carnivore/ croak/ crow/ cub/ fractious/ growl/ herbivore/ hibernate/ hover/ lair/ low/ neigh/ omnivore/ pen/ perch/ predatory/ procreate/ quack/ roost/ scavenger/ slough/ snarl/ soar/ stampede/ sty/ swoop/ vermin/ warble
1. 「草食性動物」叫herbivore,「肉食性動物」叫carnivore,「雜食性動物」叫omnivore,指動物「靠捕食其他動物維生的」叫predatory,食肉動物的「幼子」、「幼獸」(如幼獅、幼熊、幼狼等)叫cub:
•Cows and sheep are herbivores.
•Dogs and cats belong to the order of carnivores.
•I hope to train our cat to be an omnivore.
•The hawk is a predatory bird.
•The hunter captured a fox and her cubs.
2. 動物「難駕馭的」可用fractious,牛群、馬群等(可能因為受到驚嚇而)「大舉奔逃」叫stampede:
•The fractious horse unseated its rider.
•The frightened cattle stampeded across the plain.
3. 正式英文中,動物的「生育」、「繁殖」用procreate:
•Animals have the power to procreate their species.
•It is often pointed out that the poorer the people, the more they procreate.
4. 動物「冬眠」用hibernate,「脫皮」用slough:
•Bears are one of the many species of animals that hibernate.
•Snakes slough annually.
5. 「咆哮」可用growl或snarl,「蛙鳴」叫croak,「鳥鳴」、「鳥囀」叫warble,「公雞叫」用crow,「鴨叫」用quack,「牛鳴」叫low(文言),「馬嘶」叫neigh:
•The dog got mad and growled at the mischievous boy.
•The ferocious dog snarled at the stranger.
•Frogs begin to croak when it gets warmer.
•Birds warble hilariously in the springtime.
•The cock usually crows at dawn.
•The ducks were quacking noisily in the pond.
•How can the lowing herds in the meadow know that they will soon be sold and butchered?
•The horse was running and neighing.
6. 「野生動物的巢穴」可用lair,「圈養動物的地方」叫pen,「豬圈」叫sty,但這個字可能更常做比喻用,指「髒亂的地方」:
•The wolf was photographed at the entrance to his lair.
•I'm building a new sheep pen.
•The deserted basement became a rat-infested sty.
7. 鳥「翱翔」可用hover或soar(文言),「俯衝」叫swoop,「棲息」可用perch或roost,「以腐肉為食的鳥」叫scavenger:
•There were several hawks hovering over their prey.
•The birds were soaring over the hills.
•The eagle high in the air saw a hare and swooped down upon it.
•The well-trained bird perched on the master's finger.
•An owl was roosting somewhere up in the tree, but it was invisible.
•Vultures are scavengers.
8. 「具危害性的獸類、昆蟲或鳥」叫vermin。注意這個字不能加s和冠詞a:
•To a farmer, a fox is vermin because it steals and kills chickens.
•Flies, lice, and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.
•The vermin ought to be eradicated.