acumen/ cosmopolitan/ incisive/ intuition/ mentor/ myopia/ obtuse
1. 「直覺」叫intuition,思路敏捷、判斷精準可用acumen(正式),理解、思路 「異常遲鈍的」則是obtuse(正式):
•She claimed to know the truth by intuition.
•His political acumen has made him very successful.
•My father showed exceptional business acumen even when he was quite young.
•I was too obtuse to take the hint of what he had said.
2. 分析問題等「一針見血的」叫incisive,指人「見識廣的」、「沒有狹隘偏見的」、「具有視野的」用cosmopolitan,「缺乏視野」、「沒有見識」則是myopia(正式):
•Shaw was a man well known for his incisive wit.
•A real philosopher usually has a thoroughly cosmopolitan outlook on life.
•Sometimes political myopia will jeopardize world peace and security.
3. 能和人分享經驗和提供建設性建議的「導師」、「良師」叫mentor:
•During this very trying period, he could not have had a better mentor who was sympathetic, understanding, and willing to help.