

celebrated/ celebrity/ eminent/ galaxy/ ignominious/ illustrious/ infamous/ infamy/ luminary/ noted/ notoriety/ notorious/ obscure/ prestige/ prestigious/ prominence/ renowned

1. 「有名的」、「著名的」可用celebratednotedrenowned,若強調人在科學或藝術領域方面有名用eminent,形容其成就輝煌或名聲顯赫則用illustrious。另外,「有名」可用prominence。但它通常用於come into prominencebring something into prominence等片語中:

Venice is celebrated for its beautiful buildings.

She is a noted performer.

This town is noted for its cheeses.

She is renowned for her piano performance/ renowned as a pianist.

He is a renowned architect throughout the world.

The most eminent doctors treated the queen in her illness.

The scientist's illustrious accomplishment will live in the memory of humanity.

As a lover of literature, you should know the illustrious name of William Butler Yeats.

This young artist is coming into prominence.

Red wine has brought this remote village into prominence.

2. 「名人」叫celebrity,若強調確有真功夫的名人則用luminary。另外,「一大群」名人聚在一起(也就是「冠蓋雲集」)叫galaxy

Quite a few celebrities showed up at her music show.

The feast was graced by a number of luminaries.

The king was followed by a galaxy of brave knights and fair ladies.

3. 指機構等「有名望的」、「名聲響噹噹的」叫prestigious,這種名望叫prestige

Taiwan University is one of the most prestigious universities of Taiwan.

She has a very prestigious address; she lives in the best part of Taipei City.

As Senator he enjoyed great prestige.

4. 「不名譽的」可用ignominious,「惡名昭彰的」叫notoriousinfamous,「惡名昭彰」叫notorietyinfamy。因此,要注意infamous並不是指「不有名的」。「不有名的」、「沒沒無聞的」、「名不見經傳的」應說obscurenot famous。同時,也得注意infamous的念法:

The corruption scandal caused the mayor to suffer an ignominious descent from political power.

It was an ignominious defeat to the team that had several excellent players.

Their country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious.

He was a notorious gambler.

The infamous murderer has killed four people in a month.

Newspapers often bring notoriety to those involved in crime or scandal.

The President described the attack as a day that will live in infamy.

The surprisingly successful movie was actually starred by an obscure actor.

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