facetious/ flippant/ frivolity/ frivolous/ jocular/ levity/ saucy/ sobriety/ solemn
1. 「鄭重其事的」、「莊嚴肅穆的」、「嚴肅認真的」可用solemn,莊嚴肅穆的氛圍或感覺等可用sobriety(文言):
•He made a solemn decision never to smoke again.
•The solemnity of the occasion filled us with solemn sobriety.
2. 「鬧著玩的」、「玩笑性的」、「詼諧的」可用jocular(正式):
•Do not take his jocular remarks too seriously.
3. 「喜歡亂開玩笑的」、「不莊重的」可用facetious或flippant,「行為隨便的」可用frivolous或saucy,「輕浮」、「隨便」、「不莊重」可用frivolity 或levity(正式):
•I became angry with the facetious boy.
•His facetious remarks are not appropriate at this moment.
•His flippant remarks irritated all the audience.
•He sees her merely as a frivolous young girl.
•The mother wondered what would become of her saucy little girl.
•Her frivolity of mind made her unsuited to a position of trust.
•Such levity is improper on this serious occasion.