credible/ creditable/ credulity/ credulous/ dubious/ impugn/ misgiving/ skeptic/ unimpeachable
1. 「不容置疑的」可用unimpeachable(正式),「可信的」、「值得相信的」可用credible。另有個拼法很類似的字creditable,意思是「值得讚美的」,不可混淆:
•His conduct in office was unimpeachable.
•The honest gentleman should be an unimpeachable witness.
•This is a credible news report.
•The boy's excuse hardly seems credible.
•Some credible witnesses supported the accused girl's statement.
•We are credibly informed that the meeting will be postponed until next Friday.
•The dancer was applauded for her creditable performance.
•The diplomat has made many creditable efforts to establish peace.
•The secretary's sense of responsibility is creditable.
2. 「輕信的」、「不容易起疑的」叫credulous,「輕信」叫credulity:
•That credulous girl was deceived by a playboy.
•He was a credulous fool whom anyone can dupe.
•The witchdoctor took advantage of the credulity of the superstitious natives.
3. 「可疑的」、「抱持懷疑態度的」可用dubious,「質疑」可用動詞impugn(正式),描述一種對結果感到不安的「疑慮」可用名詞misgiving(經常以複數的形式出現)。另外,「持懷疑態度者」、「懷疑論者」叫skeptic:
•Do you think he is a dubious character?
•I'm still dubious about that plan.
•We are not in a position to impugn the umpire's fairness.
•No one impugned his honesty.
•He had a misgiving about exploring into the heart of the jungle.
•She hoped her new employer could be kind toward her, but she had some misgivings.
•People of long experience are often skeptics.