

articulate/ barrage/ compact/ concise/ contend/ convey/ diffusion/ discourse/ discursive/ eloquent/ enumerate/ enunciate/ expatiate/ import/ inarticulate/ laconic/ lucid/ narrate/ paradox/ paraphrase/ perspicuous/ pithy/ proclaim/ promulgate/ rambling/ recapitulate/ recount/ redundant/ reiterate/ relate/ succinct/ terse/ verbiage/ verbose/ volley/ wordy

1. 「表達」、「傳達」可用convey,「敘述」、「講述」可用narrate(正式)、recountrelate

Words often fail to convey our feelings.

The story was narrated vividly.

The suspect was ordered by the police to recount all the happenings of the day.

He related (to us) his escape from the enemy.

2. 「清楚表達」可用enunciate,「清楚表達的」、「容易了解的」可用lucid perspicuous

The scientist enunciated a new principle.

He enunciated his views on the subject of crime.

His explanation was lucid and to the point.

Hemingway's style is quite perspicuous.

3. 「強烈主張」叫contend,「公開宣布」叫proclaim(正式)或promulgate(正式):

The lawyer contended that the jury's decision was unfair.

President Ma Ying-Jeou proclaimed to some offspring of 2/28 victims that the only way to appease the victims' spirit was to uncover more truths about the incident.

The names of the new cabinet members were promulgated.

The president promulgated a decree.

4. 「能清楚表達的」可用articulate(以文字)或eloquent(用口語),「拙於表達的」叫inarticulate

Jane is the most articulate of the sisters.

They gave the eloquent orator a warm reception.

The father was completely inarticulate when it came to expressing affection.

5. 「漫談式的」、「漫無章法的」叫discursiverambling

The listeners were annoyed and bored by his discursive remarks.

This rambling letter covered many topics.

6. 「長篇大論地敘述」可用expatiate,「冗贅的」可用redundantverbose wordy,「冗贅」叫diffusionverbiage

He expatiated on the subject for two hours.

She kept expatiating on her son's cleverness.

Your composition is redundant; you can easily reduce its length.

The teacher was so verbose that it took him an hour to tell a simple joke.

The boy gave a wordy explanation to the teacher for his being late.

Your composition suffers from a diffusion of ideas; try to be more compact.

After we had waded through all the verbiage, we discovered that the writer had said very little.

7. 「言簡意賅的」、「簡明扼要的」可用compactconciselaconicpithysuccinctterse

His book was written in a compact style.

The students enjoyed his compact speech.

He is a concise speaker.

This is a concise book on the history of Muslim.

Will Roger's laconic comments on the news made him famous.

This was a laconic reply that spoke volumes.

I enjoy Mr. Walker's essays because they are always compact and pithy.

His remarks are always succinct and pointed.

The writer is admired for his terse style of writing.

8. 「重述」可用reiterate,如果是「重述重點」則用recapitulate。另外,「列舉」叫enumerate

The commander reiterated his order until all his soldiers remembered it without fail.

"Go away! Go away!" he reiterated.

His story was so exciting that it could not bore the audience even if reiterated once more.

Let us recapitulate what has been said thus far before going ahead.

He recapitulated the main arguments for joining the navy.

He enumerated all his reasons.

The expert enumerated the advantages of his new project.

9. 以較淺顯易懂的文字對較難字句「再解釋」叫paraphrase

The students were told to paraphrase the poem.

10. 「像連珠炮似的一連串表達」(通常是負面內容,例如攻擊、抗議等)可用barragevolley

The announcement was met with a barrage of protests.

The audience responded to his talk with a barrage of questions.

A volley of criticism greeted the mayor's proposal.

11. 「鄭重的演說或論文」可用discourse,文章、演說等的「意義」可用import(正式):

The priest delivered a long discourse on/ upon the evils of untruthfulness.

The scholar's discourse was unanimously applauded.

The audience fully understood the import of the speech.

12. 「看似矛盾荒謬,實則可能有一番道理的陳述」叫paradox

"Life is too important a matter to be taken seriously," a paradox by Oscar Wilde.

"More haste, less speed" is a paradox.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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