
accolade/ adulation/ approbation/ cater to/ commendation/ eulogy/ exalt/ extol/ fawn on/ fulsome/ ingratiate/ laudable/ meritorious/ obsequious/ panegyric/ servile/ subservient/ sycophant/ tribute

1. 「高度讚揚」可用動詞exaltextol(正式):

•The model student was exalted to the skies.

•He keeps extolling her goodness.

•The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.

•The astronauts were extolled as the pioneers of the space age.

2. 名詞「讚許」可用accoladeapprobationcommendationtribute

•The country gave a tremendous accolade for a returning hero.

•The martyr's bravery received the president's approbation.

•Parents ought to know how to express their approbation of their children's progress.

•His project met with hearty approbation.

•His heroism has earned my heartfelt commendation.

•The boss paid a high tribute to the newcomer's efficiency.

3. 正式用法中,頌揚人的演說或文字,也就是「讚辭」,可用eulogy panegyric

•The self-effacing nurse felt very uncomfortable with the eulogy to her.

•The national press was flooded with the eulogies on the deceased firefighter's bravery.

•The modest hero blushed as he listened to the panegyric uttered by the speaker about his valorous act.

•John delivered a panegyric at his friend's testimonial dinner.

4. 「值得讚美的」可用laudablemeritorious

•Unselfishness is laudable, but few people go without selfishness.

•The meritorious service he rendered won him an expensive gift from his employer.

5. 「阿諛」、「奉承」、「諂媚」可用fawn oningratiate

•Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

•The businessman ingratiated himself with her parents by buying them a lot of presents.

6. 指有條件說「不」者卻「迎合」一些可能是不當之願望或所好,用cater to

•Those newspapers and magazines cater to the lowest and most evil feelings of their readers.

•It is said that our TV programs are designed to cater to low taste.

•Tom's girlfriend caters to his every whim.

•This legislation simply caters to commercialism.

7. 「阿諛之詞」叫adulation

•The official gave much adulation to his superior with an intention to get a higher position.

8. 「阿諛的」、「讚美過了頭的」叫fulsome,假如奉承到「卑躬屈膝的」程度, 用obsequiousservilesubservient。「卑躬屈膝者」叫sycophant

•I don't like such fulsome expressions of admiration.

•He was too fulsome in his praise.

•The guest's fulsome praise of the employer annoyed his listeners.

•Nothing is more disgusting than the obsequious demeanor of the people who wait upon their superior.

•An upright judge should not be servile to public opinion.

•The ambitious young man refused to be a subservient minor bureaucrat.

•Look at those sycophants who are slavishly currying favor with the boss.

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