attenuate/ brittle/ cogent/ consolidate/ debilitate/ diminish/ dynamic/ effete/ feeble/ flabby/ flaccid/ flimsy/ fragile/ indomitable/ invigorate/ invincible/ invulnerable/ languish/ momentum/ omnipotent/ poignant/ puny/ tempestuous/ tenuous/ undermine/ unrelenting/ vehement/ vulnerable
1. 事件進展過程中所累積的力量(也就是「勁」或「勢」)用momentum:
•The national struggle for independence is gaining/ gathering momentum every day.
•Concern about global warming has gained/ gathered momentum.
•The momentum towards economic and political union in Europe has been seriously frustrated in recent years.
•Interest in human rights issues is not likely to lose its momentum in near future.
•We must maintain the momentum of reform.
2. 「有活力的」、「精力旺盛的」、「生龍活虎的」可用dynamic,「強化」體力、精神、健康可用invigorate:
•Though over eighty, my grandma is still a dynamic woman.
•The runner possessed dynamic energy.
•We were invigorated by our walk.
3. 「堅強且無法被擊敗的」、「難以制服的」、「不屈的」可用invincible或indomitable,「不可能受傷或受損的」可用invulnerable,注意invulnerable的相反詞vulnerable「易受傷害的」、「敏感的」使用頻率或許更高:
•Our baseball team proved to be invincible.
•We all admire his indomitable spirit.
•Our founding fathers had indomitable will power.
•In the heart of the jungle, they felt invulnerable to an attack from the air.
•Achilles was invulnerable except in his heel.
•She looked so young and vulnerable that he felt a great desire to protect her.
•Her parents' constant arguments left/ made the little girl feeling increasingly vulnerable and insecure.
•The government must help the most vulnerable groups in our society.
•Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel.
4. 指悲傷、悔恨等情緒「強烈的」用poignant:
•Her suffering is poignant because she faces the gap between what she is and what she wants to be.
•Her husband's death pushed her into a state of poignant grief.
5. 指論點「強有力的」、「有說服力的」可用cogent,相反詞「論點薄弱的」、 「不周延的」用flimsy:
•The lawyer presented cogent arguments to the jury.
•I have cogent reasons for questioning his honesty.
•Do not make such a flimsy excuse.
6. 表達支持或反對時「強烈的」、「慷慨激昂的」用vehement,爭執時「激烈的」、「充滿火藥味的」叫tempestuous,它也可以指天候「狂風暴雨的」:
•The lawyer spoke with vehement eloquence in defense of his client.
•I have a vehement hatred of people who treat children cruelly.
•A tempestuous argument took place when both parties claimed they were in the right.
•People living in the remote fishing village were forced to live on the tempestuous sea.
7. 「全能的」叫omnipotent:
•The monarch regarded himself as omnipotent and responsible to no one for his acts.
8. 「強化」、「鞏固」叫consolidate:
•Taiwan is trying to consolidate its position in the West Pacific.
9. 指身或心「脆弱的」、「虛弱的」可用feeble。假如脆弱的部份是在肌肉,用flabby或flaccid。另外,「發育不全的」用puny,它也指努力等「微不足道的」、「無濟於事的」:
•Grandfather has been getting feebler lately.
•A feeble mind can hardly achieve anything great.
•You are not fat, but you are flabby.
•The scholar's sedentary life left him with flaccid muscles.
•His muscles grew flaccid after the illness.
•I felt very sorry for the girl's puny little arms and legs.
•Their puny efforts to stop the flood were futile.
10. 指人或情況等「脆弱不堪的」、「欲振乏力的」用effete:
•They are just a group of effete intellectuals.
•The Roman empire was once strong, but it grew effete when there were enough slaves to do all the work.
11. 「纖細的」、「單薄的」可用tenuous,「變薄」、「變弱」、「變得無價值」可用attenuate(正式):
•The spider hung from a tenuous silky thread.
•The defendant had only a tenuous link in the chain of evidence.
•The mother clung desperately to a tenuous hope of her daughter's recovery from the serious illness.
•The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel.
•Science has somewhat attenuated illusions.
12. 「易碎的」可用brittle或fragile:
•Glass is brittle.
•This old glass dish is very fragile.
•The commodity is fragile; handle it with care.
13. 力量、嚴重程度、決心等「絲毫未曾減弱的」可用unrelenting:
•The Health Department waged unrelenting warfare against the epidemic.
•The visitor will have a week of unrelenting activity.
14. 「減弱」、「減少」、「減小」可用diminish,「逐漸減弱或瓦解」用undermine:
•His illness diminished his strength.
•Civil war diminished that nation's strength.
•The intensity of the sound diminished gradually.
•Later on in life, the sex drive tends to diminish.
•His enthusiasm was by now considerably diminished.
•My memory of her will not be diminished by time.
•The movie star's invariable arrogance undermined his popularity.
•Constant gambling undermined his financial status.
•Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures.
•Their trading position has been seriously undermined by the minister's remarks.
•America was accused of undermining international efforts to reduce pollution.
15. 指使人「變虛弱或衰弱」用debilitate;指事情「處於疲弱不振狀態」用languish:
•Heat debilitates many people.
•The housing market continues to languish.
•The oil prices have been languishing at about $25 a barrel for a few days.