drab/ ennui/ humdrum/ insipid/ ponderous/ prosaic/ tedium/ vapid
1. 「單調的」、「無趣的」、「乏味的」可用drab、humdrum、insipid、prosaic或vapid,如果形容演說或文字,則更適合用ponderous,至於「單調乏味」的名詞則可用tedium或ennui:
•He is leading a drab existence.
•After years of adventure, he could not settle down to a humdrum existence.
•The students were bored by his insipid talk.
•I've got a very prosaic job, so I like to travel to interesting places on my holiday.
•This is a vapid reality TV show.
•He is attractive but vapid.
•Reading such a ponderous prose style as his calls for patience.
•Incessant routine without variety will certainly breed tedium.
•He fell asleep at the meeting from sheer ennui.