adolescent/ assimilate/ catharsis/ choke/ dislocate/ dizzy/ entrails/ exhale/ giddy/ inhale/ knuckle/ longevity/ mellow/ narcissism/ numb/ palpitate/ pant/ paralyze/ precocious/ puberty/ retarded/ rupture/ sanity/ senility/ stamina/ stunt/ stupor/ swoon/ throb/ urchin/ vein/ volition/ wean
1. 嬰兒「斷奶」叫wean:
•The mother weaned the baby when she was 20 months old.
2. 「頑童」叫urchin,「青春期的男女」叫adolescent,「春情啟動時」、「情竇初開時」叫puberty:
•Those urchins were caught pilfering apples on their way home.
•Adolescents tend to say and do things different from their parents' expectation.
•The party was full of spotty adolescents.
•Adolescents want to be, and will be, adults.
•Having arrived at puberty, the boy begins to be conscious of how he behaves.
•Perhaps it is different among people as to when puberty begins.
3. 「阻礙」生長發育,可用動詞stunt,「發展遲緩的」叫retarded:
•The poor child was stunted from malnutrition.
•Society should try everything in its power to rehabilitate those retarded children.
4. 「成熟的」可用mellow,「早熟的」叫precocious:
•Her mellow character refrains from rash judgment.
•By his manner of discussing serious topics, the child demonstrated that he was precocious.
•The girl was a precocious genius.
5. 「長壽」叫longevity,「衰老」、「老態」叫senility:
•The country is remarkable for the longevity of its inhabitants.
•Most of the decisions are being made by the junior members of the company because of the senility of the president.
6. 「呼氣」叫exhale,「吸氣」叫inhale,「上氣不接下氣」、「喘氣」叫pant,因異物卡住喉嚨等而「呼吸困難」叫choke:
•Breathe deeply and then exhale slowly.
•He lit his pipe and exhaled clouds of smoke.
•He rushed out of the stuffy room and inhaled deeply.
•The soldier died from inhaling too much gas.
•He was panting after running up the stairs.
•Water went down his throat and he started to choke.
•His death was sudden: he choked on a fish bone.
•The plants were choked by long grass.
7. 腸胃道的「消化吸收」叫assimilate,「內臟」可用entrails:
•Most of the fruit is assimilated most easily when eaten in the morning.
•Food is assimilated and converted into organic tissues through a process known as metabolism.
•Some of the entrails are valued as food.
8. 心跳平穩用動詞throb,心跳快速或不規律用palpitate:
•When she received the report card, her heart throbbed.
•When he was excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.
9. 「耐力」叫stamina,「(自由)意志」叫volition(正式):
•I doubt that he has the stamina to run the full distance of the marathon race.
•He took the risky job out of his own volition.
10. 情緒藉由藝術、藥物、(痛苦)經驗之再現或人際之深度互動而獲得「宣洩」、「淨化」叫catharsis:
•There are many ways to attain catharsis--under the influence of art or by reliving early experiences, for instance.
11. 「脫臼」叫dislocate,「指關節」叫knuckle:
•Tom dislocated his wrist while wrestling with John.
•The teacher gave the naughty boy a rap over the knuckles.
•The worker's fingers were numb with cold.
•The boy's right leg was paralyzed with polio.
13. 身體某部位、器官、薄膜或血管的「爆裂」叫rupture。至於血管除了說成blood vessel之外,一般也常用vein(本義是「靜脈」):
•The patient was told that a blood vessel had ruptured.
•He was so angry that the veins stood out on his forehead.
14. 「頭暈目眩的」、「頭昏眼花的」可用dizzy或giddy:
•The speed with which she dispatched her tasks made the onlookers dizzy.
•The children enjoyed going round and round, but I felt giddy just watching them.
•Quick waltz made her giddy.
15. 「心智健全」、「神智清楚」叫sanity,「神情恍惚」叫stupor,因過度情緒 刺激而「昏過去」,用swoon(文言):
•When people become sentimental or passionate, sanity of judgment may desert them.
•In his stupor, the addict was unaware of the events taking place around him.
•Some women are so delicate that they swoon at the sight of blood.
16. 過度的或病態的「自我崇拜」、「自我陶醉」、「自戀」等叫narcissism:
•That handsome young man is bloated with narcissism.