apparatus/ blunt/ decrepit/ gadget/ implement/ kit/ paraphernalia/ percolator/ perforate/ shovel/ siren/ trough/ wedge/ xerox
1. 「工具」、「用具」可用implement,「小工具」、「小器械」叫gadget:
•Spades and hoes are a gardener's implements.
•Shopkeepers are not supposed to sell knives and other sharp implements to children.
•This is a neat gadget for sharpening knives.
•Some businessmen declare that the surest way to make money nowadays is to produce gadgets that will relieve women of housework.
2. 個人「完成特定事情或技巧的一套小工具」可用kit或paraphernalia:
•As a do-it-yourself fan, Mr. Robinson bought a carpenter's kit.
•The writer's desk was cluttered with paper, pen, ink, and other paraphernalia of the writing craft.
•I keep all my photographic paraphernalia in that cupboard.
3. 「為某種用途而裝的一組儀器或機器等」叫apparatus:
•This electric heating apparatus is very clean.
•A lot of apparatus was unworkable in our physics laboratory.
4. 東西「老舊的」、「破舊的」可用decrepit:
•The decrepit car blocked traffic on the highway.
5. 在紙張等上面「打洞」叫perforate,「影印」、「複印」可用xerox,把地上的障礙物等「剷除」可用shovel,讓刀劍等「變鈍」用blunt:
•This machine is used to perforate sheets of postage stamps.
•Would you have this page xeroxed?
•Several young people voluntarily shoveled a path through the snow.
•A good sword will not be easily blunted by long and frequent use.
•Time blunts the edge of sorrow.
6. 幾種用具或工具的名稱:
A. 「咖啡壺」叫percolator:
•This percolator was made in Taiwan.
B. 「警報器」可用siren:
•We were watching TV when the siren of the fire engines passed by.
C. 餵養動物的「食槽」或「水槽」叫trough:
•The horse was led to the water trough, but it did not drink.
D. 用以撐開一個空間或剖開某物的三角狀金屬、橡膠或木塊-「楔子」-叫 wedge:
•Put a wedge in the door so that it will stay open.
•Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers.