

atrocity/ diabolic/ ferocious/ fiendish/ flagrant/ gory/ heinous/ malevolent/ malignity/ nefarious/ ruthless/ sanguinary/ savagery/ venom/ vicious

1. 指人或其行動「冷酷無情的」叫ruthless

The escaped convict was a dangerous and ruthless murderer.

Most countries agreed to censure the leader for his ruthless treatment of the conquered nation.

2. 指行動「殘酷的」或動物「兇猛的」可用ferociousvicious

There are fewer and fewer ferocious punishments in today's world.

Be careful; it's a very ferocious lion.

He gave the cat a vicious blow with his stick.

That vicious dog ought to be on a leash.

3. 「暴力血腥的」可用gorysanguinary,但後者是文言用字:

This movie is not fit for teenagers because it is too gory.

The audience shuddered as it listened to the details of the gory massacre.

That was a sanguinary battle.

That border war was unexpectedly sanguinary.

4. 「暴行」可用atrocitysavagery

The atrocity of the invaders was abominable.

The atrocity of the Nazis will long be remembered.

The psychopathic father inflicted many atrocities upon his children.

The defeated soldiers were treated with great savagery.

5. 「邪惡的」可用malevolentnefarious。兩個字都頗為正式,malevolent可能更強調心裡所懷有的惡意,至於這種惡意最終是否化為實際行動則不一定:

Do you believe that human nature is malevolent?

The central character is a malevolent young man resolute for revenge.

He responded to my suggestion with a malevolent smile.

The despot was very much feared because of his many nefarious deeds.

He made a nefarious plan to cheat his own company.

The townspeople were relieved that the nefarious criminal had been arrested.

6. 「壞透了的」、「公然為惡的」可用flagrantheinous,若強調壞到「如魔鬼般的」,用diabolicfiendish

This is an act of flagrant cheating.

Can you condone such flagrant violations of the rules?

The politician was condemned for his flagrant abuse of power.

Hitler's heinous crimes will never be forgotten.

Hijacking is a diabolic crime.

The kidnapper inflicted fiendish tortures on his captive.

7. 態度或言語、行動等的「惡毒」可用malignityvenom

The president reminded his people not to underestimate the malignity of the enemy.

That was an act of genuine malignity.

Her friends dreaded the venom of her tongue.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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