

apprentice/ audition/ bustling/ colleague/ drudgery/ furlough/ hectic/ janitor/ menial/ niche/ picket/ portfolio/ probation/ sinecure/ undermanned/ usher/ valet/ warden

1. 「既枯燥乏味又辛苦的工作」叫drudgery;形容某種工作不需要特別技術和社會評價不高,用menial,但這是個舊式的用字:

The miner does not regard his life as a life of drudgery.

As a career woman, she hates such menial tasks as washing pots and pans.

2. 「如魚得水的職業」或「得心應手的工作」叫niche;「事少錢多的工作」叫sinecure

Have you found the right niche for yourself?

Her job is no sinecure; she works long hours and has much responsibility.

3. 「試用期」叫probation;「學徒」叫apprentice。這個字也用作動詞,表「送做學徒」。另外,「試演」、「試鏡」、「試唱」等用名詞audition

The young man was admitted to the company on probation.

She works at the hairdresser's as an apprentice.

My grandfather learned shoe-making as an apprentice to a master craftsman.

Mr. Smith apprenticed his son to an engineer.

Her audition went well, and she's fairly hopeful about getting the part.

The dancer's audition was marvelous and will surely be employed by the troupe.

The director is holding auditions tomorrow for the major parts.

4. 和我們在一起工作的「同事」叫colleague

She is a colleague of mine from the bank.

We were friends and colleagues for more than twenty years.

She discussed the idea with some of her colleagues.

Several of the legislators asked the premier and all his Cabinet colleagues to resign.

5. 指工廠等「人力不足的」,用undermanned

To raise its production, the undermanned factory is desperate for more experienced workers.

6. 指人「忙來忙去的」、「忙東忙西的」用bustling;指日子或生活「匆忙的」,用hectic

She is always bustling about the house.

There is always a bustling crowd at the station.

It's a hectic day.

The young man is leading a hectic life.

7. 不要一直忙碌地工作,休個假吧!「假期」,有名詞furlough。它通常是指一段較長的休假時間:

The soldier got a week's furlough.

8. 幾種工作或職業的名稱:

A. 美式英語中,把大樓等建築物的管理員叫janitor,他們可能負責一部份的修繕工作:

The janitor of the dormitory always puts students' comfort and convenience first.

B. 特定人、地或事的監督人員或監護人叫warden

The warden has all the keys to the rooms.

C. 舉辦活動(例如教堂舉行婚禮)時帶領來賓入座的「帶位人員」叫usher

The usher showed us to our seats.

D. 專為男主人管理衣著、膳食等的「男僕」叫valet

The valet was most efficient.

E. 罷工期間,站在職場門口抗議或勸阻同事入場工作的「糾察員」叫picket,它也指這種抗議本身:

The picket said that he would not be threatened by the employer.

The union's picket only lasted twelve hours.

F. 美國政府中的「部長職」叫portfolio

The secretary of Budget was forced to resign his portfolio.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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