

amputate/ bludgeon/ bruise/ cudgel/ dagger/ impair/ impale/ lesion/ maim/ malign/ mangle/ mutilate/ pebble/ penetrate/ scald/ scalp/ sheathe/ smother/ sprain/ stifle/ suffocate/ swathe/ trauma/ wreak/ wrench

1. 「扭傷」(關節)用wrenchsprain,被液體「燙傷」叫scald,「瘀傷」叫bruise

His ankle being wrenched/ sprained, the player was sidelined.

She scalded her tongue with/ on the hot tea.

Be careful that you don't touch the water; it's hot enough to scald!

The worker was scalded to death by steam from the burst pipe.

She hit a pillar and got a bruise on the forehead.

He got an ugly bruise when he fell.

2. 因受傷使得身體某部份的功能受損或殘缺,用maimmutilate;因嚴重撕裂或擠壓使受傷部位血肉模糊,用mangle。同時,得注意一個拼法和意思可能與mutilate混淆的字amputate,它是指醫生為治療需要,將病人身體的某部份「切除」:

Each year thousands of people have been maimed in automobile accidents.

After the car accident she was maimed for life.

Some victims of the accident were badly mutilated.

Her arm was mutilated in the accident.

After the fire the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.

To prevent further infection, the surgeon amputated the wounded man's right leg.

This is serious: I'm afraid we'll have to amputate.

He damaged his leg so badly that it had to be amputated.

Two of her toes were amputated because of frostbite.

Her right arm became infected and had to be amputated.

3. 存在人體內外之傷都可以稱為lesion,「包紮」傷口則用swathe(正式):

Fortunately, she just got some skin lesions in the serious train accident.

The brain lesion may have affected his action and thinking.

When I visited him in the hospital, I found him swathed in bandages.

4. 因身體受傷或精神遭受打擊所導致的「心靈創傷」叫trauma,能力或功能「受損」可用動詞impair

A broken home may produce persistent trauma in children.

A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing.

Driving in an intoxicated state makes a person prone to accidents as alcohol impairs judgement and slows reflexes.

Chronic inflammation can result in irreversible scarring of lung tissue, which impairs lung function.

Smoking will impair your health.

5. 用尖物把人「刺傷」用impale,武器「貫穿」身體的某個部位用penetrate。另外,從前美洲印第安人從敵人屍首「剝取頭皮」做為戰利品叫scalp

The brave warrior impaled many of the enemies.

The knife penetrated his stomach.

American Indians scalped many a white man.

6. 幾種可以或可能可以用來傷人的武器:

A. 「棍棒」bludgeoncudgel

With a bludgeon he hit the fierce dog and drove it away.

The cop beat the mad dog with a cudgel.

B. 「小石子」pebble

The boys picked up some pebbles and threw at the poor dog.

C. 「匕首」、「短劍」dagger,把刀劍「裝入套中」(入鞘)叫sheathe

The newspaper reported that a gangster was stabbed with a dagger by another gangster.

As soon as he recognized the approaching men, he sheathed his dagger and hailed them as friends.

7. 以「誹謗」的方式傷害人叫malign,以「發洩情緒或暴力」方式傷人叫wreak

Don't malign your neighbors.

Do not wreak your wrath on the innocent.

He resolved to wreak vengeance on his enemy.

8. 「使窒息」用smotherstiflesuffocate

The stuffy room is smothering.

The classroom was almost stifling.

The child was suffocated in an old refrigerator.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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