attribute/ extraneous/ extrinsic/ inherent/ innate/ intrinsic/ per se/ underlying
1. 人的「本質」或事物的「屬性」叫attribute:
•Generosity was his outstanding attribute.
•Darkness is an attribute of night.
2. 指人的個性「與生俱來的」或事物的特質「固有的」,用inherent或intrinsic,形容人時還可用innate。另外,「本質上」可用perse:
•The police officer's inherent love of justice compelled him to come to their aid.
•The inherent beauty of the canyon needs to be carefully preserved.
•The intrinsic worth of a person cannot be assessed in terms of money.
•We were highly impressed with Cindy's innate kindness.
•The color of the shell per se does not affect the quality of the egg.
•Detente, per se, will not prevent war.
•The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.
•Money per se is not the main reason that people change careers.
3. 「根本的」、「基本的」可用underlying:
•The underlying principle of our economic planning is to assure an equitable share of economic benefits for everyone.
4. 「非本身具有的」、「附加上去的」可用extrinsic,「不屬於本質的」、「外來的」、「無關的」可用extraneous:
•He is lucky enough to have such extrinsic advantages as wealth and family influence.
•We don't need extraneous interference.
•Let's exclude the material extraneous to the subject.