amplitude/ augment/ bulge/ colossal/ commodious/ cramped/ dense/ gigantic/ immense/ prodigious/ stupendous
1. 指空間「廣大的」、「寬敞的」用commodious,「廣大」、「寬闊」可用amplitude:
•She could put all her clothes in one commodious drawer.
•They found their hotel room commodious.
•The family bought a commodious apartment last month.
•We were surprised at the amplitude of the professor's personal library.
2. 以下5個字除形容空間的廣闊之外,也可描寫數量的龐大或抽象事物的可觀,其中的immense和prodigious通常用在正面的敘述中:colossal、gigantic、stupendous、immense、prodigious:
•The colossal building can hold 5000 people at the same time.
•The bank offered a colossal rate of interest.
•The gigantic skyscraper was built in 1980.
•The tourists were impressed by/ at/ with the gigantic statue of Buddha.
•The obese man eats gigantic meals.
•The international airport is a stupendous sight.
•The circus is a stupendous spectacle.
•Writing "let we" rather than "let us" is a stupendous mistake for an English major.
•The visitors were filled with wonder at the sight of the immense palace.
•The student has made an immense improvement in English.
•The armistice brought an immense relief to the people.
•She marveled at her husband's prodigious appetite.
•He never forgets anything; his memory is prodigious.
3. 「擴大」、「增大」、「增值」、「改善」可用augment(正式),因為裝太多等而「脹大」叫bulge:
•Elyse augments her vocabulary by memorizing five new words a day.
•He augments his wages by working in his free time.
•She continued to fill the shopping bag till it bulged.
•His pockets were bulging with presents.
•The box was so full that the sides bulged.
4. 「空間狹窄的」可用cramped,「濃密的」、「稠密的」、「擁擠的」可用dense:
•The family lived in a cramped little apartment.
•The secretary is working in a cramped cubbyhole of an office.
•The mother failed to find her child in the dense crowd.
•A dense mist is harmful for driving.
•Either side of the street is planted with dense trees.
•Taipei has a very dense population.