arbor/ balcony/ column/ cozy/ demolish/ dilapidated/ dismantle/ dome/ edifice/ hovel/ kennels/ locker room/ lounge/ mural/ pillar/ quay/ ramshackle/ renovate/ repository/ rickety/ rostrum/ snug/ tavern/ trestle/ ventilate/ wharf
1. 宮殿、教堂等「宏偉建築」叫edifice,「簡陋骯髒的小屋」、「茅舍」叫hovel:
•The marble edifice is now used as a museum.
•There lived in the hovel a poor but happy old lady.
•The entrepreneur was born in a hovel but died in a mansion.
2. 「牆壁的」叫mural,「柱子」叫pillar或column,「圓屋頂」叫dome,「陽臺 」叫balcony:
•The mural painting is quite gaudy.
•The tall ceiling was supported by stone pillars.
•A column in the mosque was broken in the earthquake.
•The dome of the church can be seen in the distance.
•We had drinks on the hotel balcony.
•In this town hanging laundry over your apartment balcony is banned as "visual pollution."
3. 花園等中的「涼亭」叫arbor,飯店、戲院、俱樂部等公共場所的「休息室」叫lounge,運動場等之「寄物室」、「更衣室」叫locker room,「客棧」叫tavern (舊用法):
•Even in hot summer days the arbor is cool and comfortable.
•When the weather was fine, my grandfather liked to sit and read in the arbor after supper.
•Smoking is permitted only in the lounge.
•Never leave your important belongings in the locker room.
•Taverns of old days have come into vogue.
4. 「倉庫」可用repository,「養狗場」叫kennels:
•This is a huge furniture repository.
•The library is a repository of the world's most precious treasure.
•She bought a pretty puppy from the kennels.
5. 可供演說、頒獎、表演用的「講臺」可用rostrum,用以支撐桌子等平面的成對「支架」叫trestle:
•As the speaker was approaching the rostrum, the audience gave him a big hand.
•The terrain is so rough that the railroad tracks must be propped with trestles.
6. 建築物等「殘破老舊的」可用dilapidated、ramshackle或rickety:
•In the presence of the now dilapidated castle, it's hard to imagine its past pride and glory.
•I'm wondering why you still keep this dilapidated car.
•There were several hippies living in the ramshackle house.
•The rickety building will be torn down.
7. 將建築物「拆除」、「拆毀」可用dismantle或demolish,「整修」、「翻新」叫renovate:
•The dilapidated house needs to be dismantled.
•They're going to demolish that old building and put up a new one.
•We need to rent an apartment for the moment because we are going to renovate our old house this summer.
8. 建築物內「溫暖舒適的」用cozy或snug,「通風」叫ventilate:
•Reading in a cozy room is an incomparable pleasure.
•The puppy found a snug corner behind the stove.
•Will you open the window to ventilate the room?
9. 中文的「碼頭」,英文主要有quay和wharf。兩個字略有不同,quay是船隻靠岸的地方,wharf則範圍較大,且可固定船隻或暫時擺放貨物:
•Because of the captain's carelessness, the ship crashed into the quay.
•The crates were unloaded onto the wharf.