coerce/ decree/ dictum/ directive/ edict/ enjoin/ exemption/ imperious/ impose/ incumbent/ injunction/ levy on/ mandatory/ onerous/ onus/ optional/ ordinance/ overbearing/ peremptory/ reluctant/ remiss/ truant
1. 「責任」、「義務」可用onus,「有責任或義務的」、「職責所在的」可用incumbent(正式),「怠忽職守的」叫remiss,工作或職責「吃重的」可用onerous:
•The prime minister bore the onus of his difficult office creditably.
•The onus of proof lies with you.
•It is incumbent upon you to give them some advice.
•I felt it incumbent to tell them the truth.
•The clerk was accused of being remiss in his duty.
•The secretary is very remiss in answering letters.
•The nurse found the care of the patient an onerous task.
•It is an onerous duty to make these naughty boys behave themselves.
2. 「強制性的」可用mandatory,「非強制性的」叫optional,「非自願的」、「勉強的」、「因感覺被勉強而顯得不情願的」叫reluctant,責任、義務等的「免除」叫exemption:
•Mandatory retirement will be enforced in their organization.
•Attendance at the meeting is optional.
•In fact, they were not real volunteers but only some reluctant helpers.
•Jack was very reluctant to help.
•She was reluctant to leave because she was having such a good time.
•No one regards exemption from military service as an honor.
3. 「強勢的」、「專橫的」、「像是在發號施令的」可用imperious、overbearing或peremptory(正式):
•Though knowing that he meant well, I did not like his imperious voice.
•His imperious manner indicated that he had long been accustomed to assuming command.
•The foreman's overbearing manner is disgusting.
•Everybody resented his peremptory attitude.
4. 「命令」、「法令」可用decree、dictum、directive、edict、injunction或ordinance。基本上,這些字都頗為正式:
•The decree that all captives would be immediately freed was widely acclaimed.
•The decree stated that everyone should wear masks in public during the Covid-19 pandemic.
•Many people still believe in decree of fate.
•The king issued an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.
•The manager issued a directive about not using office computers for private purposes.
•The government issued an edict of protection of endangered animals.
•The city council issued an edict against honking the horn, unless absolutely necessary, near some places such as schools.
•You had better obey the commander's injunction.
•Passing a red light is a violation of a city ordinance.
5. 「強迫」可用動詞coerce或enjoin(正式),如果強調把不好的情況「硬推給」別人,強迫人家接受,用impose。另外,「徵收」稅金、費用或罰款用levy on:
•Don't coerce a child into learning anything he is not interested in at all.
•The parents enjoined good conduct on their son.
•She imposed herself as their leader.
•The conquerors imposed difficult conditions of peace on the defeated enemy.
•He imposed all the dirty jobs on his brother.
•The government levies taxes on people for national expenses.
6. 「曠課的」、「逃學的」叫truant:
•The truant boy could never catch up with his classmates.