boisterous/ clamor/ clamorous/ commotion/ ejaculate/ ferment/ furor/ hubbub/ rowdy/ tumult/ turmoil/ vociferous/ wail/ yelp
1. 「叫嚷」、「喧鬧」可用動詞clamor:
•The baby is clamoring to be fed.
•They were clamoring for war, but it was simply a bluff.
2. 正式用法中,「突然地叫出或說出」叫ejaculate:
•The little boy ejaculated a cry of horror.
•The wounded man ejaculated painfully.
3. 疼痛、激動時「發出短促的尖叫聲」可用yelp,持續而尖銳地「呼叫」可用wail:
•The dog yelped when I stepped on his paw.
•The siren wailed and woke everyone.
•The wind wailed all night.
4. 「喧囂」、「騷動」、「喧嘩」可用commotion、ferment、furor、tumult、turmoil或hubbub:
•"Why is there so much commotion coming from the classroom?" asked the angry teacher.
•The imprisonment of the union leaders caused a commotion right through the country.
•New York City was in a state of ferment during the electric black-out.
•The story of his embezzlement of the funds created a furor on the stock exchange.
•The tumult in the streets awakened us.
•The midnight robbery put our neighborhood in a turmoil.
•The city was in turmoil after the earthquake.
•The market place was a scene of hubbub and excitement.
5. 「嘈雜的」、「喧嘩的」、「鬧哄哄的」可用boisterous、clamorous、rowdy(不正式)或vociferous:
•Look at those boisterous children.
•The fans at the baseball game became particularly boisterous after the home run.
•A clamorous outburst of the crowd outside could be heard.
•The place is too rowdy for you.
•A vociferous group of boys rushed into the room.
•The students made vociferous demands for easier exams.