attest/ authentic/ axiomatic/ charade/ corporeal/ debunk/ effigy/ factitious/ fictitious/ genuine/ hypothetical/ intangible/ materialize/ mendacious/ nominal/ ostensible/ phantom/ quixotic/ specious/ tangible/ testimony/ validate/ veracity/ verify/ vouch for
1. 在較正式的用法中,「真實的」、「真正的」用genuine,形容藝術作品出自原作者或簽名出自本人,用authentic:
•Dr. Sun had a genuine love for his country and people.
•This is an authentic document of the Middle Ages.
•The museum keeps many authentic paintings of the great master.
•The paper bears an authentic signature.
2. 「不需證明就自然清楚明白的」叫axiomatic,「尚未證實的」、「純屬假設的」叫hypothetical:
•Whatever we learn, it is axiomatic that the oftener we practice, the more skillful we become.
•It is axiomatic that a whole is greater than any of its parts.
•Why do we have to consider hypothetical cases when we have actual case histories that we may examine?
3. 「證明」、「證實」可用attest,其後若加介系詞to是較正式的用法。如果要強調求證的結果正確無誤可用validate、verify或vouch for,這樣的正確無誤叫veracity(正式)。另外,「證據」可用testimony:
•His success attests (to) his ability.
•The child's good health attests (to) his mother's loving care.
•The scientist will not publish his findings until he validates his result.
•Several witnesses verified his alibi.
•I have read this report carefully and can therefore vouch for its correctness.
•We can vouch for John's integrity.
•The veracity of the report is unquestionable.
•His happy expression brought testimony that he had done well in the exam.
•The results are remarkable testimony to the accuracy of his predictions.
4. 「成真」、「成為事實」叫materialize:
•His anxiety materialized that he might develop a certain type of cancer.
•He always wanted a large family, but his hopes never materialized.
5. 「具體明確的」、「看得見摸得著的」、「有形的」可用tangible或corporeal,儘管看不見摸不著卻真實-也就是「無形的」用intangible:
•Those primitives still find tangible expression of divinity in idols.
•The police need tangible proof of his guilt before they can act against him.
•These are tangible gains that can be seen and counted.
•He is interested only in corporeal matters.
•Good will is an intangible asset to a company.
6. 「揭露真相」叫debunk(非正式):
•A lot of people used to believe that, but now it's been quite thoroughly debunked.
•The baker tried to debunk the myth that lower education meant lower achievement.
7. 「名實不符的」、「表面的」用nominal或ostensible:
•Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.
•Having no time for the party is only his ostensible reason; the truer one is that he does not like the host.
8. 「似是而非的」叫specious,「沒說真話的」、「騙人的」叫mendacious。另外,描述一種只是做做樣子的行為或行動用charade:
•Let us not be misled by such specious arguments.
•People soon learned to discount his mendacious stories.
•Everyone knew who was going to get the job from the start--the interviews were just a charade.
9. 「人為的」、「非自然的」叫factitious,「虛構的」、「杜撰的」叫fictitious,「具理想卻不切實際的」叫quixotic:
•Actresses often created factitious tears by using glycerine.
•A factitious demand for sugar was caused by false stories that there would be a lack of it.
•His account of the crime was totally fictitious.
•The escaped prisoner used a fictitious name to avoid being recognized.
•Hamlet was a fictitious character.
•Many of the incidents in the novel are fictitious.
•The young man is constantly presenting these quixotic schemes.
•This is a quixotic project that can never materialize.
10. 「幻影」、「幻象」可用phantom,「模擬人像」或「畫像」叫effigy(正式):
•Phantoms of a dream soon vanish.
•The mob showed its irritation by hanging the judge in effigy.