apathetic/ apathy/ ardent/ avid/ callous/ chauvinist/ fanatic/ fervent/ insouciance/ lukewarm/ meddlesome/ nonchalance/ nonchalant/ officious/ stolid/ tamper with/ tepid/ zeal/ zealot/ zealous/ zest
1. 「熱情的」、「熱衷的」可用ardent、avid、fervent或zealous:
•There are many ardent supporters of our idea in this club.
•Young as the boy is, he has an ardent longing for knowledge.
•The young movie star was avid for fame.
•Young people tend to be avid of new experiences.
•He had a fervent desire to win.
•He is a fervent believer in free speech.
•She laughed at his fervent love letters.
•The young man was zealous for fame/ in doing his duty/ to succeed.
2. 「熱情」、「熱衷」可用zeal或zest:
•It is natural that we feel zeal for the welfare of our people.
•The blind student shows great zeal for knowledge.
•People who go ahead constructively in life are those who hold on to their work or opportunities with zest.
•She entered into the work with (a) zest, which surprised us all.
3. 「喜歡干預他人事務的」、「過度熱心的」叫meddlesome或officious,「干預」可用tamper with:
•The young man felt his marriage was suffering because of his meddlesome mother-in-law.
•He was regarded as a very officious fool, but he did not know it.
•Don't tamper with others' private affairs.
4. 「狂熱份子」(特別是宗教或政治方面)叫fanatic或zealot,「狂熱的愛國主 義者」則說chauvinist:
•I ignore screaming fanatics.
•A fanatic usually has unreasonable beliefs.
•I am a fanatic for healthy food.
•It is good to have a few zealots in our group, for their enthusiasm is contagious.
•Many people are beginning to worry about the growing number of chauvinists in the United States.
5. 「不熱衷的」、「興趣缺缺的」可用lukewarm或tepid(兩個字的本義是指液體「微溫的」):
•The rich man gave only lukewarm support to the cause.
•I was very disappointed with his tepid response to my suggestion.
6. 「無情的」、「冷漠的」、「無動於衷的」可用apathetic、callous、nonchalant或stolid,「無動於衷」可用apathy、insouciance或nonchalance:
•The king was apathetic toward the suffering of his subjects.
•Many people criticized President Ma Ying-Jeou for his being apathetic after the 8/8 Morakot disaster.
•One misfortune after another made the initially kind girl become callous to the victims of various disasters and accidents.
•Only a callous person like him could see suffering without trying to relieve it.
•He reacted to the news in a nonchalant manner.
•I am afraid that this imaginative poem will not appeal to such a stolid person.
•He was sunk in apathy after his failure.
•A man of insouciance will achieve nothing great.
•He heard the news of the tragedy with complete nonchalance.