acquisitive/ addict/ avarice/ avaricious/ covetous/ crave/ cupidity/ disillusioned/ fruition/ hanker after/ pine for/ rapacious/ voracious/ vulture/ wistful/ yearning
1. 「貪心的」用avaricious,「貪心」用avarice或cupidity,「貪心的人」可說vulture(本義是「禿鷹」):
•Through his avaricious eyes I was aware that he was not satisfied with the salary offered.
•His avaricious disposition led him to downfall.
•His fortune was accumulated by avarice and miserliness.
•The defeated people could not satisfy the cupidity of the conquerors.
•He is such a vulture as will sell out his best friend.
2. 「充滿物慾的」叫acquisitive:
•He is very acquisitive and has filled his house with things he has bought.
•We live in an acquisitive society that views success primarily in terms of material possessions.
3. 形容貪食、貪飲或如飢似渴般地追逐和滿足嗜好等,用voracious;形容以不公平或暴力方式滿足貪慾,用rapacious:
•The wolf is a voracious eater.
•He has a voracious appetite.
•She is a voracious reader of all kinds of love stories.
•The rapacious wolf seized the lamb.
•The police has arrested a rapacious band of robbers.
•The rapacious landlord asked exorbitant rent.
4. 「貪婪的」想要得到屬於別人的財務等叫covetous:
•The covetous eye of the avid collector never left the curio.
5. 「沈溺於」用addict:
•Nowadays many teenagers have become too addicted to video games.
6. 「熱切期待」、「渴望」可用crave、hanker after(非正式)、pine for或名詞yearning:
•The blind student craves (after) admiration.
•I'm craving for a cup of tea; I've not had one all day.
•He is lonely and hankers after friendship.
•Someday you will come to realize that it does not pay off to hanker after fame and wealth with all your might.
•The sailor is pining for a holiday to see his friends.
•Since the time immemorial, human beings have had infinite yearning to know the truth about themselves and the universe.
7. 形容因希望可能無法實現或追悔過去不復再現的美好時光而「惆悵的」、「傷感的」,用wistful,因醒悟或了解真相而「痛苦失望的」,用disillusioned:
•The child stood beside his mother looking with wistful eyes at the cookies still steaming.
•I thought about those days in Spain and grew wistful.
•She responded to my question with a wistful smile.
•As she grew older, Laura became increasingly disillusioned with politics.
•The fans were disillusioned by his sloppy acting.
8. 願望、計畫、目標等的「實現」可用fruition:
•After much delay, the plan to build a new hospital was brought to fruition by the efforts of the new Minister of Health.
•At last their hopes came of fruition, and they were able to stop working and travel round the world.