abstain from/ beverage/ cloy/ cuisine/ culinary/ delectable/ delicacy/ devour/ eatable/ edible/ gluttony/ gnaw/ gobble/ gorge with/ gourmet/ greasy/ gulp/ gusto/ imbibe/ intoxicated/ luscious/ morsel/ nibble/ nourishment/ nutritious/ omnivorous/ palatable/ purveyor/ quench/ ravenous/ regale with/ regimen/ relish/ repast/ satiate/ simmer/ sip/ snack/ stew/ succulent/ sustenance/ tipsy/ vegan/ whet
1. 中文「可食的」英文可用edible或eatable。但edible只表示某食物本質上可以食用,至於是不是美味就不一定了。相反地,eatable則暗示食物新鮮、並經過必要的調理,因此可能也有一定程度的可口。同時,要注意eatable的相反詞是uneatable,但edible的相反詞卻是inedible:
•They are looking for edible seaweeds.
•Are these berries edible or are they poisonous?
•The bread was so stale that it was hardly eatable.
•Fresh and well-cooked mushrooms are eatable.
•The students complained that the food in the cafeteria was just edible but not really eatable.
2. 「營養的」叫nutritious,「營養品」、「營養」用nourishment或 sustenance:
•During the convalescent period, the patient must be provided with nutritious food.
•Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need from their mothers' milk.
•In the tropics, the natives find sustenance easy to obtain.
3. 食物「美味的」可用delectable或palatable,「含水分多的」、「多汁的」 叫succulent,水果、酒等不需烹煮的食物「香甜的」叫luscious。另外,如山珍海味般的美食叫delicacy:
•What delectable food you cook!
•This is a delectable meal.
•She is content to provide palatable meals for her family.
•The succulent roast makes our mouths water.
•The restaurant serves succulent steaks.
•The ripe mango looks luscious.
•I think I will never forget the luscious wine I drank at John's (house) last night.
•That food is a great delicacy.
•They prepared the feast with all the delicacies of the season.
4. 食物「油膩的」叫greasy:
•Do not eat too much greasy food.
5. 「糧食供應商或公司」叫purveyor,「美食家」叫gourmet:
•As a purveyor of rare wines and viands, he traveled through France and Italy every year in search of new products to sell.
•The old gourmet stated that this was the best onion soup he had ever tasted.
6. 「廚房的」、「烹調的」叫culinary,「烹調」、「烹飪」叫cuisine:
•Many chefs attribute their culinary skills to the wise use of spices.
•I like French cuisine very much.
•This hotel has excellent cuisine.
•Chinese cuisine is known all over the world.
7. 「以溫火慢煮」叫simmer,「燉」或「悶」叫stew:
•The soup was left to simmer.
•She cooked the meat by simmering it.
•What a sweet smell! There must be someone stewing beef nearby.
8. 「以食物等款待客人」叫regale with,「餐」也可以用repast(正式),「兩餐之間的點心」可用snack:
•They regaled their guests with food and music well into the night.
•After a heavy repast in the evening, you can't work very well.
•He has formed a habit of eating a snack before going to bed.
9. 敘述咬都不咬似地迅速把食物吃光-也就是「吞噬」-叫devour,「狼吞虎嚥」叫gobble或gulp:
•The lion devoured the deer.
•The hungry man was devouring his food.
•You didn't eat; you simply gobbled.
•Don't gulp your food.
•The foreman gulped his lunch and ran off.
10. 「一點一點地吃」用nibble,「慢慢咬著吃」、「啃」叫gnaw。另外,敘述像一口能吃進去那樣的一小份食物用morsel:
•Aren't you hungry? You're only nibbling (at) your food.
•He didn't answer but just continued to nibble (away).
•The girl was nibbling (on) a piece of cake.
•A dog lay under the table, gnawing (on) a bone.
•As he got up too late, he went to school without a morsel of food.
•Give me one more morsel of cheese, please.
•The hungry boy ate every last morsel.
11. 「貪婪地吃(喝)」叫gorge with,「吃(喝)膩」用cloy或satiate:
•The gluttonous guest gorged himself with food as though he had not eaten for days.
•Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too many.
•He greedily drank until his thirst was satiated.
12. 正式用法中,「喝」(尤其是「喝酒」)用imbibe,白開水、藥水和酒之外的「飲品」的正式用字則是beverage。imbibe經常做比喻用,表示「吸收」等意思,如用在較生活化的敘述中則有打趣和調侃的意味:
•Have you been imbibing again?
•The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.
•Listening the great master's lecture evoked the memory of imbibing knowledge at his mother's knee.
•Lemonade is my favorite beverage.
13. 「一小口一小口地喝」-「啜飲」-叫sip,「喝以止渴」叫quench:
•Comfortable and joyful, the old lady was nibbling her cookie and sipping her coffee.
•She was sipping at her drink to be polite.
•This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.
•After being in the hot sun, he found it difficult to quench his thirst.
14. 「已喝醉的」叫intoxicated,「微醺的」叫tipsy:
•Some people become intoxicated more easily than others.
•The poor alcoholic is always tipsy.
15. 「促進」(食慾)可用whet,「很餓的」用ravenous,形容「津津有味地吃(喝)」用片語with gusto或with relish:
•The odor from the kitchen whetted the guests' appetite.
•For a ravenous person, even food as common as onions or potatoes may taste like a delicacy.
•The ravenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food.
•A healthy man eats with gusto.
•He drank up the wine with relish.
16. 「貪吃」叫gluttony,「節制(飲食)」叫abstain from,「健康的飲食原則」、「養生之道」叫regimen:
•Gluttony was regarded as one of the seven deadly sins.
•Her father has succeeded in abstaining from drinking alcohol.
•The doctor said that under such a regimen the patient would live longer.
17. 「雜食的」、「葷素都吃的」叫omnivorous,「吃全素者」叫vegan:
•Humans are an omnivorous animal.
•Because I'm a vegan, I'm afraid I can't eat the cake.
•Vegans get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, and cereals.