

apparel/ attire/ crease/ crumple/ disheveled/ garb/ livery/ rag/ rumple/ sartorial/ slovenly/ spruce/ unkempt/ well-groomed

1. 「衣服」、「服裝」可用apparel(文言或舊式用法)或attire(正式)。另外 ,僕人或某些官員所穿的「制服」可用livery,「破爛的衣服」叫rag(通常用複數),「穿」則可用garb:

•When spring comes, colorful apparels are everywhere.

•Everyone was in formal attire in the ceremony.

•The queen wore rich attire.

•The chauffeurs of that company go in livery.

•Beggars in rags can be seen everywhere in some poor countries.

•We garbed ourselves in black.

•The clown was garbed in motley.

2. 把衣服等「弄皺」可用crease、crumple或rumple:

•Don't sit for too long, or you'll crease your new dress.

•The bachelor is always wearing a badly creased suit.

•Take care not to crumple your dress by packing it carelessly.

•Don't rumple your best dress.

3. 「與穿著有關的」、「縫製的」叫sartorial(文言):

•She is a lady of sartorial elegance.

4. 「穿戴整齊的」、「衣冠楚楚的」叫spruce或well-groomed;「服裝不整的」、「不修邊幅的」、「邋遢的」可用disheveled、slovenly或unkempt:

•Dick looked spruce in his new suit.

•The banker was in his spruce coat and hat.

•A well-groomed person is not necessarily good and kind.

•His disheveled appearance will hurt his chance in the interview.

•The philosophy professor is always in slovenly attire.

•The teacher severely criticized the student's slovenly appearance.

•The child always has dirty nails and unkempt hair.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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