doze/ drowse/ drowsy/ hypnotize/ incubus/ insomnia/ mesmerize/ quilt/ siesta/ slumber/ somnambulism/ somnolent/ soporific/ trance
1. 文言的敘述中,通常用slumber表「睡眠」、「安睡」。另外,「打瞌睡」用doze或drowse,「午睡」叫siesta(西班牙文):
•Do something; don't slumber away your time.
•Having watched television, the boy was inclined to doze at his desk.
•Staying up late last night, the boy kept drowsing in class this morning.
•In summer, siesta is indispensable to some people.
2. 「昏昏欲睡的」、「讓人想睡覺的」可用drowsy或somnolent(文言):
•The girl felt quite drowsy after hours of reading.
•It's a drowsy summer afternoon.
•The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all somnolent and indifferent to the speaker.
3. 「失眠」叫insomnia,「催眠」可用hypnotize或mesmerize,「有催眠作用的」叫soporific,「催眠狀態」叫trance:
•Sleeping pills failed to relieve his insomnia.
•The viewers were almost hypnotized by her performance.
•The audience was mesmerized by the actor's performance.
•Taking the soporific drug, the old man slept eight hours continuously.
•This is a poorly written novel, soporific in effect.
•The patient fell into a trance.
4. 「棉被」叫quilt:
•A warm quilt is nice on a winter night.
5. 「惡夢」、「夢魘」可用incubus,「夢遊」叫somnambulism:
•We should throw off the incubus of the past and look ahead, go ahead.
•The coronavirus pandemic is very likely to become many people's incubus years after.
•The incubus of financial worry helped to bring on his nervous breakdown.
•People may do something difficult or terrifying when they are in somnambulism.