callow/ colt/ crucible/ empirical/ fledgling/ ingenuous/ naivete/ neophyte/ novice/ ordeal/ provincial/ recruit/ sophisticated/ tyro, tiro/ undergo/ veteran/ wizard
1. 「根據經驗(而非理論)的」叫empirical,「漫長且痛苦的經驗」叫ordeal, 「嚴峻的考驗」、「磨練」可用crucible(正式),「經歷(令人不快的事或變化)」叫undergo:
•Don't trust the quack doctor who has only an empirical knowledge of medicine.
•Every child dreads the ordeal of a visit to the dentist.
•The writer regarded these malicious criticisms as an inevitable crucible on his way to real creative excellence.
•Our nation has stood the crucible of war.
•She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital.
•The building must undergo modern changes.
2. 對於某活動或工作「經驗豐富的人」(老手)叫veteran,某方面或領域的「行家」、「高手」、「奇才」、「達人」可用wizard(非正式):
•Paul has been a 30-year veteran in public service.
•Mr. Hamilton was a political campaign veteran of long standing.
•My brother is a computer wizard.
•Cindy's father is a wizard at chess.
•Some economics wizards are striving to develop a coherent economic policy for the government.
3. 「懂得人情世故的」、「老練的」、「見多識廣的」叫sophisticated,「缺乏見識的」、「視野偏狹的」可用provincial,「涉世未深的」、「單純天真的」可用ingenuous,「涉世未深」、「單純天真」可用naivete:
•Harry, a sophisticated person, has seen many people come and go.
•His point of view is quite provincial.
•These remarks indicate that he is ingenuous and unaware of life's harsher realities.
•It's an ingenuous plan that anyone could see through.
•I cannot believe that such naivete is unassumed in a person of her age and experience.
4. 「缺乏經驗的」可用callow(文言)或fledgling,「生手」、「新手」可用colt(非正式)、neophyte、novice或tyro (tiro),「新進人員」叫recruit:
•Jack was just a callow youth of 17 when he arrived in America.
•John may not regret his callow behavior today even though he grows 20 years older.
•Nowadays many hospitals are full of fledgling nurses.
•While it is necessary to provide these fledgling poets with an opportunity to present their works, it is not essential that we admire everything they write.
•The current economic climate is particularly difficult for fledgling businesses.
•He is a colt in his field.
•This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge experts as well as neophytes.
•Novices are liable to make mistakes.
•He conducted himself in politics like a novice.
•I look forward to seeing this young tyro's next ballet.
•As the company expands, it needs quite a few recruits.