fatigue/ grueling/ indefatigable/ jaded/ lackadaisical/ languid/ lassitude/ lethargy/ listless/ torpid
1. 「無精打采的」、「倦怠的」、「沒精神的」可用lackadaisical、languid、listless或torpid,「無精打采」、「倦怠」可用lassitude或lethargy:
•The teacher said that John was too lackadaisical to be a good student.
•He greeted Charles with a languid wave of his hand.
•He does everything in a languid manner.
•We just don't know why he is listless so often.
•The heat and lack of sleep made everyone torpid.
•The hot, tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude and encouraged drowsiness.
•Disgusted, he sank into a state of lethargy.
2. 形容因經驗等重複過多而「感到厭倦的」可用jaded:
•The pilot has become jaded with flying.
•He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.
3. 「耗費體力的」、「令人疲憊的」可用grueling,「極度疲倦」、「疲乏」可用fatigue,「不疲倦的」可用indefatigable:
•The marathon is a grueling race.
•He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.
•The scrubwoman is always suffering from fatigue.
•Mr. Chang is a teacher who has indefatigable patience with slow learners.
•My father is an indefatigable worker.