azure/ beige/ crimson/ hue/ livid/ mottled/ somber/ speckled/ variegated/ vermilion
1. 「顏色」除color之外,也可以用hue:
•The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.
•Few things are more beautiful than the hues of the rainbow.
2. 「雜色的」、「有斑點的」、「斑駁的」可用mottled、speckled或 variegated:
•This is a mottled pony.
•The hen laid a speckled egg.
•He will not like this blue necktie as he is addicted to variegated clothing.
3. 「暗色的」叫somber:
•He wore a somber black suit.
4. 「天藍色的」叫azure,「鮮紅色的」叫vermilion,「深紅色的」叫crimson,「米黃色的」叫beige,「暗灰色的」、「鉛灰色的」叫livid:
•Looking at the azure sea, she had an impulse to go for a swim.
•The azure lake is so poetic.
•She liked to be dressed in vermilion.
•She turned/ went crimson with anger/ embarrassment.
•Don't wear that beige jacket; it makes you look a bit older.
•The old man's face was so livid that we were afraid he might have an attack of apoplexy.