administer/ divest of/ entitle/ franchise/ jurisdiction/ prerogative/ preside/ privilege/ relegate/ supremacy/ tenure/ vest with
1. 「絕對的支配權」、「至高無上的權利或位階」叫supremacy:
•Britain once enjoyed supremacy on the seas.
•In a real democratic country anyone, not even the president, can't always gain supremacy over others.
2. 中文的「特權」,英文有prerogative和privilege。因階級、職位、天性而得者用prerogative,因財富、出身或純粹運氣而得者用privilege。也就是說,享受privilege的人,經常會遭致反感或讓人覺得不以為然。另外,美式英文中,政府或製造商給予個人或團體的「特殊營業權或經銷權」叫franchise:
•It's a woman's prerogative to refuse to tell her age.
•It is the government's prerogative to coin money.
•In modern times there is less privilege and more equal chance in life for everyone.
•In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a privilege.
•The company was granted a franchise to operate buses on the city streets.
3. 「司法權」、「裁判權」叫jurisdiction:
•The court has the jurisdiction over the aliens living in the country.
4. 「授權」可用vest with(正式),「有權…」叫be entitled to:
•The U. S. Congress is vested with the power to declare war.
•Policemen are entitled to fire under serious threat.
5. 「剝奪權利或官職」叫divest of,「降職」、「降調」叫relegate,「任期」叫tenure:
•The deputy was divested of power to take care of the business.
•They divested the king of all his power.
•If we relegate these experienced people to positions of unimportance because of their religious persuasions, we shall lose the services of valuably trained personnel.
•Professor Chang has permanent tenure in his position.
6. 「主持」、「主導」可用administer,若特別指主持會議或審理案件, 用preside:
•The professor is administering a three-year research on several Chinese herbs.
•The chief justice presides over the supreme court.