

aghast/ appalling/ astounding/ bully/ consternation/ dire/ dumbfounded, dumbstruck/ duress/ formidable/ ghastly/ grisly/ gruesome/ hideous/ horrendous/ intimidate/ lurid/ macabre/ menacing/ panic/ petrify/ redoubtable/ staggering/ stun/ trepidation

1. 好事情「令人驚訝的」用astoundingstaggering。如果是不好的事情,用appalling

Although small, he showed astounding strength.

She performed an astounding feat of magic.

The material achievements of the United States are staggering.

His appalling insufficiency of technical skill was hardly imaginable.

An expert in one field often shows an appalling ignorance in other fields.

Several appalling grammatical errors were found in his short paragraph.

2. 「可怕的」可用direformidablehideoushorrendous

People ignored his dire prediction of another approaching economic recession.

In the dark cave, nothing could be seen but a formidable voice was heard.

The proposal met with a formidable opposition.

He suffered a hideous fate when the enemy caught him.

The suspect was reported to have committed a hideous crime.

The man had committed several horrendous crimes before he was arrested.

The earthquake did horrendous damage to the town.

There was a horrendous train accident last week.

It is hoped that similar horrendous tragedies won't happen again.

The cancer patient was in horrendous suffering.

3. 「恐怖的」、「令人毛骨悚然的」可用ghastlygrislygruesomeluridmacabre

The murdered man was a ghastly sight.

The 9/11 incident was a ghastly disaster that shocked the world.

She shuddered at the grisly sight.

The audience screamed when his gruesome appearance was flashed on the screen.

The lurid story he told shocked his listeners.

The papers gave the lurid details of the murder.

The city morgue is a macabre spot.

4. 在文言或詼諧的敘述中,「令人敬畏的」可用redoubtable

The soldier cringed before a redoubtable enemy.

I believe Jack is my redoubtable opponent in this election.

5. 「突然受到驚嚇的」叫aghast,「目瞪口呆的」叫dumbfounded (dumbstruck),「使目瞪口呆」叫petrifystun

They were aghast at the news that the enemy had occupied some of their major cities.

The old lady became aghast at the thought of another war.

We were all dumbfounded by the clerk's embezzlement.

His sudden and unexpected appearance seemed to petrify her.

They were petrified by the enemy bombardment.

We were stunned by the news that a car accident had cost his life.

6. 對未來可能發生之事所感到的「惶恐」、「憂心」或「戰戰兢兢」叫trepidation,「很大的驚恐」、「驚駭」叫consternation,突然、失控且快速傳播的「恐慌」叫panic

We must face the enemy without trepidation.

The lightning threw the boy into consternation.

The threat struck deep consternation into John.

When the restaurant caught fire, there was terrible panic.

Before building the hotel, they had taken into account the likelihood of panic if a big earthquake takes place.

7. 「霸凌」叫bully,「脅迫」可用動詞intimidate或名詞duress,「具威脅性的」叫menacing

The big schoolboy often bullied the smaller boys into giving him some money.

Don't try to bully me into doing anything I don't like to do.

The employee refused to be intimidated by the manager.

A promise made under duress need not be kept.

Your menacing attitude is futile; use reasoning.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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