

bulky/ cumbersome/ dainty/ elegance/ exquisite/ glossy/ gossamer/ harsh/ mammoth/ microcosm/ miniature/ shoddy/ sleazy/ sleekness/ sumptuous/ taper

1. 「大件的」、「大型的」可用bulky。但這個字所描述的是一種相對的情況或感覺,如果事物客觀地說的確巨大,用mammoth

You need to pay more for bulky baggage.

Students living away from home often received bulky parcels their parents sent them.

The mammoth corporations of the twentieth century are a mixed blessing.

After the big earthquake, we found it a mammoth task to clean up the debris of the area.

2. 「笨重的」、「礙手礙腳的」叫cumbersome

You'd better travel light; you will find your luggage very cumbersome.

3. 「豪華的」、「奢華的」可用sumptuous

The host gave a sumptuous banquet to the guest of honor.

4. 「小巧玲瓏的」、「小而美的」、「纖細的」可用dainty

She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was large and had big feet.

We were given tea and some dainty little cakes.

The violet is a dainty spring flower.

5. 指複製品或象徵物「縮小版的」用miniature,「小宇宙」、「小世界」、「縮影」用microcosm,指東西的一端「越變越小」用taper

He has a rich collection of miniature books.

The child was playing on the floor with his miniature farm animals.

This village is a microcosm of the great outside world.

The church spire tapers off to a point.

6. 「粗糙的」、「過度鮮艷的」、「刺眼或刺耳的」用harsh,「粗製濫造的」 叫shoddy,「精緻的」、「近乎完美的」用exquisite,「精緻高雅」可用 elegance

This cloth is harsh to the touch.

She did not buy the dress because its color is a little too harsh.

The harsh sunlight made his eyes very uncomfortable.

Many birds have harsh cries.

You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material.

This is an exquisite white fur coat.

Those orchids are exquisite flowers.

The sumptuous elegance of the furnishings stunned the visitors.

7. 「廉價且質劣的」用sleazy

There is a sleazy hotel in the dirty dark street.

This piece of sleazy cloth can only be used in cheap garments.

8. 「如遊絲般的」、「輕而薄的」可用gossamer

The gossamer wings of a dragonfly break easily.

9. 「光鮮亮麗的」可用glossy,「光鮮亮麗」可用sleekness

Our cat has glossy black fur.

Will you have this photograph printed on glossy paper?

Automobiles can be handsome things, but the sleekness and brightness of cars' exterior makes the people in them look shabby if not downright sordid.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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