

alternative/ dilemma/ opt/ predicament/ quandary/ supersede/ supplant

1. 強調在顯然有多個選項或可能性之中「優先選擇」其中之一,用動詞opt。例如,當我們說某人選擇提早退休時,自然同時會想到他一定考慮過繼續留在原職、轉職、兼職或休息一段時間然後繼續工作等選項,只是最後opt提早退休。這個字最常接用介系詞for,也可以接不定詞:

Charles opted for early retirement.

Steve and Mike opted for the Air Force when they left school.

Many students opt for business studies simply because it sounds like a passport to a good job.

Many commuters in Taipei are opting to go to work by MRT.

Most people opt to have the operation.

2. 強調用更好的「取代」或「淘汰」先前的,用動詞supersedesupplant。另外,「替代方案」叫alternative

This regulation will supersede all previous rules.

The old methods have been superseded.

Machinery has supplanted manual labor in making and doing numerous things.

There was no alternative but to fight to the last.

The alternative to avoid criticism is to do everything as carefully as possible.

3. 「進退兩難的情況」可用dilemmapredicamentquandary

She was in a dilemma as to whether to marry Charles, who was poor, or Paul, who was ugly.

In his dilemma, he knew no one to whom he could turn for advice.

The young man was in a predicament, trying to decide whether or not to take the job.

When the two companies to which he had applied accepted him, he was in a quandary as to which one he should take.

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