abolish/ abrogate/ annul/ nullify/ repeal/ rescind/ revoke
1. 法令、制度等的「撤銷」、「宣告無效」可用abrogate、annul、nullify、repeal、rescind或revoke。其中,abrogate較為正式,rescind是法律用語,revoke則使用最為廣泛。法令之外,個人承諾或決定的撤回也適用:
•The judge abrogated the prisoner's right to vote for three years.
•The treaty has been abrogated by mutual consent.
•Trump has annulled the US-Iran agreement of nuclear armories reached by the Obama administration.
•The marriage was annulled last month.
•Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled.
•Some out-of-date regulations are to be nullified.
•As times have changed, some outdated laws are repealed.
•Because of public resentment, the king had to rescind his order.
•The witness revoked the verbal evidence he had given previously.
2. 如果強調所「廢止」者不只不合時宜,甚至還對公眾有害,用動詞abolish:
•There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.