blandish/ cajole/ coax/ entice/ exhort/ induce/ lobby/ snare
1. 強調拿出許多正當理由地或費力地勸導,用induce:
•With much effort, the mother induced her son to stop gambling.
•Nobody could induce the old lady to travel by plane.
•He was finally induced to agree with the matter.
•A policeman induced the teenage motorcyclist to obey the traffic regulations.
2. 「嚴肅地呼籲或勸告」某人做某事,用exhort:
•The kind priest exhorted people to give up bad ways.
•The general exhorted his men to fight well.
•The speaker exhorted his listeners to good deeds.
3. 指用耐心影響別人做出正確決定,或以和顏悅色讓別人答應我們的索求,也就是「哄」,可用blandish、cajole和coax。注意不要把coax和hoax(欺騙)混為一談 。另外,勸誘某人做某事說blandish/ cajole/ coax someone into doing something,勸誘某人不要做某事說blandish/ cajole/ coax someone out of doing something,但也有coax someone to do something的用法:
•They blandished the janitor into letting them enter the building.
•Timothy's mother cajoled him out of going to Brazil.
•The mother coaxed the little girl to go to bed.
4. 政治上的遊說,用lobby。這個字可用作動詞和名詞,但它更常指遊說團體:
•The group is lobbying for a reduction in defense spending.
•Pensioners took part in a mass lobby of parliament.
•They are members of the anti-abortion lobby.
5. 強調藉著給予好處或以說理方式誘使他人做出某種行為(經常是不對的行為),用entice。不過,這種誘使有時並非刻意,而被誘使的結果有時也可能是好的。此外,在較為正式的用法中,用以誘使別人的「陷阱」叫snare:
•He enticed her away from her husband.
•People are being enticed away from the profession by higher salaries elsewhere.
•A smell of freshly baked bread in the doorway enticed people to enter the shop.
•Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.
•Advertisements often entice the customer into buying things they don't really want.
•Wealth is a snare in which greedy people are trapped.