

amicable/ congenial/ friction/ placid/ reconciliation/ repose/ reprisal/ retaliate/ schism/ serenity/ tranquil/ tranquility/ turbulent/ unison/ vindictive

1. 「平靜的」、「祥和的」、「安寧的」可用placidtranquil,「平靜祥和」、「寧靜」可用reposeserenitytranquility

A big typhoon is coming; don't be misled by the placid surface of the sea.

After his vacation in this placid section, he felt soothed and rested.

The influential politician led a tranquil life in the country after retiring.

This is a tranquil lake.

May responded to her boyfriend's proposal with a tranquil smile.

The recluse did not allow anybody or anything to disturb his repose.

The serenity of the sleepy town was shattered by a tremendous explosion.

After the commotion and excitement of the city, he appreciated the tranquility of fields and forests.

2. 「宜人的」、「舒適的」、「讓人感覺輕鬆自在的」可用congenial

The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.

I'm more than lucky to grow up in congenial surroundings.

3. 「友好的」、「和平的」可用amicable

We reached an amicable agreement/ settlement.

Few people have amicable divorces.

4. 演出、說話、行動等的「和諧一致」叫unison,「和解」、「化解」 叫reconciliation

The choir sang in unison.

A reconciliation between the two countries was effected after thirty years' hostility.

5. 「狂暴的」、「不穩定的」、「紛亂的」可用turbulent

His turbulent passions died down as he grew older.

We are now in a turbulent period of history.

The turbulent weather will last for one more day at least.

Turbulent winds are quite common in the winter of this area.

A turbulent crowd surrounded the police station, protesting against the arrest of two dissidents.

6. 人與人之間的「摩擦」叫friction,團體或組織等的「分裂」叫schism

Jane is neat and Mary is careless; if they have to share a room, there will probably be friction.

At this time when harmony is essential, we cannot afford to have any friction in our group.

Let us not widen the schism by further bickering.

7. 「報復」分別可用動詞retaliate和名詞reprisal,「充滿報復之心的」、「報復性的」叫vindictive

Fear that we will retaliate immediately deters our enemy from attacking us.

They were ready for any reprisal the enemy may undertake.

He decided to take action in reprisal against his neighbor.

A vindictive person cannot be truly happy.

She was very vindictive and never forgave an injury.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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