annals/ annotate/ archives/ bibliophile/ credentials/ definitive/ demography/ dissertation/ epilogue/ excerpt/ literature/ prologue/ satchel/ symposium/ treatise/ unabridged
1. 一本書的開頭(序)叫prologue,結束(跋)叫epilogue:
•A successful prologue should enable readers to know what the book concerns.
•The author wrote an epilogue to his book explaining that some of his earlier impressions were wrong.
2. 著作、研究等「權威的」叫definitive:
•She's written the definitive guide to Mongolia.
•The scholar has recently published the definitive life of Keats.
•This is the definitive textbook of basic chemistry.
3. 從文章或書中「節錄」叫excerpt,「完整版的」、「未經刪減的」叫unabridged:
•These quotations were excerpted from many authors.
•An unabridged edition of Shakespeare's plays was recently published.
4. 在書中「做註解」用annotate:
•The sinologist annotated many of the Chinese classics.
5. 「愛書人」叫bibliophile,「書包」可用satchel:
•The bibliophile fingered the old book fondly.
•Only when the playful schoolboy arrived home did he realize that he had left his satchel in the classroom.
6. 「專題論文」、「研究論文」叫treatise,「高等學位論文」(尤其是博士論文)叫dissertation,匯集不同作者針對同一專題所寫之論文或報告而成的「論文集」叫symposium,做研究時必備的「文獻」叫literature:
•The doctor wrote a treatise on alcoholism.
•In order to earn a graduate degree from most universities, a candidate is frequently required to prepare a dissertation on some scholarly subject.
•This magazine contains a symposium on modern architecture.
•The scholar's assertion that females are more sensitive to sound while males show an early visual superiority is based on an incomplete evaluation of the literature.
•This is a developing literature of special education.
7. 「檔案資料」叫archives,「歷史記錄」、「史料」叫annals,「證明個人學、經歷的相關資料」叫credentials:
•Some long-puzzled diplomatic questions have been worked out in the government archives.
•He found many interesting facts in the family archives.
•The argument that William Shakespeare was Christopher Marlowe cannot be found in the annals of literature.
•A great deal has been left unwritten in the annals of history.
•Her credentials show that she's just the kind of secretary we want.
•Her academic credentials were excellent.
8. 「人口統計」叫demography:
•He majors in demography.