

amnesty/ anarchy/ asylum/ autocratic/ ballot/ coalition/ compatriot/ demagogue/ deport/ despotic/ dissident/ emissary/ envoy/ espionage/ ethnic/ expatriate/ extradite/ hegemony/ ideology/ impeach/ insurgent/ league/ manifesto/ oligarchy/ partisan/ persecute/ petition/ poll/ protocol/ purge/ quell/ rabble/ rapprochement/ referendum/ regal/ regent/ reshuffle/ retinue/ secession/ seditious/ segregation/ serfdom/ severance/ sovereign/ subversive/ suffrage/ totalitarian/ treason/ usurp

1. 指統治者「獨裁的」,用autocraticdespotic;指政府「集權的」, 叫totalitarian。另外,政權由少數人把持的「寡頭政治」稱為oligarchy

He was feared by the masses as an autocratic ruler.

The people rebelled against the despotic king.

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state.

The feudal oligarchy was supplanted by an autocracy.

2. 「聯合政府」叫coalition;「重新組閣」叫reshuffle;「無政府狀態」 說anarchy

The three parties formed a coalition to rule the country.

A reshuffle of the Cabinet takes place every six years.

The country was brought to utter anarchy by civil war.

3. 政黨等發表的「宣言」叫manifesto;它的「意識形態」叫ideology;其「盲目而非理性的」支持者說partisan

This statement may be regarded as the manifesto of the party's policy.

A political party is the convergence of a group of people based on their political ideals and ideologies.

They cherished the ideology based on tolerance.

The audience was very partisan and refused to listen to her speech.

4. 「煽動份子」叫demagogue;「異議人士」叫dissident;「暴民」說rabble。另外,言論等「煽動性的」、「鼓動叛亂的」叫seditious,「具顛覆性的」是subversive。它的動詞是subvertsubversion是它的名詞:

In a political campaign, it is often much easier for a demagogue to get votes than a rational candidate.

Rather than a president of great vision and leadership, the politician turned out to be a mere demagogue.

We need no more demagogues; we already have had too many.

The mob was roused by an unprincipled demagogue.

The government put several dissidents under house arrest recently.

The rabble is often irrational and swayable.

Any sensible voter could see that he was merely a seditious demagogue.

The government dislikes this magazine because it prints subversive ideas.

We must destroy such subversive publications.

5. 「脫離國家的行動」叫secession;「叛國」叫treason;「叛亂的」叫insurgent;將叛亂、暴動等「平定」叫quell

The secession of the Southern states provided Lincoln with his first major problem after his inauguration.

In time of war, treason is a crime punishable by death.

Their government will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes.

The police used fire hoses and tear gas to quell the rioters.

6. 把異議份子「驅逐」到外國叫expatriate;由於政治或宗教原因而「迫害」某人叫persecute;在政府或政黨中「整肅」異己叫purge。至於對政治犯等的「大赦」或「特赦」則要用名詞amnesty

He was expatriated for treachery to his country.

Chinese government is continuing to persecute those who advocate democracy and human rights.

Christians were once terribly persecuted.

Stalin purged all the Party dissidents.

It is controversial whether amnesty should be granted to those criminals.

7. 「請願」或「請願書」叫petition;美國國會「彈劾」政府官員叫impeach

Some citizens signed a petition asking the city government for a new park in their neighborhood.

Some of the Congress Democrats are being impatient to impeach Trump.

They impeached the judge for accepting a bribe.

8. 「外交禮節」叫protocol;國與國之間的「和睦友好關係」叫rapprochement(法文);「斷交」說severance;在它國從事政治、軍事或商業情報的蒐集,也就是「間諜活動」,說espionage

They must run that state dinner according to protocol if they are to avoid offending any of their guests.

Both sides were eager to establish a rapprochement but did not know how to undertake a program designed to bring about harmony.

This was a violence that led to (a) severance of relations between the two countries.

They were agents engaged in military/ industrial espionage.

9. 許多國家結合在一起所形成的「聯盟」叫league;在許多國家當中位居「領導地位」,也就是「盟主」,叫hegemony

Leagues are commonly formed for mutual defense.

No other country may be powerful enough to challenge the world hegemony of the United States in the near future.

10. 將不受歡迎的外籍人士等「驅逐出境」叫deport;將涉嫌犯罪潛逃到本國的外國人「引渡」回他們自己國家或相關國家受審叫extradite;為由於政治因素逃離它國者提供(政治)「庇護」叫asylum

Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.

The refugees were deported back to their country of origin.

The criminal will be extradited to Germany from Japan.

The Korean drug trafficker was caught by the British police and extradited back to Korea.

The dissident tried to find asylum from persecution.

11. 「特使」叫envoy;「密使」叫emissary

The President received the envoy from Germany.

The emissary failed to complete his mission.

12. 「投票權」可說suffrage;選舉時一張張的實體選票叫ballot。另外,「民意調查」叫poll;「公民投票」說referendum

Women were granted suffrage long ago.

The ignorant voter spoiled his ballot.

A recent poll found a little more than 30% of the Americans had a grand deal of confidence in Trump.

The government held a referendum on the legalization of homosexual marriage.

The use of nuclear power is not fit to be decided by referendum.

13. 「同胞」叫compatriot;「種族隔離」叫segregation;「種族的」叫ethnic。這個字和racial略有不同,它比較強調特定或單一種族;racial則較強調一個以上種族之間的互動。因為「種族歧視」是一個種族歧視另外一個或多個種族,是不同種族之間的互動關係,所以才會用racial discrimination而不是ethnic discrimination

Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen are compatriots because they both come from Taiwan.

The compassionate Buddhist master looks upon all people as her compatriots.

The blacks have fought against racial segregation in schools.

Conflicts between the different ethnic groups in the country exploded into civil war.

A question on ethnic origin was included in the census.

14. 「主權獨立的」說sovereign

Puerto Rico is not a sovereign state.

15. 「如國王般的」叫regal;國王、王后、總統等身邊的「侍從」或「隨員」叫retinue(其後可接單數或複數動詞);「攝政王」叫regent;「篡位」用動詞usurp

The man in power has a regal manner.

The king's retinue consists of noble lords.

The queen's retinue followed her down the aisle.

The president's retinue all carry guns.

The queen was the regent till her son came of age.

The courtier's attempt to usurp the throne failed.

16. 「奴隸制度」可說serfdom

Some Eastern European countries have found that serfdom is not a profitable method of production.

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