agrarian/ arable/ barren/ cull/ fallow/ fowl/ glean/ granary/ horticulture/ irrigate/ pasture/ poultry/ ranch/ staple/ sterile/ winnow
1. 「農業的」、「土地的」可用agrarian,「園藝」叫horticulture:
•China is historically agrarian. (中國以農立國)
•This part of the country is mainly agrarian.
•This is prime agrarian land. (這是肥沃的耕地)
•Highly developed horticulture has contributed remarkably to the improvement of Taiwan's flowers and fruit.
2. 土地「可耕種的」叫arable,「貧瘠的」叫barren或sterile,「休耕的」或「休耕地」叫fallow:
•According to statistics, only 0.3 percent of Taiwan's arable land is used to grow organic produce.
•Because of soil erosion, there are now more than 25 million hectares of barren lands in the world.
•The soil is almost completely sterile.
•The farmer left the land fallow for a year.
•The land has long been a fallow.
3. 「可供放牧牛羊的草地」叫pasture,「大牧場」叫ranch:
•In Taiwan, pastures are hard to find.
•The ranch is well known for the production of high-quality sheep and horses.
4. 「灌溉」叫irrigate:
•The inhabitants tried to irrigate desert areas and make them fertile.
5. 「主要產品」可用staple,「家禽」可用fowl或poultry。注意poultry沒有複數型,但需接複數型動詞:
•The pineapple is one of the most famous staples in Taiwan.
•She keeps fowls and sells the eggs.
•The farmer keeps a lot of fowls.
•The farmer has made raising poultry a very lucrative business.
•Our poultry are kept at the bottom of the garden.
6. 將體弱或已無生產力的動物「淘汰」叫cull:
•Every month the farmer culls the nonlaying hens from his flock and sells them to the local butcher.
7. 「撿拾」收成後餘留在田中的稻穗、麥穗等叫glean,把穀物的糠「吹掉」叫winnow,「穀倉」叫granary:
•After the crops had been harvested by the machines, the poor country boys were permitted to glean the wheat in the field.
•The farmer still used the old way to winnow wheat.
•We have reason to be thankful, for our crops are good and our granaries are full.