

board/ domicile/ dwell/ evict/ habitable/ inhabit/ inhabitable/ lease/ lodge/ nomadic/ sojourn/ tenant/ uninhabitable/ vagabond/ vagrancy/ vagrant/ waif

1. 中文「居住」,英文除live之外另有dwellinhabit。它們都頗正式,且inhabit有別於livedwellreside等字,是及物動詞,現在主要以被動式呈現,居住地是句子的主詞。另外,「適合居住的」用habitableinhabitable,「不適合居住的」叫uninhabitable,「住家」可用domicile(正式):

It's reported that the island is inhabited by some cannibals.

She dwelled/ dwelt among the mountains when she was a child.

The house was so overrun with rats as to be no longer habitable.

Robinson Crusoe was relieved to find that the island was inhabitable.

Typhoon damage has made the house uninhabitable.

Deserts and jungles are uninhabitable.

Although his legal domicile was in New York city, his work kept him from his residence for many years.

2. 「暫住」、「旅居」、「寄居」、「逗留」用sojourn(文言),它是名詞和動詞;「提供住宿」可用lodge,假如供住又供吃,用board

After his sojourn in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of his native New England.

She will sojourn with her grandmother in Taipei this summer.

The people whose houses had been damaged by typhoon were lodged in the school.

I'm boarding with a friend/ at a friend's house.

She arranged to board some students from the university.

3. 「房客」叫tenant,「租約」叫lease,依法把某人「逐出居住地」用evict

The landlord liked the young tenant who always paid his rent on time.

The lease runs out/ expires in two years' time.

We signed a 3-year lease when we moved into the house.

He has the house on a long lease.

The tenant was evicted by the landlord for not paying the rent.

4. 「四處漂泊者」、「流浪者」可用vagabondvagrant(法律或正式用語),「無依無靠或無家可歸的孩子」叫waif(文言),「漂泊」、「流浪」可用vagrancy,「遊牧的」、「逐水草而居的」叫nomadic

Sometimes the park is full of vagabonds sleeping on the benches.

The town has shelters and food handouts for vagrants.

The child became a waif after the divorce of his parents.

The malcontent dropped out of society and lived a life of vagrancy.

Several nomadic tribes of Indians would hunt in that area.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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