

bucolic/ gutter/ metropolis/ municipal/ pastoral/ rural/ rustic/ urban

1. 「田園的」、「農村的」、「鄉間的」可用bucolicpastoralruralrustic。其中,pastoral是文言的用法:

•A bucolic poem describes the joys of the shepherd.

•In these stories of pastoral life, we find an understanding of the daily tasks of country folk.

•The peaceful rural scene was precious to the city dweller.

•The city dweller was intoxicated by the rustic charm he had gone without for such a long time.

2. 相對於項目1的單字,「都市的」叫urban,至於「市政的」則要說municipal

•In these days of urban decay and energy crisis, there is a constant longing to return to the land and flee back to a simpler way of life.

•It's generally agreed that the mayor is taking very good care of municipal affairs.

•The municipal buildings remained undamaged after the big earthquake.

3. 「大都會」叫metropolis,大城市中的「貧民區」可用gutter

•Each evening this terminal is filled with the thousands of commuters who are going from this metropolis to their homes in the suburbs.

•It was from the gutter that the entrepreneur rose.

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