allocate/ bequeath/ bestow/ cede/ confer/ endow with/ imbue with/ impart/ inculcate/ invest with/ lavish on/ mete out/ quota/ ration/ render
1. 正式英文中,「給予」可用bestow (on),假如強調「公開售予」頭銜、學位等,用confer (on):
•Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors.
•She deserved all the praises bestowed upon her.
•The queen conferred a noble title on her faithful minister.
•The university conferred an honorary degree upon him.
2. 財產等的「轉移」、「讓度」用cede,「死後贈與」叫bequeath:
•He ceded his mansion to his youngest and favorite daughter.
•His father bequeathed him a lot of money.
•One age bequeaths its civilization to the next.
3. 正式或文言的敘述中,將某特性「賦予」某人或某物用invest with,上天在某人出生時就「賦予」才華等用endow with:
•The American Constitution invests the Congress with taxation powers.
•The poet was endowed with remarkable genius.
4. 給人訊息、知識等在正式英文中用impart,「灌輸」某種強烈情感或想法用imbue with,如果這種灌輸是長時間的啟發和教導-也就是「諄諄教誨」- 用inculcate:
•She imparted the secret to me yesterday.
•The first thing a teacher should do is to impart knowledge to his students.
•A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.
•The tourist's visit to the famous Gothic cathedral imbued him with feelings of awe and reverence.
•Childhood is the right time to inculcate the trait of kindness.
•He inculcated the spirit to succeed in all his children/ He inculcated all his children with the spirit of success.
•Week after week the teacher inculcated good manners in her pupils.
5. 大方地或過度地給予或花費用lavish on,提供或給予服務、幫助等可用 render:
•He lavished money/ kindness on his friends.
•The mother lavishes all her care and affection on her only child.
•Let's ask ourselves how much service we have rendered our country before we ask what our country can do for us.
6. 「分配」叫allocate,「配給」叫ration,分配的「額度」叫quota,「仔細分配或裁量(賞罰等)」叫mete out(正式;文言):
•We must allocate the money carefully.
•We allocated the organization some money.
•The government rationed them to two eggs a week.
•Each member of the organization was given their quota of tickets to sell for the garden party.
•The quota of foreigners allowed into the country has been reduced.
•The president of the company tried to be impartial in his effort to mete out rewards.