concede/ confront/ dodge/ elude/ endeavor/ eschew/ evade/ evasive/ fend off/ shirk/ shun/ skirt/ tackle/ ward off
1. 避免本就該承擔的責任、義務、工作等可用動詞shirk,避免問題、話題等可用skirt,避免被抓可用elude:
•I will not shirk from my duties/ responsibilities/ obligations.
•We mustn't shirk our cleaning job/ shirk doing our cleaning.
•The school has been accused of skirting round the issue of corporal punishment.
•The essay was disappointing, for it skirted almost all delicate points of the subject.
•The fox succeeded in eluding the hunters by running back in the opposite direction.
•They eluded the police by fleeing.
2. 上述那些意思都可用evade或dodge取代,它們同時還可以指迴避碰見某人,但無論哪個意思,evade似乎都明顯常用。此外,「規避的」、「閃爍其詞的」 用evasive:
•Sometimes the wealthier a person becomes, the more likely he may try to evade (paying) his taxes.
•I feel perfectly sure that she is not one who will evade her duties.
•Do not evade my question any more and tell me the truth.
•The lion evaded the hunters.
•The recently divorced actress was trying hard to evade reporters.
•The scrupulous businessman never thought of dodging taxes.
•The reformed man did not dodge questions about his past.
•I almost caught her, but she dodged and ran quickly across the street.
•She dodged her suitors with ease.
•The suspect's evasive answers convinced the judge that he was withholding important evidence.
3. 主動或被迫避免人際互動用動詞shun,避免不好的人或情況用eschew(正 式):
•The musician has shunned publicity since she retired from performing.
•After the trial, he was shunned by friends and family.
•My father kept advising me to eschew bad company/ alcoholic drinks.
•He tried to eschew all display of temper.
4. 「躲開」、「抵擋」(攻擊、難題等)也可用片語fend off或ward off:
•During the fight, the boy kept fending off the attacker's blows with his arms.
•He fended off the difficult questions.
•The mayor knew how to ward off attacks from councilors.
5. 「面對」可用confront,「嘗試」可用endeavor(正式),「因應」、「處理」可用tackle,「承認」可用concede:
•It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.
•I thought I would remain calm, but when I was confronted with/ by the TV camera, I became very nervous.
•As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her way.
•He confronted his accusers with perfect composure.
•He endeavored to climb the mountain.
•All of us have problems to tackle.
•They finally conceded defeat.