

adorn/ bedeck/ deck out/ drape/ embellish/ flamboyant/ flashy/ garnish/ gaudy/ meretricious/ ornate/ resplendent/ spangle/ stud/ tapestry/ tawdry/ trinket

1. 英文中,「裝飾」decorate的類似用法還有adorn、bedeck、deck out和embellish。其中,adorn通常用來指人的打扮,deck out較不正式,且後面要接介系詞in:

She adorned herself with jewels.

The bride's hair was adorned with white flowers.

Robin Hood was said to wear a hat adorned with feathers.

The cars were all bedecked with colorful balloons for the ceremony.

The street was decked out in flags.

Hamilton was decked out in cowboy boots and a work shirt.

She embellished her dress with lace and ribbons.

2. 在食物中「添加配料」使其顯得更可口用garnish,「點綴」叫stud:

The fish in the dish was garnished with slices of lemon.

The dishes were garnished attractively with greens.

The sky was studded with stars.

When summer comes, the beach will be studded with beach umbrellas.

3. 「過度裝飾的」、「浮誇的」用flamboyant或ornate:

Modern architecture has discarded the flamboyant trimming on buildings and emphasizes simplicity of lines.

This poem was written in a flamboyant style, full of highly decorative imagery.

Their furniture is characterized by its ornate carvings.

4. 對華麗裝飾的正面評價,用形容詞resplendent,假如外表華麗、氣派非凡,實則空洞粗俗,且用以裝飾的東西也可能是廉價品,用flashy、gaudy、meretricious或tawdry,「廉價的小飾物」則說trinket:

The actress wore a resplendent costume.

These are only some cheap flashy clothes.

The gaudy decorations showed no good taste.

This is a meretricious beauty, too flashy to be real.

Those tawdry trinkets are not very expensive.

She did not care about the ring she had lost because actually, it is just a trinket.

5. 「懸掛的布幔」叫drape,「上有刺繡的布」叫tapestry,「可做裝飾用的小金屬或塑膠亮片」叫spangle:

There were heavy drapes at the window.

The beautiful tapestry was imported from France.

The thousands of spangles on her dress sparkled in the glare of the stage lights.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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