adversity/ fortitude/ milieu/ morass/ plight/ rigor/ stranded
1. 個人身處之「社會環境」可用milieu:
•The milieu in which a boy grows up will help shape his personality.
2. 「逆境」、「困境」可用adversity、plight或morass:
•To be successful, we should learn to remain calm in the face of adversity.
•A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.
•The children whose father died in an accident were in a sad plight.
•The policeman was so kind as to guide her out of her morass of insecurity.
3. 處境的「惡劣艱難」可用rigor,「陷入困境的」、「處境艱難的」可用stranded,在逆境中的「堅忍」叫fortitude:
•Many settlers could not stand the rigors of the New England winters.
•The runaway was stranded in a strange city without money.
•We are the people who can bear any cataclysm with fortitude.