

banter/ buffoon/ butt/ deride/ jeer/ mockery/ prank/ ridicule/ sardonic/ scoff (at)/ sneer/ taunt/ travesty

1. 因為覺得愚蠢、沒有價值或出於好玩而「嘲笑」,用deride(正式)、ridiculetaunt

His colleagues derided his grandiose scheme.

He derided my singing as pathetic.

This building, once derided by critics, is now a major tourist attraction.

Simon felt that he was being ridiculed by his classmates.

Out of fear of being ridiculed, he did not tell anybody he had applied for that job.

They taunted her with her inability to swim.

You should not taunt him with clumsiness.

Some kids in his class liked to taunt him because he was fat and very shy.

2. 比較之下,jeerscoff (at)sneer這幾個動詞所暗示的嘲笑更公然,且意味著更強烈的輕蔑態度:

The crowd jeered at the prisoners.

Please stop jeering at the poor boy.

They heard his tale and scoffed at it.

It's too early for you to scoff.

I came to the meeting to scoff, but the speaker persuaded me.

Economic analysts scoff at claims that the problem of unemployment will soon be alleviated.

He sneered haughtily at the beggar.

3. 「成為笑柄的人(或事物)」叫butt,正經嚴肅之事的「負面呈現」叫mockery travesty

Poor Jack was the butt of all their jokes.

The unfair trial was a mockery of justice.

Most gays maintain that the prohibition of same-sex marriage is a travesty of equality and human dignity.

4. 「嘲笑的」、「譏諷的」、「幸災樂禍的」、「預備看好戲的」用sardonic

The cynic had a sardonic smile that mirrored his fixed expectation of the worst from everyone.

5. 「捉弄」可用名詞prank,「為逗樂所說的話或所開的玩笑」用banter,「小丑」可用buffoon

The brother was always playing pranks on his little sister.

The two wits exchanged banter to the amusement of the audience.

He acted like a buffoon full of ludicrous tricks.


    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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