

allude/ badge/ emblem/ embodiment/ evince/ explicit/ implicit/ innuendo/ insinuate/ intimation/ manifest/ pinpoint/ pose/ smack of/ symptom/ tacit/ tincture/ tinge/ token

1. 名詞的「暗示」,除了hintindicationimplicationsuggestion等以外,還可用intimation

A frown is often an intimation of disapproval.

2. 「不很明顯地暗示」、「略有那麼一點意思」可說成smack ofbe tinged withbe tinctured with(文言):

That plan smacks of radicalism.

His admiration for her was tinged with jealousy.

Everything the arrogant young man says is tinctured with conceit.

3. 「間接提到」用allude,以迂迴和令人不快的方式暗指不討好的事情用insinuate,「含沙射影」用名詞innuendo

The speaker alluded quite subtly to his friend's misfortune.

Are you insinuating (to me) that I can't do the work here, or do you really think that I could get a better job if I left?

What are you trying to insinuate by that remark?

The journalist expressed his dissatisfaction with the politician by innuendo.

Say what you really want to say; I hate innuendoes.

4. 陳述、規則等「委婉表達的」用implicit,強調不用說,對方就能了解我們的意思-「心照不宣的」-用tacit,「清楚明確表達的」則是explicit

There was a threat implicit in what he said.

They interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the company.

Implicit in the essay's conclusion is the writer's strong anxiety for the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence.

They made a tacit agreement to work together.

The teacher gave students explicit directions about how to do the experiment.

The lieutenant gave the guard explicit orders about whom to admit.

5. 明顯表露「情緒或特質」用evince,透過「行動或現象」顯示用manifest,它經常和itself連用:

He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.

When he tried to answer the questions, he evinced his ignorance of the subject matter.

The boy manifested his lack of interest in maths in the recurrent inattention to the class.

The illness first manifested itself in/ as a high fever.

6. 「象徵」、「符號」、「表徵」可用badgeemblemtokensymptom。其中,因為symptom主要的意思是疾病的徵候,所以常被用來象徵我們不樂見的情況:

The soldier's scar on his forehead is a badge of courage.

The olive branch is the emblem of peace.

Black is a token of mourning.

Riots are the symptoms of political or social unrest.

7. 中文的「體現」或「化身」,英文用embodiment

His enemies called him the embodiment of evil.

8. 造成或顯示出「問題、危險等」用pose,「毫無疑問地顯示出」用pinpoint

Fewer-children tendency poses numerous problems.

His refusal to help his friend in need pinpointed his apathy.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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