abound in (with)/ copious/ cram/ dearth/ deficiency/ deficient/ devoid/ fecundity/ fraught/ glut/ inkling/ legion/ meager/ multitude/ myriad/ particle/ paucity/ profuse/ remnant/ replenish/ replete/ rife/ scanty/ superfluous/ surfeit/ teem with/ vestige/ void of
1. 指不可能數或不容易數清楚的東西(如眼淚等)「很多的」或「也許過多的」 ,用copious,如果真的過多且形成累贅或困擾,用superfluous:
•The story made her weep copious tears of sadness.
•She had copious reasons to reject the proposal.
•They drank copious amounts of beer last night.
•She took copious notes during the lecture.
•The reporter omitted all superfluous information.
•People may hardly feel that the money they have is superfluous.
2. 假如「大量的」是指人際互動時的情感表達或某事物不受控制地產生、釋放出或流出(類似copious的用法),用profuse:
•Your profuse apologies were not necessary because you did nothing terribly wrong.
•Please accept my profuse thanks for your timely help.
•She was immediately hospitalized with profuse bleeding.
•Her head was covered with a profuse mass of curls.
3. 「很多(的)」、「形形色色(的)」可用myriad:
•A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind.
•Involved and myriad events have filled our modern history.
•A major subject an astronomist studies is the myriad stars in the heavens.
4. 「多產」、「豐饒」可用fecundity:
•The farmer's unique growing method led to the fecundity of these apple trees.
•The fecundity of his mind is illustrated by the many vivid images in his poems.
5. 指數量很大的人群或事物可用legion或multitude,但用multitude指人時通常說the multitude(人群;群眾):
•The singer has a legion of devoted fans.
•The basketball player has legions of admirers.
•A multitude of thoughts filled her mind.
•He stepped out onto the balcony and addressed the multitude below.
6. 「充滿」可用abound in、abound with或teem with(文言),「飽足的」、「供應完備的」叫replete(正式):
•The park abounds in (with) wild animals.
•The river abounds in (with)/ teem with fish.
•The scholar has a mind replete with learning.
•Eating one more bowl of noodles, Jack was finally replete.
•They have an apartment replete with the most fantastic furniture.
7. 「塞滿」可用cram,「充斥」叫glut,因為充斥而引起厭膩感或反感, 用surfeit:
•She crammed all her clothes into the bag and had to sit on it to close it.
•Stop cramming your mouth with food!
•The shops are glutted with fruit from abroad because nobody will pay the high prices.
•We are surfeited with the sentimentality of the average television serial.
8. 形容事情充滿著可能的壞結局,用fraught;形容不好的事情在某處蔓延或流行,用rife(文言):
•Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, the boss will ask for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks.
•The long journey across the desert was fraught with difficulties.
•The city was rife with disease and violence/ Disease and violence were rife in the city.
•In the face of the many rumors of scandal, which are rife at the moment, it is best to remain silent.
9. 「剩餘物」可用remnant,「遺跡」叫vestige:
•I suggest that you wait until the store places the remnants of these goods on sale.
•Archaeologists have been digging for the vestiges of past civilizations.
•Some upright stones in wild places are the vestiges of ancient religions.
10. 「再裝滿」、「補充」叫replenish:
•The secretary used her bonus to replenish her wardrobe.
•She replenishes the food cupboard once a week.
11. 「極少的量」、「一點點」可用particle,對某件事情、某種情況「略有了解」叫inkling:
•I'm afraid you'll have to do with particles of food for a few days.
•There was no particle of truth in what he said.
•I did not have the slightest inkling of your visit.
•His explanation gave me an inkling of the difficulties.
12. 「不足」、「缺乏」可用deficiency或be void of,較正式的用法則是dearth 或paucity:
•He blamed his failure on the deficiency of a good upbringing.
•Their quarrel was triggered by being void of mutual understanding.
•That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors.
•His paper was rejected because it was void of originality.
•The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.
•The dearth of news was brought about by censorship.
•The poor test papers indicate that the members of this class have a paucity of intelligence.
13. 「不夠的」、「缺乏的」可用deficient、meager或scanty:
•The food is deficient in iron.
•The worker was deficient in skill.
•There has been a deficient supply of water in recent months.
•He supplements his meager income by working on Saturdays.
•Through the solid floor of the abode, the chill of winter seeped in, fettered little by the meager warmth provided by the fire.
•The remains of dinner provided only a meager meal that evening.
•Her scanty clothing did not keep out the cold.
14. 正式用法中,「空空的」、「一無所有的」可說成devoid of:
•This house is totally devoid of furniture.
•He is devoid of human feeling.
•The social worker was devoid of any personal desire for gain.
•This was a speech devoid of even a trace of ill-will.