

arid/ belch/ bog/ cascade/ cataract/ creek/ erode/ erupt/ ford/ glen/ headland/ lagoon/ maelstrom/ maritime/ marsh/ nautical/ prairie/ precipitous/ promontory/ quagmire/ ravine/ recede/ sediment/ shoal/ silt/ slough/ surf/ swamp/ terrain/ terrestrial/ topography/ tract/ vortex

1. 「地形」叫terraintopography,一片「廣闊的土地」叫tract,「地表的」、「陸地的」叫terrestrial

The geologist made an analysis of the terrain via aerial photos.

Before he gave the order to attack, the general demanded a complete study of the topography of the region.

There are tracts of land in Australia.

The tract of land should be put to the best possible use.

Islands and continents make up the terrestrial parts of the earth.

2. 「大草原」可用prairie,「沼澤」、「濕地」可用bogmarshquagmiresloughswamp

The prairie is so immense as if it were boundless.

The land is a bog and is no use for growing crops.

The cart was stuck in the bog.

The villagers endeavored to protect the marsh because it is of great ecological value.

Rain had been falling all day and the ground had become a quagmire.

In the United States, some Indians are still living in primitive huts in the sloughs.

They decided to hunt alligators in the Florida swamps.

3. 「山谷」可用glenravine,「陡峭的」可用precipitous,「小瀑布」叫cascade,「大瀑布」叫cataract

The shepherd's pipe was heard from glen to glen.

The explorers followed the ravine high up into the hills.

This is a precipitous cliff.

We could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we were forced to make detours around each of them.

The visitors were marveled at the grandeur of the cataract.

4. 「小溪」、「小河」可用creek,河中可涉水或駕車通過的「淺灘」叫ford,如果是在水面以下、對行船造成危險者則稱為shoal

The boys went wading in the creek.

The horses were driven across the ford.

The sailors were advised not to go near the dangerous shoal in uncharted waters.

5. 「潟湖」叫lagoon,「海角」、「岬」叫headlandpromontory,「臨海的」叫maritime,「航海的」叫nautical

They enjoyed their swim in the calm lagoon.

A lighthouse was erected on the headland/ promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore.

Canada's maritime provinces depend on the sea for their wealth.

The sailor used all sorts of nautical terms in his talk.

My father began his nautical career at the age of 24.

6. 火山「噴發」或「爆發」可用eruptbelch

Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years.

The volcano erupted gouts of lava.

The volcano belched smoke and ashes.

7. 「海浪」可用surf,「漩渦」可用vortexmaelstrom(文言):

The surf was so high after the storm that fishermen were forced to stay home for another day.

The swimmer was caught in the vortex and perished.

The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom.

8. 化學藥劑、水、風等的「侵蝕」叫erode,水的「消退」叫recede,水退後留下的沉積物叫sediment,若特別指港口或河道的「淤泥」或「淤沙」則用silt

The sea erodes the rocks.

The limestone was eroded by the dripping water.

They will return after the flood waters recede.

Rocks hidden by sediment spoiled the bay for diving.

The harbor channel is choked up with silt.

9. 形容某地區「氣候乾燥的」用arid

Inner Mongolia is the arid region of China.

It is hard to grow crops in the arid desert land.

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