字的定義排序也可以一窺某個字,或某字字意的使用概況。同時該注意的是,從書上讀到什麼就用什麼是不對的,必須考量時空因素。比如Mark Twain所寫的東西不只離現在很遠,更具有美國中西部的鄉土語言特色,因此他小說中的不少用法在今天的寫作與會話是不適用的:

Her gaiety made every member of the club happy.

12. 說一種幸福、快樂的感覺,用euphoria。但這種愉悅的確可能只是當事人的「感覺」,並不真的存在:

Some drugs induce euphoria.

13. 「極度興奮」或「狂喜」,可用ecstasy或rapture。在文言的敘述中,可用ebullience表示「欣喜若狂」:

The novice was in ecstasy over flying.

The miser gazed at the gold with rapture.

Tom was in a state of ebullience, laughing and singing and buying drinks for us all.

Her bubbling ebullience was infectious.




enduring/ ephemeral/ eternal/ evanescent/ everlasting/ fleeting/ interim/ lasting/ makeshift/ perennial/ permanent/ perpetual/ perpetuate/ provisional/ tentative/ transient/ transitory

A. 與短暫相關的單字:

1. 描述美好事物或情況的稍縱即逝,可用transient、ephemeral或transitory。其中,ephemeral還可以指動植物或被創造出來的東西「生命短暫的」。此外,transitory的意思偏重在「非永久」,而不是短促。有時,它所暗示的短暫甚至可能是好的:

Youthful beauty is transient.

Very unfortunately, their marriage was an ephemeral joy, lasting but a day.

My other writings are very ephemeral, but this book will be remembered for ever.

Most flowers are ephemeral.

We hope the shortage of supplies will be transitory.

The transitory nature of what we call reality was seriously questioned by the 20th-century philosophy.

Peace between the two countries was only transitory.

2. 強調時間的持續很短很短,短到有如驚鴻一瞥,用fleeting:

I caught a fleeting glimpse of her as she ran down the road.

For a fleeting moment, she nearly wanted to kill him.

Hearing what I said, he revealed a fleeting look of confusion and anger.

Stop worrying; let's just grasp the fleeting hours of happiness.

3. 在文藝氣息較為濃厚的作品中,可能用evanescent表示短暫,可譯為「曇花一現的」:

The evanescent reception of Rudyard Kipling's poetry was a very particular case in the history of English literature.

In the evanescent rays of the sunset, the entire western skyline was bathed in an orange-red hue.

4. 安排等「用做權宜之計的」,用makeshift;計畫等「試探性的」、「嘗試性的」,用tentative:

This is just a makeshift arrangement of the furniture; I will change it all when the floor has been cleaned.

Your tentative plans sound plausible.

5. 強調只為當下考量,至於是否持續則有很大變數,也就是「臨時的」, 用provisional:

The schedule is only provisional.

They entered into a provisional agreement after a long negotiation.

The Tibetans set up a provisional government in India.

6. 說明文件、措施等純為應急所作或採取,但其實還不夠完整或完善,用interim:

An interim certificate was issued to the student.

The interim report of the organization emphasized the need of recruiting more volunteers, but the final version made no mention of it.

This was an interim measure to help those in need.

B. 與永恆相關的單字:


1. 英文中,最接近「永恆」真義的字要算everlasting和eternal,前者較正式,可能也更有宗教味。不過,不要忘記它們同樣都可以用在負面描述的語境,也同樣都可以指一段長時間:

He believes in everlasting life.

Their contributions to music have earned them an everlasting place in history.

I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.

These tyres are advertised as being everlasting.

I'm tired of your everlasting quarrels.

Rome has been called the Eternal City.

I believe Kevin is one of my eternal friends.

The company is engaged in the eternal search for a type of cars that will lead the market.

Will you two never stop your eternal arguing?

2. 在表示永恆或近於永遠的字當中,最具文學氣息的莫過於perpetual,它較常用來形容一種負面狀態或情況。不過,和它相關的動詞perpetuate(使…永存)則有比較對等的用法,也就是修飾正負面情況的頻率差不多:

They live in perpetual fear of being discovered.

He has hard, cold eyes, and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.

The old lady is a perpetual student.

The perpetual snows of the mountaintop are highlighted in the documentary.

The play Hamlet alone may be enough to perpetuate Shakespeare as one of the greatest playwrights the world has ever produced.

The monument was built to perpetuate the memory of a great statesman.

Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy.

Current policy only serves to perpetuate the old racial tensions.

Our goal is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.

3. 相對於transitory強調「非永久」,permanent則強調「非暫時」,也就是一時半刻不會改變:

She's looking for a permanent place to stay.

Are you looking for a temporary or permanent job?

She entered the United States in 1994 as a permanent resident because of her marriage to a US citizen.

This coat can give permanent protection against heavy rain.

The disease can cause permanent damage to the brain.

Our office is in a permanent state of chaos.

4. perennial、lasting和enduring都強調持續的時間很長,長到好像不會結束。lasting可以寫成long-lasting,enduring則較少用於負面修飾:

The perennial beauty of the island has lured so many tourists from abroad.

Harry Potter is a perennial favorite with teenagers.

We face the perennial problem of not having enough workers.

Money is a perennial source of disagreement among couples.

Politics provides a perennial subject of argument.

Few observers believe that the treaty will bring a lasting peace to the region.

The tablets make you feel better for a while, but the effect isn't (long-)lasting.

The teacher left a lasting impression on most of the students whom she has ever taught.

He has a lasting sorrow over his beloved daughter's death.

I hope to have enduring memories of all who have been kind to me.

The enduring appeal of cartoons was expected from the very beginning.

The dancer's debut has already established her enduring popularity.




drab/ ennui/ humdrum/ insipid/ ponderous/ prosaic/ tedium/ vapid

1. 「單調的」、「無趣的」、「乏味的」可用drab、humdrum、insipid、prosaic或vapid,如果形容演說或文字,則更適合用ponderous,至於「單調乏味」的名詞則可用tedium或ennui:

He is leading a drab existence.

After years of adventure, he could not settle down to a humdrum existence.

The students were bored by his insipid talk.

I've got a very prosaic job, so I like to travel to interesting places on my holiday.

This is a vapid reality TV show.

He is attractive but vapid.

Reading such a ponderous prose style as his calls for patience.

Incessant routine without variety will certainly breed tedium.

He fell asleep at the meeting from sheer ennui. 




allude/ badge/ emblem/ embodiment/ evince/ explicit/ implicit/ innuendo/ insinuate/ intimation/ manifest/ pinpoint/ pose/ smack of/ symptom/ tacit/ tincture/ tinge/ token

1. 名詞的「暗示」,除了hint、indication、implication和suggestion等以外,還可用intimation:

A frown is often an intimation of disapproval.

2. 「不很明顯地暗示」、「略有那麼一點意思」可說成smack of、be tinged with或be tinctured with(文言):

That plan smacks of radicalism.

His admiration for her was tinged with jealousy.

Everything the arrogant young man says is tinctured with conceit.

3. 「間接提到」用allude,以迂迴和令人不快的方式暗指不討好的事情用insinuate,「含沙射影」用名詞innuendo:

The speaker alluded quite subtly to his friend's misfortune.

Are you insinuating (to me) that I can't do the work here, or do you really think that I could get a better job if I left?

What are you trying to insinuate by that remark?

The journalist expressed his dissatisfaction with the politician by innuendo.

Say what you really want to say; I hate innuendoes.

4. 陳述、規則等「委婉表達的」用implicit,強調不用說,對方就能了解我們的意思-「心照不宣的」-用tacit,「清楚明確表達的」則是explicit:

There was a threat implicit in what he said.

They interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the company.

Implicit in the essay's conclusion is the writer's strong anxiety for the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence.

They made a tacit agreement to work together.

The teacher gave students explicit directions about how to do the experiment.

The lieutenant gave the guard explicit orders about whom to admit.

5. 明顯表露「情緒或特質」用evince,透過「行動或現象」顯示用manifest,它經常和itself連用:

He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.

When he tried to answer the questions, he evinced his ignorance of the subject matter.

The boy manifested his lack of interest in maths in the recurrent inattention to the class.

The illness first manifested itself in/ as a high fever.

6. 「象徵」、「符號」、「表徵」可用badge、emblem、token或symptom。其中,因為symptom主要的意思是疾病的徵候,所以常被用來象徵我們不樂見的情況:

The soldier's scar on his forehead is a badge of courage.

The olive branch is the emblem of peace.

Black is a token of mourning.

Riots are the symptoms of political or social unrest.

7. 中文的「體現」或「化身」,英文用embodiment:

His enemies called him the embodiment of evil.

8. 造成或顯示出「問題、危險等」用pose,「毫無疑問地顯示出」用pinpoint:

Fewer-children tendency poses numerous problems.

His refusal to help his friend in need pinpointed his apathy.




apt/ penchant/ philatelist/ predilection/ proclivity/ prone/ propensity

1. 「有…傾向的」可用apt或prone,但prone通常指不好的情況。另外,正式英文中,(壞的)傾向可用proclivity或propensity:

The little girl is apt to succeed.

He is prone to colds, especially in winter

One is more prone to make mistakes when one is tired.

We are prone to think highly of ourselves.

We were surprised at the young man's proclivity to vice.

He has a propensity to exaggeration.

2. 對某活動或事物的「偏好」、「偏愛」可用penchant或predilection,指東西時可能更常使用predilection:

He had a strong penchant for sculpture/ melodrama/ skiing/ exotic clothes.

Although the artist used various media from time to time, he had a predilection for water color.

3. 「集郵家」叫philatelist:

The philatelist was absorbed in his collection.




brood/ contemplate/ flirt with/ introspection/ meditate/ muse/ pensive/ ponder/ reverie/ ruminate

1. 「沉思的」、「若有所思的」用pensive,「沉思狀態」叫reverie,「沉思」的動詞則有contemplate、meditate、muse、ponder和ruminate:

The pensive youth gazed at the painting for a long time and then sighed.

The woman in this painting has a pensive smile.

The student was awakened from reverie by the teacher's question.

He was sunk in reverie and did not hear me.

She fell into a reverie about the past.

The doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform.

I hope your mother isn't contemplating coming to stay with us!

All day she did nothing but contemplate her plan.

She sat quietly, meditating on the day's events.

Silently she meditated revenge.

As his age advances, the old man tends to meditate on his past life.

The old lady was inclined to muse over memories of the past.

When a difficulty arises, we have to ponder the best way and try to solve it.

When I asked her advice, she pondered (the matter) and then told me not to do it.

The prisoner pondered how to escape.

We cannot afford to wait while you ruminate upon these plans.

Let me ruminate over this suggestion of yours.

2. 「不開心地或悲傷地想」叫brood,「不當回事地隨便想想」叫flirt with,「內省」、「自省」叫introspection:

The widow never ceased to brood over her lost husband.

We flirted with the idea of going abroad but decided against it.

He flirted with the idea of going to Africa, though he had no real intention to.

The professor is a man much given to introspection.




amputate/ bludgeon/ bruise/ cudgel/ dagger/ impair/ impale/ lesion/ maim/ malign/ mangle/ mutilate/ pebble/ penetrate/ scald/ scalp/ sheathe/ smother/ sprain/ stifle/ suffocate/ swathe/ trauma/ wreak/ wrench

1. 「扭傷」(關節)用wrench或sprain,被液體「燙傷」叫scald,「瘀傷」叫bruise:

His ankle being wrenched/ sprained, the player was sidelined.

She scalded her tongue with/ on the hot tea.

Be careful that you don't touch the water; it's hot enough to scald!

The worker was scalded to death by steam from the burst pipe.

She hit a pillar and got a bruise on the forehead.

He got an ugly bruise when he fell.

2. 因受傷使得身體某部份的功能受損或殘缺,用maim或mutilate;因嚴重撕裂或擠壓使受傷部位血肉模糊,用mangle。同時,得注意一個拼法和意思可能與mutilate混淆的字amputate,它是指醫生為治療需要,將病人身體的某部份「切除」:

Each year thousands of people have been maimed in automobile accidents.

After the car accident she was maimed for life.

Some victims of the accident were badly mutilated.

Her arm was mutilated in the accident.

After the fire the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.

To prevent further infection, the surgeon amputated the wounded man's right leg.

This is serious: I'm afraid we'll have to amputate.

He damaged his leg so badly that it had to be amputated.

Two of her toes were amputated because of frostbite.

Her right arm became infected and had to be amputated.

3. 存在人體內外之傷都可以稱為lesion,「包紮」傷口則用swathe(正式):

Fortunately, she just got some skin lesions in the serious train accident.

The brain lesion may have affected his action and thinking.

When I visited him in the hospital, I found him swathed in bandages.

4. 因身體受傷或精神遭受打擊所導致的「心靈創傷」叫trauma,能力或功能「受損」可用動詞impair:

A broken home may produce persistent trauma in children.

A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing.

Driving in an intoxicated state makes a person prone to accidents as alcohol impairs judgement and slows reflexes.

Chronic inflammation can result in irreversible scarring of lung tissue, which impairs lung function.

Smoking will impair your health.

5. 用尖物把人「刺傷」用impale,武器「貫穿」身體的某個部位用penetrate。另外,從前美洲印第安人從敵人屍首「剝取頭皮」做為戰利品叫scalp:

The brave warrior impaled many of the enemies.

The knife penetrated his stomach.

American Indians scalped many a white man.

6. 幾種可以或可能可以用來傷人的武器:

A. 「棍棒」bludgeon或cudgel:

With a bludgeon he hit the fierce dog and drove it away.

The cop beat the mad dog with a cudgel.

B. 「小石子」pebble:

The boys picked up some pebbles and threw at the poor dog.

C. 「匕首」、「短劍」dagger,把刀劍「裝入套中」(入鞘)叫sheathe:

The newspaper reported that a gangster was stabbed with a dagger by another gangster.

As soon as he recognized the approaching men, he sheathed his dagger and hailed them as friends.

7. 以「誹謗」的方式傷害人叫malign,以「發洩情緒或暴力」方式傷人叫wreak:

Don't malign your neighbors.

Do not wreak your wrath on the innocent.

He resolved to wreak vengeance on his enemy.

8. 「使窒息」用smother、stifle或suffocate:

The stuffy room is smothering.

The classroom was almost stifling.

The child was suffocated in an old refrigerator.




delve/ elusive, elusory/ emerge/ exhaustive/ fathom/ ferret out/ inquisitive/ loom/ overhaul/ probe/ pry/ ransack/ rummage/ scour/ scrutinize/ ubiquitous

1. 「翻箱倒櫃地找尋」用ransack或rummage(非正式),在一個區域「急匆匆地找尋」某人或某物可用scour:

She ransacked her pockets for the keys.

When they were rummaging through the trunks in the attic, they came upon many souvenirs of their childhood days.

The police scoured the neighborhood for the lost child.

2. 「深入探究」、「鑽研」可用delve或probe,「持續探索而得」可用ferret out,由於深入探究而「徹底了解」用fathom,「探究他人隱私」叫pry:

He delved into lots of old books and papers for the facts.

The scholar has delved into the subject for a long time.

The novel probes deeply into human nature.

The detective tried to ferret out all the secret.

What scientists and philosophers have in common is that they both try to ferret out the truth of the universe.

It's difficult to fathom his mysterious actions.

The gossipmonger has a penchant for prying into the affairs of others.

3. 「有探索精神的」可用inquisitive,研究、調查等「徹底的」用exhaustive,「難記憶或理解的」、「捉摸不定的」、「行蹤飄忽的」可用elusive (elusory),「無所不在的」可用ubiquitous(正式):

This is a scientific journey that should interest those with an inquisitive mind.

I felt a calm but inquisitive interest in everything.

I've always had an inquisitive mind about everything from flowers to television sets to motor cars.

The inquisitive child is interested in everything around him.

Last year a geologist made a very exhaustive study of eastern Taiwan's coastline.

He is such an elusive person; you never know where he is when you want him.

Inspiration need not be forever elusive.

Those ubiquitous foreign tourists ought to learn manners.

The common cold is a ubiquitous complaint.

4. 「徹底檢查」、「保養」可用overhaul,「小心仔細地查驗」叫scrutinize,由於調查而讓真相「顯露」用emerge。另外,指事物以一種不友善或令人憂慮害怕的方式「逐漸顯現或接近」用loom:

The engine must be overhauled once a year.

The jeweler scrutinized the diamonds to see if they were fakes.

The truth they wanted finally emerged as a result of the investigation.

Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.

A figure loomed out of the mist.

The exams are looming.

The threat of closure looms over the workforce.





campaign/ cause/ drive/ exercise/ movement/ sport

1. 說到「運動」的英文,我們最先想到的自然是exercise和sport。一般而言,exercise是不可數名詞,泛指運動這個概念,或者說是運動的總稱。sport雖也做不可數名詞,但更常用來指特定的運動項目和種類,特別是只一些需要體力或技術的運動。


•Riding a bike is an excellent form of exercise.

•Bike-riding is my father's favorite sport.


•Exercise improves our heart and lung power.

•Most people need to do/ get/ take more exercise.

•Exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily exercise.

•Mountain climbing is one of the most difficult sports.

•My favorite sports are walking, swimming, and yoga.

•I am fond of sport(s).

•He used to play a lot of sport(s).

2. 中文的「運動」,有時是指一群人為達成某種目標所投注的心力。此外,也指某種逐步醞釀、發展和蛻變的趨勢或思潮,這種意思的movement後面經常接介系詞toward。

•The aim of the labor movement was, and is, to obtain higher wages and better conditions for workers.

•The civil rights movement of the 1960s was influential.

•Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.

•The movement for independence showed no signs of success at the very beginning.

•There have been several movements for reform over the last century.

•The conservative politician argues that the movement toward democracy will lead his country to nothing but chaos.

•There's been a movement towards equality with men in the workplace.

3. 如果強調範圍較小、時間較短或甚至利益僅限於某特定族群的一種運動或一系列活動,應用campaign或drive,drive較不正式。這兩個字都可以和動詞launch一起使用。

•The department store started an advertising campaign last week.

•This is a campaign for equal rights.

•The townspeople have launched a campaign against the school's closure.

•There's been a campaign by local farmers to ban imported oranges.

•Police have launched a campaign to crack down on drug dealers.

•We quite sympathize with the region's drive for independence.

•The company is launching a major recruitment drive.

•There's been a nationwide drive to crack down on crime.

•The shopping mall has embarked on a drive to improve its image.

4. 「運動」這個詞,中文裡也指一群人所支持和維護的某種理想、信念或某個組織,這種意思的「運動」要用cause。它經常和動詞champion連用。

•My father fought for the Nationalist cause.

•People admire her for her lifelong devotion to the cause of women's rights.

•He has championed the cause of renewable energy since the mid-1970s.




entrenched/ hereditary/ heritage/ legacy/ lore/ mores/ orthodox/ taboo

1. 「代代口耳相傳的知識或傳說」叫lore,「風俗習慣」、「行為模式」、「倫理道德傳統」可用mores(正式),傳統、語言、建築等「歷史遺物」可用heritage或legacy:

The indigenous people of Taiwan are rich with local lore.

According to tribal lore, the old pine has magic power.

As the Western tide came along, our mores began to undergo some changes.

Among the middle-class mores is the emphasis of recreation.

My mother still finds it hard to be used to the mores and culture of the Americans.

Our cultural heritage should be highly valued.

Our cultural legacy should be handed down to our posterity.

It is believed that the progress and prosperity of Taiwan in recent decades have much to do with the legacy of Confucianism.

2. 「正統的」叫orthodox,地位、權利等「世襲的」叫hereditary,風俗、信仰 等「根深蒂固的」可用entrenched:

There are people who still hold an orthodox view about evolution.

The British and the Japanese still worship their hereditary rulers.

Their prejudices have been entrenched for generations.

3. 「禁忌」叫taboo:

Our society has revised many antiquated moral taboos.




abyss/ burrow/ cavern/ chasm/ crevice/ fissure/ furrow/ gape/ grotto/ hiatus/ rift/ slot/ trench

1. 「壕溝」叫trench,農民在田間犁成準備種植作物的「田溝」叫furrow:

The soldiers dug a trench in order to protect themselves.

My father has plowed some furrows in preparation for planting cabbages and lettuces.

2. 「大洞穴」叫cavern,石灰岩洞或花園等中的人造洞叫grotto,動物(尤指兔子)在地上所掘之「地洞」叫burrow:

The traveler was lost in the cavern for several hours.

There are a few large mural paintings in the grotto.

Rabbits usually live in burrows.

3. 深不可測的洞叫chasm或abyss,後者所指的坑洞可能更深更大,因此也常做比喻用,例如指無窮無盡的痛苦等:

The pirates dug a few chasms to hide their plunder.

They could not see the bottom of the chasm.

The old man fell into the abyss of sadness when his wife and favorite daughter died one after the other.

4. 在正式或文言的敘述中,「縫隙」、「裂縫」用rift。另外,岩石上或地上的 「缺口」、「裂縫」用crevice或fissure:

The plane was lost in the stormy sky until the pilot saw the city through a rift in the cloud.

Most of the year the insects are hiding in rock crevices.

The mountain climbers secured footholds in tiny fissures in the rock.

The grass is growing in the fissures.

5. 機器或工具上的缺口或小孔叫slot:

Put a quarter in the slot and a chocolate bar will come out of the machine.

There is a slot in the top of a screw.

6. 時間方面待填補的「空檔」或空間方面按理不應出現的「空白」叫hiatus:

The end of the visiting scholar's series of talks left a hiatus to be filled in in the timetable.

He left a hiatus on the page where he erased a sentence.

7. 「裂開」、「敞開」可用gape:

The huge pit gaped before him; if he stumbled, he would fall in.

His shirt gaped open where the button had come off.




anticipate/ auspicious/ brace/ conjecture/ envisage, envision/ foreboding/ hunch/ ominous/ portend/ premonition/ presentiment/ propitious/ speculate/ surmise

1. 很確定某事將發生用anticipate,假如所預測的是好事情,更適合用envisage (envision):

We anticipated meeting a lot of opposition to our new plan for political reform.

Steve Jobs envisaged a hopeful future for the smart phone.

When do you envisage finishing the PhD program?

2. 強調證據不足或甚至毫無根據地預測,用conjecture、surmise或speculate:

I think you are only conjecturing when you say the government will lose the next election.

When he failed to arrive on time, she conjectured that he was drinking again.

We can only conjecture about his guilt.

It may not be true; he was only surmising.

What she had surmised came true.

Have you ever speculated on what humankind's future would be like?

I was just speculating that this might be my last chance to visit Japan.

3. 「吉祥的」叫auspicious或propitious,「不祥的」叫ominous,壞事或重大事件的「預示」叫portend:

The prospect for this project appears auspicious.

The explorers decided to wait for a more propitious occasion to announce their discovery.

The storm was preceded by the dark ominous clouds.

The king did not know what these omens might portend and asked his soothsayers to interpret them.

4. 「預感」(通常是不好的)可用foreboding、hunch、premonition或presentiment:

She thought of a lonely future with foreboding.

She had a foreboding that she would never see him again.

Caesar's wife had a foreboding that her husband would be murdered.

She had a hunch that something terrible was going to happen.

They ignored the premonitions of disaster because they appeared to be based on childish fears.

The explorer felt a presentiment of danger.

5. 對於不好的事情或難題「預做心理準備」用brace:

Brace yourself for the shock!

The students have braced themselves for the difficult exam.




artery/ bump/ bypass/ collide/ congest/ crooked/ detour/ devious/ dislocation/ diverge/ jam/ labyrinth/ maze/ meander/ sinuous/ subside/ tortuous/ trace/ track/ traverse/ zigzag

1. 指成為「交通主要幹線」的道路、鐵路、河川等,用artery:

The Dansuie River was a major traffic artery of northern Taiwan in the Manchu Dynasty.

2. 交通「阻塞」,用動詞congest或片語traffic jam;交通的「混亂」或「癱瘓」,用dislocation:

Buses and cars congest every street in the center of Jakarta.

You'll see traffic jams during rush hours.

The storm caused considerable dislocation of traffic.

3. 交通狀況不好時的「改道」或「繞道」,用動詞bypass或片語make a detour。detour也是動詞,但使用較少:

Let's bypass the town with all its traffic.

The taxi driver bypassed the main street.

They made a detour to avoid the busy center of the town.

We had to make a detour because the main road was jammed.

4. 車輛的「互撞」,用bump或collide:

The two cars bumped each other.

Many people were hurt when the two buses collided on the corner.

5. 陸地、道路等的「塌陷」,用subside;兩條路的「分差」,用diverge;道路等「貫穿」或「橫越」某處,用traverse:

The road tends to subside in the mountains.

The paths diverge at the fork in the road.

We have built highways that traverse the entire island.

6. 指路線像「迷宮」般複雜,用labyrinth或maze,前者也常做比喻用,意為「困惑難解的事物」:

Steve and Helen were lost in the labyrinth of secret caves.

She was lost for nearly one hour in a maze of narrow winding streets.

He was often confused by a labyrinth of intellectual discussions.

7. 道路「蜿蜒的」,用sinuous、crooked、devious和tortuous;「蜿蜒」(而行)有動詞meander;這種「繞來繞去的道路」則是zigzag,但它有時也作類似形容詞的用法:

There is a sinuous road among the mountains.

Being a stranger in town, he inadvertently took a crooked road.

Let's take this devious path to avoid other people.

The road is so tortuous that it is unwise to go faster than twenty miles per hour.

It is difficult to sail up the stream because of the way it meanders through the countryside.

The girl meandered through the town, looking into shop windows.

The car went in a zigzag.

The kids ran in zigzags around the playground.

The mountaineers went up a long zigzag path before they reached the top of the hill.

8. 行人、動物或車輛經過所留下的「足跡」或「車轍」叫trace或track:

There was the trace/ track of a sleigh in the snow.




annihilate/ attrition/ blemish/ blight/ devastating/ efface/ eradicate/ expunge/ exterminate/ extirpate/ havoc/ intact/ mar/ obliterate/ ravage/ rend/ shatter/ squash/ wipe out

1. 指「因摩擦而逐漸毀損」、「磨損」可用名詞attrition,假如要強調毀損的是表面,用動詞efface:

Attrition will make the hardest stone become brittle.

Pebbles become smooth by attrition.

The coin had been handled for so many times that its date was effaced.

Someone has effaced part of the address on this letter.

2. 「嚴重和大規模地破壞」可用動詞ravage或名詞havoc:

The forest fire ravaged a stretch of land.

The crops were ravaged by storms.

Severe earthquakes caused terrible havoc.

3. 「破壞」原本美好或甚至完美的事物可用blemish或mar(文言):

Her beautiful face was blemished by the marks of an old wound.

His character was blemished by a newspaper article suggesting he had been dishonest.

One single evil deed may blemish a good name.

Bad associates blemished his character.

A black spot marred her white gown.

4. 「粉碎」希望、夢想等可用blight或shatter:

All his hopes were blighted.

Inflation shattered his dream of buying a house.

5. 「把…撕成碎片」可用rend(文言),「把…壓扁」可用squash:

In his grief, he tried to rend his garments.

He sat on his hat and squashed it.

6. 「毀滅性的」可用devastating,「完全消滅」、「毀滅」可用annihilate、expunge(正式)、exterminate(正式)、obliterate或wipe out。其中,annihilate經常用在軍事方面-也就是「殲滅」-,exterminate則常用來指對動物或人的大滅絕或大屠殺:

A devastating war has impoverished Vietnam.

We annihilated the enemy.

Our soldiers annihilated a force of 300 enemy troops.

Nuclear explosives can expunge civilization overnight.

I hope this poison will exterminate all the rats.

The tsunami obliterated several island villages.

The enemy resolved to wipe out the whole nation.

7. 指「徹底根除」不好的情況用eradicate或extirpate(正式):

The previous presidents of Indonesia have failed to eradicate corruption, although a lot of regulations have been reviewed and new laws enacted.

Cholera was eradicated from this island.

The government is endeavoring to extirpate some bad social practices.

Hijacking must be extirpated.

To extirpate the cause of her trouble, she went to see a psychologist.

8. 「未受到破壞的」、「完整的」可用intact:

The delicate parcel arrived intact.

In spite of our setbacks, our faith and optimism remain intact.




agrarian/ arable/ barren/ cull/ fallow/ fowl/ glean/ granary/ horticulture/ irrigate/ pasture/ poultry/ ranch/ staple/ sterile/ winnow

1. 「農業的」、「土地的」可用agrarian,「園藝」叫horticulture:

•China is historically agrarian. (中國以農立國)

•This part of the country is mainly agrarian.

•This is prime agrarian land. (這是肥沃的耕地)

•Highly developed horticulture has contributed remarkably to the improvement of Taiwan's flowers and fruit.

2. 土地「可耕種的」叫arable,「貧瘠的」叫barren或sterile,「休耕的」或「休耕地」叫fallow:

•According to statistics, only 0.3 percent of Taiwan's arable land is used to grow organic produce.

•Because of soil erosion, there are now more than 25 million hectares of barren lands in the world.

•The soil is almost completely sterile.

•The farmer left the land fallow for a year.

•The land has long been a fallow.

3. 「可供放牧牛羊的草地」叫pasture,「大牧場」叫ranch:

•In Taiwan, pastures are hard to find.

•The ranch is well known for the production of high-quality sheep and horses.

4. 「灌溉」叫irrigate:

•The inhabitants tried to irrigate desert areas and make them fertile.

5. 「主要產品」可用staple,「家禽」可用fowl或poultry。注意poultry沒有複數型,但需接複數型動詞:

•The pineapple is one of the most famous staples in Taiwan.

•She keeps fowls and sells the eggs.

•The farmer keeps a lot of fowls.

•The farmer has made raising poultry a very lucrative business.

•Our poultry are kept at the bottom of the garden.

6. 將體弱或已無生產力的動物「淘汰」叫cull:

•Every month the farmer culls the nonlaying hens from his flock and sells them to the local butcher.

7. 「撿拾」收成後餘留在田中的稻穗、麥穗等叫glean,把穀物的糠「吹掉」叫winnow,「穀倉」叫granary:

•After the crops had been harvested by the machines, the poor country boys were permitted to glean the wheat in the field.

•The farmer still used the old way to winnow wheat.

•We have reason to be thankful, for our crops are good and our granaries are full.




adorn/ bedeck/ deck out/ drape/ embellish/ flamboyant/ flashy/ garnish/ gaudy/ meretricious/ ornate/ resplendent/ spangle/ stud/ tapestry/ tawdry/ trinket

1. 英文中,「裝飾」decorate的類似用法還有adorn、bedeck、deck out和embellish。其中,adorn通常用來指人的打扮,deck out較不正式,且後面要接介系詞in:

She adorned herself with jewels.

The bride's hair was adorned with white flowers.

Robin Hood was said to wear a hat adorned with feathers.

The cars were all bedecked with colorful balloons for the ceremony.

The street was decked out in flags.

Hamilton was decked out in cowboy boots and a work shirt.

She embellished her dress with lace and ribbons.

2. 在食物中「添加配料」使其顯得更可口用garnish,「點綴」叫stud:

The fish in the dish was garnished with slices of lemon.

The dishes were garnished attractively with greens.

The sky was studded with stars.

When summer comes, the beach will be studded with beach umbrellas.

3. 「過度裝飾的」、「浮誇的」用flamboyant或ornate:

Modern architecture has discarded the flamboyant trimming on buildings and emphasizes simplicity of lines.

This poem was written in a flamboyant style, full of highly decorative imagery.

Their furniture is characterized by its ornate carvings.

4. 對華麗裝飾的正面評價,用形容詞resplendent,假如外表華麗、氣派非凡,實則空洞粗俗,且用以裝飾的東西也可能是廉價品,用flashy、gaudy、meretricious或tawdry,「廉價的小飾物」則說trinket:

The actress wore a resplendent costume.

These are only some cheap flashy clothes.

The gaudy decorations showed no good taste.

This is a meretricious beauty, too flashy to be real.

Those tawdry trinkets are not very expensive.

She did not care about the ring she had lost because actually, it is just a trinket.

5. 「懸掛的布幔」叫drape,「上有刺繡的布」叫tapestry,「可做裝飾用的小金屬或塑膠亮片」叫spangle:

There were heavy drapes at the window.

The beautiful tapestry was imported from France.

The thousands of spangles on her dress sparkled in the glare of the stage lights.




arrogant/ conceit/ diffidence/ fanfare/ flaunt/ grandiose/ haughty/ inconspicuous/ insolent/ obtrusive/ ostentatious/ overweening/ plume/ pomp/ pompous/ presumptuous/ pretentious/ self-effacing/ self-importance/ supercilious/ unassuming/ unobtrusive/ vaulting/ vaunt

1. 「傲慢的」、「驕傲自大的」可用arrogant、insolent、pompous、presumptuous、supercilious、haughty(正式)、overweening(正式)或vaulting(文言):

The ex-president warned America against becoming arrogant.

His insolent manner indicated his lack of education.

Be a little modest; don't be a pompous old fool.

The railway guard was a pompous little official, who thought he controlled the whole railway system himself.

In such a prestigious company, his demand for attention was utterly presumptuous.

Some supercilious people look upon the television receiver as an idiot box.

We are disgusted with his being so haughty; he is no better than we are.

The general dismissed the messenger in a haughty manner.

Overweening ambition often leads to a downfall.

Everybody present was awfully offended by his overweening pride.

Macbeth's vaulting ambition led to his downfall.

2. 「驕傲自大」可用名詞conceit與self-importance或動詞plume,至於「過度自信」、「自負」的相反詞「缺乏自信」則用diffidence:

His constant boasting is an indication of conceit.

The teacher admonished Bill for his self-importance.

She plumes herself on the fact that she was educated in America.

A salesperson must overcome his diffidence.

3. 「招搖的」、「高調的」、「浮誇的」可用grandiose、obtrusive、ostentatious或pretentious:

With a grandiose movement, he pointed out all the land that belonged to him.

His grandiose manner impressed those who met him for the first time.

We found him a very obtrusive person, constantly seeking the center of the stage.

A real hero is never ostentatious.

He's so pretentious that few people like him.

I don't feel that your limited resources will permit you to carry out such a pretentious program.

That's a pretentious name for a dog.

It was just an ordinary house--nothing pretentious.

4. 「炫耀」可用動詞flaunt或vaunt,「排場」可用fanfare或pomp:

I dislike her because she flaunts her charms too much and too frequently.

She is not one of those actresses who flaunt their physical charm; she can act.

The boy flaunted the excellent report before his delighted parents.

The athlete proudly vaunted his strength.

Their marriage was announced without fanfare.

The family moved to the country to get away from the empty pomp and show of the city.

5. 「謙恭的」可用self-effacing或unassuming;「低調的」、「不愛出風頭的」 可用inconspicuous或unobtrusive:

The teacher was highly self-effacing when asked about her students' good exam performances, giving credit to the students themselves.

Despite his wealth and position, he has an unassuming personality.

At parties, she always sits in a corner and tries to look inconspicuous.

The monk is leading an unobtrusive life of self-control.




benediction/ bliss/ boon/ calamity/ catastrophe/ debris/ disastrous/ felicity/ hapless/ holocaust/ millennium/ mishap

1. 「不幸的」可用hapless,「不幸」可用mishap:

This hapless creature has never known a moment's pleasure.

The sage has seen enough haps and mishaps of life.

2. 「災難性的」叫disastrous,「大災難」叫calamity或catastrophe,如果是牽涉到大火或大屠殺的「大破壞」、「大毀滅」、「浩劫」用holocaust,災難之後留下的「廢墟」叫debris:

Such a war would be disastrous for the country.

This decision will have a disastrous impact on foreign policy.

His first attempt was disastrous.

Carelessness in driving often results in disastrous accidents.

Fifty people were killed in the calamity.

The war was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died, and many more were displaced.

Nuclear war will mean a holocaust.

After the bombing there was a lot of debris everywhere.

The street was covered with debris from the explosion.

3. 「幸福」、「福祉」可用felicity,「讓人感到快樂幸福的事物」、「恩物」、「恩賜」可用boon或benediction:

He spent a lifetime of perfect felicity with his lovely wife.

The government is endeavoring to promote felicity in the nation.

The cell phone should be a major boon to modern life if we use it sensibly.

The radio is a great boon to the blind.

Parks are a great boon to people living in big cities.

When summer comes, the sun is no benediction here.

4. 「有如天賜的樂事」叫bliss,「太平盛世」叫millennium:

What bliss to be able to marry the girl with a kind, innocent heart, and a sweet voice!

Now, maintaining the practice of Buddhism with little disturbance is my idea of sheer bliss.

It is our hope that our descendants will live in millennium.




bail out/ booming/ commodity/ consign/ coupon/ defective/ dispatch/ doldrums/ dump/ embargo/ entrepreneur/ exorbitant/ exposition/ faulty/ flourish/ haggle/ hoard/ laissez faire/ magnate/ merchandise/ monopolize/ mortgage/ patronage/ pawn/ peddler, pedlar/ poach/ prosper/ rebate/ recession/ reckon/ slump/ speculate/ stagnant/ subsidize/ tariff/ thrive/ transaction/ transit/ tycoon/ usury/ vender, vendor/ warrant

1. 經濟「景氣的」、「繁榮的」可用booming。另外,「生意興隆」可用動詞flourish、prosper或thrive,「一大批顧客」可用patronage:

Business is booming these days: we shall all grow rich!

The bank is flourishing; it has opened two more branches this year.

The company has been prospering since the new manager came.

Good management is one of the most important factors to make a business thrive.

The store developed a large patronage by offering fair prices and courteous service.

2. 「不景氣的」叫stagnant,「經濟蕭條」可用doldrums。如果指一段蕭條期間,用recession或slump:

The government should put some life back into our stagnant industry.

The memory of the economic doldrums of the early seventies is still vivid.

We hope the economic recession won't last long.

Tourism is currently in a slump.

3. 「囤積」可用hoard,「投機」叫speculate,「壟斷」(市場)叫monopolize,「計算」(成本)叫reckon。另外,企業向其它企業「挖角」可用poach:

Some merchants hoarded sugar during war.

He became rich by speculating in gold mines.

These two firms are so big and powerful that they monopolize the production and sale of cigarettes in this country.

Microsoft's software products have monopolized the market.

The cost must be carefully reckoned before pricing.

The fear that employees will be poached discourages firms from investing in the young.

4. 「買賣」、「交易」可用名詞transaction,為促進買賣所辦的「展示會」或「展覽」叫exposition:

All the firm's transactions were carefully recorded.

An industrial exposition will be held next month.

5. 英文中,意為「商品」的主要有merchandise和commodity二字。merchandise主要指的是店家、商場所買賣的東西和進出口貨物。commodity的意思則相對鬆散和不特定,除了特別指出口的農、礦產品之外,凡可讓人換取利益(主要為金錢)的東西都可以被稱為commodity。此外,commodity有單、複數,merchandise則是不可數名詞:

Although this is a small store, the merchandise sold is varied and carefully selected.

Shoppers were complaining about poor quality merchandise and high prices.

Japan exported $117 billion in merchandise to US in 1999.

Wine is one of the many commodities that France sells abroad.

The country's most valuable commodities include gold and petroleum.

Commodities are exchanged for money.

The poet wouldn't publish his poetry, for he didn't want his work to be treated as a kind of commodity.

6. 產品「有瑕疵的」叫defective或faulty,「保證」貨品的品質叫warrant:

We have stopped doing business with that factory, for it repeatedly provided us defective/ faulty machinery.

The manufacturer warranted the merchandise to be exactly as described in the catalog.

The grower warrants that these plants (to be) free from disease/ warrants (that) they are free from disease.

7. 「討價還價」叫haggle,價格「高得不合理的」叫exorbitant:

The housewife used to haggle with shopkeepers.

That hotel charges exorbitant prices.

8. 「折扣」可用rebate,「折價券」、「優惠券」叫coupon:

The wholesaler offered a rebate of five percent to those who paid cash.

I have a coupon for 15 dollars off that packet of soap.

By the end of June, customers with five coupons can get a choice half-price steak.

9. 「送貨」可用動詞consign與dispatch或名詞transit:

The goods were consigned to you by railway and should have arrived by now.

We'll consign the goods by express.

The parcel needs to be dispatched with remarkable promptness.

A portion of the commodity was damaged in transit.

His letter must have got lost in transit.

10. 為借錢而「抵押」叫mortgage,「典當」叫pawn,「放高利貸」用名詞usury:

The house was mortgaged to the bank for thirty thousand dollars.

Her husband's failure in business forced her to pawn all her jewels.

The loan shark was found guilty of usury.

11. 「企業家」、「創業者」叫entrepreneur,「大亨」、「工商業鉅子」 叫magnate或tycoon:

Opponents for our present tax program argue that it discourages entrepreneurs from trying new fields of business activity.

The steel magnate decided to devote more time to city politics.

The foundation was instituted by an oil tycoon.

12. 「攤販」叫vender (vendor),「沿街叫賣的小販」叫peddler (pedlar):

The candy vender (vendor) is very popular with the children.

The itinerant peddler (pedlar) was carrying his wares along the street.

13. 政府對企業「紓困」與「補助」分別用bail out和subsidize:

The government can't promise to bail out all the companies.

The small industry will be bailed out by the government's timely loan.

This industry is subsidized by the government.

14. 以明顯低廉的價格把貨物賣到國外-也就是「傾銷」-叫dump:

Japan has been accused of dumping its steel to the United States.

15. 「關稅」叫tariff,尊重市場機制、對經貿不加以干預的「自由競爭政策」叫laissez faire,因政治等理由所採取的「禁運」叫embargo:

There is a very high tariff on cosmetics.

Can laissez faire solve the economic problems of Britain?

The memory of oil embargo laid by the Arabs is still vivid.




construe/ distort/ elaborate/ elucidate/ explicate/ expound/ implausible/ inexplicable/ justifiable/ justify/ misconstrue/ plausible

1. 在較正式的文句中,「解釋」、「說明」可用elucidate、explicate或 expound:

We cannot understand why you did this. Please elucidate the reasons for your action.

He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.

The scholar was quite able to elucidate his theory so that even a schoolboy could understand it.

No one could explicate the mystery.

We would like him to expound his theory.

2. 「詳細解釋」用elaborate,根據個人立場所作的解釋叫construe,「錯解」叫misconstrue,「曲解」叫distort:

Just tell us the details and don't elaborate (on them).

You can construe what he said in a number of different ways.

If I construe your remarks correctly, you disagree with the theory already advanced.

Do not construe my statement to your own advantage.

People's shyness is often misconstrued as rudeness.

Stop distorting what I've said.

He gave a distorted account of what had happened.

The event was distorted by newspaper accounts.

3. 事情等「無法解釋的」叫inexplicable,提出理由對不當行為等做解釋叫justify,假如所提的理由是「說得過去的」則用justifiable:

Human behavior is more often than not inexplicable.

How can you justify your rude behavior?

She thought her absence was justifiable because she was sick.

4. 形容解釋看似合理、其實可能不然用plausible,它的相反詞implausible則是這種不合理的強調,表示解釋毫無說服力:

Your excuse is plausible; I'll think it over.

His explanation sounds plausible, but I'm not sure I believe it.

His implausible explanation was not accepted.




callow/ colt/ crucible/ empirical/ fledgling/ ingenuous/ naivete/ neophyte/ novice/ ordeal/ provincial/ recruit/ sophisticated/ tyro, tiro/ undergo/ veteran/ wizard

1. 「根據經驗(而非理論)的」叫empirical,「漫長且痛苦的經驗」叫ordeal, 「嚴峻的考驗」、「磨練」可用crucible(正式),「經歷(令人不快的事或變化)」叫undergo:

Don't trust the quack doctor who has only an empirical knowledge of medicine.

Every child dreads the ordeal of a visit to the dentist.

The writer regarded these malicious criticisms as an inevitable crucible on his way to real creative excellence.

Our nation has stood the crucible of war.

She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital.

The building must undergo modern changes.

2. 對於某活動或工作「經驗豐富的人」(老手)叫veteran,某方面或領域的「行家」、「高手」、「奇才」、「達人」可用wizard(非正式):

Paul has been a 30-year veteran in public service.

Mr. Hamilton was a political campaign veteran of long standing.

My brother is a computer wizard.

Cindy's father is a wizard at chess.

Some economics wizards are striving to develop a coherent economic policy for the government.

3. 「懂得人情世故的」、「老練的」、「見多識廣的」叫sophisticated,「缺乏見識的」、「視野偏狹的」可用provincial,「涉世未深的」、「單純天真的」可用ingenuous,「涉世未深」、「單純天真」可用naivete:

Harry, a sophisticated person, has seen many people come and go.

His point of view is quite provincial.

These remarks indicate that he is ingenuous and unaware of life's harsher realities.

It's an ingenuous plan that anyone could see through.

I cannot believe that such naivete is unassumed in a person of her age and experience.

4. 「缺乏經驗的」可用callow(文言)或fledgling,「生手」、「新手」可用colt(非正式)、neophyte、novice或tyro (tiro),「新進人員」叫recruit:

Jack was just a callow youth of 17 when he arrived in America.

John may not regret his callow behavior today even though he grows 20 years older.

Nowadays many hospitals are full of fledgling nurses.

While it is necessary to provide these fledgling poets with an opportunity to present their works, it is not essential that we admire everything they write.

The current economic climate is particularly difficult for fledgling businesses.

He is a colt in his field.

This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge experts as well as neophytes.

Novices are liable to make mistakes.

He conducted himself in politics like a novice.

I look forward to seeing this young tyro's next ballet.

As the company expands, it needs quite a few recruits.




amplitude/ augment/ bulge/ colossal/ commodious/ cramped/ dense/ gigantic/ immense/ prodigious/ stupendous

1. 指空間「廣大的」、「寬敞的」用commodious,「廣大」、「寬闊」可用amplitude:

She could put all her clothes in one commodious drawer.

They found their hotel room commodious.

The family bought a commodious apartment last month.

We were surprised at the amplitude of the professor's personal library.

2. 以下5個字除形容空間的廣闊之外,也可描寫數量的龐大或抽象事物的可觀,其中的immense和prodigious通常用在正面的敘述中:colossal、gigantic、stupendous、immense、prodigious:

The colossal building can hold 5000 people at the same time.

The bank offered a colossal rate of interest.

The gigantic skyscraper was built in 1980.

The tourists were impressed by/ at/ with the gigantic statue of Buddha.

The obese man eats gigantic meals.

The international airport is a stupendous sight.

The circus is a stupendous spectacle.

Writing "let we" rather than "let us" is a stupendous mistake for an English major.

The visitors were filled with wonder at the sight of the immense palace.

The student has made an immense improvement in English.

The armistice brought an immense relief to the people.

She marveled at her husband's prodigious appetite.

He never forgets anything; his memory is prodigious.

3. 「擴大」、「增大」、「增值」、「改善」可用augment(正式),因為裝太多等而「脹大」叫bulge:

Elyse augments her vocabulary by memorizing five new words a day.

He augments his wages by working in his free time.

She continued to fill the shopping bag till it bulged.

His pockets were bulging with presents.

The box was so full that the sides bulged.

4. 「空間狹窄的」可用cramped,「濃密的」、「稠密的」、「擁擠的」可用dense:

The family lived in a cramped little apartment.

The secretary is working in a cramped cubbyhole of an office.

The mother failed to find her child in the dense crowd.

A dense mist is harmful for driving.

Either side of the street is planted with dense trees.

Taipei has a very dense population.




archaic/ bilingual/ bombastic/ browse/ buzzword/ collaborate/ connotation/ denotation/ equivocal/ homonym/ hyperbole/ illegible/ indelible/ intelligible/ jargon/ legible/ lexicon/ metaphor/ parlance/ philology/ polyglot/ peruse/ scan/ scrawl/ scribble/ skim/ vernacular/ vigorous

1. 指語言文字「強而有力的」用vigorous,「明白易懂的」用intelligible,「模稜兩可的」用equivocal:

Hemingway's writing is known for its vigorous style.

The politician made a vigorous speech in defense of the government.

He was so excited when he spoke that he was hardly intelligible.

Macbeth was misled by the equivocal statements of the witches.

2. 說話、文章「唱高調的」、「浮誇的」用bombastic,修辭學中的「誇張法」叫hyperbole:

This is a bombastic speech inflated with meaningless high-flown words.

This is an example of hyperbole: "There are a million objections to the project."

3. 「用語」、「說法」、「腔調」叫parlance(正式),特定一群人或某一行業所慣用的、圈外人不易懂的「專業術語」叫jargon(常含貶意),本屬於專業領域、 因媒體廣為使用而普遍的「流行話」叫buzzword。另外,指用語「過時的」、「不再使用的」用archaic:

In both Chinese and Arabian parlance, "no" often means "yes."

In naval parlance, a floor is a "deck."

We simply could not understand the jargon the doctor spoke.

"Globalization" is a new buzzword in economics.

There are many archaic expressions in this long poem.

The scholar prefers using archaic words.

4. 一個字的「表面意義」叫denotation,它的「言外之意」叫connotation, 但denotation明顯少用。此外,像「落湯雞」等這樣的「隱喻」叫metaphor:

The denotation of the word "red" is a blood-like or fire-like color, and "danger" is one of its connotations.

It is not enough to interpret a poem on the basis of the denotation of words.

The bad connotations of the word "skinny" are quite different from the good connotations of the word "slim."

Foreigners frequently are unaware of the connotations of the words they use.

Many of the expressions we use in our daily life are metaphors, such as in the phrase "evening of life."


He speaks several vernaculars.

Having lived in France for a long time Cindy had got used to speaking French, but when she returned home to Spain she soon lapsed into the vernacular.

The vernaculars of most indigenous tribes in the world have never been written down.

6. 「能說兩種語言的」或具有這種能力的人叫bilingual,如果是能說多種語言, 則用polyglot:

The bilingual Chinese interpreted the English scholarly lecture fluently and precisely.

The polyglot populations of Asia and Africa often find it much easier to learn English than the speech of their nearest neighbors.

7. 「語言學」可用philology。但它主要是指對於語言歷史與發展的研究。如果是涵蓋發音、文法、句子結構等全面的語言探討則應該用linguistics:

The professor of philology advocated the use of English as an international language.

8. 「字典」除了用dictionary之外,也可用lexicon。另外,「同音異意字」叫homonym:

No lexicon in the world is complete.

Never confuse such homonyms as "mail" and "male."

9. 「深入閱讀」、「精讀」叫peruse,「瀏覽」可用browse、scan或skim:

The manager perused the important letter.

He spent the whole afternoon browsing among the books in the library.

The little girl browsed through the book looking for beautiful pictures.

Many passengers kept scanning newspapers or magazines while waiting for the train.

If you want to learn how to write, don't skim; read carefully and creatively.

10. 字跡等「可辨識的」叫legible。但其實,它經常與hardly等否定副詞連用,所以到頭來還是等於它的相反詞illegible「不易辨識的」、「難讀的」:

His handwriting is hardly legible/ almost illegible.

11. 「潦草地寫」、「匆匆地寫」可用scrawl或scribble,寫下來的東西「擦拭不掉的」叫indelible:

He scrawled a quick note to her on his way out.

Finding that there were only 10 minutes left for the exam, the student scribbled his composition.

There is much indelible ink on the paper.

This is an indelible pencil.

12. 「合著」、「合寫」叫collaborate:

Two writers collaborated in preparing that textbook.

Wordsworth and Coleridge collaborated on Lyrical Ballads.




adamant/ conservative/ falter/ impervious/ perspective/ stance/ stereotyped/ straddle

1. 思考問題的「角度」或對事情的「看法」、「觀點」等可用perspective。這個 字很常用在片語see/ get/ keep something in perspective中,意思是「恰當估計」、「合理評價」或「正確看待」:

An educated person should be able to see things in perspective.

He tends to address most issues from a Buddhist perspective.

As a result of its historical background and geographical position, South Korea's perspective on Chinese affairs cannot be exactly the same as America's.

Her ideas lend a fresh perspective to same-sex marriage.

2. 如果要強調公開表明的態度,用stance:

Japan will never give up a protectionist stance in its trade policy.

The scholar's stance on the issue of euthanasia is well known.

There have been repeated calls for the president to moderate his stance on immigration.

The leader's aggressive stance seems to have foreclosed any chance of diplomatic compromise.

Insisting on his anti-consumerist stance, Jack never owns a car.

3. 人在態度上「猶豫」、「躊躇」可用falter,「兩面討好」、「騎牆」 叫straddle:

He faltered for a while and was unable to make a decision.

Quite a few senators straddled on the arms control issue.

4. 立場或態度「堅定的」可用adamant(正式)。「保守的」一般用conservative,但這個字的批判意味相對溫和,如果保守到了僵化和有理說不清的程度,用impervious或stereotyped:

I am adamant that they should be punished.

I have a very conservative uncle who still thinks that a woman's place is in the home.

The teacher is very conservative in matters of language.

That's a very conservative hair style, but I think it suits you.

I'm wondering why he should have such a mind impervious to new ideas.

I don't want to communicate with him anymore; he is impervious to reason.

His stereotyped ideas are no longer valued.




desperate/ dispensable/ eligible/ entail/ exigency/ imperative/ prerequisite/ provision/ proviso/ requisite

1. 指在某種特別情況下、為達成某目的或符合某規定「必要的」用requisite,指「理當如此的」、「應該的」用imperative。另外,「理當如此的作法或行為」、「需求」可用名詞imperative,「需要」可用動詞entail:

He possesses the qualities requisite for a leader.

She lacked the requisite abilities for the position.

It is imperative that he (should) follow the rule/ you (should) not be seen here.

It is an imperative that we help defend friendly nations.

As a teacher, I find it an imperative to be strict and tough sometimes.

Writing a history book entails a lot of work.

The project will entail enormous expense and labor upon the city government.

2. 「急需的」、「熱切需要的」可用desperate,「緊急或困難的情況」、「急需」可用exigency:

He was desperate for work to provide food for his children.

After the flood, the government sent food to the people in this exigency.

He was so kind as to promise help in any exigency.

3. 「符合需要的」、「有資格的」可用eligible,「條件」、「條款」可用provision或proviso,「先決條件」叫prerequisite:

Anyone who can speak German is eligible to join our club.

A provision of the lease states that the rent must be paid by the end of a month.

The doctor agreed to go to Africa for one year with the provision that he could take his family with him.

I am ready to accept your proposal with the proviso that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks.

A high-school course is the usual prerequisite to college work.

4. 「不需要的」、「可有可無的」可用dispensable:

Many household gadgets are really dispensable.




affectation/ candid/ crisp/ demure/ fidgety/ hypocrisy/ hypocritical/ mortify/ outspoken/ prim/ prudish/ sanctimonious/ spontaneous/ squeamish/ timidity

1. 「坐立不安的」、「煩躁的」、「緊張的」可用fidgety(非正式):

With the approach of the big exam, Jack is growing more and more fidgety.

The fidgety boy kept swinging his feet.

2. 「使尷尬或難堪」可用mortify,「害羞」、「羞怯」可用timidity:

The mother felt mortified when her child behaved badly at the party.

If you are to succeed as a salesperson, you must first get rid of your timidity.

3. 指女性或小孩「矜持的」可用demure,它有時可能暗示嚴肅正經過了頭。但如果要強調這種貶抑,prim、prudish或squeamish的語氣更強:

When he said "I love you" to her, she gave him a demure smile.

At the dance she did nothing but sip her soda and look demure.

She tried to attract with demure behavior.

She is a prim lady, easily shocked by vulgar language.

Her prudish manner made everybody nervous.

She is too squeamish to see a movie like that.

4. 「虛偽的」可用hypocritical或sanctimonious,「虛偽」叫hypocrisy,「做作」叫affectation:

A hypocritical person may sometimes be more abominable than a gangster.

Don't be fooled by his sanctimonious phrases.

She was irritated to be accused of hypocrisy.

The newly appointed spokesman was unversed in the smoother hypocrisies of diplomacy.

The way society views the whole drug scene is riddled with hypocrisy and double standards.

In this poem the poet satirized the hypocrisy of the 18-century upper class.

The mayor made himself agreeable without any offensive affectation.

She is sincere and quite without affectation.

5. 「坦率的」可用candid或outspoken,「乾脆的」、「爽快的」可用crisp,「自然流露的」、「非事先想好的」叫spontaneous:

Sometimes it may not be a virtue to be wholly candid with a patient.

A candid assessment is sometimes offensive.

The president was terribly angered by the journalist's outspoken comments.

We all like her because she always speaks in a crisp manner.

The crowd greeted the hero with a spontaneous cheer.

Poetry, according to William Wordsworth, is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.




contemptuous/ decry/ depreciate/ despise/ discriminate/ disdain/ disparage/ flout/ overlook/ scornful/ sheer/ snub/ solicitous/ stark/ zero in on

1. 「表示輕視的」、「蔑視的」叫contemptuous,「令人輕視的」可用 scornful:

The ruler cast a contemptuous look at his subordinate.

The draft dodger became a scornful butt of his friends.

2. 動詞「輕視」可用decry、depreciate、despise、disdain、disparage或 flout:

Don't attempt to increase your stature by decrying the efforts of your opponents.

The director depreciated John's acting ability.

He does not admire but despises the luxurious life of the upstart.

Why do you disdain my offer of friendship?

You have made enemies of all whom you disdain.

In spite of your disparaging remarks, I think he sings beautifully.

Don't disparage anyone's contribution; these little gifts add up to large sums.

She flouted all my offers of help and friendship.

You've flouted my orders.

The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed.

3. 「歧視」用discriminate,「冷落」、「怠慢」、「不理睬」可用snub,「忽視」錯誤或罪行用overlook:

The law should not discriminate against the disabled.

Do not snub an old acquaintance like me.

Such a slight fault can be overlooked.

4. 形容某性質或情況「不折不扣的」、「全然的」可用sheer或stark:

Columbus' sheer nerve is admirable.

He won by sheer luck/ determination.

What he said was stark nonsense.

5. 「表示關切的」可用solicitous(正式),「專注於…」可用片語zero in on:

It is natural that parents are solicitous for their children's welfare.

She made a solicitous inquiry after my father's health.

She immediately zeroed in on the weak point in his argument.

The teacher feels that nowadays a good number of college students do not zero in on their studies.




access/ conduit/ duct/ outlet/ tidings/ vehicle/ vent

1. 進入、接近或使用的「方法、管道或權力等」,用access:

Students need easy access to books.

Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.

The only access to the island is by boat.

The main access to the building is the side.

The children's father was refused access to them at any time.

2. 「媒介」、「傳播管道」叫vehicle。舊式用法中,「消息」、「情報」可用tidings:

Language is the vehicle of thought.

Social media have become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas.

Those soldiers were overjoyed when good tidings arrived from the battle front.

3. 感情、情緒、精力、才華等的「發洩管道」可用outlet或vent:

His work provided no outlet for his energies and talents.

Singing was her only form of emotional outlet.

He gave vent to his wrath in a furious tirade.

4. 水管、氣管、電線管、油管等一類的「導管」或「管線」可用conduit或duct:

The conduit/ duct got clogged.




complacent/ disgruntled/ fretful/ grievance/ gripe/ grumble/ insatiable/ querulous/ remonstrate/ repine/ sate/ smug

1. 慾望、胃口等「充份滿足」叫sate:

Its hunger sated, the lion dozed.

2. 慾望、胃口等「不可能滿足的」、「無法滿足的」叫insatiable,褒或貶的情境都適用這個字:

The boy's thirst for knowledge was insatiable.

My sister had an insatiable love for music.

Insatiable greed was the bane of his life.

3. 因不符合期待等而「不滿意的」叫disgruntled。這種不滿有時是正當合理的:

The passengers were disgruntled by the numerous delays.

4. 「自滿的」、「得意的」可用complacent或smug:

However many matches a team win, it should never be allowed to get complacent.

Don't be so complacent now, there's still a long way to your real success.

The student looked on his own performance with a complacent smile.

The politician has been leading a life of smug respectability.

5. 文言敘述中的「抱怨」用repine,口語或俚語中的「抱怨」說gripe:

Though blind and recurrently frustrated, he did not repine.

The students were griping about the cafeteria food.

6. 小聲但氣憤地抱怨-也就是「發牢騷」-叫grumble,「強烈抗議」叫remonstrate:

He has everything he needs; he has nothing to grumble about.

Some workers are grumbling about low wages.

The inhabitants remonstrated about the lack of police protection in this area.

7. 因自覺受到委屈而引發抱怨,可用名詞grievance:

Inequitable taxation was the chief grievance of the laboring class.

She has a very real grievance against the hospital, for the operation ruined her health.

8. 「抱怨的」、「發牢騷的」可用fretful或querulous:

"Why can't I have another cake?" asked the child in a fretful voice.

Why is the baby so fretful?

In this long letter I could find nothing but some repetitive and querulous protests.

His classmates were repelled by his querulous and complaining statements.

Her querulous nature estranged many people.




deliberate/ inadvertent/ malice/ malicious/ premeditated/ random/ spite/ unwitting/ wanton

1. 和中文「故意的」、「有意的」、「蓄意的」、「刻意的」等詞彙一樣,英文的對應說法也幾乎都有負面動機或目的的暗示。其中,語意相對溫和的或許要算deliberate:

In a deliberate attempt to hurt him, she made some rude remarks.

That shooting was not accidental; it's a deliberate attempt to kill him!

2. 假如想強調某行動的惡意動機,malicious則更精準、也更正式,「惡意」則要說malice或spite:

The gentleman became the helpless victim of malicious rumors.

The lady was terribly disturbed by malicious gossip.

He complained that he had been receiving malicious phone calls.

He was charged with malicious wounding.

There certainly wasn't any malice in her comments.

I bear him no malice.

Please don't misunderstand what he said; he bore no spite against you.

3. 指罪行等「事先計畫的」、「預謀的」叫premeditated。另外,形容一種毫無理由的恣意妄為用wanton:

He was accused of premeditated murder.

The assault was premeditated and particularly brutal.

Everyone present was angered by her premeditated rudeness.

The juvenile delinquents were charged with wanton destruction of property.

Jane divorced Tom because of his wanton waste of money.

4. 「無心的」、「不是有意的」用inadvertent或unwitting,「漫無目的的」、「胡亂的」、「隨意的」叫random:

Tom's mistake was inadvertent.

The teacher forgave the student's unwitting rudeness.

The taxi driver became an unwitting accomplice in the bank robbers' getaway.

His random remarks often offend his friends.

He fired a few random shots.

Make a random choice.




abandon/ abdicate/ abjure/derelict/ desert/ desolate/ forgo/ forsake/ persevere/ persist/ relinquish/ renounce/ resolute/ stick to/ tenacious/ unfaltering/ vacillate/ waive/ waver/ yield

1. 指不該放棄而放棄,主要可用abandon。這個意思的abandon可以用desert或forsake替換。desert的語氣比abandon要重些,這點從它一般被中譯成「拋棄」可以看出。forsake除了是abandon比較正式的同義字之外,也可以指對於好習慣或好作法的放棄。另外,abandon也可以指對於危險建築或交通工具的放棄。如果是建築物等「被廢棄不用的」,用形容詞derelict;若是地方等「像被遺棄般的」用形容詞desolate:

•The remiss mother abandoned her young child and remarried soon after his first husband's death.

•Many of his friends deserted him when he was terribly pinched.

•I would never forsake my old and dementia husband.

Don't forsake your regimen of morning stretching exercises.

The captain ordered the crew to abandon the sinking ship.

The derelict ship was a menace to navigation.

The island was desolate.

2. 指公開宣示地放棄理念、政治信仰或要求等,可用abjure,它是個頗正式的用字。有關正式放棄要求(claim)這一項也可以用renounce,它同時也指放棄壞習慣或不好的事情:

A number of Japanese communists abjured their allegiance to the Communist Party and informed on their former comrades.

She renounced her claim to the land.

My father renounced smoking completely.

It is heartily hoped that all countries in the world can renounce the manufacture of nuclear weapons in the future.

He swore to his wife that he would renounce gambling forever.

3. 「放棄王位」,用abdicate;對日常生活中某種樂子或享受的一時放棄,forgo更好:

Emperor Akihito abdicated in April, 2019.

Since Queen Elizabeth II does not want to abdicate (from) the throne, Prince Charles finds it difficult to become the king of UK in the near future.

I was so busy yesterday and had to forgo the pleasure of seeing a movie.

The manager forwent her afternoon tea and hurried to her next meeting.

4. 強調自動地、自願地放棄,用relinquish;但如果是因為多少有些被迫而放棄,用yield:

Despite his parents' opposition, the young man relinquished his well-paid job in the city and went back to his hometown to become a farmer of organic vegetables.

At the age of 50, the steel tycoon relinquished all his wealth with little hesitation and began to immerse himself in the contemplation and practice of Buddhism.

Few leaders willingly relinquish power.

The Republican senator yielded his argument on homosexual marriage under the criticism of public opinion.

Well, I agree to yield this point but insist on others.

5. 指放棄對規則、費用等的堅持或原本享有的特權,用waive:

Teachers should not waive the principle of student attendance unless under some justifiable circumstances.

I am willing to waive my privilege to promote the harmony of the company.

6. 如果要說某人雖沒有放棄立場或原則,但已經「動搖」,可用vacillate或waver。這兩個字後面都可接between,強調猶疑在兩種想法或作法之間難以抉擇:

When asked by the teacher whether he was really sure of the answer, the boy was beginning to vacillate.

She wavered/ vacillated between studying law and becoming a nurse.

The official never wavers in his refusal to take bribes.

7. 指不怕困難或失敗地「堅持」或「堅守」,可用stick to或persevere。 同時,注意persist這個字雖也被中譯成「堅持」,但它有時可能暗示這種堅持是固執己見的:

He stuck to his literary career and finally became the greatest playwright of his age.

The leader exhorted his followers not to vacillate but persevere instead with the struggle for the sovereignty of their country.

If you persist with such a radical opinion (persist in behaving so radically), you will be alienated from most of your friends.

Despite all my attempts to convince her that Henry was not faithful in love, Jane still persisted with her decision to marry him.

8. 形容人「堅決的」,可用resolute或tenacious。另有unfaltering一字, 它是形容不會被動搖的事情或行動等,也可以翻譯成「穩健的」:

The optimist remained resolute in his belief that good would in the end prevail over evil.

She was resolute in her aim at becoming a distinguished diplomat.

He was resolute in the promotion of the enactment of the gun-control law.

Definitely, John will fulfill his dreams because he is tenacious.

Christopher Columbus was a tenacious explorer.

Our soldiers' unfaltering courage enabled us to win the war.

The old couple was revered for their unfaltering love.




cluster/ congregate/ convene/ converge/ disband/ disperse/ disseminate/ horde/ infest/ litter/ muster/ overrun/ permeate/ pervade/ proliferation/ propagate/ sparsely/ stack/ venue

1. 「聚集」、「會合」可用congregate、muster或converge。其中,converge尤其強調交通路線在某處的交會或各路人馬在某一指定地點的會合:

•The crowds congregated in the square in front of the palace when they heard the news of the king's death.

•Go and muster all your friends to embark on the campaign.

•The troops mustered on the hill.

•Railway lines seem to converge when one looks at them from a distance.

•The two armies converged on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war.

•The main streets converge on a central square.

2. 「一大批人群」可用horde,一大批人、委員、代表等的「集會」可用convene ,「集會或比賽之地點」叫venue:

•A horde of children ran over the building.

•Hordes of people rushed to see the parade.

•The council convened at 10 o'clock.

•The venue of the big match is the main campus playground.

3. 「一群」生長在一起的動、植物或很靠近的東西叫cluster,「一堆」疊放在一 起的東西叫stack:

•Stars within the same cluster can be made up of different materials and may have formed at different times.

•There was a cluster of fans around him, asking for autographs.

•Some flowers grow in clusters.

•The stack of wood will last the whole winter.

4. 「解散」叫disband,「分散」、「驅散」叫disperse:

•The club has disbanded.

•The officers disbanded the club.

•The dance group disbanded after a farewell performance.

•After school the children dispersed to their homes.

•The wind dispersed the smoke.

•A prism disperses light.

5. 「擴散」、「散播」可用permeate、pervade、disseminate或propagate。若強調擴散的速度很快、量很大(尤其是不好的事物),可用名詞proliferation:

•A warm friendship permeates the sophomore class.

•As the news of the defeat pervaded their country, the people were disappointed.

•The invention of television helped to disseminate learning.

•The political party started a newspaper to propagate its ideas.

•To prevent nuclear proliferation should be a shared and significant goal of humanity.

6. 「亂丟亂扔」叫litter,指帶來麻煩或傷害的人、事、物的「四處蔓延」可用infest或overrun:

•Keep the city clean; don't litter.

•The lawn uncared for was infested with weeds.

•Mice infested the old house.

•The enemy overran the conquered country.

7. 「零星分佈地」叫sparsely:

•Many areas in the States are still sparsely populated.




doze/ drowse/ drowsy/ hypnotize/ incubus/ insomnia/ mesmerize/ quilt/ siesta/ slumber/ somnambulism/ somnolent/ soporific/ trance

1. 文言的敘述中,通常用slumber表「睡眠」、「安睡」。另外,「打瞌睡」用doze或drowse,「午睡」叫siesta(西班牙文):

•Do something; don't slumber away your time.

•Having watched television, the boy was inclined to doze at his desk.

•Staying up late last night, the boy kept drowsing in class this morning.

•In summer, siesta is indispensable to some people.

2. 「昏昏欲睡的」、「讓人想睡覺的」可用drowsy或somnolent(文言):

•The girl felt quite drowsy after hours of reading.

•It's a drowsy summer afternoon.

•The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all somnolent and indifferent to the speaker.

3. 「失眠」叫insomnia,「催眠」可用hypnotize或mesmerize,「有催眠作用的」叫soporific,「催眠狀態」叫trance:

•Sleeping pills failed to relieve his insomnia.

•The viewers were almost hypnotized by her performance.

•The audience was mesmerized by the actor's performance.

•Taking the soporific drug, the old man slept eight hours continuously.

•This is a poorly written novel, soporific in effect.

•The patient fell into a trance.

4. 「棉被」叫quilt:

•A warm quilt is nice on a winter night.

5. 「惡夢」、「夢魘」可用incubus,「夢遊」叫somnambulism:

•We should throw off the incubus of the past and look ahead, go ahead.

•The coronavirus pandemic is very likely to become many people's incubus years after.

•The incubus of financial worry helped to bring on his nervous breakdown.

•People may do something difficult or terrifying when they are in somnambulism.




abolish/ abrogate/ annul/ nullify/ repeal/ rescind/ revoke

1. 法令、制度等的「撤銷」、「宣告無效」可用abrogate、annul、nullify、repeal、rescind或revoke。其中,abrogate較為正式,rescind是法律用語,revoke則使用最為廣泛。法令之外,個人承諾或決定的撤回也適用:

The judge abrogated the prisoner's right to vote for three years.

The treaty has been abrogated by mutual consent.

Trump has annulled the US-Iran agreement of nuclear armories reached by the Obama administration.

The marriage was annulled last month.

Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled.

Some out-of-date regulations are to be nullified.

As times have changed, some outdated laws are repealed.

Because of public resentment, the king had to rescind his order.

The witness revoked the verbal evidence he had given previously.

2. 如果強調所「廢止」者不只不合時宜,甚至還對公眾有害,用動詞abolish:

There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.




accrue/ boost/ curtail/ dwindle/ enhance/ increment/ pyramid/ quadruple/ soar/ supplementary

1. 在非正式的敘述中,「增加」用boost,這個字同時可做動詞和名詞用。至於正式的敘述,尤其指歷經一段時間地「逐漸增加」,用accrue:

The factory has made plans to boost production by 30% next year.

There's been a tremendous boost in food prices.

John is proud of his vocabulary boost.

The interest on my bank account accrued over the years.

Little benefit will accrue to the city from the new transport system.

2. 價值、力量、吸引力等美好事物的增加,用enhance:

The ribbons and lace will enhance the beauty of your attire.

The moonlight enhanced the beauty of the scene.

A young girl should avoid trying to enhance her looks with heavy makeup.

Our pleasure was enhanced by our hostess's care.

His gracious courtesy enhanced his scholarship.

The estate is enhanced by careful management.

3. 文言的敘述中,「迅速增加」用soar。另外,投資報酬率等的迅速增加用pyramid,「增加4倍」叫quadruple:

Prices soared as a result of energy crisis.

The temperature soared to 39.8C on July 25th.

The young man pyramided his gains by judicious re-investment.

The oil price has quadrupled since the early seventies.

4. 指錢財或價值的增加,也可用名詞increment。另外,「附加的」、「額外的」 可用supplementary:

This job has an annual increment in salary until you reach the maximum of $18,000 a year.

To improve your proficiency in English, you ought to do some supplementary reading.

5. 「縮減」、「減少」可用curtail,「逐漸減少」可用dwindle:

The government hopes to curtail public spending in the next tax year.

During the oil shortage, we had to curtail our use of this vital commodity.

The number of people on the island is dwindling.




bilateral/ covenant/ impasse/ mediate/ moot point/ multilateral/ overtures/ pact/ pending/ stalemate/ standoff/ stipulate/ treaty/ unilateral

1. 指談判「單邊的」用unilateral;「雙邊的」用bilateral;「多邊的」 用multilateral:

The unilateral repudiation of the treaty has never been considered by that country.

The two countries made a bilateral trade agreement.

In an age of globalization, multilateral negotiations are both inevitable and necessary.

2. 談判中「尚未決定的」叫pending;「待解決的問題或爭議點」叫moot point:

The agreement of trade between China and America seems to be pending.

It is a moot point whether the richer country should lower more tariffs.

3. 為談判各方「調停」叫mediate;為達成協議或促進友誼所提出的「建議」叫overtures:

They let the third party mediate their differences.

His overtures for peace were highly acclaimed.

4. 談判中所陷入的「僵局」可用impasse、stalemate或standoff:

If neither side would compromise, there would be an impasse.

The negotiation between the two countries has come to a stalemate.

It's hard to work out the standoff because all countries insisted on their own positions.

5. 談判中所訂的正式與鄭重協議可用covenant、pact和treaty。其中,除了treaty是專指國與國之間的條約之外,其它兩個字也可以指人與人之間的約定。另外,契約等所「載明」的事項叫stipulate:

They drafted a covenant to defend their religion.

Marriage should be a covenant of love and life.

The security pact was made by mutual consent between the two countries.

They made a pact never to tell anyone about the accident.

The warring nations will soon sign a peace treaty.

The contract stipulated for the use of the basement.




beseech/ entreat/ implore/ importune/ intercede/ invoke/ mendicant/ plead/ solicit/ suppliant/ supplicant

1. 「請求」、「懇求」可用implore、plead、entreat(正式)或beseech(正式;文言):

The convict implored the judge for mercy, but it was too late.

The hit-and-run driver cast an imploring look at the police officer.

The young defendant was pleading for mercy.

"Forgive me," she entreated (him).

I entreat your help.

The criminal entreated the judge to show mercy.

He besought a favor of the judge.

The criminal finally besought mercy.

2. 「請求」資訊、金錢或協助等用solicit,向神靈「祝禱祈求」用invoke,為他人「代為求情」叫intercede,「一再要求」可用importune(正式):

To build up a recreation center, the committee solicited contributions all over the district.

It's illegal for public officials to solicit money or gifts in exchange for favors.

May I solicit your advice on a matter of importance?

The sick man invoked God's blessing.

He interceded with the governor for me, and I was saved.

My children importuned me with demands for new toys.

We must importune you to work harder.

3. 「請求者」可用supplicant或suppliant(文言),「乞丐」可用mendicant:

Towards such a great number of supplicants the king was utterly nonchalant.

The room was full of suppliants waiting to see the boss.

From the moment we left the ship, we were surrounded by mendicants and peddlers.




bristle up/ chagrin/ choleric/ churlish/ fume/ glum/ infuriate/ irascible/ ire/ irritable/ morose/ nettle/ peevish/ petulant/ pique/ provoke/ resentment/ rouse/ spleen/ sulky/ sullen/ surly/ tantrum/ touchy/ wrath

1. 英文中有好些字表示「易怒的」或「暴躁的」,例如:irritable、petulant 、irascible、touchy、peevish、choleric、surly和churlish。其中,surly還暗示著粗魯和不友善,常給人一臉凶相的感覺。此外,生氣固然不好,但有些情況和人是可以被諒解的,例如人對於連日壞天氣所顯示的煩躁和小孩、病人等的易怒等。但有些生氣卻很莫名其妙,churlish所暗示的就屬這種,這個字也比較常用在具有文學意味的語句中:

The nasty weather made us all irritable.

The feverish patient was petulant and restless.

His irascible temper frightened his friends.

Even petty things made Peter irascible.

Do not discuss this phase of the problem as she is very touchy about it.

The peevish child makes everyone in the family unhappy.

Gentle and considerate as he was, David might sometimes offend his choleric friend Tom.

Because of his surly temper, many people avoided his company.

Dismayed by his churlish manners at the party, the girls vowed never to invite him again.

2. 「悶悶不樂的」或「生悶氣的」可用sulky、sullen、morose或glum。其中,glum是較不正式的用字:

Being spoiled, the children became sulky when they could not have their own way.

The child stalked out in sullen silence after being reprimanded.

He was shunned because of his morose temper.

When we first meet Hamlet, we find him morose and depressed.

"You look very glum. What's up?" "I've just lost my money."

3. 「激怒」可用provoke、infuriate、rouse或nettle:

The mayor's sarcastic answer provoked an outburst of rage among the city councilmen.

The student's rudeness infuriated his teacher.

Anyone will be roused to anger by his sarcastic remarks.

Don't let him nettle you again with his sarcastic remarks.

The audience nettled the speaker with rude questions.

The poet was nettled by his critics.

4. 在文學的情境中,可用ire和wrath表示名詞「生氣」:

She buried her ire and remained silent.

Ancients believed that gods who were displeased could vent their wrath on humans.

5. 因為感覺受到侮辱等所引起的生氣可用resentment或pique。或許pique更強調自尊心的受傷:

He showed resentment at what he considered an unwarranted insult.

She showed her pique by her refusal to appear with the other contestants at the end of the contest.

6. 表示突然而失控的氣憤,也就是「暴怒」,可用spleen或tantrum。tantrum尤其用來指小孩:

The dog is innocent; don't vent your spleen on it.

The boy learned that he could have almost anything if he went into tantrums.

7. 形容一種由於未能如願或失敗而導致的不悅情緒,也就是「懊惱」,用chagrin:

His refusal to go with us filled us with chagrin.

8. 生氣到「毛髮直豎」,也就是「怒髮衝冠」,用bristle up;氣到(頭上等)「冒煙」,用fume:

His hair bristled up with anger.

She bristled up at the remark.

She was fuming with annoyance because the books had not arrived.

He fumed at the delay.

"Was he angry?" "Yes, he was really fuming."

Why is he always fuming about trifles?




banter/ buffoon/ butt/ deride/ jeer/ mockery/ prank/ ridicule/ sardonic/ scoff (at)/ sneer/ taunt/ travesty

1. 因為覺得愚蠢、沒有價值或出於好玩而「嘲笑」,用deride(正式)、ridicule或taunt:

His colleagues derided his grandiose scheme.

He derided my singing as pathetic.

This building, once derided by critics, is now a major tourist attraction.

Simon felt that he was being ridiculed by his classmates.

Out of fear of being ridiculed, he did not tell anybody he had applied for that job.

They taunted her with her inability to swim.

You should not taunt him with clumsiness.

Some kids in his class liked to taunt him because he was fat and very shy.

2. 比較之下,jeer、scoff (at)和sneer這幾個動詞所暗示的嘲笑更公然,且意味著更強烈的輕蔑態度:

The crowd jeered at the prisoners.

Please stop jeering at the poor boy.

They heard his tale and scoffed at it.

It's too early for you to scoff.

I came to the meeting to scoff, but the speaker persuaded me.

Economic analysts scoff at claims that the problem of unemployment will soon be alleviated.

He sneered haughtily at the beggar.

3. 「成為笑柄的人(或事物)」叫butt,正經嚴肅之事的「負面呈現」叫mockery 或travesty:

Poor Jack was the butt of all their jokes.

The unfair trial was a mockery of justice.

Most gays maintain that the prohibition of same-sex marriage is a travesty of equality and human dignity.

4. 「嘲笑的」、「譏諷的」、「幸災樂禍的」、「預備看好戲的」用sardonic:

The cynic had a sardonic smile that mirrored his fixed expectation of the worst from everyone.

5. 「捉弄」可用名詞prank,「為逗樂所說的話或所開的玩笑」用banter,「小丑」可用buffoon:

The brother was always playing pranks on his little sister.

The two wits exchanged banter to the amusement of the audience.

He acted like a buffoon full of ludicrous tricks.




apathetic/ apathy/ ardent/ avid/ callous/ chauvinist/ fanatic/ fervent/ insouciance/ lukewarm/ meddlesome/ nonchalance/ nonchalant/ officious/ stolid/ tamper with/ tepid/ zeal/ zealot/ zealous/ zest

1. 「熱情的」、「熱衷的」可用ardent、avid、fervent或zealous:

There are many ardent supporters of our idea in this club.

Young as the boy is, he has an ardent longing for knowledge.

The young movie star was avid for fame.

Young people tend to be avid of new experiences.

He had a fervent desire to win.

He is a fervent believer in free speech.

She laughed at his fervent love letters.

The young man was zealous for fame/ in doing his duty/ to succeed.

2. 「熱情」、「熱衷」可用zeal或zest:

It is natural that we feel zeal for the welfare of our people.

The blind student shows great zeal for knowledge.

People who go ahead constructively in life are those who hold on to their work or opportunities with zest.

She entered into the work with (a) zest, which surprised us all.

3. 「喜歡干預他人事務的」、「過度熱心的」叫meddlesome或officious,「干預」可用tamper with:

The young man felt his marriage was suffering because of his meddlesome mother-in-law.

He was regarded as a very officious fool, but he did not know it.

Don't tamper with others' private affairs.

4. 「狂熱份子」(特別是宗教或政治方面)叫fanatic或zealot,「狂熱的愛國主 義者」則說chauvinist:

I ignore screaming fanatics.

A fanatic usually has unreasonable beliefs.

I am a fanatic for healthy food.

It is good to have a few zealots in our group, for their enthusiasm is contagious.

Many people are beginning to worry about the growing number of chauvinists in the United States.

5. 「不熱衷的」、「興趣缺缺的」可用lukewarm或tepid(兩個字的本義是指液體「微溫的」):

The rich man gave only lukewarm support to the cause.

I was very disappointed with his tepid response to my suggestion.

6. 「無情的」、「冷漠的」、「無動於衷的」可用apathetic、callous、nonchalant或stolid,「無動於衷」可用apathy、insouciance或nonchalance:

The king was apathetic toward the suffering of his subjects.

Many people criticized President Ma Ying-Jeou for his being apathetic after the 8/8 Morakot disaster.

One misfortune after another made the initially kind girl become callous to the victims of various disasters and accidents.

Only a callous person like him could see suffering without trying to relieve it.

He reacted to the news in a nonchalant manner.

I am afraid that this imaginative poem will not appeal to such a stolid person.

He was sunk in apathy after his failure.

A man of insouciance will achieve nothing great.

He heard the news of the tragedy with complete nonchalance.




acquisitive/ addict/ avarice/ avaricious/ covetous/ crave/ cupidity/ disillusioned/ fruition/ hanker after/ pine for/ rapacious/ voracious/ vulture/ wistful/ yearning

1. 「貪心的」用avaricious,「貪心」用avarice或cupidity,「貪心的人」可說vulture(本義是「禿鷹」):

Through his avaricious eyes I was aware that he was not satisfied with the salary offered.

His avaricious disposition led him to downfall.

His fortune was accumulated by avarice and miserliness.

The defeated people could not satisfy the cupidity of the conquerors.

He is such a vulture as will sell out his best friend.

2. 「充滿物慾的」叫acquisitive:

He is very acquisitive and has filled his house with things he has bought.

We live in an acquisitive society that views success primarily in terms of material possessions.

3. 形容貪食、貪飲或如飢似渴般地追逐和滿足嗜好等,用voracious;形容以不公平或暴力方式滿足貪慾,用rapacious:

The wolf is a voracious eater.

He has a voracious appetite.

She is a voracious reader of all kinds of love stories.

The rapacious wolf seized the lamb.

The police has arrested a rapacious band of robbers.

The rapacious landlord asked exorbitant rent.

4. 「貪婪的」想要得到屬於別人的財務等叫covetous:

The covetous eye of the avid collector never left the curio.

5. 「沈溺於」用addict:

Nowadays many teenagers have become too addicted to video games.

6. 「熱切期待」、「渴望」可用crave、hanker after(非正式)、pine for或名詞yearning:

The blind student craves (after) admiration.

I'm craving for a cup of tea; I've not had one all day.

He is lonely and hankers after friendship.

Someday you will come to realize that it does not pay off to hanker after fame and wealth with all your might.

The sailor is pining for a holiday to see his friends.

Since the time immemorial, human beings have had infinite yearning to know the truth about themselves and the universe.

7. 形容因希望可能無法實現或追悔過去不復再現的美好時光而「惆悵的」、「傷感的」,用wistful,因醒悟或了解真相而「痛苦失望的」,用disillusioned:

The child stood beside his mother looking with wistful eyes at the cookies still steaming.

I thought about those days in Spain and grew wistful.

She responded to my question with a wistful smile.

As she grew older, Laura became increasingly disillusioned with politics.

The fans were disillusioned by his sloppy acting.

8. 願望、計畫、目標等的「實現」可用fruition:

After much delay, the plan to build a new hospital was brought to fruition by the efforts of the new Minister of Health.

At last their hopes came of fruition, and they were able to stop working and travel round the world.




babble/ blurt out/ cant/ carol/ chant/ garrulous/ glib/ harangue/ impassioned/ loquacious/ monologue/ mumble/ mutter/ prattle/ quip/ rant/ rave/ reticent/ stammer/ stutter/ tirade/ voluble

1. 「愛講話的」、「喋喋不休的」可用garrulous、voluble或loquacious(正式),「不願多談的」、「保持緘默的」叫reticent,「花言巧語的」、「油嘴滑舌的」叫glib:

The boy tried to avoid meeting the garrulous old lady.

Tom's a voluble speaker at meetings; he doesn't give much chance to others to say anything.

The salesman is a voluble speaker, always ready to talk.

I have never seen such a loquacious man as Mr. Brown.

She was reticent about the reasons for the quarrel.

Because the key witness was reticent, the case against the defendant collapsed.

He is a glib speaker; even the most sensible girl may be drawn toward him.

The glib liar distorted the truth effortlessly.

2. 演說「熱情洋溢的」、「慷慨激昂的」可用impassioned:

The regiment commander delivered an impassioned speech to his soldiers.

3. 「如小孩牙牙學語般含糊不清地說話」叫babble,「閒聊」、「瞎扯」可用prattle(非正式):

The children were babbling excitedly among themselves.

He babbled something about his being fired.

The little girl prattled endlessly about her dolls.

The boys were prattling on about their girlfriends.

4. 「虛情假意或言不由衷地說」可用cant,「胡言亂語地大聲叫囂」可用rant或rave,欠考慮「脫口說出」原本不想說或不該說的話用blurt out:

The politician canted democratic reform.

As we heard him rant on the platform, we could not understand his strange popularity with many people.

The radical candidate has raved himself hoarse.

Tom blurted out the news before he considered its effect.

In her anger, she blurted out the whole story.

5. 「喃喃自語」可用mumble或mutter,「口吃」叫stammer或stutter:

Speak out; don't mumble your words.

He muttered a threat.

She is muttering to herself.

The frightened child stammered and fell silent.

Knowing that he had done wrong, the boy stuttered an apology.

6. 「長篇大論的談話」(經常帶著憤怒、指責或控訴的意味)可用harangue或tirade,「妙語」、「俏皮話」叫quip,「自說自話」、「獨白」用monologue:

In his lengthy harangue, the principal berated the offenders.

The audience was bored with the empty harangue.

The councilman lashed out with a vicious tirade of angry protest.

He is unpopular because he is too free with his quips and sarcastic comments.

He had a habit of lecturing his friends in monologue.

The actor gave his views in a dramatic monologue.

7. 「歡唱」可用carol,宗教禮拜時的「唱誦」(例如唱誦佛經)叫chant:

On the branches the birds caroled their songs of joy.

She used to carol in the morning when she was happy.

The pious Buddhist chants his praise of Buddha every day.




animate/ bolster/ catalyst/ evoke/ foment/ foster/ galvanize/ goad/ impetus/ incendiary/ incentive/ incite/ inflammatory/ instigate/ pep up/ premium/ spur/ tickle

1. 「激勵」、「鼓勵」可用animate或pep up(非正式):

His excitement animated us all.

The tax-holiday policy is designed to pep up investments.

2. 強調以某種方式「激發」勇氣或「鼓舞」士氣等用bolster:

He struggled to bolster his courage by constant praying.

She bolstered his hopes with promises.

The children bolstered their morale by singing.

3. 說明由於震驚而「激發」出某種行動,用galvanize:

The fear of losing his life galvanized him into fighting back.

The United States was galvanized into strong military activity by the news of the attack on the Pearl Harbor.

4. 「刺激」或「用以激勵之物」可用catalyst(本義是催化劑)、impetus、incentive或spur,假如是事後的獎勵品則用premium:

His imprisonment by the government served as the catalyst that helped transform social unrest into revolution.

Her speech gave an impetus to my ideas.

The pay raise will serve as a strong impetus for the employees to work harder.

Childcare grants are among a range of incentives geared at encouraging more parents to run for district council seats.

York residents are set to be offered incentives to encourage them to recycle more of their household waste.

His interest gave me an incentive and I worked twice as hard.

He has got no/ little incentive.

Pupils who dislike school must be given an incentive to learn.

Even though knowing that their relationship was worsening, both husband and wife showed little incentive to improve it.

Good news will be a spur to continued effort.

Proper reward serves as a spur for the employees.

The model student won a premium for good conduct.

5. 「喚起」記憶、感情等用evoke:

Her singing evoked admiration from the public.

She evoked memories of childhood when she sang the sweet lullabies.

6. 以下6個字經常指「激起」或「助長」不好的情況:foment、foster、goad 、incite、instigate、tickle。這其中,foment、incite和instigate的語氣尤為強烈,很多時候已達到「煽動」的程度:

This report will surely foment dissension in the club.

Ignorance fosters superstition.

Movies and pictures about recent wars sometimes foster angry memories and feelings of hatred between nations.

Vanity goaded him to steal.

A strong sense of humiliation goaded the clerk to hit his boss.

His words incited the soldiers (to anger).

He incited them to rise up against their officers.

Insults are likely to incite retaliation.

I am afraid that his statement will instigate strong objections.

He instigated discontent among the soldiers.

She instigated the man to disobey orders.

Your unreserved praise will tickle his vanity.

7. 「煽動性的」可用incendiary或inflammatory:

The agitator was arrested for making incendiary speeches.

We don't like the candidate's inflammatory speech.




blatant/ blot/ blunder/ compunction/ contrite/ egregious/ fallacious/ fallacy/ fallible/ heresy/ infallible/ lapse/ peccadillo/ penitence/ penitent/ rectify/ redress/ remorseful/ repentant/ rue/ rueful

1. 「會犯錯的」、「容易犯錯的」用fallible,「不可能犯錯的」叫 infallible:

All human beings are fallible.

Being human, Tom was naturally fallible.

We must remember that none of us is infallible.

2. 錯誤「嚴重的」可用egregious,錯誤「明目張膽的」、「離譜誇張的」用blatant,「邏輯錯誤的」叫fallacious:

You made an egregious mistake when you spoke so rude to the mayor.

He showed blatant disregard for the law by taking my car without permission.

He made a blatant mistake by sending his Chinese friend a clock as a birthday gift.

The senior high-school student made a blatant error by writing "I is very tired" in his English composition.

His reasoning must be fallacious because it leads to a ridiculous conclusion.

3. 品格端正者偶然所犯的錯誤叫blot,愚蠢或根本可以避免的錯誤叫blunder,記錯或一時疏忽、誤判所造成的錯誤叫lapse,無傷大雅的小錯叫peccadillo:

His drunk driving last week was a blot on his otherwise clean driving record.

His involvement in the corruption has become a blot on his character.

The personnel of the company made a blunder in rejecting an applicant with a great creative potential.

To avoid making social blunders, you have to be familiar with norms and mores.

Sometimes, a lapse of the tongue will cause a big blunder.

Your birthday is tomorrow rather than today? It must be a lapse of my memory.

Don't worry; I won't mind such peccadilloes.

4. 「不正確的觀念或信仰」、「謬誤」可用fallacy或heresy:

It's a popular fallacy that blind people concentrate more easily.

The heresy of the flat-earth theory is no longer believed.

5. 「改正」錯誤可用rectify或redress(正式):

Why don't you rectify your errors before it is too late?

I have to rectify the mistakes in my bill.

Our government is trying hard to redress abuses.

6. 犯錯之後感到「懊悔的」、「悔悟的」可用contrite、penitent(正式)、remorseful、repentant或rueful:

Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence.

It was hard to be angry with her when she looked so penitent.

The sinner felt better after he had made a remorseful confession.

The criminal could not help bursting into repentant tears.

The portrait of the man had a rueful expression.

7. 「後悔」、「懊悔」、「悔悟」可用名詞compunction、penitence或動詞rue:

That man didn't have the slightest compunction about telling me a lie.

Have you no compunction when you see the result of your act?

The criminal displayed only slight compunction for his misdeed.

Forgiveness often follows true penitence.

He will rue the day he left home.




alternative/ dilemma/ opt/ predicament/ quandary/ supersede/ supplant

1. 強調在顯然有多個選項或可能性之中「優先選擇」其中之一,用動詞opt。例如,當我們說某人選擇提早退休時,自然同時會想到他一定考慮過繼續留在原職、轉職、兼職或休息一段時間然後繼續工作等選項,只是最後opt提早退休。這個字最常接用介系詞for,也可以接不定詞:

Charles opted for early retirement.

Steve and Mike opted for the Air Force when they left school.

Many students opt for business studies simply because it sounds like a passport to a good job.

Many commuters in Taipei are opting to go to work by MRT.

Most people opt to have the operation.

2. 強調用更好的「取代」或「淘汰」先前的,用動詞supersede或supplant。另外,「替代方案」叫alternative:

This regulation will supersede all previous rules.

The old methods have been superseded.

Machinery has supplanted manual labor in making and doing numerous things.

There was no alternative but to fight to the last.

The alternative to avoid criticism is to do everything as carefully as possible.

3. 「進退兩難的情況」可用dilemma、predicament或quandary:

She was in a dilemma as to whether to marry Charles, who was poor, or Paul, who was ugly.

In his dilemma, he knew no one to whom he could turn for advice.

The young man was in a predicament, trying to decide whether or not to take the job.

When the two companies to which he had applied accepted him, he was in a quandary as to which one he should take.




connoisseur/ conversant/ dilettante/ erudite/ ken/ omniscient/ pedantic/ recondite/ reservoir/ rudimentary

1. 「基礎的」、「入門的」可用rudimentary,「深奧難懂的」可用recondite(正式),「儲存資料或知識的地方」叫reservoir:

I have only the most rudimentary knowledge of chemistry.

The boy has acquired a rudimentary knowledge of grammar.

He read many recondite books in order to obtain the material for his scholarly thesis.

To a good number of literature students, many medieval English classics such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight may have become a recondite subject.

Though just a small volume, this handbook is a reservoir of literary terms.

The mind of the spokesman is a great reservoir of facts and figures.

2. 個人的「知識範圍」或「所學領域」可用ken,「很有學術份量的」、「博學的」叫erudite(正式),「精通的」可用conversant,「萬事通的」、「什麼都懂的」叫omniscient,「死讀書的」、「迂腐的」叫pedantic:

I cannot answer your question since this matter is beyond my ken.

What happens after death is outside/ not within our ken.

He has written many erudite works on the history of the Roman Empire.

His erudite writing was difficult to read because of the many allusions that were unfamiliar to most readers.

I can't claim to be very conversant with any of the sciences because I've never studied them.

Mr. Smith is thoroughly conversant with modern painting.

I don't pretend to be omniscient, but I am positive about this item.

What he says is pedantic and reveals an unfamiliarity with the realities of life.

3. 「鑑賞家」叫connoisseur,「半瓶醋者」叫dilettante:

My aunt is a connoisseur of old furniture.

Mr. Smith is a self-claimed connoisseur of fine wines.

Mr. Morris is so complacent with being merely a dilettante.




advocate/ auspices/ conduce to/ conducive/ instrumental/ mainstay/ patron/ prop/ proponent/ recourse/ urge

1. 正式用法中,「有助於…」可用conduce to或conducive (to)。假如強調某人對於某件事情「有幫助的」,用instrumental (in):

Wealth does not always conduce to happiness.

Plenty of exercise is conducive to good health.

Mr. Heston was instrumental in organizing the club.

I was instrumental in catching the criminal.

2. 做為「支柱」的人或物可用mainstay或prop,人在困境中的「助援」 叫recourse,但這種助援有時雖不能說不好,但恐怕也是一項不得不然的無奈選擇:

After the father's death the son became the mainstay of the family.

The farmer is glad that his son will be the prop of his old age.

The boy's only recourse was to appeal to his mother for help.

The sick man had recourse to drugs to lessen his pain.

3. 「贊助」可用auspices,它經常用在under the auspices of片語中,「贊助者」(個人或團體)可用patron:

This concert has been arranged under the auspices of an affluent businessman.

The trade exhibition was held under the auspices of the city government.

Professor Wang was the most powerful patron of my research project.

4. 「倡導」觀念、計畫等可用advocate或urge,「倡導者」可用proponent:

I do not advocate protracting compulsory education.

The senator urged adoption of the housing bill.

We need more proponents to launch the help-the-poor campaign.




astute/ fatuous/ folly/ imbecile/ judicious/ moron/ perspicacious/ preposterous/ sagacious/ scintillating/ shrewd/ vacuous

1. 「睿智的」、「明智的」、「腦筋清楚的」可用judicious、perspicacious(正式)或sagacious(文言),「才氣橫溢的」、「才思敏捷的」可用 scintillating:

The judicious lovers know that they should not cling to each other at all times.

Judicious parents encourage their children to have independent thinking.

May's perspicacious father married her to an ordinary young man whom he believed would achieve great things in the end.

The old gentleman has long been proved to be sagacious in his judgment.

The scintillating and playful essayist, whom you pictured to yourself as the most genial and entertaining of companions, may turn out to be a shy and untalkable individual.

2. 「精明的」可用astute或shrewd:

An astute investor would not run a risk like that.

His mother is an astute businesswoman.

Her astute handling of the situation avoided a violent conflict.

The captain was a shrewd judge of character.

3. 「愚蠢的」可用fatuous或vacuous(正式),「不合常理的」、「荒謬至極的」可用preposterous,「愚蠢的行為」用folly:

Robert is too intelligent to utter such fatuous remarks.

Please stop making those vacuous remarks.

The excuse he presented was preposterous.

The old man smiled sadly as he remembered the follies of his youth.

Human follies are everywhere to be seen.

4. 「弱智者」叫imbecile,「非常蠢的人」、「笨蛋」可用moron(非正式):

The imbecile born in the rich family is taken good care of.

Some moron broke my favorite cup yesterday.

Stop doing that, you moron!

Mr. Drucker says that the computer is a moron.




adversity/ fortitude/ milieu/ morass/ plight/ rigor/ stranded

1. 個人身處之「社會環境」可用milieu:

The milieu in which a boy grows up will help shape his personality.

2. 「逆境」、「困境」可用adversity、plight或morass:

To be successful, we should learn to remain calm in the face of adversity.

A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.

The children whose father died in an accident were in a sad plight.

The policeman was so kind as to guide her out of her morass of insecurity.

3. 處境的「惡劣艱難」可用rigor,「陷入困境的」、「處境艱難的」可用stranded,在逆境中的「堅忍」叫fortitude:

Many settlers could not stand the rigors of the New England winters.

The runaway was stranded in a strange city without money.

We are the people who can bear any cataclysm with fortitude.




azure/ beige/ crimson/ hue/ livid/ mottled/ somber/ speckled/ variegated/ vermilion

1. 「顏色」除color之外,也可以用hue:

•The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.

•Few things are more beautiful than the hues of the rainbow.

2. 「雜色的」、「有斑點的」、「斑駁的」可用mottled、speckled或 variegated:

•This is a mottled pony.

•The hen laid a speckled egg.

•He will not like this blue necktie as he is addicted to variegated clothing.

3. 「暗色的」叫somber:

•He wore a somber black suit.

4. 「天藍色的」叫azure,「鮮紅色的」叫vermilion,「深紅色的」叫crimson,「米黃色的」叫beige,「暗灰色的」、「鉛灰色的」叫livid:

•Looking at the azure sea, she had an impulse to go for a swim.

•The azure lake is so poetic.

•She liked to be dressed in vermilion.

•She turned/ went crimson with anger/ embarrassment.

•Don't wear that beige jacket; it makes you look a bit older.

•The old man's face was so livid that we were afraid he might have an attack of apoplexy.




administer/ divest of/ entitle/ franchise/ jurisdiction/ prerogative/ preside/ privilege/ relegate/ supremacy/ tenure/ vest with

1. 「絕對的支配權」、「至高無上的權利或位階」叫supremacy:

Britain once enjoyed supremacy on the seas.

In a real democratic country anyone, not even the president, can't always gain supremacy over others.

2. 中文的「特權」,英文有prerogative和privilege。因階級、職位、天性而得者用prerogative,因財富、出身或純粹運氣而得者用privilege。也就是說,享受privilege的人,經常會遭致反感或讓人覺得不以為然。另外,美式英文中,政府或製造商給予個人或團體的「特殊營業權或經銷權」叫franchise:

It's a woman's prerogative to refuse to tell her age.

It is the government's prerogative to coin money.

In modern times there is less privilege and more equal chance in life for everyone.

In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a privilege.

The company was granted a franchise to operate buses on the city streets.

3. 「司法權」、「裁判權」叫jurisdiction:

The court has the jurisdiction over the aliens living in the country.

4. 「授權」可用vest with(正式),「有權…」叫be entitled to:

The U. S. Congress is vested with the power to declare war.

Policemen are entitled to fire under serious threat.

5. 「剝奪權利或官職」叫divest of,「降職」、「降調」叫relegate,「任期」叫tenure:

The deputy was divested of power to take care of the business.

They divested the king of all his power.

If we relegate these experienced people to positions of unimportance because of their religious persuasions, we shall lose the services of valuably trained personnel.

Professor Chang has permanent tenure in his position.

6. 「主持」、「主導」可用administer,若特別指主持會議或審理案件, 用preside:

The professor is administering a three-year research on several Chinese herbs.

The chief justice presides over the supreme court.




apprentice/ audition/ bustling/ colleague/ drudgery/ furlough/ hectic/ janitor/ menial/ niche/ picket/ portfolio/ probation/ sinecure/ undermanned/ usher/ valet/ warden

1. 「既枯燥乏味又辛苦的工作」叫drudgery;形容某種工作不需要特別技術和社會評價不高,用menial,但這是個舊式的用字:

The miner does not regard his life as a life of drudgery.

As a career woman, she hates such menial tasks as washing pots and pans.

2. 「如魚得水的職業」或「得心應手的工作」叫niche;「事少錢多的工作」叫sinecure:

Have you found the right niche for yourself?

Her job is no sinecure; she works long hours and has much responsibility.

3. 「試用期」叫probation;「學徒」叫apprentice。這個字也用作動詞,表「送 …到…做學徒」。另外,「試演」、「試鏡」、「試唱」等用名詞audition:

The young man was admitted to the company on probation.

She works at the hairdresser's as an apprentice.

My grandfather learned shoe-making as an apprentice to a master craftsman.

Mr. Smith apprenticed his son to an engineer.

Her audition went well, and she's fairly hopeful about getting the part.

The dancer's audition was marvelous and will surely be employed by the troupe.

The director is holding auditions tomorrow for the major parts.

4. 和我們在一起工作的「同事」叫colleague:

She is a colleague of mine from the bank.

We were friends and colleagues for more than twenty years.

She discussed the idea with some of her colleagues.

Several of the legislators asked the premier and all his Cabinet colleagues to resign.

5. 指工廠等「人力不足的」,用undermanned:

To raise its production, the undermanned factory is desperate for more experienced workers.

6. 指人「忙來忙去的」、「忙東忙西的」用bustling;指日子或生活「匆忙的」,用hectic:

She is always bustling about the house.

There is always a bustling crowd at the station.

It's a hectic day.

The young man is leading a hectic life.

7. 不要一直忙碌地工作,休個假吧!「假期」,有名詞furlough。它通常是指一段較長的休假時間:

The soldier got a week's furlough.

8. 幾種工作或職業的名稱:

A. 美式英語中,把大樓等建築物的管理員叫janitor,他們可能負責一部份的修繕工作:

The janitor of the dormitory always puts students' comfort and convenience first.

B. 特定人、地或事的監督人員或監護人叫warden:

The warden has all the keys to the rooms.

C. 舉辦活動(例如教堂舉行婚禮)時帶領來賓入座的「帶位人員」叫usher:

The usher showed us to our seats.

D. 專為男主人管理衣著、膳食等的「男僕」叫valet:

The valet was most efficient.

E. 罷工期間,站在職場門口抗議或勸阻同事入場工作的「糾察員」叫picket,它也指這種抗議本身:

The picket said that he would not be threatened by the employer.

The union's picket only lasted twelve hours.

F. 美國政府中的「部長職」叫portfolio:

The secretary of Budget was forced to resign his portfolio.




anodyne/ antidote/ antiseptic/ charlatan/ diagnosis/ dope/ drug/ efficacy/ elixir/ medication/ narcotic/ obstetrician/ overdose/ panacea/ pediatrician/ pharmacist/ prognosis/ quack/ sedative/ specialist/ therapy/ toxic/ vet

1. drug與medication:這兩個字基本上都能和medicine交互使用。但現在drug可能更常用來指海洛因、古柯鹼等一類的毒品;medication則經常用於片語on medication for(服治療…的藥)中。另外,運動員等不得使用的「禁藥」叫dope:

This is a new drug aimed at sufferers from Parkinson's disease.

A lot of young people start taking drugs at school.

She is suspected of being a drug dealer.

Certain medications can cause dizziness.

He is on medication for high blood pressure.

The winner was disqualified because of being proved to take dope.

2. 藥品「有毒的」叫toxic;「解毒劑」叫antidote;「消毒劑」、「殺菌劑」叫antiseptic:

The doctor had to seek an antidote for whatever toxic substance the victim had eaten.

There is no antidote for this toxic drug.

Milk can serve as an antidote for some poisons.

Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.

3. 「止痛藥」叫anodyne。但這個字經常做比喻用,指足以安慰苦悶心靈的事物:

An anodyne can't really cure an illness.

The trip to the countryside was an anodyne of his melancholy.

Time is an anodyne of grief.

4. 「鎮定劑」叫sedative;「麻醉藥」、「催眠藥」叫narcotic。但這個字如果使用複數narcotics,意思則和現在的drug相近,指毒品:

The doctor gave her a sedative to help her sleep.

Opium is a narcotic.

He faces three years in jail for selling narcotics.

5. 「萬靈藥」可用elixir或panacea,但panacea更常做比喻用,意為解決一切難題的良方。另外,正式用法中表示藥物的「功效」用efficacy:

No elixir has so far been discovered to cure the inveterate disease.

Bicycles are not a panacea for the traffic problem.

The philosopher is seeking a panacea to cure our social troubles.

The efficacy of the drug depends on the regularity of the dosage.

6. 「服藥過量」叫overdose;「藥劑師」叫pharmacist:

The well-known movie star died of a drug overdose.

Every time Mary tries to leave Tom, he threatens to take an overdose.

The medicine dispensed by the young pharmacist worked well.

7. 「婦產科醫生」叫obstetrician;「小兒科醫生」叫pediatrician;「獸醫師 」叫vet;「專科醫生」或「主治醫師」叫specialist:

The obstetrician reassured the pregnant woman that she would have a safe childbirth.

The family doctor advised the parents to consult a pediatrician about their child's ailment.

I have to take my dog to see the vet.

Jack's uncle is a heart specialist.

8. 「庸醫」、「蒙古大夫」可用charlatan或quack:

That new doctor was a charlatan; he couldn't tell I had a broken arm.

Do not be misled by the exorbitant claims of this quack.

9. 醫生根據經驗所作的診斷叫prognosis;經由檢驗等正規程序所作的診斷則是diagnosis,兩個字的複數都要把-sis改為-ses。另外,不用藥物和不動手術的治療方式一般用therapy:

If the doctor's prognosis is correct, the patient will be in a coma for at least twenty-four hours.

Diagnosis is one of the most important parts of the doctor's work.

The two doctors made/ gave different diagnoses of my disease.

Marital therapy is designed to bring couples back together.




amnesty/ anarchy/ asylum/ autocratic/ ballot/ coalition/ compatriot/ demagogue/ deport/ despotic/ dissident/ emissary/ envoy/ espionage/ ethnic/ expatriate/ extradite/ hegemony/ ideology/ impeach/ insurgent/ league/ manifesto/ oligarchy/ partisan/ persecute/ petition/ poll/ protocol/ purge/ quell/ rabble/ rapprochement/ referendum/ regal/ regent/ reshuffle/ retinue/ secession/ seditious/ segregation/ serfdom/ severance/ sovereign/ subversive/ suffrage/ totalitarian/ treason/ usurp

1. 指統治者「獨裁的」,用autocratic或despotic;指政府「集權的」, 叫totalitarian。另外,政權由少數人把持的「寡頭政治」稱為oligarchy:

He was feared by the masses as an autocratic ruler.

The people rebelled against the despotic king.

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state.

The feudal oligarchy was supplanted by an autocracy.

2. 「聯合政府」叫coalition;「重新組閣」叫reshuffle;「無政府狀態」 說anarchy:

The three parties formed a coalition to rule the country.

A reshuffle of the Cabinet takes place every six years.

The country was brought to utter anarchy by civil war.

3. 政黨等發表的「宣言」叫manifesto;它的「意識形態」叫ideology;其「盲目而非理性的」支持者說partisan:

This statement may be regarded as the manifesto of the party's policy.

A political party is the convergence of a group of people based on their political ideals and ideologies.

They cherished the ideology based on tolerance.

The audience was very partisan and refused to listen to her speech.

4. 「煽動份子」叫demagogue;「異議人士」叫dissident;「暴民」說rabble。另外,言論等「煽動性的」、「鼓動叛亂的」叫seditious,「具顛覆性的」是subversive。它的動詞是subvert,subversion是它的名詞:

In a political campaign, it is often much easier for a demagogue to get votes than a rational candidate.

Rather than a president of great vision and leadership, the politician turned out to be a mere demagogue.

We need no more demagogues; we already have had too many.

The mob was roused by an unprincipled demagogue.

The government put several dissidents under house arrest recently.

The rabble is often irrational and swayable.

Any sensible voter could see that he was merely a seditious demagogue.

The government dislikes this magazine because it prints subversive ideas.

We must destroy such subversive publications.

5. 「脫離國家的行動」叫secession;「叛國」叫treason;「叛亂的」叫insurgent;將叛亂、暴動等「平定」叫quell:

The secession of the Southern states provided Lincoln with his first major problem after his inauguration.

In time of war, treason is a crime punishable by death.

Their government will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes.

The police used fire hoses and tear gas to quell the rioters.

6. 把異議份子「驅逐」到外國叫expatriate;由於政治或宗教原因而「迫害」某人叫persecute;在政府或政黨中「整肅」異己叫purge。至於對政治犯等的「大赦」或「特赦」則要用名詞amnesty:

He was expatriated for treachery to his country.

Chinese government is continuing to persecute those who advocate democracy and human rights.

Christians were once terribly persecuted.

Stalin purged all the Party dissidents.

It is controversial whether amnesty should be granted to those criminals.

7. 「請願」或「請願書」叫petition;美國國會「彈劾」政府官員叫impeach:

Some citizens signed a petition asking the city government for a new park in their neighborhood.

Some of the Congress Democrats are being impatient to impeach Trump.

They impeached the judge for accepting a bribe.

8. 「外交禮節」叫protocol;國與國之間的「和睦友好關係」叫rapprochement(法文);「斷交」說severance;在它國從事政治、軍事或商業情報的蒐集,也就是「間諜活動」,說espionage:

They must run that state dinner according to protocol if they are to avoid offending any of their guests.

Both sides were eager to establish a rapprochement but did not know how to undertake a program designed to bring about harmony.

This was a violence that led to (a) severance of relations between the two countries.

They were agents engaged in military/ industrial espionage.

9. 許多國家結合在一起所形成的「聯盟」叫league;在許多國家當中位居「領導地位」,也就是「盟主」,叫hegemony:

Leagues are commonly formed for mutual defense.

No other country may be powerful enough to challenge the world hegemony of the United States in the near future.

10. 將不受歡迎的外籍人士等「驅逐出境」叫deport;將涉嫌犯罪潛逃到本國的外國人「引渡」回他們自己國家或相關國家受審叫extradite;為由於政治因素逃離它國者提供(政治)「庇護」叫asylum:

Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.

The refugees were deported back to their country of origin.

The criminal will be extradited to Germany from Japan.

The Korean drug trafficker was caught by the British police and extradited back to Korea.

The dissident tried to find asylum from persecution.

11. 「特使」叫envoy;「密使」叫emissary:

The President received the envoy from Germany.

The emissary failed to complete his mission.

12. 「投票權」可說suffrage;選舉時一張張的實體選票叫ballot。另外,「民意調查」叫poll;「公民投票」說referendum:

Women were granted suffrage long ago.

The ignorant voter spoiled his ballot.

A recent poll found a little more than 30% of the Americans had a grand deal of confidence in Trump.

The government held a referendum on the legalization of homosexual marriage.

The use of nuclear power is not fit to be decided by referendum.

13. 「同胞」叫compatriot;「種族隔離」叫segregation;「種族的」叫ethnic。這個字和racial略有不同,它比較強調特定或單一種族;racial則較強調一個以上種族之間的互動。因為「種族歧視」是一個種族歧視另外一個或多個種族,是不同種族之間的互動關係,所以才會用racial discrimination而不是ethnic discrimination:

Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen are compatriots because they both come from Taiwan.

The compassionate Buddhist master looks upon all people as her compatriots.

The blacks have fought against racial segregation in schools.

Conflicts between the different ethnic groups in the country exploded into civil war.

A question on ethnic origin was included in the census.

14. 「主權獨立的」說sovereign:

Puerto Rico is not a sovereign state.

15. 「如國王般的」叫regal;國王、王后、總統等身邊的「侍從」或「隨員」叫retinue(其後可接單數或複數動詞);「攝政王」叫regent;「篡位」用動詞usurp:

The man in power has a regal manner.

The king's retinue consists of noble lords.

The queen's retinue followed her down the aisle.

The president's retinue all carry guns.

The queen was the regent till her son came of age.

The courtier's attempt to usurp the throne failed.

16. 「奴隸制度」可說serfdom:

Some Eastern European countries have found that serfdom is not a profitable method of production.




abstruse/ arduous/ baffle/ cryptic/ enormity/ facile/ feasible/ hassle/ inscrutable/ intricate/ skein/ strenuous/ toil/ travail/ unfathomable/ viable

1. 「深奧難懂的」可用abstruse或cryptic,若強調「無法深究的」、「不可解的」,用unfathomable:

This is a very abstruse riddle for a child.

We found it difficult to decipher the cryptic message.

The murder case remains an unfathomable mystery.

2. 事情等「極複雜的」可用intricate,指人或其行為「謎樣的」、「不好懂的」,用inscrutable:

Don't make your directions intricate; make them easy to understand.

The Chinese people are sometimes said to be inscrutable.

My girlfriend responded to my proposal with an inscrutable smile.

3. 「費力的」可用arduous或strenuous:

There are few roads to success that are not arduous.

Mining is an arduous job.

After a day's strenuous work, you should take a rest.

4. 生活的「辛勞」、「困苦」,可用toil或travail。另外,在非正式的語境中,人身體或心裡的「掙扎」、「麻煩事」、「挫折」等,可用hassle:

Charles has achieved his comfortable life only after years of hard toil.

The pioneer's life was full of hardship and travail.

It's a real hassle to get this child to eat.

One hassle after another enabled him to know life better.

5. 指困難的「艱巨」、「重大」,用enormity;讓人「受挫」、把人「難倒」, 用baffle:

The enormity of the task confounded him.

He was encumbered with the enormity of feeding a family of 10 members.

The examination question baffled me completely and I couldn't answer it.

The riddle baffled everybody.

She was completely baffled by his strange behavior.

6. 指「一團」糾結在一起的思緒等,用skein:

She wanted to be alone in order to unravel a complicated skein of thought.

7. 「輕易的」叫facile,「可行的」用feasible或viable:

The facile success has made the boy become very arrogant.

It's not feasible to dismiss him.

The project he advanced seemed feasible.

This plan looks all right in principle, but in practice it wouldn't be viable.




blandish/ cajole/ coax/ entice/ exhort/ induce/ lobby/ snare

1. 強調拿出許多正當理由地或費力地勸導,用induce:

•With much effort, the mother induced her son to stop gambling.

•Nobody could induce the old lady to travel by plane.

•He was finally induced to agree with the matter.

•A policeman induced the teenage motorcyclist to obey the traffic regulations.

2. 「嚴肅地呼籲或勸告」某人做某事,用exhort:

•The kind priest exhorted people to give up bad ways.

•The general exhorted his men to fight well.

•The speaker exhorted his listeners to good deeds.

3. 指用耐心影響別人做出正確決定,或以和顏悅色讓別人答應我們的索求,也就是「哄」,可用blandish、cajole和coax。注意不要把coax和hoax(欺騙)混為一談 。另外,勸誘某人做某事說blandish/ cajole/ coax someone into doing something,勸誘某人不要做某事說blandish/ cajole/ coax someone out of doing something,但也有coax someone to do something的用法:

•They blandished the janitor into letting them enter the building.

•Timothy's mother cajoled him out of going to Brazil.

•The mother coaxed the little girl to go to bed.

4. 政治上的遊說,用lobby。這個字可用作動詞和名詞,但它更常指遊說團體:

•The group is lobbying for a reduction in defense spending.

•Pensioners took part in a mass lobby of parliament.

•They are members of the anti-abortion lobby.

5. 強調藉著給予好處或以說理方式誘使他人做出某種行為(經常是不對的行為),用entice。不過,這種誘使有時並非刻意,而被誘使的結果有時也可能是好的。此外,在較為正式的用法中,用以誘使別人的「陷阱」叫snare:

•He enticed her away from her husband.

•People are being enticed away from the profession by higher salaries elsewhere.

•A smell of freshly baked bread in the doorway enticed people to enter the shop.

•Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.

•Advertisements often entice the customer into buying things they don't really want.

•Wealth is a snare in which greedy people are trapped.




adversary/ arena/ eclipse/ emulate/ forestall/ opponent/ overshadow/ peerless/ preemptive/ rival/ scramble/ tournament/ tussle/ vie

1. 「與…競爭」可用rival或vie:

No one could rival him in boxing.

Ships can't rival aircraft for speed.

The two teams are vying for the championship.

The runners are vying for the lead.

2. 若強調懷著效法之心競爭,用emulate。另外,非正式用法中,「與…強力競爭」用tussle:

As long as our political leaders emulate the virtues of the great leaders in history, we shall flourish.

The fishermen had to tussle with the nasty sea.

3. 「使(人或物)黯然失色」、「使相形見絀」用eclipse或overshadow,「先發制人」叫forestall,「先發制人的」叫preemptive:

John is quite eclipsed by his cleverer brother.

Mary has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.

Jack tried to invite Lisa to his birthday party, but Paul forestalled him by asking her to see a movie.

We made several preemptive attacks on the enemy's airforce bases.

4. 為了想得到某物而「爭先恐後」、「你爭我奪」叫scramble,它可做動詞和名詞用:

People were scrambling for shelter in the heavy rain.

The audience is in a scramble for the best seats.

5. 競爭「對手」可用adversary或opponent,「競技場」叫arena:

Tom succeeded in defeating his adversary in a bitter debate.

In the third game, his opponent hurt his arm and had to retire.

The small country became the arena of war between the two big powers.

6. 「沒有競爭對手的」、「無人能出其右的」叫peerless:

His skill in repairing clocks is peerless.

7. 「錦標賽」叫tournament:

An international golf tournament will take place in Tamsui.

Our team was defeated in the second round of the tournament.




audible/ blare/ cacophony/ cadence/ clatter/ discord/ dissonance/ eavesdrop/ grating/ hoarse/ husky/ mellifluous/ muffle/ rattle/ raucous/ resonant/ resonate/ resound/ reverberate/ sonorous/ strident/ tinkle

1. 「偷聽」、「竊聽」可用eavesdrop,「聽得見的」叫audible:

Don't speak so loudly; someone is eavesdropping.

His voice was barely audible above the noise of the machinery.

2. 正式英文中,聲音「圓潤渾厚的」、「悅耳的」用mellifluous:

She loved him partly because of his deep mellifluous voice.

The audience was captivated by the mellifluous sound of the cello.

3. 聲音「洪量的」可用resonant或sonorous:

The announcer's deep resonant voice was particularly pleasing.

The speaker's sonorous voice resounded through the hall.

4. 天生或因病導致聲音「粗啞低沈的」、「有磁性的」用husky,如要形容傷了喉嚨而使聲音變得「嘶啞」(不好聽),用hoarse。另外,(刻意)「粗聲粗氣的」叫raucous:

Her husky voice made her very sexy.

You sound husky--have a cold?

You'll make yourself hoarse if you keep shouting like that.

His raucous laughter irritated everybody.

5. 聲音「刺耳的」可用grating或strident,「刺耳嘈雜的聲音」叫cacophony:

The grating noise of the machine made me hard to concentrate on my study.

She scolded him in a strident voice.

What (a) cacophony!

A cacophony of voices in a dozen languages filled the airport.

6. (喇叭等)「高聲和刺耳地響著」叫blare,「嘎嘎作響」用rattle或clatter ,「發出叮噹聲」可用tinkle:

The radio is blaring: turn it off!

The window rattled in the wind.

The metal dish clattered down the stone stairs.

Wind-bells tinkle in the breeze.

7. 聲音「不和諧」可用dissonance或discord:

Some contemporary musicians deliberately use dissonance to achieve certain effects.

Much to our surprise, the well-known orchestra revealed much discord during yesterday's performance.

8. 聲音的「節奏」或「韻律」叫cadence:

The warriors were highly inspirited by the steady cadence of the drums.

We all enjoyed the melody with beautiful cadence.

9. 聲音「迴盪」、「回響」、「產生共鳴」可用resonate、resound或reverberate:

The boy's voice resonated in the huge empty cave.

The noise of the fire alarm resonated through the building.

The hunting horn resounded through/ throughout the forest.

The classroom resounded with cheers and applause.

The entire valley reverberated with the sound of the church bells.

The thunder reverberated across the valley.

10. 「把聲音蓋住、降低或隔絕等」叫muffle:

He closed the door to muffle the outside noises.

The sound of the bell was muffled by the curtain behind the door.




abate/ aggravate/ allay/ alleviate/ ameliorate/ appease/ assuage/ conciliate/ decline/ degenerate/ deteriorate/ escalate/ exacerbate/ mitigate/ mollify/ perk up/ placate/ propitiate/ relieve/ unmitigated

1. 指原本良好的情況轉壞,也就是「走下坡」,用decline或degenerate。decline通常指抽象的層面,如能力、影響力、名聲、健康、權位等。degenerate也可以指這些,但也可以指具體的事物和道德操守方面的墮落:

•The writer's creativity began to decline since the publication of his third novel.

•The old man declined rapidly and soon died.

•His large company has degenerated into a very small store.

•The scrupulous young man has degenerated under the influence of evil company.

•If China does not take effective measures to improve its environment, the Yellow River may degenerate into a little stream some day.

2. 指原本就不好的情況轉壞,也就是「惡化」,用deteriorate、aggravate或exacerbate。deteriorate指情況變壞的速度較為緩慢,exacerbate是比較正式的用字:

•The weather/ His health is deteriorating.

•His lack of exercise and confidence aggravated his already serious illness.

•That quarrel has further exacerbated the couple's relationship.

3. 戰爭情勢的「升高」,用escalate:

•The spoiled negotiation escalated a skirmish into a big war.

•A little war may threaten to escalate into a huge, terrible one.

4. 描寫情況的「減輕」或「緩和」,可用abate、relieve、allay、assuage、alleviate或mitigate。其中,abate比較常用來指惡劣天候的緩和,relieve是減輕病痛、不快情緒或困難的常用字,緩解不快情緒較正式的用字則是allay和assuage;alleviate和mitigate則較常指緩和人為所造成的不利情況。此外,注意和mitigate相關的形容詞unmitigated,它是指人或情況「糟透的」、「無法改善的」:

•The violent typhoon showed no signs of abating even though it had been raging for three hours.

•This new medicine is hoped to relieve the symptoms of flu.

•The government is trying to allay/ assuage public fears/ concern about the spread of the disease.

•He did not want to do anything to alleviate her anger.

•Many measures have been taken to mitigate corruption in the government.

•He did nothing to mitigate her wrath.

•August is a month of unmitigated hot weather.

•He was an unmitigated criminal.

•She believed that her grief would be unmitigated by the passing of time.

5. 描寫採取具體作為「改善」不公平的情況等,用ameliorate,它是improve較為正式的同義字:

•He resolved to dedicate himself to ameliorating the welfare of the indigenous Taiwanese.

6. 表示情況(如某項活動)變活絡或人的精神變好、變熱絡,可用perk up:

•The dance did not perk up until the winsome girl came.

•Let me perk you up with a joke.

•He cannot perk up in the morning without a cup of coffee.

7. 「安撫」用appease、conciliate、mollify、placate和propitiate。一個人之所以會被appease,有時不一定是他愛找麻煩或搗蛋等,而是由於他值得疼惜與憐愛。另外,如果要指對一大群人安撫,conciliate是最恰當的用字;要指安撫鬼神以求消災解厄,propitiate最精準:

•The father appeased the crying boy by promising that he would take him to the zoo.

•In order to conciliate the protesting crowd, the governor agreed to hold a meeting to discuss their proposal as soon as possible.

•These changes have been made in an attempt to conciliate critics of the plan.

•The indignant customer was mollified when the shopkeeper replaced the flawed sofa with a good one.

•He bought his angry girlfriend a beautiful dress, hoping that she would be placated.

•Most Chinese families will prepare grand meals to propitiate the spirits momentarily released from the underworld every lunar July.

•The ancient Greeks had to offer sacrifices to propitiate the gods.




aghast/ appalling/ astounding/ bully/ consternation/ dire/ dumbfounded, dumbstruck/ duress/ formidable/ ghastly/ grisly/ gruesome/ hideous/ horrendous/ intimidate/ lurid/ macabre/ menacing/ panic/ petrify/ redoubtable/ staggering/ stun/ trepidation

1. 好事情「令人驚訝的」用astounding或staggering。如果是不好的事情,用appalling:

Although small, he showed astounding strength.

She performed an astounding feat of magic.

The material achievements of the United States are staggering.

His appalling insufficiency of technical skill was hardly imaginable.

An expert in one field often shows an appalling ignorance in other fields.

Several appalling grammatical errors were found in his short paragraph.

2. 「可怕的」可用dire、formidable、hideous或horrendous:

People ignored his dire prediction of another approaching economic recession.

In the dark cave, nothing could be seen but a formidable voice was heard.

The proposal met with a formidable opposition.

He suffered a hideous fate when the enemy caught him.

The suspect was reported to have committed a hideous crime.

The man had committed several horrendous crimes before he was arrested.

The earthquake did horrendous damage to the town.

There was a horrendous train accident last week.

It is hoped that similar horrendous tragedies won't happen again.

The cancer patient was in horrendous suffering.

3. 「恐怖的」、「令人毛骨悚然的」可用ghastly、grisly、gruesome、lurid或macabre:

The murdered man was a ghastly sight.

The 9/11 incident was a ghastly disaster that shocked the world.

She shuddered at the grisly sight.

The audience screamed when his gruesome appearance was flashed on the screen.

The lurid story he told shocked his listeners.

The papers gave the lurid details of the murder.

The city morgue is a macabre spot.

4. 在文言或詼諧的敘述中,「令人敬畏的」可用redoubtable:

The soldier cringed before a redoubtable enemy.

I believe Jack is my redoubtable opponent in this election.

5. 「突然受到驚嚇的」叫aghast,「目瞪口呆的」叫dumbfounded (dumbstruck),「使目瞪口呆」叫petrify或stun:

They were aghast at the news that the enemy had occupied some of their major cities.

The old lady became aghast at the thought of another war.

We were all dumbfounded by the clerk's embezzlement.

His sudden and unexpected appearance seemed to petrify her.

They were petrified by the enemy bombardment.

We were stunned by the news that a car accident had cost his life.

6. 對未來可能發生之事所感到的「惶恐」、「憂心」或「戰戰兢兢」叫trepidation,「很大的驚恐」、「驚駭」叫consternation,突然、失控且快速傳播的「恐慌」叫panic:

We must face the enemy without trepidation.

The lightning threw the boy into consternation.

The threat struck deep consternation into John.

When the restaurant caught fire, there was terrible panic.

Before building the hotel, they had taken into account the likelihood of panic if a big earthquake takes place.

7. 「霸凌」叫bully,「脅迫」可用動詞intimidate或名詞duress,「具威脅性的」叫menacing:

The big schoolboy often bullied the smaller boys into giving him some money.

Don't try to bully me into doing anything I don't like to do.

The employee refused to be intimidated by the manager.

A promise made under duress need not be kept.

Your menacing attitude is futile; use reasoning.




brawny/ burly/ chubby/ comely/ corpulent/ countenance/ dwarf/ emaciated/ ethereal/ lanky/ lean/ midget/ obesity/ physiognomy/ plump/ portly/ profile/ pygmy, pigmy/ rotund/ sinewy/ stature/ stout/ sturdy/ torso/ visage/ whiskers

1. 「身高」可用stature(正式),「軀幹」叫torso:

Helen is short in stature.

Helen's short stature may be very much to her disadvantage if she wants to play basketball.

He is a man of middle stature.

The boy has grown above average stature.

Generally, most adolescents will grow to (their) full stature.

The diver under the sea sometimes cannot control his own torso.

2. 「很胖的」可用corpulent,假如要委婉地表示這種意思,用portly或plump。 另外,「胖嘟嘟的」、「微胖的」叫chubby(非正式),「圓胖的」叫rotund(正式),名詞「肥胖」可用obesity(正式):

The corpulent man resolved to reduce.

He became corpulent due to excessive eating.

The wealthy financier was a portly gentleman.

I'm too plump to fit into this dress.

The baby has plump little arms and legs.

Most people have realized that chubby faces don't appeal as much as thin ones.

The chubby baby is the pearl to the family.

The store owner was a rotund little man.

Falstaff could barely walk because of his obesity.

3. 「過於高瘦(以致顯得不好看)的」用lanky,「瘦弱的」叫emaciated或 lean:

That lanky, overgrown boy looked very shy.

The prisoner's long period of starvation left him wan and emaciated.

The lean girl may have something wrong with her health.

4. 「健壯的」、「粗獷的」可用burly、stout或sturdy,形容「肌肉多而有力的」用brawny或sinewy:

Regular exercise helped him become burly.

We need a couple of stout young fellows to move the piano.

He was running on his sturdy legs.

The fisherman has brawny arms.

Look at that football player with sinewy arms.

5. 「侏儒」可用dwarf、midget或pygmy (pigmy)(貶義):

The children were curious about the dwarf.

The kids enjoyed watching the midget perform.

The pygmy in the circus was one of the favorites to the young viewers.

6. 「面貌」可用countenance或visage(文言),如果是指能夠反應個人個性和內心的「面相」則用physiognomy。此外,「側面(像)」叫profile:

He was a man with a kind heart but a fierce countenance.

His countenance expressed his complete disgust.

Nature has given the Indian a hard and stern countenance.

The stern visage of the judge indicated that he had decided to impose a severe penalty.

The fortune-teller prided himself on his ability to analyze a person's character by studying his or her physiognomy.

Kennedy's handsome profile was a favorite to photographers.

7. 外貌「動人的」、「有姿色的」可用comely(文言),如果漂亮到「超凡的」、「有如天仙的」則用ethereal:

He would rather have a comely wife than a rich one.

Visitors were impressed by her ethereal beauty.

8. 「長於兩頰的鬍鬚」叫whiskers:

After a week's growth of whiskers, he looked like a shabby vagabond.




accolade/ adulation/ approbation/ cater to/ commendation/ eulogy/ exalt/ extol/ fawn on/ fulsome/ ingratiate/ laudable/ meritorious/ obsequious/ panegyric/ servile/ subservient/ sycophant/ tribute

1. 「高度讚揚」可用動詞exalt或extol(正式):

•The model student was exalted to the skies.

•He keeps extolling her goodness.

•The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.

•The astronauts were extolled as the pioneers of the space age.

2. 名詞「讚許」可用accolade、approbation、commendation或tribute:

•The country gave a tremendous accolade for a returning hero.

•The martyr's bravery received the president's approbation.

•Parents ought to know how to express their approbation of their children's progress.

•His project met with hearty approbation.

•His heroism has earned my heartfelt commendation.

•The boss paid a high tribute to the newcomer's efficiency.

3. 正式用法中,頌揚人的演說或文字,也就是「讚辭」,可用eulogy或 panegyric:

•The self-effacing nurse felt very uncomfortable with the eulogy to her.

•The national press was flooded with the eulogies on the deceased firefighter's bravery.

•The modest hero blushed as he listened to the panegyric uttered by the speaker about his valorous act.

•John delivered a panegyric at his friend's testimonial dinner.

4. 「值得讚美的」可用laudable或meritorious:

•Unselfishness is laudable, but few people go without selfishness.

•The meritorious service he rendered won him an expensive gift from his employer.

5. 「阿諛」、「奉承」、「諂媚」可用fawn on或ingratiate:

•Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

•The businessman ingratiated himself with her parents by buying them a lot of presents.

6. 指有條件說「不」者卻「迎合」一些可能是不當之願望或所好,用cater to:

•Those newspapers and magazines cater to the lowest and most evil feelings of their readers.

•It is said that our TV programs are designed to cater to low taste.

•Tom's girlfriend caters to his every whim.

•This legislation simply caters to commercialism.

7. 「阿諛之詞」叫adulation:

•The official gave much adulation to his superior with an intention to get a higher position.

8. 「阿諛的」、「讚美過了頭的」叫fulsome,假如奉承到「卑躬屈膝的」程度, 用obsequious、servile或subservient。「卑躬屈膝者」叫sycophant:

•I don't like such fulsome expressions of admiration.

•He was too fulsome in his praise.

•The guest's fulsome praise of the employer annoyed his listeners.

•Nothing is more disgusting than the obsequious demeanor of the people who wait upon their superior.

•An upright judge should not be servile to public opinion.

•The ambitious young man refused to be a subservient minor bureaucrat.

•Look at those sycophants who are slavishly currying favor with the boss.



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