blatant/ blot/ blunder/ compunction/ contrite/ egregious/ fallacious/ fallacy/ fallible/ heresy/ infallible/ lapse/ peccadillo/ penitence/ penitent/ rectify/ redress/ remorseful/ repentant/ rue/ rueful
1. 「會犯錯的」、「容易犯錯的」用fallible,「不可能犯錯的」叫 infallible:
•All human beings are fallible.
•Being human, Tom was naturally fallible.
•We must remember that none of us is infallible.
2. 錯誤「嚴重的」可用egregious,錯誤「明目張膽的」、「離譜誇張的」用blatant,「邏輯錯誤的」叫fallacious:
•You made an egregious mistake when you spoke so rude to the mayor.
•He showed blatant disregard for the law by taking my car without permission.
•He made a blatant mistake by sending his Chinese friend a clock as a birthday gift.
•The senior high-school student made a blatant error by writing "I is very tired" in his English composition.
•His reasoning must be fallacious because it leads to a ridiculous conclusion.
3. 品格端正者偶然所犯的錯誤叫blot,愚蠢或根本可以避免的錯誤叫blunder,記錯或一時疏忽、誤判所造成的錯誤叫lapse,無傷大雅的小錯叫peccadillo:
•His drunk driving last week was a blot on his otherwise clean driving record.
•His involvement in the corruption has become a blot on his character.
•The personnel of the company made a blunder in rejecting an applicant with a great creative potential.
•To avoid making social blunders, you have to be familiar with norms and mores.
•Sometimes, a lapse of the tongue will cause a big blunder.
•Your birthday is tomorrow rather than today? It must be a lapse of my memory.
•Don't worry; I won't mind such peccadilloes.
4. 「不正確的觀念或信仰」、「謬誤」可用fallacy或heresy:
•It's a popular fallacy that blind people concentrate more easily.
•The heresy of the flat-earth theory is no longer believed.
5. 「改正」錯誤可用rectify或redress(正式):
•Why don't you rectify your errors before it is too late?
•I have to rectify the mistakes in my bill.
•Our government is trying hard to redress abuses.
6. 犯錯之後感到「懊悔的」、「悔悟的」可用contrite、penitent(正式)、remorseful、repentant或rueful:
•Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence.
•It was hard to be angry with her when she looked so penitent.
•The sinner felt better after he had made a remorseful confession.
•The criminal could not help bursting into repentant tears.
•The portrait of the man had a rueful expression.
7. 「後悔」、「懊悔」、「悔悟」可用名詞compunction、penitence或動詞rue:
•That man didn't have the slightest compunction about telling me a lie.
•Have you no compunction when you see the result of your act?
•The criminal displayed only slight compunction for his misdeed.
•Forgiveness often follows true penitence.
•He will rue the day he left home.